MBGA! Fashion brands move to Bangladesh due to high tariffs on China

Oh, let's be real, I don't believe for a hot second that these tariffs would bring these garment jobs back to America, but I am not certainly not going to shed a tear if they pick up and move to another country to avoid the risk and tariffs in China. Why? Because Fuck China! That's why.
American hasn't had the infrastructure for large scale clothing production for decades.

I recall reading somewhere that only 2% of the garments bought in the United States are actually made here. There are a lot reasons for that and NAFTA is certainly one of them as it did away with many of the duties and restrictions on foreign-made clothes. The garment industry here couldn't compete anymore and shed almost 750k jobs in the last 30 years.

What does NAFTA have to do with China and the trade war with China?

The answer is NOTHING.

NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement.

In case you didn't learn it in school, China isn't in North America. The nations in North America are The United States, Canada and Mexico.

NAFTA isn't any part of this trade war with China and has nothing to do with jobs going to Bangladesh from China.
Can you read??? He CLEARLY stated NAFTA was PART of the problem.
Do you know what part means?
Oh, let's be real, I don't believe for a hot second that these tariffs would bring these garment jobs back to America, but I am not certainly not going to shed a tear if they pick up and move to another country to avoid the risk and tariffs in China. Why? Because Fuck China! That's why.
American hasn't had the infrastructure for large scale clothing production for decades.

I recall reading somewhere that only 2% of the garments bought in the United States are actually made here. There are a lot reasons for that and NAFTA is certainly one of them as it did away with many of the duties and restrictions on foreign-made clothes. The garment industry here couldn't compete anymore and shed almost 750k jobs in the last 30 years.

What does NAFTA have to do with China and the trade war with China?

The answer is NOTHING.

NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement.

In case you didn't learn it in school, China isn't in North America. The nations in North America are The United States, Canada and Mexico.

NAFTA isn't any part of this trade war with China and has nothing to do with jobs going to Bangladesh from China.

Nothing gets by you, does it? lol. I was talking about *one* of the reasons garment jobs have been shed in this nation over the last 30 years If you had bothered to follow the conversation instead trying to take me school you would’ve know that. Now kindly take your condescending attitude and shove it up your ass.
Carter single handedly ruined textile and clothing manufacturing in America with lopsided trade agreements that allowed companies to move their operations out of America. He also permanently damaged Electronics Manufacturing in America, and also did a lot of damage to The Steel Industry.
I would argue that UNIONS played a far larger role in manufacturing job loss. Their demand for abnormally high wage and benefit packages made it impossible for American companies to compete in a global market.
anyone here remember the little song ~~~~~LA LA LA LA LOOK FOR THE UNION
LABEL la la la-------there was a campaign in SUPPORT OF USA MADE clothing---long ago------when I was a young woman LONG LONG AGO
That Union label is the cause of our manufacturing collapse
American hasn't had the infrastructure for large scale clothing production for decades.

I recall reading somewhere that only 2% of the garments bought in the United States are actually made here. There are a lot reasons for that and NAFTA is certainly one of them as it did away with many of the duties and restrictions on foreign-made clothes. The garment industry here couldn't compete anymore and shed almost 750k jobs in the last 30 years.

What does NAFTA have to do with China and the trade war with China?

The answer is NOTHING.

NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement.

In case you didn't learn it in school, China isn't in North America. The nations in North America are The United States, Canada and Mexico.

NAFTA isn't any part of this trade war with China and has nothing to do with jobs going to Bangladesh from China.

Nothing gets by you, does it? lol. I was talking about *one* of the reasons garment jobs have been shed in this nation over the last 30 years If you had bothered to follow the conversation instead trying to take me school you would’ve know that. Now kindly take your condescending attitude and shove it up your ass.
Carter single handedly ruined textile and clothing manufacturing in America with lopsided trade agreements that allowed companies to move their operations out of America. He also permanently damaged Electronics Manufacturing in America, and also did a lot of damage to The Steel Industry.
I would argue that UNIONS played a far larger role in manufacturing job loss. Their demand for abnormally high wage and benefit packages made it impossible for American companies to compete in a global market.
To be fair to Unions, and I am not a Union guy, The Unions did not realize that people like Carter where actively plotting to pull the rug out from under them.

This is what Globalists do. They sell out America, and attempt to weaken it, so they can condition it and make it more suitable to being part of Globalist Government, and Trade and Wealth Redistribution are two of the tools they use to move a country like America towards that end.
I recall reading somewhere that only 2% of the garments bought in the United States are actually made here. There are a lot reasons for that and NAFTA is certainly one of them as it did away with many of the duties and restrictions on foreign-made clothes. The garment industry here couldn't compete anymore and shed almost 750k jobs in the last 30 years.

What does NAFTA have to do with China and the trade war with China?

The answer is NOTHING.

NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement.

In case you didn't learn it in school, China isn't in North America. The nations in North America are The United States, Canada and Mexico.

NAFTA isn't any part of this trade war with China and has nothing to do with jobs going to Bangladesh from China.

Nothing gets by you, does it? lol. I was talking about *one* of the reasons garment jobs have been shed in this nation over the last 30 years If you had bothered to follow the conversation instead trying to take me school you would’ve know that. Now kindly take your condescending attitude and shove it up your ass.
Carter single handedly ruined textile and clothing manufacturing in America with lopsided trade agreements that allowed companies to move their operations out of America. He also permanently damaged Electronics Manufacturing in America, and also did a lot of damage to The Steel Industry.
I would argue that UNIONS played a far larger role in manufacturing job loss. Their demand for abnormally high wage and benefit packages made it impossible for American companies to compete in a global market.
To be fair to Unions, and I am not a Union guy, The Unions did not realize that people like Carter where actively plotting to pull the rug out from under them.

This is what Globalists do. They sell out America, and attempt to weaken it, so they can condition it and make it more suitable to being part of Globalist Government, and Trade and Wealth Redistribution are two of the tools they use to move a country like America towards that end.
Union greed and lust for power had nothing to do with Carter or any other president. What started out as a good faith idea to protect workers became a machine for extorting workers to benefit thugs and politicians.
In today's society there is no need for worker protection rackets since we have OSHA and a lawyer on every street corner ready to sue a company into bankruptcy
What does NAFTA have to do with China and the trade war with China?

The answer is NOTHING.

NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement.

In case you didn't learn it in school, China isn't in North America. The nations in North America are The United States, Canada and Mexico.

NAFTA isn't any part of this trade war with China and has nothing to do with jobs going to Bangladesh from China.

Nothing gets by you, does it? lol. I was talking about *one* of the reasons garment jobs have been shed in this nation over the last 30 years If you had bothered to follow the conversation instead trying to take me school you would’ve know that. Now kindly take your condescending attitude and shove it up your ass.
Carter single handedly ruined textile and clothing manufacturing in America with lopsided trade agreements that allowed companies to move their operations out of America. He also permanently damaged Electronics Manufacturing in America, and also did a lot of damage to The Steel Industry.
I would argue that UNIONS played a far larger role in manufacturing job loss. Their demand for abnormally high wage and benefit packages made it impossible for American companies to compete in a global market.
To be fair to Unions, and I am not a Union guy, The Unions did not realize that people like Carter where actively plotting to pull the rug out from under them.

This is what Globalists do. They sell out America, and attempt to weaken it, so they can condition it and make it more suitable to being part of Globalist Government, and Trade and Wealth Redistribution are two of the tools they use to move a country like America towards that end.
Union greed and lust for power had nothing to do with Carter or any other president. What started out as a good faith idea to protect workers became a machine for extorting workers to benefit thugs and politicians.
In today's society there is no need for worker protection rackets since we have OSHA and a lawyer on every street corner ready to sue a company into bankruptcy
I did not say The Unions did not contribute, but when you have men like Carter and Bill Clinton selling out America and decimating our Manufacturing Base with Globalist Trade Policies, The Unions were going to lose even if they capitulated 100%.
Nothing gets by you, does it? lol. I was talking about *one* of the reasons garment jobs have been shed in this nation over the last 30 years If you had bothered to follow the conversation instead trying to take me school you would’ve know that. Now kindly take your condescending attitude and shove it up your ass.
Carter single handedly ruined textile and clothing manufacturing in America with lopsided trade agreements that allowed companies to move their operations out of America. He also permanently damaged Electronics Manufacturing in America, and also did a lot of damage to The Steel Industry.
I would argue that UNIONS played a far larger role in manufacturing job loss. Their demand for abnormally high wage and benefit packages made it impossible for American companies to compete in a global market.
To be fair to Unions, and I am not a Union guy, The Unions did not realize that people like Carter where actively plotting to pull the rug out from under them.

This is what Globalists do. They sell out America, and attempt to weaken it, so they can condition it and make it more suitable to being part of Globalist Government, and Trade and Wealth Redistribution are two of the tools they use to move a country like America towards that end.
Union greed and lust for power had nothing to do with Carter or any other president. What started out as a good faith idea to protect workers became a machine for extorting workers to benefit thugs and politicians.
In today's society there is no need for worker protection rackets since we have OSHA and a lawyer on every street corner ready to sue a company into bankruptcy
I did not say The Unions did not contribute, but when you have men like Carter and Bill Clinton selling out America and decimating our Manufacturing Base with Globalist Trade Policies, The Unions were going to lose even if they capitulated 100%.
Remove the unions from the equation and trade deals would have lost their appeal.
When you are FORCED to pay a high school drop out 14 dollars an hour to stand at a conveyer belt and toss in "inspected by number 9" labels into a shoe box you have priced your product outside of the market and created an opening for foreign competitors to steal your business.
Carter single handedly ruined textile and clothing manufacturing in America with lopsided trade agreements that allowed companies to move their operations out of America. He also permanently damaged Electronics Manufacturing in America, and also did a lot of damage to The Steel Industry.
I would argue that UNIONS played a far larger role in manufacturing job loss. Their demand for abnormally high wage and benefit packages made it impossible for American companies to compete in a global market.
To be fair to Unions, and I am not a Union guy, The Unions did not realize that people like Carter where actively plotting to pull the rug out from under them.

This is what Globalists do. They sell out America, and attempt to weaken it, so they can condition it and make it more suitable to being part of Globalist Government, and Trade and Wealth Redistribution are two of the tools they use to move a country like America towards that end.
Union greed and lust for power had nothing to do with Carter or any other president. What started out as a good faith idea to protect workers became a machine for extorting workers to benefit thugs and politicians.
In today's society there is no need for worker protection rackets since we have OSHA and a lawyer on every street corner ready to sue a company into bankruptcy
I did not say The Unions did not contribute, but when you have men like Carter and Bill Clinton selling out America and decimating our Manufacturing Base with Globalist Trade Policies, The Unions were going to lose even if they capitulated 100%.
Remove the unions from the equation and trade deals would have lost their appeal.
When you are FORCED to pay a high school drop out 14 dollars an hour to stand at a conveyer belt and toss in "inspected by number 9" labels into a shoe box you have priced your product outside of the market and created an opening for foreign competitors to steal your business.
Sorry, but I cannot blame the Unions for a President like Clinton or Carter allowing China to dump steal, electronics, and textiles at below the cost to manufacture them, and dump other products on us in the same fashion, and allowing manufacturing jobs to go overseas for slave labor wages.

Example: Walmart got it's start by promoting Made in America Products. The second Bill Clinton put China in the WTO, Walmart became China Mart.
Sorry, but I cannot blame the Unions

Learn to seperate partisan ideology from reality and get back to me.
I'm not a fan of Unions. I am just giving you facts that Carter and Clinton both sold us out INTENTIONALLY, with Globalist Trade Policies.

The Democrat Party has a Long Term Plan to dismantle our Manufacturing base and Middle Class, because it is the only way they can introduce and have accepted Globalist Socialism to America.
Carter and Clinton both sold us out

I don't disagree with that, BUT, you are ignoring the Unions role in driving up costs DRASTICALLY. That role was played long before those trade policies were implemented.
You are allowing your ideology to skew the circumstances that led to the downfall of our manufacturing industry.
anyone here remember the little song ~~~~~LA LA LA LA LOOK FOR THE UNION
LABEL la la la-------there was a campaign in SUPPORT OF USA MADE clothing---long ago------when I was a young woman LONG LONG AGO
That Union label is the cause of our manufacturing collapse

Stick your head back in the sand

my head was never in the sand. I used to LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL---
and for "MADE IN THE USA"------and I am very delighted with the idea
Carter and Clinton both sold us out

I don't disagree with that, BUT, you are ignoring the Unions role in driving up costs DRASTICALLY. That role was played long before those trade policies were implemented.
You are allowing your ideology to skew the circumstances that led to the downfall of our manufacturing industry.

supply and demand. ------I bought USA and UNION and I IS VERY STINGY ----there is a limit to HOW high prices can go-----AND I did not state that imports
MUST BE BANNED -----just that USA manufacture should take place in THE USA
And if I tell you it is a Muslim country ? Will you be as excited ? :)
No. Muslims are awful.

Your master thinks muslims are cool.
No one thinks muslims are cool.
Trump does , he dancing with them.
Hes dancing on the piles of money we get from them. Big difference.
Excuses...they got him by the balls. He goes running to them..this is the same country that 15 of the hijackers are from, oussama binladen is from there....and guess what they are not on the banned list. :)
Even the ones who dont stone women still do other things, like subjagating women. They are not good people.

Shit dude, we had red blooded Americans on this very forum last week saying women were inferior to men and needed to be commanded by their men. Have you read the Christian bible? Women are not real high on the social ladder in it.

Do you know any Muslims? Are you friends with any? Ever spend anytime talking to one and getting to know them?
I think its cute how you are pretending that muslims are just like us. :laugh:
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Even the ones who dont stone women still do other things, like subjagating women. They are not good people.

Shit dude, we had red blooded Americans on this very forum last week saying women were inferior to men and needed to be commanded by their men. Have you read the Christian bible? Women are not real high on the social ladder in it.

Do you know any Muslims? Are you friends with any? Ever spend anytime talking to one and getting to know them?
I think its cute how you are pretending that muslims are just like us. :laugh:
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Youre really going to compare us to Muslims? Sorry, but muslims are the most prolific rapists on the planet. Europe rape stats have sky rocketed since those scrubs invaded their lands. They had to put up signs telling them not to rape women! Iraq literally employed rapists on the government payroll. Muslims have been taking sex slaves left and right in the middle east.

Dont lecture us about rape. Your people are the worst.




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No. Muslims are awful.

Your master thinks muslims are cool.
No one thinks muslims are cool.
Trump does , he dancing with them.
Hes dancing on the piles of money we get from them. Big difference.
Excuses...they got him by the balls. He goes running to them..this is the same country that 15 of the hijackers are from, oussama binladen is from there....and guess what they are not on the banned list. :)

who has got whom "by the balls"? and how do you say that in Arabic?

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