McCabe about to be Fired

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
On the heels of The Judiciary Committe, The Congressional Intel Committee, and The Senate Committee ALL declaring there was No Russian Collusion between Russia and The Trump Campaign & also stating that there was no impact to our elections by actions taken by any outside parties, The FBI has evaluated McCabe and his posse’s Unethical and Criminal behavior in The Obama Administration.

He’s going to be fired, lose his pension and then be prosecuted and so will his associates. And The IG report hasn’t even been released.

This is going to get real ugly for The Left once the ball starts rolling The Other way.
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Officials within the FBI have recommended that the agency’s embattled former deputy director, Andy McCabe, be fired, just days before he is set to officially leave government, according to a source with knowledge of the recommendation.

The recommendation from the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility came after an internal report by the Justice Department’s inspector general accused the FBI veteran of misleading investigators looking into an array of matters connected to the 2016 presidential campaign, the source said.
Someone should text ole Andy and let him know that when he lays down with dogs he more than likely will be eat up with fleas...

On the heels of The Judiciary Committe, The Congressional Intel Committee, and The Senate Committee ALL declaring there was No Russian Collusion between Russia and The Trump Campaign & also stating that there was no impact to our elections by actions taken by any outside parties, The FBI has evaluated McCabe and his posse’s Unethical and Criminal behavior in The Obama Administration.

He’s going to be fired, lose his pension and then be prosecuted and so will his associates. And The IG report hasn’t even been released.

This is going to get real ugly for The Left once the ball starts rolling The Other way.
Yuh wanna bet. :) The GOP majorities may have concluded such, but America has not.
You mean the enemies of America. Russian Stooges like you.

On the heels of The Judiciary Committe, The Congressional Intel Committee, and The Senate Committee ALL declaring there was No Russian Collusion between Russia and The Trump Campaign & also stating that there was no impact to our elections by actions taken by any outside parties, The FBI has evaluated McCabe and his posse’s Unethical and Criminal behavior in The Obama Administration.

He’s going to be fired, lose his pension and then be prosecuted and so will his associates. And The IG report hasn’t even been released.

This is going to get real ugly for The Left once the ball starts rolling The Other way.

FBI officials recommend firing former deputy director about to retire
Yuh wanna bet. :) The GOP majorities may have concluded such, but America has not.
Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

Fox News has learned that the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility made the recommendation to terminate McCabe. Sessions is reviewing that recommendation and can give it the final approval or step in to stop the process.

Let's just hope Sessions shows the juevos to actually can him!!!!!
It’s time he shows some balls in all this. What they did is wrong. Their insurance policy was Treason and it needs to be punished to send a message

McCabe should not only be fired, he should be publicly flogged!

Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

Fox News has learned that the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility made the recommendation to terminate McCabe. Sessions is reviewing that recommendation and can give it the final approval or step in to stop the process.

Let's just hope Sessions shows the juevos to actually can him!!!!!
Yet you, Obama Bin Spying, Hillary Clinton, and The DNC allied themselves with Russia paying them $15 Million Dollars to interfere in our election even going so far as to infiltrate The FBI and DOJ to rig and election by spying on The Trump Campaign.

Your filthy mouths spread Russian Lies and Russian Propaganda willingly in our newspapers and over our airwaves and in Places like this.

But you failed Comrade!

Donald Trump is still President and soon he will get back the Uranium you stole from us and gave to Russia to line your own pockets and the pockets of Hillary Clinton.

When is Hillary Clinton going to give back the $145 Million she accepted from Russia?

When are the Podestas going to return their Rubles?

When is Adam Schiff going tosell his Russian Stocks in Rosatom?

And when is Obama Bin Lying going to return his $64 Million book advance from a Russian owned Publisher?

You mean the enemies of America. Russian Stooges like you.

On the heels of The Judiciary Committe, The Congressional Intel Committee, and The Senate Committee ALL declaring there was No Russian Collusion between Russia and The Trump Campaign & also stating that there was no impact to our elections by actions taken by any outside parties, The FBI has evaluated McCabe and his posse’s Unethical and Criminal behavior in The Obama Administration.

He’s going to be fired, lose his pension and then be prosecuted and so will his associates. And The IG report hasn’t even been released.

This is going to get real ugly for The Left once the ball starts rolling The Other way.

FBI officials recommend firing former deputy director about to retire
Yuh wanna bet. :) The GOP majorities may have concluded such, but America has not.
Dementia is destroying your brain, TOT. The enemy of America is Russia, which with you side. You are a neo-fascist Slav lover.
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FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!

This is one of my favorite trump tweets. Sends a huge message to everyone at the FBI and everyone else works in other government agencies. He needs to be sending more tweets like this, identifying anyone and everyone who is not on board with his plan. Let the American people know who are bad actors and traitors. There are probably thousands in the FBI alone that President Trump needs to flush out and ultimately be charged with crimes. Maybe President Trump needs to make special laws that sets higher standards so we can charge them after the fact, but no matter who he gets it done, far far more criminals needs to be clean out the FBI, CIA, State Department, etc. Nearly all of them need to be arrested, and thankfully President Trump is the man who knows to how to identify losers who are not loyal, and make sure they suffer for the crimes of not being loyal. Mess with President Trump, pay the price.
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McCabe Firing watch here.

Will Sessions serve Justice on McCabe by midnight Sunday?

50 hours for Sessions to do the right thing.

The FBI disciplinary committee already recommended his firing, so no one should question it.

The FBI itself wants McCabe Fired!
Id rather you say “If you
Violate The Rule Of Law and the heavy hand of Justice shall fall upon you.”

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!

This is one of my favorite trump tweets. Sends a huge message to everyone at the FBI and everyone else works in other government agencies. He needs to be sending more tweets like this, identifying anyone and everyone who is not on board with his plan. Let the American people know who are bad actors and traitors. There are probably thousands in the FBI alone that President Trump needs to flush out and ultimately be charged with crimes. Maybe President Trump needs to make special laws that sets higher standards so we can charge them after the fact, but no matter who he gets it done, far far more criminals needs to be clean out the FBI, CIA, State Department, etc. Nearly all of them need to be arrested, and thankfully President Trump is the man who knows to how to identify losers who are not loyal, and make sure they suffer for the crimes of not being loyal. Mess with President Trump, pay the price.
Someone should text ole Andy and let him know that when he lays down with dogs he more than likely will be eat up with fleas...


The problem with your meme is that McCabe didn’t protect Hillary. Quite the opposite. His press leaks said that the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation, making Clinton look bad.

McCabe leaked this right before the election. About the same time as Trump was saying how terrible it would be to have a President under investigation by the FBI.
IMO, he will hire a bunch of Mueller stooges to file a lawsuit demanding his pension. It is a bad precedent for federal and state government officials to loose their bloated pensions that rip off taxpayers and cause a budget crisis in almost every state.
IMO, he will hire a bunch of Mueller stooges to file a lawsuit demanding his pension. It is a bad precedent for federal and state government officials to loose their bloated pensions that rip off taxpayers and cause a budget crisis in almost every state.

McCabe could have made quadruple the money he made in the FBI had he gone into private practice. McCabe is a potential witness against Trump in Mueller’s obstruction of justice case. M

Not since Nixon have we seen such blatant abuse of power by a President.
IMO, he will hire a bunch of Mueller stooges to file a lawsuit demanding his pension. It is a bad precedent for federal and state government officials to loose their bloated pensions that rip off taxpayers and cause a budget crisis in almost every state.

He should. There should be a appeal process to prevent the politicization of the FBI. This looks like they are getting even with McCabe.
Someone should text ole Andy and let him know that when he lays down with dogs he more than likely will be eat up with fleas...


The problem with your meme is that McCabe didn’t protect Hillary. Quite the opposite. His press leaks said that the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation, making Clinton look bad.

McCabe leaked this right before the election. About the same time as Trump was saying how terrible it would be to have a President under investigation by the FBI.

Comey t-bones Hillary 7 days before election, while keeping Trump campaign investigation under wraps and they think he was in on some grand conspiracy to protect her.

McCabe leaks crap about Clinton investigation? Get the pitchforks! We need to hang that Clintonite!

As is usual with Trumptards - everything is upside down, they walk around with underwear on their head, muttering about Republicans working overtime to help Clinton.
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IMO, he will hire a bunch of Mueller stooges to file a lawsuit demanding his pension. It is a bad precedent for federal and state government officials to loose their bloated pensions that rip off taxpayers and cause a budget crisis in almost every state.

McCabe could have made quadruple the money he made in the FBI had he gone into private practice. McCabe is a potential witness against Trump in Mueller’s obstruction of justice case. M

Not since Nixon have we seen such blatant abuse of power by a President.
You embarrass yourself

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