McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

We've had a free press all along and still do, now if we could just get an unbiased press. We haven't had one for a few decades.
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
I agree. Hang the traitors, starting with you. LOL

Prove it. I see you keep it fast and light. Deep as a mudpuddle on a hot summer day.
Dumb fascist fucks like you are stating that we should hang people for reporting the truth. You are a traitor to this nation and the principles that it was founded on. Go ahead and continue kissing the orange clowns face as he shits in your face. You guys are truly pathetic.
The media is Reporting Fake News!
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

Very True-I don't know if any of you have watched documentaries on North Korea but it's unbelievable. The only media they have is favorable to Kim Jung IL. In fact he takes total credit for everything that goes on including surgery, even though he's not the doctor or surgeon. The patient gets off the table and doesn't thank the surgeon but is required to praise Kim Jung Il. While we as Americans laugh about this, it does go on all over the world, and it ALWAYS starts with limiting free speech by media outlets.

There has never been a President in this country that has been STUPID enough to make enemies out the media in this country, Comrade Trump is the first.

There is a "free press" in this country to keep us FREE.
Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
like what, b specific? stop parroting don't even know anything that is fake news yet you repeat what your faux messiah has told you.... do you have any idea how ignorant and dangerous that actually is to our democratic republic?
The Russian connection is fake news.
Ah yes, fake news that Flynn was fired for. LOL
McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

Very True-I don't know if any of you have watched documentaries on North Korea but it's unbelievable. The only media they have is favorable to Kim ju il. In fact he takes total credit for everything that goes on including surgery, even though he's not the doctor or surgeon. The patient gets off the table and doesn't thank the surgeon but is required to praise Kim Jung Il. While we as Americans laugh about this, it does go on all over the world, and it ALWAYS start with limiting free speech by media outlets.

There has never been a President in this country that has been STUPID enough to make enemies out the media in this country, Comrade Trump is the first.

There is a "free press" in this country to keep us FREE.

Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
like what, b specific? stop parroting don't even know anything that is fake news yet you repeat what your faux messiah has told you.... do you have any idea how ignorant and dangerous that actually is to our democratic republic?
The Russian connection is fake news.
Ah yes, fake news that Flynn was fired for. LOL
Tell me where he broke the law. Without talking points.
Where and how is attacking the media = suppressing it? A wannabe dictator intent on suppressing the media would seek to resurrect antiquated Fairness Doctrine or conjure up the need for net neutrality.

A dictator would send a couple dozen hooligans into the NYTimes with ax handles and come out covered in leftist brains. Hmmmmm....I'm enjoying the thought of that. :lol:
LOL Of course you are. Traitors like you revile the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

Yes or no, Trump should be free to criticize the press.

If the press can disrespect the President of the United States by calling him illegitimate and crazy, then why is he not allowed to fire back again at them?

Respect is a two way street. I can't think of a President more disrespected than Trump.
Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
Silly dumb fuck, we have numerous videos of the lies that the orange clown routinely tells. The son of a bitch is a psycho.

Only a psycho lies without reason. There is absolutely no reason for the dumb bastard to keep repeating that he won a huge electoral victory, bigger than any since Reagan. It is an easily disproved lie, and when it was shown to be a lie, the orange clown blamed it on other people.

That time he conceded his oft-repeated line about having the "biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan" is a lie
NBC reporter Peter Alexander: "You said today that you had the biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan – 304, 306 electoral votes. In fact, President Obama got 365 in 2008."
Trump: "Well, I'm talking about Republicans."
Alexander: "President Obama 333, George H.W. Bush 426 when he won. So why should Americans trust..."
Trump: "I was given that information, I was just given it. We had a very big margin."
Alexander: "I guess the question is: Why should Americans trust you when you accuse the information they receive as being fake, when you're providing information that is not accurate?"
Trump: "Well, I was given that information. I was, actually, I've seen that information around. But it was a very substantial victory. Do you agree with that?"
Alexander: "You're the president."

18 WTF Moments From Trump's Unhinged Press Conference
McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.

It's Comrade Trump who has been colluding with the Russians. You have nominated a Traitor and made him poster boy of the Republican Party and now he's POTUS.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

John McCain fought for this country, was shot down, spent 5 years in a Viet Nam prison being tortured while Trump stated his personal "Viet Nam" was sleeping around with married women and avoiding STD's. One of his supporters finally awarded him with a purple heart for that.
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

We know who our Hero's are and who they aren't. John McCain has more honor, more loyalty, more integrity, more bravery in his pinky finger nail that the Comrade could muster up in 5 lifetimes.

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

Yes or no, Trump should be free to criticize the press.

If the press can disrespect the President of the United States by calling him illegitimate and crazy, then why is he not allowed to fire back again at them?

Respect is a two way street. I can't think of a President more disrespected than Trump.
I cannot think of a President more deserving of disrespect than the orange clown.
McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.

It's clearly Comrade Trump who has been colluding with the Russians. You have nominated a Traitor and made him poster boy of the Republican Party and now he's POTUS.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

John McCain fought for this country, was shot down, spent 5 years in a Viet Nam prison being tortured while Trump stated his personal "Viet Nam" was sleeping around with married women and avoiding STD's. One of his supporters finally awarded him with a purple heart for that.
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

We know who our Hero's are and who they aren't. John McCain has more honor, more loyalty, more integrity, more bravery in his pinky finger nail that the Comrade could muster up in his entire lifetime.

I can hardly wait to see the detailed report showing how exactly Russia actually effected the election.
Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
Exactly. It is no longer a free press; but rather a bought and paid for press dancing to the liberal tune. So oddly McCain was correct, though not in the way he thought...
In other words, they report it as a lie when the orange clown lies. And you would much rather have a press like the one in North Korea.
McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.
Little KKK cocksuck, you are the treasonous asshole here. You would gladly see our nation and Constitution destroyed. The hell with you.
he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.

Not exactly........only because he would NOT allow Asians (more specifically Vietnamese)....or Gooks, as he called them himself. McCain does have racist tendencies
McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.
Little KKK cocksuck, you are the treasonous asshole here. You would gladly see our nation and Constitution destroyed. The hell with you.
No, I want to preserve the Constitution. McCain has colluded with the enemy more than once. He, Hillary, and Obama helped form ISIS.
McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.

It's clearly Comrade Trump who has been colluding with the Russians. You have nominated a Traitor and made him poster boy of the Republican Party and now he's POTUS.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

John McCain fought for this country, was shot down, spent 5 years in a Viet Nam prison being tortured while Trump stated his personal "Viet Nam" was sleeping around with married women and avoiding STD's. One of his supporters finally awarded him with a purple heart for that.
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

We know who our Hero's are and who they aren't. John McCain has more honor, more loyalty, more integrity, more bravery in his pinky finger nail that the Comrade could muster up in his entire lifetime.

I can hardly wait to see the detailed report showing how exactly Russia actually effected the election.

Well Dumbass--it really doesn't matter if they affected the election or not. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into our National Election, or do a Cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

But, in my opinion Putin did have an effect on it, that's why the Kremlin broke out the Champagne bottles when Trump won.
Champagne corks pop in Moscow at Trump's inauguration

1. Trump was going after Sander supporters, and Putin pushed them toward Trump when it was leaked that the DNC chair Debbie Wasserman had some serious issues with Sanders. We had Sanders supporters all over this board madder than hell threatening to vote for Trump because of it. They did exactly what Putin wanted them to do.

2. Putin is also responsible for putting out massive amounts of FAKE news on Facebook. Most young people in this country get their news from Facebook sites.

So did Putin have an affect on our election? You bet he did.

McCain's ongoing – lifelong, in fact – mission to destroy the United States of America. Each and every anti-American policy imaginable he has endorsed, or at least stayed silent on. Everything he does is against our country. He is an aggressive supporter of any and all foreign wars for foreign interests, he is an aggressive supporter of flooding our country with any and all non-white immigrants.
And now, he is openly colluding with foreign powers – in a public forum – to undermine our President.

John McCain needs to be charged with treason and put on trial.

And it needs to happen now.
Little KKK cocksuck, you are the treasonous asshole here. You would gladly see our nation and Constitution destroyed. The hell with you.
No, I want to preserve the Constitution. McCain has colluded with the enemy more than once. He, Hillary, and Obama helped form ISIS.

That was one of Putin's articles.


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