McCain: Closing Guantanamo Bay is the easy part


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
(CNN) -- President Obama is facing great challenges as he takes office and may have made a hasty decision to close Guantanamo Bay without addressing all of the repercussions, Sen. John McCain told CNN's Larry King Thursday night.

"When Franklin Delano Roosevelt came to the presidency, it was economic challenges. We clearly faced the rise of Hitler and fascism, but early on it was mainly domestic issues," McCain said.

But President Obama has in front of him two wars, a crisis in the Middle East and a domestic economic crisis.

"This president faces domestic challenges and the national security challenges, so he's got a big job," McCain said.
McCain: Closing Guantanamo Bay is the easy part -
So McCain stated the obvious. As a politician I like him less now than I did when I held my nose and voted for him.
The Gitmo detainees will be staying at John Murtha's house. Murtha relates more to terrorists than American soldiers since he believes U.S. Marines intentionally kill innocent civilians.
The Gitmo detainees will be staying at John Murtha's house. Murtha relates more to terrorists than American soldiers since he believes U.S. Marines intentionally kill innocent civilians.

There ya go and Ayers can come over and give them English lessons!
The Gitmo detainees will be staying at John Murtha's house. Murtha relates more to terrorists than American soldiers since he believes U.S. Marines intentionally kill innocent civilians.

Murtha is one person I believe has fofeited his right to bear the title "US Marine." I could maybe understand his breaking ranks if there was even an ounce of credence to his posturing, but the fact is, his accusations were proven to be baseless.
Murtha is one person I believe has fofeited his right to bear the title "US Marine." I could maybe understand his breaking ranks if there was even an ounce of credence to his posturing, but the fact is, his accusations were proven to be baseless.

Didn't he compare our troops to Nazis?
I can disagree with a brother in arms, I can get nasty with a brother in arms, but, my respect and honor to them never fails. Murtha no longer receives that from me,
So McCain stated the obvious. As a politician I like him less now than I did when I held my nose and voted for him.

And why's that? Because he has gone back to who he is? Someone not a shill for the extreme right wing?

Because it's quite obvious at this point that's who he was pandering to when he picked Sarah Palin as his VP instead of someone like Romney who actually knew something about economics. But sorry boys and girls, too many in the Republican party don't want a mormon near a President/VP spot even if it end up with them losing otherwise.
Did President Obama ever consider actually going to Gitmo to see what they do there before he decided he needs to shut it down?

Yeah, heaven forbid you actually look into what actually happens there.
Of course some Democrats like McCain, he single-handedly set the GOP back at least ten years by running this year. He put himself before his Party and screwed everyone.
And why's that? Because he has gone back to who he is? Someone not a shill for the extreme right wing?

Because it's quite obvious at this point that's who he was pandering to when he picked Sarah Palin as his VP instead of someone like Romney who actually knew something about economics. But sorry boys and girls, too many in the Republican party don't want a mormon near a President/VP spot even if it end up with them losing otherwise.

I don't think Romney wanted the VP slot. I think he just wants to wait to see what happens. If Obama falls flat on his face and the economy continues to tank, after four years, Americans will be ready to drastically change course. Romney is the only one who seriously will change things by cutting spending drastically and by restructuring entitlement programs. He actually understands that things have to change on the spending side.
I still don't understand why Obama wants to close this place. Aren't the detainees being held there because they are suspected of being terrorists? Doesn't that make them POWs? Why would he want them to be placed in prisons inside U.S. borders? Why not just keep them there until terrorism is defeated or they are proven to be not guilty?
Did President Obama ever consider actually going to Gitmo to see what they do there before he decided he needs to shut it down?

Yeah, heaven forbid you actually look into what actually happens there.

I agree, it seems very troubling that he would be so sure it needs to be closed before he's actually even been privy to the all relevant facts.
I agree, it seems very troubling that he would be so sure it needs to be closed before he's actually even been privy to the all relevant facts.

Im afraid it's just become symbolic like the Bastille and Abu Garhib. You just destroy the place and pretend all the bad things that went on there are gone. Liberals like that stuff ( and the French )
Did President Obama ever consider actually going to Gitmo to see what they do there before he decided he needs to shut it down?

Yeah, heaven forbid you actually look into what actually happens there.

He is now president , he has all the information he fucking needs and visisting there is just a politcal stunt he knew was a waste of time.

Dont worry the boogey man wont get you. He was a created boogey man and now he left because he only exsisted in the minds of the people who allowed 911 to happen.

Funny how all these "marines" are so affraid of some third world nut bags with very little resources to ever hurt anyone.

Dont you know that if they are guilty a trial will keep them in jail?

Dont you know that even if they are found innocent the CIA and FBI will be on their asses for a lifetime?

Man up all you guys and act like real Marines who know how to manage your petty fears and face up to what is important, The Securing of this great country of ours without throwing out everything we stand for. I have Marines in my family and they dont live in fear like you people seem to.

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