McCain admits that the shutdown was intentionally the GOP's fault

This is another take-the-mic-away-from-the-crazy-RW-woman moment.

Remember this?


No Right Wing outrage?
Well, they really can't. They KNOW who's fault it is.

There are COUNTLESS GOPers on RECORD, a year and months ago threatening to shutdown the government in order to destroy Obama care.

They're on video, on tape, on radio...they can't run from it.

This. is. what. they. wanted.


Well...they got it, and now they must deal with the consequences.
This is another take-the-mic-away-from-the-crazy-RW-woman moment.

Remember this?


No Right Wing outrage?
Well, they really can't. They KNOW who's fault it is.

There are COUNTLESS GOPers on RECORD, a year and months ago threatening to shutdown the government in order to destroy Obama care.

They're on video, on tape, on radio...they can't run from it.

This. is. what. they. wanted.


Well...they got it, and now they must deal with the consequences.

They campaigned on destroying Obamacare as it stands now. The House has asked for a one year delay.

As they have every right to do under the Constitution.

It's the Prick in Chief and the Senior Senator Prick from Hell Reid who refuse to negotiate.

Consequently there is a shutdown in services because of the Democrats position.

83% of the government is still functioning.
John Boehner also said that the shutdown was the Republicans way of "making a stand".

The whole "Blame the shutdown on the Democrats" is just another example of typical Republican strategy:

"Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks...if it does, go with it...if not, then just act like it never happened"

As usually the "it" is a load of Republican BULLSHIT!
McCain should pull a Specter and walk across and come out of the closet finally as a Democrat.

Indeed. He HATES the TEA party as they are the ones keeping the GOP viable...He's WAY past his prime...Maybe one of US TEA PARTY HOBBITS should formally ASK HIM to go to where he belongs? (With the STATISTS).

He's a phoney and a BIG GOVERNMENT asswipe.

He's threatened...and HE SHOULD BE.

[ame=]McCain Floor Speech - Tea Party Hobbits - YouTube[/ame]
did he intentionally change his diaper or wanted to be sure he hadn't peed himself?

McCain is a dolt, the only time the left loves him is a time like this, the only time the right ever loved him ( cons never really did) is when they are/were desperate, ala 2008...:rolleyes:
McCain admits that the shutdown was intentionally the GOP's fault

That explains why Obama was elected over McCain

There was no fucking difference between the two.


oh there are some differences, but in this context if you bought obamas front you were a fool, if you bought McCains you were same....

So what would John McCain have done had he been elected and sworn in January 2009? We know both Obama and McCain supported the bailouts to Wall Street in the Fall of 2008. In fact, McCain supported the bailout to the point of actually suspending his campaign to emphasize its importance! Nothing different there.

did he intentionally change his diaper or wanted to be sure he hadn't peed himself?

McCain is a dolt, the only time the left loves him is a time like this, the only time the right ever loved him ( cons never really did) is when they are/were desperate, ala 2008...:rolleyes:
McCain should finally be honorable and JOIN the dark side he gladhands and capitulates to at every turn.

The Leftist Media and the Statist Democrats call him a 'Maverick' for a reason...because HE agrees with BIG Gubmint and the Control the elites have on us.

He's a phoney.
This is another take-the-mic-away-from-the-crazy-RW-woman moment.

Remember this?


No Right Wing outrage?
Well, they really can't. They KNOW who's fault it is.

There are COUNTLESS GOPers on RECORD, a year and months ago threatening to shutdown the government in order to destroy Obama care.

They're on video, on tape, on radio...they can't run from it.

This. is. what. they. wanted.


Well...they got it, and now they must deal with the consequences.

They campaigned on destroying Obamacare as it stands now. The House has asked for a one year delay.

As they have every right to do under the Constitution.

It's the Prick in Chief and the Senior Senator Prick from Hell Reid who refuse to negotiate.

Consequently there is a shutdown in services because of the Democrats position.

83% of the government is still functioning.

Guess what?

The President and all other Democrats campaigned on providing a national health care program., and once they had one, on protecting that program. They won the election. The Repugs control only the house - and more people voted for Democrats in the house than for Repugs.

So just knowing that it's the Repugs goal to destroy the ACA is reason for the Democrats to absolutely refuse to make any concessions on that issue.

The offer to postponed the ACA for a year is just a ploy to destroy it - we aren't that stupid.

Congress may have the right to make any proposal that they want, but continuing to make proposals that they know are absolutely unacceptable to the President and the Senate is nonsense and borders on violating their congressional oath of office.

Congress wasn't elected to do nonsense. Their oath states:

"to faithfully discharge the duties of the office."

Continuing to propose nonsensical legislation that they know the President and the Senate will never consider, to create near crisis's by threatening to not raise the debt limit, seriously violates their oaths!
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Weren't the Republicans willing to pass ACA if environmental regulations were lifted and 'that pipeline' OK'd?
Too bad Republicans weren't making a stand when their party was invading Iraq and creating trillions in deficit.
This is another take-the-mic-away-from-the-crazy-RW-woman moment.

Remember this?


No Right Wing outrage?
Well, they really can't. They KNOW who's fault it is.

There are COUNTLESS GOPers on RECORD, a year and months ago threatening to shutdown the government in order to destroy Obama care.

They're on video, on tape, on radio...they can't run from it.

This. is. what. they. wanted.


Well...they got it, and now they must deal with the consequences.

They campaigned on destroying Obamacare as it stands now. The House has asked for a one year delay.

As they have every right to do under the Constitution.

It's the Prick in Chief and the Senior Senator Prick from Hell Reid who refuse to negotiate.

Consequently there is a shutdown in services because of the Democrats position.

83% of the government is still functioning.

What do you know. The majority > the minority.
The fat cats and big money are doing this because they aren't getting their way.
Weren't the Republicans willing to pass ACA if environmental regulations were lifted and 'that pipeline' OK'd?

What do they have to do with the ACA?
Holding up funding to the ACA on condition that completely unrelated issues are addressed is not good faith negotiation.

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