McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

John McCain is 100% right. Trump is trying to suppress the media. We want a independent media not one that kowtows to Trump and his fascist supporters. Megyn Kelly was a true journalist when she was on Fox. She treated Trump the same way she treated Obama. She held him accountable. Yet she was viciously attacked by Trump's supporters. When Shep Smith had a contrary opinion he was attacked by Trump supporters who demanded he be fired. Trump supporters do not want a fair media. They want a media that kowtows to Trump.

Trump and his supporters accuse the media of lying yet Trump and his supporters lie and that is okay. Point it out and that is fake news.
John McCain is 100% right. Trump is trying to suppress the media. We want a independent media not one that kowtows to Trump and his fascist supporters. Megyn Kelly was a true journalist when she was on Fox. She treated Trump the same way she treated Obama. She held him accountable. Yet she was viciously attacked by Trump's supporters. When Shep Smith had a contrary opinion he was attacked by Trump supporters who demanded he be fired. Trump supporters do not want a fair media. They want a media that kowtows to Trump.

Trump and his supporters accuse the media of lying yet Trump and his supporters lie and that is okay. Point it out and that is fake news.
That would be true if Murica had a truly independent media. But that's no the case.

Nearly all of the media is in the hip pocket of the Democrat Party, and most of the remainder is shilling for the ruling class in general.

The senile fossilized geezer McCain has also forgotten that domestic politics is supposed to end at the water's edge.
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

Trump has done nothing to suppress the media. Calling them out on lies is a good thing. Fake news is trademark of tyrants.

Trump did not declare all media enemies, just a few who have been caught reporting outright lies.

Clinton and Obama often attacked media that reported negative things about them. Obama admired the way dictators handled their press. Actually, they control them. Obama lamented our freedom of speech while addressing some Muslims. He openly hated it and said there was too much information out there.

Quit whining every time Trump says something that is not leftwing rhetoric. It's going to be a long 4 years and you guys are going to end up in straight jackets at the rate you are melting down.
Trump talks back to CNN and McCain is hysterical. Where was he when Obama tried to enact the ironically named "fairness doctrine " that would have forced right wing talk radio to spout left wing propaganda? Where was McCain when the Obama administration tried to arrest Fox reporter James Rosen because the administration didn't like the story about NK missiles? Where was McCain when Obama openly criticized Fox and Rush and Hannity?
Trump talks back to CNN and McCain is hysterical. Where was he when Obama tried to enact the ironically named "fairness doctrine " that would have forced right wing talk radio to spout left wing propaganda? Where was McCain when the Obama administration tried to arrest Fox reporter James Rosen because the administration didn't like the story about NK missiles? Where was McCain when Obama openly criticized Fox and Rush and Hannity?

Trump is doing more than just criticizing media - he's actually trying discredit and muzzle it. Trump is the one doing all the lying - without any proof.
Nice thread title...

...except Trump isn't supressing the MEDIA. He is refusing to take questions from FAKE NEWS organizations and 'All-In' Propaganda 'arms' of the DNC.

Whiny bitches like Lakhota think, like those entities, that doing so constitutes a violation of the Constitution, specifically Freedom of Speech.


Poor wittle snowflakes....
The traitorous songbird John McCain is committing sedition towards the new president.
Look, you little KKK cocksuck, McCain has served this nation far and above anything you have ever done.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
Silly dumb fuck, we have numerous videos of the lies that the orange clown routinely tells. The son of a bitch is a psycho.
The traitorous songbird John McCain is committing sedition towards the new president.
Look, you little KKK cocksuck, McCain has served this nation far and above anything you have ever done.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
He's doing it in a foreign country. It's seditious.
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...
Hilarious. As if the corporate controlled mainstream news and entertainment media hadn't already destroyed what little credibility they had left. Funny to watch so called journalists from CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. pretend to be a free and independent press.
Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
Silly dumb fuck, we have numerous videos of the lies that the orange clown routinely tells. The son of a bitch is a psycho.

That time he conceded his oft-repeated line about having the "biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan" is a lie
NBC reporter Peter Alexander: "You said today that you had the biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan – 304, 306 electoral votes. In fact, President Obama got 365 in 2008."
Trump: "Well, I'm talking about Republicans."
Alexander: "President Obama 333, George H.W. Bush 426 when he won. So why should Americans trust..."
Trump: "I was given that information, I was just given it. We had a very big margin."
Alexander: "I guess the question is: Why should Americans trust you when you accuse the information they receive as being fake, when you're providing information that is not accurate?"
Trump: "Well, I was given that information. I was, actually, I've seen that information around. But it was a very substantial victory. Do you agree with that?"
Alexander: "You're the president."

18 WTF Moments From Trump's Unhinged Press Conference

First he lies, then he blames the lie on someone else. The orange clown is psycho.
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
I agree. Hang the traitors, starting with you. LOL

Prove it. I see you keep it fast and light. Deep as a mudpuddle on a hot summer day.
Dumb fascist fucks like you are stating that we should hang people for reporting the truth. You are a traitor to this nation and the principles that it was founded on. Go ahead and continue kissing the orange clowns face as he shits in your face. You guys are truly pathetic.
"Freedom of the press" even includes the freedom to lie or mislead.

But it doesn't include the freedom from people pointing out their lies and misleading.
Oh, you mean that the orange clown got more than 306 electoral votes? Or that President's Obama, Clinton, and the elder Bush received less? You mean the his EO on Muslims was a work of Constitutional Art? LOL
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
I agree. Hang the traitors, starting with you. LOL

Prove it. I see you keep it fast and light. Deep as a mudpuddle on a hot summer day.
Dumb fascist fucks like you are stating that we should hang people for reporting the truth. You are a traitor to this nation and the principles that it was founded on. Go ahead and continue kissing the orange clowns face as he shits in your face. You guys are truly pathetic.

I'm sorry, btw, 404-Truth not found in media.

Just stop it. We all know that the media is being dishonest, reporting fake shit, reporting leftist narratives, and rolling anti-Trump stories 24/7.
Exactly. It is no longer a free press; but rather a bought and paid for press dancing to the liberal tune. So oddly McCain was correct, though not in the way he thought...

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