McCain closing the gap, on Obamas pre-election poll lead.

I can't wait until the debates. It's gonna be like old man hunting season. I kinda doubt the public will look too highly on the "I'm not going to answer that" responses silver top will be throwing out. :)

They're both horrible at debates. Obama spent half the debates with Clinton either deferring questions to her and then repeating her answers, or pandering incoherent nonsense.

Watching McCain and Obama debate will be a complete waste of time. McCain's playing too nice to attack Obama on the issues that really matter, and Obama is sitting too pretty to take any jabs at McCain.
Obama's a much better speaker than McCain, but McCain's no slouch. If you remember McCain was polling behind Romney and Giuliani before the Republican Primaries started. It was the debates and his message that won him the nomination. I respect McCain greatly, but I will be supporting Obama in the upcoming election.

I remember McCain getting worked by Paul. And I remember McCain getting worked by mr. bush in the 2000 primaries. I'd call McCain a pretty big slouch. Anyone of the primary candidates are better on their toes than McCain.
They're both horrible at debates. Obama spent half the debates with Clinton either deferring questions to her and then repeating her answers, or pandering incoherent nonsense.

Watching McCain and Obama debate will be a complete waste of time. McCain's playing too nice to attack Obama on the issues that really matter, and Obama is sitting too pretty to take any jabs at McCain.
Naa.. last three debates he slaughtered the competition.. He did on two occasions have the opportunity to say.. yeah what she said.. but I thought that was hillarious...

Even if nothing is said by either candidate Mac on stage with Obama will always have a five oclock shadow....
Naa.. last three debates he slaughtered the competition.. He did on two occasions have the opportunity to say.. yeah what she said.. but I thought that was hillarious...

Even if nothing is said by either candidate Mac on stage with Obama will always have a five oclock shadow....

Obama never "slaughtered" the competition in any debate. What the hell were you watching?
You're correct. It was written in the Constitution long ago that nobody can share Ron Paul's position on currency without first acknowledging that it is exclusively Ron Paul's and they must pay him royalties for using it.....jeez, get a grip. Your boy lost because of his isolationism stance,foreign policy, and 9/11 remarks.

I never claimed the ideas were his. But you obviously didn't watch enough debates to know that none of the others were addressing inflation and foreign borrowing, until a couple months in when they saw their base thinning out and moving to Paul. Paul has been addressing those issues since his political career began. Maybe it was merely a couple percentage points lost, but the Republicans know damn well they need every last point this year. Maybe you ought to do some youtubing and catch up.

9/11 remarks? What, that our intervention in their holy lands has caused hatred towards us? How is that not true, please explain. Because I'm sure they just love how we've been strong arming them for decades now on their own turf. I'm sure we'd be thrilled if it was happening to us, huh?
I never claimed the ideas were his. But you obviously didn't watch enough debates to know that none of the others were addressing inflation and foreign borrowing, until a couple months in when they saw their base thinning out and moving to Paul. Paul has been addressing those issues since his political career began. Maybe it was merely a couple percentage points lost, but the Republicans know damn well they need every last point this year. Maybe you ought to do some youtubing and catch up.

9/11 remarks? What, that our intervention in their holy lands has caused hatred towards us? How is that not true, please explain. Because I'm sure they just love how we've been strong arming them for decades now on their own turf. I'm sure we'd be thrilled if it was happening to us, huh?

No I think when he says 9/11 remarks he is talking about how Paul was at one time a member of the 9/11 truth movement and stated he believed their Ideas about it being an inside job. Of course he cut those ties and distanced himself from them before the election season started, but people didn't forget.
No I think when he says 9/11 remarks he is talking about how Paul was at one time a member of the 9/11 truth movement and stated he believed their Ideas about it being an inside job. Of course he cut those ties and distanced himself from them before the election season started, but people didn't forget.

Utter bullshit. The man never once said he believed 9/11 to be an inside job, let alone be a "member of the 9/11 truth movement".. He said he felt it deserved more investigation, but how can you argue with that?

Where do you get your information from???
McCain isn't a very good public speaker by reading a teleprompter, but Obama is. McCain is a great off-the-cuff speaker when it comes to giving real answers to real questions. Obama is not.

I believe McCain will win. Polls are all over the place, but are slowly coming into check. McCain has some real answers to the questions and problems. Obama does not. He has proved that.

McCain isn't the answer to our problems. He's just the closer answer of the two.
Utter bullshit. The man never once said he believed 9/11 to be an inside job, let alone be a "member of the 9/11 truth movement".. He said he felt it deserved more investigation, but how can you argue with that?

Where do you get your information from???

From out press, which might be my problem :)
McCain isn't a very good public speaker by reading a teleprompter, but Obama is. McCain is a great off-the-cuff speaker when it comes to giving real answers to real questions. Obama is not.

I believe McCain will win. Polls are all over the place, but are slowly coming into check. McCain has some real answers to the questions and problems. Obama does not. He has proved that.

McCain isn't the answer to our problems. He's just the closer answer of the two.

McCain is on six different medications and may not make it to November. If he is elected, Mitt Romney will end up being president.
If Mr. Romney is the VP, and McCain shows no signs of death...

Wishful thinking on your part?
McCain is on six different medications and may not make it to November. If he is elected, Mitt Romney will end up being president.
How many medications does Obama take for his addictions and his witch's mouth?

Does Obama still smoke crack and pot?

Nevermind, Americans will never get information like this concerning a Democrat.
How many medications does Obama take for his addictions and his witch's mouth?

Does Obama still smoke crack and pot?

Nevermind, Americans will never get information like this concerning a Democrat.

McCain is 100% disabled. That means legally he isn't able to work. How many Iraq and Afgan vets come back severely injured and only get a 30% disability rating?

John McCain receives a pension every year for being disabled.

US Navy classified him as 100% disabled following his return from Vietnam. I wonder if this was just physical, or includes mental factors as well.

Why does he get a pension for being 100% disabled when he pulls a fat paycheck from being a Senator and he has a multi millionaire wife? Talk about people getting welfare who don't really need it?

The 71-year-old pointed out he had recently hiked the Grand Canyon with a son and vowed to "out-campaign" them all.

His income tax showed he gets $58,358 untaxed dollars a year in a pension income. That doesn't include his pay for being a Senator.

And he didn't sign the GI Bill to give soldiers more benefits?
How many medications does Obama take for his addictions and his witch's mouth?

Does Obama still smoke crack and pot?

Nevermind, Americans will never get information like this concerning a Democrat.
Jesus fucking H Christ.. your just a dumbass.. congrats you just surpased diamond as the sites most special person...

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