McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

McCain, the warmonger neocrazy motherfucker who is beholden to the Carlyle Group is your new hero?

But you are right dictators like to suppress the media

But president Trump has NOT suppressed the media

As an American citizen he has the absolute right to criticize and bypass the media.

Especially , when those who are complaining are political hacks pretending to be the media.



So you don't consider his tweet of yesterday: "That CBS, NBC, ABC and all the others with the exception of FOX NEWS are enemies of the American Public'--an attack on the media in this country?

Well FOX News disagrees with you.

Well, they say even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while - and McCain found one about Trump. Now it remains to be seen what McCain is going to do about it. He's near the end of his life - so he should try to go out with honor instead of more partisan bullshit.
McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

Probably true. We all remember how Obama filed lawsuits against reporters whose facts he didn't like.

But unlike Obama, President Trump has done nothing to suppress the media. He's merely pointed out what they are doing, pointed out how their stories are so often false, and called so many of them exactly what they are: Dishonest with disreputable agendas.

They are free to write or say anything they want about that, or about him, or anything else they like.

Just as he is free to point out the truth about what they say.

But they HATE such a level playing field.

I can see where a bunch of liberals might claim that pointing out the truth about them and shoving their noses into it, making public the dishonesty of the stories they have written, is somehow "suppressing" them. Because they want to be free to lie without consequence.

Sorry, liberals. That era is over.

But "suppression", it isn't.

It's just uncomfortable to liars and their ilk.

idiot leftist either don't know what the hell is going on or they are flat out lying, or rather, they are stupid or lying

truthfully, it is a little of both - I really don;t know which ones are stupid and which ones are liars & I don't care

Obama tried to introduce and pass legislation that would limit talk radio - anyone else remember that?

but NOW we are talking about suppressing the media?


You are on a big boy and girl political board here. Many of us (both conservative, liberal & Independent) know a lot more than you do as we have been on this board for many years, and your conspiracy theories won't work here.

So unless you can pull a verifiable trusted LINK out of your ass to verify that claim, it goes into the Bullshit column.

Well, they say even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while - and McCain found one about Trump. Now it remains to be seen what McCain is going to do about it. He's near the end of his life - so he should try to go out with honor instead of more partisan bullshit.
Snowflakes will hug anyone's nut sack as long as they say what snowflakes want to hear. :p
Well, they say even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while - and McCain found one about Trump. Now it remains to be seen what McCain is going to do about it. He's near the end of his life - so he should try to go out with honor instead of more partisan bullshit.


His butt hurts just like the demo_rats'

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

I dont know if theres a link to everything she's ever said, but l've heard enough sound bites from her over the years to know, she would censor free speech and the news media long before Trump ever would.

Hillary Says We Should Rewrite the First Amendment, If That's What It Takes to Reverse Citizens United, by Joel Gehrke, National Review

Hillary Clinton: We need to redefine what free speech means

"There is a problem in this country when people, mostly right-wing bigots, can easily inflict pain and suffering on others with hurtful words and objections against alternative lifestyles and political stances. You often see it on Facebook and other forms of social media, where they are constantly spewing hate and intolerance. I wish I could tell you just how many times I've read mean-spirited posts about me on the Internet, and I can assure you that when I become President, things like that will no longer be allowed to happen. I already have a list of people, thousands of names, who will feel my righteous wrath when I take office."

Nope--Hillary Clinton never has attacked the MEDIA--she been around for the last 25 years, and I have never heard hear attack any of them. But nice try on trying to deflect the topic to her anyway. And she's taken a lot off of them. Clearly much more than the Comrade could ever handle--LOL

Trump is the only one that has been STUPID enough to actually tweet out YESTERDAY: That CBS, ABC, NBC, (all except FOX News) are enemies of the American public.

Here you can watch your favorite channel FOX News take him down on this:


Someone remind me.....who was it that gave Hilary Clinton the debate questions? Can't seem to remember her name now. DNC chairs come and go so fast these days. And an even better question is: How did she get the debate questions? Who gave them to her? She wasn't part of the committee responsible for the questions. So it sounds sort of like a conspiracy.....doesn't it.

Hillary Clinton is out of the picture now.

But no one can say that they could have watched all those debates, including with Hillary Clinton and say that Trump won a single one of them. If they do, they're lying through their teeth.

You flew over several other qualified candidates, and picked the most immature, incompetent, unqualified, emotionally unstable MALE drama queen and nominated him.

You were warned over and over about Trump and you ignored all those warnings, and you're going to pay one HELL of a price for that.


Uh huh. But the good people at CNN and MSNBC had no problem declaring Hilary the winner of every debate with Bernie Sanders. Clearly not true..

Hillary Clinton won every debate with Trump--(there's no question about that.) In fact, she clobbered him. You know she clobbered him, just like most of other GOP candidates that were on the stage. They all CLOBBERED him, with the exception of Ben Carson.


That was your second mistake. Your 1st was nominating Trump, then your second was not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.

Don't worry a couple of weeks from now, you'll wish you had Hillary Clinton in office to rag about for the next 4 years, versus killing the entire Republican party with the Comrade.

Again here is Salt Lake City at a Republican town Hall meeting on February 9, 2017. 2018 is going to look like 2010, only it's going to be all BLUE. There aren't too many Democrats that live in Utah, and it is considered the most conservative state in the nation.

This woman who more than likely voted for Trump, now wants him impeached.

And here is the article that goes along with the video. Republican Senate & House members have already been warned about the Welcome Home Party they're going to receive. Through your ignorance you have put a target on all their backs.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

All the regressive neoliberal dupes who voted for Hilary in the primaries are 100% responsible for the current situation. They have no one but themselves to blame.
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

McCain, the warmonger neocrazy motherfucker who is beholden to the Carlyle Group is your new hero?

But you are right dictators like to suppress the media

But president Trump has NOT suppressed the media

As an American citizen he has the absolute right to criticize and bypass the media.

Especially , when those who are complaining are political hacks pretending to be the media.



So you don't consider his tweet of yesterday: "That CBS, NBC, ABC and all the others with the exception of FOX NEWS are enemies of the American Public'--an attack on the media in this country?

Well FOX News disagrees with you.

The President has the SAME First Amendment rights the Press has. Get over it.
Getting captured doesn't make you a hero.
Neither does arming Mexican drug cartels, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and ISIS...
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

McCain, the warmonger neocrazy motherfucker who is beholden to the Carlyle Group is your new hero?

But you are right dictators like to suppress the media

But president Trump has NOT suppressed the media

As an American citizen he has the absolute right to criticize and bypass the media.

Especially , when those who are complaining are political hacks pretending to be the media.



So you don't consider his tweet of yesterday: "That CBS, NBC, ABC and all the others with the exception of FOX NEWS are enemies of the American Public'--an attack on the media in this country?

Well FOX News disagrees with you.

They are enemies - the media is supposed to be NEUTRAL and provide facts

they are not supposed to be political hacks hiding behind the media label in order to frustrate the presidency

But they have not been suppressed and they have the right to continue their fake news campaign

Well, they say even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while - and McCain found one about Trump. Now it remains to be seen what McCain is going to do about it. He's near the end of his life - so he should try to go out with honor instead of more partisan bullshit.


His butt hurts just like the demo_rats'

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


I'm not picking on the Hanoi Hilton Songbird. I just want him to follow through with his Senate investigations and give us the truth about Adolf Trump and election hacking and Flynngate.
Well, they say even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while - and McCain found one about Trump. Now it remains to be seen what McCain is going to do about it. He's near the end of his life - so he should try to go out with honor instead of more partisan bullshit.


His butt hurts just like the demo_rats'

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


I'm not picking on the Hanoi Hilton Songbird. I just want him to follow through with his Senate investigations and give us the truth about Adolf Trump and election hacking and Flynngate.
You are a good example of why the left is coming unraveled.
... to follow through with his Senate investigations and give us the truth about Adolf Trump and election hacking and Flynngate.
'Adolf Trump'?!

Do you even know how f*ing STUPID you sound when you say / write things like that?

Obviously NOT.

Poor, deranged, butt-hurt snowflake...
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...
Hitler started as a socialist like you.

You just elected the 4th Reich

Actually... you did, lol.
Trump refuses to call on Fake News liberal propaganda agencies, and liberals cry 'Violation of Freedom of Speech / Press'

.... while the little Hitlers on Snowflake Indoctrination Campuses engage in violence, destruction of property, arson, and looting to REALLY shut down Freeom of Speech.

Good Lord!
You regressive neoliberals have to be the most incredibly dim witted people who ever lived. You evidently have few good reasons to continue living. Please take the appropriate steps to resolve this situation.
There is no hope for the Democratic Party. The culture of institutional corruption runs too deep. It can't be reformed because they can't learn.

I would disagree with you there. You have already killed the Republican party. This is the Welcome Home Party in Salt Lake City, Utah, February 9, 2017. If you count more than 30 Democrats that live there, let me know.

Here is the article that goes along with it.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


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