McCabe says FBI call not to prosecute Clinton angered some agents, defends Comey


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I suspected this was the case and I firmly believe it forced Comeys hand when he relayed this information just before the election. According to some who I had seen speaking on some news networks, there were some FBI agents out of the New York office who were livid and there was a risk in either many people resigning, or, someone going "rogue" and letting the media know that Clinton was unfairly getting a pass.

You have to have character and integrity. Its what the FBI is known for and it is a more important than any particular case or political issue, it's their entire reputation which has taken decades to build.

McCabe says FBI call not to prosecute Clinton angered some agents, defends Comey

New Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe acknowledged for the first time in public testimony Thursday that some agents were angry with the 2016 decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton – while also defending ousted Director James Comey’s overall standing at the bureau.

“I think morale's always been good, but there were folks within our agency that were frustrated with the outcome of the Hillary Clinton case and some of those folks were very vocal about those concerns,” McCabe testified.

McCabe stepped into the role of acting director Wednesday after Trump dismissed Comey, purportedly over his conduct during the 2016 probe into Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state. Comey announced at a press conference last July that, despite concluding Clinton had been “extremely careless” in the handling of classified material, he would not recommend prosecution.

McCabe’s comments at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing mark the first public recognition from the FBI that some agents were angry at the decision not to prosecute.

While he noted the anger over that decision, he also pushed back on White House claims that Comey had lost confidence from rank-and-file staff in the agency.

"I can tell you also that Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does to this day," he testified, adding that many staff held a "deep, positive connection" with him.

Democrats and some Republicans have expressed concern at the timing of Comey’s firing, with some questioning whether it was related to the FBI probe into alleged ties between Russian officials and Trump associates during the presidential campaign.

But McCabe told senators that the investigation – which he called “highly significant” -- is continuing unimpeded.

"The work continues despite any changes in circumstances," McCabe said. "There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date. You cannot stop the men and women of the FBI from doing the right thing, protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution."
Well, Andrew was the one in charge of her investigation. And Comey said his team recommended not to charge her. So, he is partially responsible. And should be next.
I suspected this was the case and I firmly believe it forced Comeys hand when he relayed this information just before the election. According to some who I had seen speaking on some news networks, there were some FBI agents out of the New York office who were livid and there was a risk in either many people resigning, or, someone going "rogue" and letting the media know that Clinton was unfairly getting a pass.

You have to have character and integrity. Its what the FBI is known for and it is a more important than any particular case or political issue, it's their entire reputation which has taken decades to build.
Too bad 97% of the Dem party bots on this site are blind to that fact
Random shit from my photographic memory (sorry I can't give sources, these are just snippets of my memory):

As a result of those complaints, these people said, a senior Justice Department official called the FBI deputy director, Mr. McCabe, on Aug. 12 to say the agents in New York seemed to be disregarding or disobeying their instructions, these people said. The conversation was a tense one, they said, and at one point Mr. McCabe asked, “Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’’ The senior Justice Department official replied: ”Of course not.”


(Brain says this was written by Michael Isikoff)

A Yahoo News review of Abedin’s interview with FBI agents last April — when the Clinton email probe was in full swing — shows that the longtime Clinton aide hinted that there might be relevant material on her husband’s personal devices. But agents do not appear to have followed up on the clues.


“It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official told Fox News. “We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing,’ which made no sense to us.”

The FBI declined to comment directly, but instead referred Fox News to multiple public statements Comey has made in which he has thrown water on the idea that politics played a role in the agency’s decision not to recommend charges.


(The following is darkweb shit so consume at your own risk):

1.) Director Comey had to quell an uprising between his Senior Agents and Command after reports of leaks inundated the media since the Director's July press conference. Even after news of Comey's letter came to light, FBI Agents leaked that the discovery of more emails was a direct result from another investigation. Then another FBI Agent divulged that the investigation in question involved the DNC's very own Anthony Weiner.

2.) Senior Field Agents came across emails on Wiener's laptop that were from and to $hillary Clinton which were from an account the FBI had not previously investigated having granted Abedin immunity after she falsely claimed she had handed over every email from every email account. When this discovery came to light, it gave Agents probable cause to pursue a warrant from the DOJ for Huma Abedin's devices and other effects. This warrant was denied.

3.) The DOJ's obfuscation of the investigation prompted Senior Agents to force Comey's hand. The only reason why Comey would release a letter to Congress was to make good on a threat levied against Lynch that he would go public if the warrant was not granted. The DOJ called his bluff and we are witnessing the political fallout from a Director with no more cards to play. Expect resignations or a mass arrest of Government Officials for Obstruction Of Justice and Interference of a Federal Case.

(That's all I have time to fucking type out hahaha)

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