MBGA! Fashion brands move to Bangladesh due to high tariffs on China

Even the ones who dont stone women still do other things, like subjagating women. They are not good people.

Shit dude, we had red blooded Americans on this very forum last week saying women were inferior to men and needed to be commanded by their men. Have you read the Christian bible? Women are not real high on the social ladder in it.

Do you know any Muslims? Are you friends with any? Ever spend anytime talking to one and getting to know them?
I think its cute how you are pretending that muslims are just like us. :laugh:
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol

stats in muslim countries mean nothing
No. Muslims are awful.

Your master thinks muslims are cool.
No one thinks muslims are cool.
Trump does , he dancing with them.
Hes dancing on the piles of money we get from them. Big difference.
Excuses...they got him by the balls. He goes running to them..this is the same country that 15 of the hijackers are from, oussama binladen is from there....and guess what they are not on the banned list. :)

everyone who sets foot in Saudi Arabia ---even once in his life ---or has a relative who has done so-----should be BANNED from the USA-----Usama Bin Laden was
an ethnic Yemeni
Shit dude, we had red blooded Americans on this very forum last week saying women were inferior to men and needed to be commanded by their men. Have you read the Christian bible? Women are not real high on the social ladder in it.

Do you know any Muslims? Are you friends with any? Ever spend anytime talking to one and getting to know them?
I think its cute how you are pretending that muslims are just like us. :laugh:
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Youre really going to compare us to Muslims? Sorry, but muslims are the most prolific rapists on the planet. Europe rape stats have sky rocketed since those scrubs invaded their lands. They had to put up signs telling them not to rape women! Iraq literally employed rapists on the government payroll. Muslims have been taking sex slaves left and right in the middle east.

Dont lecture us about rape. Your people are the worst.




You know the sad part of all of this? You beleive all of your lies and claims.
I think its cute how you are pretending that muslims are just like us. :laugh:
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Youre really going to compare us to Muslims? Sorry, but muslims are the most prolific rapists on the planet. Europe rape stats have sky rocketed since those scrubs invaded their lands. They had to put up signs telling them not to rape women! Iraq literally employed rapists on the government payroll. Muslims have been taking sex slaves left and right in the middle east.

Dont lecture us about rape. Your people are the worst.




You know the sad part of all of this? You beleive all of your lies and claims.

to what lies and claims do you refer. Issa. You seem to focus on "information"
that you don't even understand
I think its cute how you are pretending that muslims are just like us. :laugh:
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Youre really going to compare us to Muslims? Sorry, but muslims are the most prolific rapists on the planet. Europe rape stats have sky rocketed since those scrubs invaded their lands. They had to put up signs telling them not to rape women! Iraq literally employed rapists on the government payroll. Muslims have been taking sex slaves left and right in the middle east.

Dont lecture us about rape. Your people are the worst.




You know the sad part of all of this? You beleive all of your lies and claims.
No, the sad part is you cant refute my claims.
American Democrats are sad that the Chinese Democrats are losing business.
Sadly what you say looks to be true. We are crippling the Chinese economy right now and these asshats are taking pro Chinese positions if it allows them to bash Trump.
Same as when they were pro Russia because it allowed them to bash Romney.
are you in favor of raising tariffs on Bangladesh now so those jobs come here instead? Having said that, it's still 100% better to have production in India than China.

You're missing the point entirely.
This about fair trade agreements with China.
If they dont want to play ball other countries will,saving America trillions in trade deficits.

So tell me,is it better to keep getting fucked by China or going elsewhere for a better deal?

Thats like paying more for an item you can get down the road for cheaper.
You'd have to be an idiot.....

Moving production from China to Bangladesh will not save us a dollar in trade deficits, all it does is move the source.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I'm not sure it's just profit rather than survival. The Trumpeteers think people will pay 3X for a shirt than they do now. People who make shirts disagree. Who do you think is right? LOL
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.

True, it will take longer for China, but the thing that always happens when a place like them are used for their cheap labor is the people end up better off and they will no longer accept the mistreatment. The workers of Japan were treated about the same way the workers in China are now, but as their standard of living improved, that changed. The same thing will happen in China and then other countries will become the source of cheap labor
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.

True, it will take longer for China, but the thing that always happens when a place like them are used for their cheap labor is the people end up better off and they will no longer accept the mistreatment. The workers of Japan were treated about the same way the workers in China are now, but as their standard of living improved, that changed. The same thing will happen in China and then other countries will become the source of cheap labor
Nixon and Kissinger used the argument that engaging them will bring more freedom to their people but that really hasn't happened at all. I don't think China has any intention of ever giving their people freedom. In fact, what they did at Tiananmen and what thay're doing in Hong Kong are the exact opposite. The Chinese government is made up of bad people with bad intentions. We should decouple because in the long run, blind obedience to their totalitarian leaders will make them hard to beat if push came to shove. A weaker China will only be good for the world. If we stay with the pre Trump program, we'll end up being the weaker one and, not trying to be too egotistical, that would be a bad thing for this world.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.
It seems that trade deal was less good for Japan.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.
It seems that trade deal was less good for Japan.
Stagflation derailed the J economy for a decade but they still took over our electronics manufacturing and almost did the same thing with cars. They're doing just fine in America. That's why Trump went there and fine tuned our trade agreement with them. You need to give your president some credit, man. Consider the fact that your college professors were probably wimps and ignoramuses.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.
It seems that trade deal was less good for Japan.
Stagflation derailed the J economy for a decade but they still took over our electronics manufacturing and almost did the same thing with cars. They're doing just fine in America. That's why Trump went there and fine tuned our trade agreement with them. You need to give your president some credit, man. Consider the fact that your college professors were probably wimps and ignoramuses.
Japan has been doing shitty since long before trump. You need to step into the real world.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.

True, it will take longer for China, but the thing that always happens when a place like them are used for their cheap labor is the people end up better off and they will no longer accept the mistreatment. The workers of Japan were treated about the same way the workers in China are now, but as their standard of living improved, that changed. The same thing will happen in China and then other countries will become the source of cheap labor
The same in the US. And Jina may win out over Trump in keeping requirements that IP be shared for accessing their market. Their view is their workers should not be exploited simply for cheap labor. What the make, they intend to keep making for Chinese.
Trump wants these companies to return to the US. If companies are stupid enough to move to Bangladesh instead of to the US, they are taking the chance that the same thing will happen there. Trump's desired outcomes are abundantly clear to these multinationals who continue to seek slave labor anyway. If they want to get cute and move to another slave labor country, it's their fault and they will probably have to pay the consequences again, somewhere down the line. If multinationals were smart, they would move back to the US and be done with the games and having to deal with shithole countries.

It will never happen because these companies care more about profits than they do politics, as they should. At worst they just move to a new country and wait Trump out, he only has so long in office and then the next guy may not be such an authoritarian.

But cheap labor moving from country to country has been going on for decades., If you are older than 40 you would remember when Japan was the source of cheap labor and shitty products.
I mostly agree with you and I do remember Japan taking our manufacturing and the panic that was caused when they started buying our iconic buildings. That trade relationship wasn't good for us either. But China is much more militant and with far less concern for their peoples rights and freedoms and they're not compelled to be honorable like the Japanese. Chinese people have no rights or freedoms. The Chinese government is a bunch of manipulative totalitarians who lie about everything. In my mind, China is easily the worst country we could possibly want to enrich, like we're doing. So Bangladesh has to be considered a win.
It seems that trade deal was less good for Japan.
Stagflation derailed the J economy for a decade but they still took over our electronics manufacturing and almost did the same thing with cars. They're doing just fine in America. That's why Trump went there and fine tuned our trade agreement with them. You need to give your president some credit, man. Consider the fact that your college professors were probably wimps and ignoramuses.
Japan has been doing shitty since long before trump. You need to step into the real world.
Hey now, Trump just did a trade deal with them.
it really gets fucking annoying when people take a singular event and try to pass it off as THE final blow on something.
it really gets fucking annoying when people take a singular event and try to pass it off as THE final blow on something.
I just said we actually have a trade deal with them. That makes them rather unique in the Time of Trump
Actually most of us muslims are lot smarter than people like you. We know your culture, language, history, way of thinking and you dont know nothing about US which leads you to be an ignorant bigot.
I'm yet to meet a Muslim who speaks only one language or doesnt know history and world affairs. You clearly dont.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Youre really going to compare us to Muslims? Sorry, but muslims are the most prolific rapists on the planet. Europe rape stats have sky rocketed since those scrubs invaded their lands. They had to put up signs telling them not to rape women! Iraq literally employed rapists on the government payroll. Muslims have been taking sex slaves left and right in the middle east.

Dont lecture us about rape. Your people are the worst.




You know the sad part of all of this? You beleive all of your lies and claims.
No, the sad part is you cant refute my claims.
You have a wide brush, you need to get out and see the worls... and then only then your bigotry can subsidize.
Muslims use their bare hands to wipe their asses and they beat their women, just like you do.
Loooool muslims beat their women?

In 2008, approximately 500 women were raped every day in the U.S., according a National Crime Victimization Survey. Domestic violence was highlighted as “an extremely underreported crime.” When reported, it is rarely prosecuted and where investigated, has a low conviction rate. This is a global truism

  1. More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.(source)
And accuse muslims of beating their wives ? Lol
Youre really going to compare us to Muslims? Sorry, but muslims are the most prolific rapists on the planet. Europe rape stats have sky rocketed since those scrubs invaded their lands. They had to put up signs telling them not to rape women! Iraq literally employed rapists on the government payroll. Muslims have been taking sex slaves left and right in the middle east.

Dont lecture us about rape. Your people are the worst.




You know the sad part of all of this? You beleive all of your lies and claims.
No, the sad part is you cant refute my claims.
You have a wide brush, you need to get out and see the worls... and then only then your bigotry can subsidize.
It takes a wide brush to paint the hundreds of millions of bad muslims who infest our world.

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