Mayor Pete perfectly sums up the GOP’s current state in 2 mins

Anyone who wants to be in government needs a plan. Just saying the Democrats aren't doing the job isn't a solution. What would Republicans do differently? If you look at Florida and Texas, they'd go after gays, immigrants and trans people and have the SC strip them of all of their privacy rights, and do nothing about inflation, infrastructure, education or climate change.

In other words, pretty much what Trump did for 4 years that failed utterly, and crashed the economy.
Just more claptrap from our KKKanadian Halfwit.
Well we all saw the election being stolen on election night. There should have been more Americans protesting the stolen election.

No you did not. Trump TOLD you that's what you saw, but he has absolutely NO EVIDENCE to back up such claims.

Every count, recount, audit, and even the Arizona Fraudit confirmed that there was no fraud, no ballot stuffing, and the only people who have been convicted of election fraud, have been Republicans voting for Trump on behalf of dead relatives. More than 80 judges looked at the cases filed and found there was no foundation to anything claimed by these law suits.

Anyone can take a video of the counts and tell you something nefarious is going on because you don't know what is supposed to be going on. In court, election officials came in, told the court what was really going on, and the cases were dismissed.

Trump is lying, and he continues to lie, and you continue to believe his lies, despite all evidence to the contrary.
No you did not. Trump TOLD you that's what you saw, but he has absolutely NO EVIDENCE to back up such claims.

Every count, recount, audit, and even the Arizona Fraudit confirmed that there was no fraud, no ballot stuffing, and the only people who have been convicted of election fraud, have been Republicans voting for Trump on behalf of dead relatives. More than 80 judges looked at the cases filed and found there was no foundation to anything claimed by these law suits.

Anyone can take a video of the counts and tell you something nefarious is going on because you don't know what is supposed to be going on. In court, election officials came in, told the court what was really going on, and the cases were dismissed.

Trump is lying, and he continues to lie, and you continue to believe his lies, despite all evidence to the contrary.
They never offered any evidence. They said it did not happen, that's it. No one believed them then and no one believes them now except very dumb or very dishonest people. In your case, both.
I don’t care that he’s gay. One can be straight and incompetent or gay and incompetent. He is the latter. Why anybody should care about his sexual preference is a mystery. They should be more offended that such a dope is in office.
Wow, that never happens. The party in power almost never loses seats in the mid-terms. How shocking! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :banana:
I was responding to a post which claimed Republicans were in trouble when, in fact, even most democrats realize they are going to clean up in November. I don't see how you can possibly imply Republicans are in trouble.
Pete Buttigieg really gets the Republican Party and sums it up in 2 minutes.

If you don’t have two minutes then paraphrasing and quoting:

—When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a culture war. They have no answers. So what do they do? They find someone vulnerable and pick on them.—

I know some of the liberals don’t like his somewhat purposely crafted experience but he really hits the issues on the nose and debates the Fox guests regularly to a beat down.

The GOP is definitely useless. They don’t have any solutions to problems besides cutting taxes for the wealthy or cutting regulations. It makes Republican voters all the more stupid for voting for them.
I don’t care that he’s gay. One can be straight and incompetent or gay and incompetent. He is the latter. Why anybody should care about his sexual preference is a mystery. They should be more offended that such a dope is in office.
Dripping with jealousy

A proudly gay man who is better than you in nearly every way

Has to sting
Dripping with jealousy

A proudly gay man who is better than you in nearly every way

Has to sting
Again. I don’t care if he’s gay. No reason for him to be proud of that anymore than for being blue eyed. You are a purely pathetic preening pussy, Farty.

And Buttedge is hardly better than me. Hell, he might not even be better than you. But you probably out-gay him if that helps assuage your regret.
I do not see it either, the party out of power always cleans up in the mid-terms
First term midterm election results for the past two:


Reps lost 41 seats in the House
Reps gained 2 seats in the Senate.


Dims lost 68 seats in the House.
Dims lost 7 seats in the Senate.

So, it would seem the party out of power doesn't always "clean up".

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