McAuliffe Is a Fear-Mongering, Opportunistic, Lying Liberal Scumbag

Because we do indeed suffer gravely from gun violence. Americans do not need assault weapons for defense.

Adding more guns to the streets is akin to adding gasoline to fire extinguishers.

So you are blaming the victims for what one of your fellow Brown Shirts did. :thup:

You democrats are all class....
Thanks for a sterling example of circular logic. You would make a great spokesman for the Trump administration.
A time least, at the very least each and every Republican politician is blessed with a preternatural ability to never ever EVER make any mistakes at all.

You idiots really need to go on a vacation.
Why do defend a scumbag that wants to disarm Americans?
Because we do indeed suffer gravely from gun violence. Americans do not need assault weapons for defense.

Adding more guns to the streets is akin to adding gasoline to fire extinguishers.
I have never seen a gun on the "street". If liberals wouldn't block laws to get people who commit crimes while using a gun mandatory prison time, it would be greatly reduced. If liberals would stop protecting scum like in chicago, it would be greatly reduced. If liberals would stop trying to keep the law abiding from exercising their rights, it would be greatly reduced. If liberals would stop LYING perpetually it would be greatly reduced. And lastly, it was a liberal Trump hater who took to the gun today. Puff on that while you're busy concocting another lie.
What simplistic thinking. Liberals lay at the center of all things wrong in your mind. In fact, policies that allow the insane to buy any gun they want, policies that protect gun manufacturers from liability and scrutiny, polices that do not permit the computerization of gun registries are flooding our society with lethal, unnecessary assault weapons.
Right lib. When losing, attack the person you are arguing with. Classic lib tactic. You parrot everything you hear on the "news" as though it were gospel. And you defend the liberal shooter from today. Classic, classic.
Where's my defense of the shooter? And aren't you attacking me now? Does that mean you're losing?
Because we do indeed suffer gravely from gun violence. Americans do not need assault weapons for defense.

Adding more guns to the streets is akin to adding gasoline to fire extinguishers.

So you are blaming the victims for what one of your fellow Brown Shirts did. :thup:

You democrats are all class....
Thanks for a sterling example of circular logic. You would make a great spokesman for the Trump administration.

Oh, so it was REPUBLICANS that were attacking democrats with firearms then?

I'm not saying you fascists are insane and pathological liars or anything, but....
Ever see that old movie Manchurian Candidate with Sinatra not Denzel? The McCarthy like character was prone to making wild claims about the number of communists in the government. McAuliffe reminds me a lot of the character except for the fact that he won't be criticized by the left wing media.
Where's my defense of the shooter? And aren't you attacking me now? Does that mean you're losing?

You tried to blame the victims for the shooting, rather than your fellow Brown Shirt. That is certainly a form of defense.
Bend and stretch! Reach for the stars! There goes Jupiter, there goes Mars!

When cornered in an untenable position, resort to hyperbole~ page three of the Conservative playbook.
You almost gotta laugh. Opportunistic left wing democrats are quick to blame "guns" for the shooting today but the hypocrite bastards still ignore the fact that Obama's A.G. authorized the insane "operation Fast/Furious" that shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Obama's A.G. disregarded a subpoena and was held in contempt of congress and resigned and there is still no justice for the Border Patrol agent who was murdered by one of the weapons.

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