McCain: Closing Guantanamo Bay is the easy part

Murtha is one person I believe has fofeited his right to bear the title "US Marine." I could maybe understand his breaking ranks if there was even an ounce of credence to his posturing, but the fact is, his accusations were proven to be baseless.

Murtha's accusations were baseless? How so. Weren't Murtha's accusations based on military sources in Iraq and the Pentagon or in the defense agencies?

Murtha's judgment was flawed, not his patriotism or his loyalty as a US Marine. If you believed an accusation against a Marine to be true you also could be proved wrong in your assumptions. If that were ever to be the case would that make you dishonorable and unpatriotic?
I still don't understand why Obama wants to close this place.
He, John McCain, countless law specialists and experts all American, and US Military Lawyers who wear the uniform, have laid out the reasoning. Maybe you are ill equipped to comprehend the reasoning?

Aren't the detainees being held there because they are suspected of being terrorists?
I hope so. That is what we are told. Some who have been released have been given clean bills of health in that area. So pardon me if I hold a bit of skepticism in my back pocket.

Doesn't that make them POWs?
I don't know. I am not an international law specialist, are you? The ones I hear about are mostly in agreement that they are not.

Why would he want them to be placed in prisons inside U.S. borders?
Did he say that or did he say that is an option? I don't know.

Why not just keep them there until terrorism is defeated or they are proven to be not guilty?

Again,... (see first answer above)

on second thought you appear to have some kind of deficit in the areas of comprehension and see what is right in front of your face so I'll re-post that answer here: "He, John McCain, countless law specialists and experts all American, and US Military Lawyers who wear the uniform, have laid out the reasoning. Maybe you are ill equipped to comprehend the reasoning?"
I thought the whole point about sending these prisoners to Guantanamo was to keep them out of the United States so that the legal system of the US wouldn't apply to them. They could be kept in conditions that would be illegal if used in the US. They could be dealt with in courts which didn't have to operate according to US law. So they're shipped out. Some may go back to where they were found, some may go into custody in the US to be tried according to US law. I'm missing something here, I don't see a big problem.
I thought the whole point about sending these prisoners to Guantanamo was to keep them out of the United States so that the legal system of the US wouldn't apply to them. They could be kept in conditions that would be illegal if used in the US. They could be dealt with in courts which didn't have to operate according to US law. So they're shipped out. Some may go back to where they were found, some may go into custody in the US to be tried according to US law. I'm missing something here, I don't see a big problem.

They are being detained by the USA and there is always that stickler: International Law.

We will not always be in a position to thumb our collective nose at it.

We will regret the day we ever went along with GITMO
Did President Obama ever consider actually going to Gitmo to see what they do there before he decided he needs to shut it down?

Yeah, heaven forbid you actually look into what actually happens there.

And when did Bush visit Gitmo to see whether he should shut it down or not? :eusa_whistle:
Did President Obama ever consider actually going to Gitmo to see what they do there before he decided he needs to shut it down?

Yeah, heaven forbid you actually look into what actually happens there.

He is now president , he has all the information he fucking needs and visisting there is just a politcal stunt he knew was a waste of time.

Dont worry the boogey man wont get you. He was a created boogey man and now he left because he only exsisted in the minds of the people who allowed 911 to happen.

Funny how all these "marines" are so affraid of some third world nut bags with very little resources to ever hurt anyone.

Dont you know that if they are guilty a trial will keep them in jail?

Dont you know that even if they are found innocent the CIA and FBI will be on their asses for a lifetime?

Man up all you guys and act like real Marines who know how to manage your petty fears and face up to what is important, The Securing of this great country of ours without throwing out everything we stand for. I have Marines in my family and they dont live in fear like you people seem to.

STFU. You wouldn't know a real Marine if one landed on the hood of your car during rush hour. You entire spew here is a strawman. Get a clue, huh?

Oh and btw, that 3rd orld nutbag you seem so unworried about waxed 3000 noncombatants on US soil in one fell swoop. Guess that doesn't count if it wasn't YOUR fucking office, huh?

Fear has NOTHING to do with preparedness, moron.
Then obambam's preacher, reverend wright can come over and give them all his G-D the KKK of America, it's all whitey's fault sermon.

Wow, the fatasies of cons are really stupid.

For someone so detached from any form of reality to say this is really quite hillarious. You haven't said one thing in this thread that has any substance to it.

You and Chris exchange notes, or what?
The Gitmo detainees will be staying at John Murtha's house. Murtha relates more to terrorists than American soldiers since he believes U.S. Marines intentionally kill innocent civilians.

Murtha believed individual Marines killed innocent civilians, yes. Do you think this is an improbability? Were individual Marines investigated and charged for such acts? Were any Marines in history ever convicted of such a disgrace?

get a grip. you don't have to like Murtha's actions concerning the Iraq quagmire, but to even hint he has anything in the way of sympathies with our enemies is despicible.

Were the ones he accused in the International media convicted? No.

You're trying to play semantics. By attacking the behavior of our troops in the media and undermining their integrity in the minds of many and giving the leftwingnut soapbox gang something to foam at the mouth about he IS aiding the enemy with propaganda.

His accusations were spotlight-grabbing bullshit. Nothing more. He sold his honor and integrity for his stupid, extemist politics.
Those who scarafice liberty for safety are fools.

No moreso than fools who talk shit from a position of comparative safety. I'd LOVE to hear your "I'll die first" song-n-dance with the barrell of an AK-47 against your temple.

You wouldn't be the first person I've seen talk a bunch of bullshit, tough-guy crap that pissed their pants the first time a round was fired at them in anger and reality set in.
I can disagree with a brother in arms, I can get nasty with a brother in arms, but, my respect and honor to them never fails. Murtha no longer receives that from me,

You've disagreed and this is nasty in that it feeds into the wingnutocracy's view: "Everyone who disagrees with me is a traitor and unAmerican"

Do you think Murtha is unAmerican or a traitor?

I don't think he's unAmerican, nor do I think he's a traitor. I do think he went too far with his extremist partisanship and desire to see his name in Page One. I don't think it was his intent to attack the Marines, nor the Marine Corps; rather, it was his intent to sling mud on the Bush Administration. Unfortunately for his lack of thinking things through, the former is was the actual outcome of his actions.

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