McCain wants cruise missle strikes and to take out the Syrian airforce: he wants WWIII

But if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases in Syria even if Assad falls, why would they want to support Assad?
Can we say warm water port in the Med? Look at a map and consider the strategic implications!
You didn't read my post. I said if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases. Yes, they'll keep their port, why not? It's important to them to have it, but there is no good reason for it to be important to us.
Your conclusion that a full blown permanent Russian naval port on the Med would be unimportant is absurd! Can we say strategically destabilizing? It would be a point of power projection! Don't bother applying for a job in the Pentagon!
lol Ok, so you can't actually articulate what worries you about a Russian port at Tartus.
It's been articulated in such a manner that a person of average intellect could comprehend. You simply wish to pretend being an ignorant PIECE OF SHIT TO TRY AND CHANGE THE NARRATIVE. Time for you to piss off little one!
lol You are just saying again that you can't think of what you are afraid of.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will show their true colors! They want Syria within their sphere of influence and will elbow everyone else out. They are dead set on having a warm water port in the Med for their Navy. Once they accomplish that, they will be the bully on the pond!

During the foreplay of the "joint cooperation" between Putin's Russia and the US with Obama as CiC, do you remember how Russia push our forces out of specific areas under Assad's control and just 'seemed' to be hitting the wrong targets which favored Assad goals. If we get drawn into this quagmire again, Russia will pull the same crap to satisfy their goals. There is a reason they have an airbase there that will likely harbor Syrian aircraft also keeping them safe from attack...wait and see this scenario develop over the next few months.

Syria and Russia have been allies for decades. And Russia already has a port in Tartus. Going back to the 70's and they just signed a deal to keep the port for another 49 or 50 years.
A supply facility at a port is not a naval port with port facilities. Ever been to a naval port facility and know what their function is regarding naval vessels and their upkeep needs? The Russians want a PERMANENT PORT FACILITY in the Med! Russian ships are pieces of shit and require constant upkeep and maintenance.
The Russians have had a full service naval port at Tartus for years. Why do you worry about a Russian port?
The Russians have had a full service naval port at Tartus for years. Why do you worry about a Russian port?
That's horseshit!

Oct 2016;
"Russia will create a permanent naval base in Syria to expand its military footprint in its closest Middle East ally, a government official said on Monday, a week after Moscow said it was considering reopening Soviet-era bases in Vietnam and Cuba.

The move, announced by Russian Deputy Defence Minister Nikolai Pankov, is further evidence Russia is building up its capabilities in Syria despite a partial drawdown in March and another sign it is digging in for the long haul to help prop up President Bashar al-Assad."

~~ Russia to build permanent Syrian naval base, eyes other outposts ~~

I'm long out of the US Navy but I keep up with the news of things of interest in that vein. I know the difference between a supply facility and a permanent port facility, rube! Go to Google Earth and give me the coordinates of the dry docks, slips and cranes at the Russian port facility that you claim the Russians have had at Tartus for years!
Specifically, why are you so worried about a Russian naval base at Tartus? Specifically, what is it you are afraid they will do?
Already asked and answered, you fucking dimwit! Go back and read it shit for brains!
Syria and Russia have been allies for decades. And Russia already has a port in Tartus. Going back to the 70's and they just signed a deal to keep the port for another 49 or 50 years.
A supply facility at a port is not a naval port with port facilities. Ever been to a naval port facility and know what their function is regarding naval vessels and their upkeep needs? The Russians want a PERMANENT PORT FACILITY in the Med! Russian ships are pieces of shit and require constant upkeep and maintenance.
The Russians have had a full service naval port at Tartus for years. Why do you worry about a Russian port?
The Russians have had a full service naval port at Tartus for years. Why do you worry about a Russian port?
That's horseshit!

Oct 2016;
"Russia will create a permanent naval base in Syria to expand its military footprint in its closest Middle East ally, a government official said on Monday, a week after Moscow said it was considering reopening Soviet-era bases in Vietnam and Cuba.

The move, announced by Russian Deputy Defence Minister Nikolai Pankov, is further evidence Russia is building up its capabilities in Syria despite a partial drawdown in March and another sign it is digging in for the long haul to help prop up President Bashar al-Assad."

~~ Russia to build permanent Syrian naval base, eyes other outposts ~~

I'm long out of the US Navy but I keep up with the news of things of interest in that vein. I know the difference between a supply facility and a permanent port facility, rube! Go to Google Earth and give me the coordinates of the dry docks, slips and cranes at the Russian port facility that you claim the Russians have had at Tartus for years!
Specifically, why are you so worried about a Russian naval base at Tartus? Specifically, what is it you are afraid they will do?
Already asked and answered, you fucking dimwit! Go back and read it shit for brains!
You read it. There are no specifics in any of your posts. Why are you afraid of a "giant footprint" in the ME.
That would definitely be the sanest thing at this point. The UN, if Russia doesn't stop it, could save our ass yet.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will show their true colors! They want Syria within their sphere of influence and will elbow everyone else out. They are dead set on having a warm water port in the Med for their Navy. Once they accomplish that, they will be the bully on the pond!

During the foreplay of the "joint cooperation" between Putin's Russia and the US with Obama as CiC, do you remember how Russia push our forces out of specific areas under Assad's control and just 'seemed' to be hitting the wrong targets which favored Assad goals. If we get drawn into this quagmire again, Russia will pull the same crap to satisfy their goals. There is a reason they have an airbase there that will likely harbor Syrian aircraft also keeping them safe from attack...wait and see this scenario develop over the next few months.
But if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases in Syria even if Assad falls, why would they want to support Assad?
Can we say warm water port in the Med? Look at a map and consider the strategic implications!
You didn't read my post. I said if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases. Yes, they'll keep their port, why not? It's important to them to have it, but there is no good reason for it to be important to us.
Your conclusion that a full blown permanent Russian naval port on the Med would be unimportant is absurd! Can we say strategically destabilizing? It would be a point of power projection! Don't bother applying for a job in the Pentagon!

WTF? Russia has had a naval base in Tartus since 1971. And the lease has been renewed for another half a century.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will show their true colors! They want Syria within their sphere of influence and will elbow everyone else out. They are dead set on having a warm water port in the Med for their Navy. Once they accomplish that, they will be the bully on the pond!

During the foreplay of the "joint cooperation" between Putin's Russia and the US with Obama as CiC, do you remember how Russia push our forces out of specific areas under Assad's control and just 'seemed' to be hitting the wrong targets which favored Assad goals. If we get drawn into this quagmire again, Russia will pull the same crap to satisfy their goals. There is a reason they have an airbase there that will likely harbor Syrian aircraft also keeping them safe from attack...wait and see this scenario develop over the next few months.
But if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases in Syria even if Assad falls, why would they want to support Assad?
Can we say warm water port in the Med? Look at a map and consider the strategic implications!
You didn't read my post. I said if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases. Yes, they'll keep their port, why not? It's important to them to have it, but there is no good reason for it to be important to us.
Your conclusion that a full blown permanent Russian naval port on the Med would be unimportant is absurd! Can we say strategically destabilizing? It would be a point of power projection! Don't bother applying for a job in the Pentagon!
lol Ok, so you can't actually articulate what worries you about a Russian port at Tartus.

I'm beginning to wonder if he knows that Tartus isn't a country but a city in Syria.

I believe Trump will wait and see what the UN has to say about using Sarin gas, a direct violation of international law.
That would definitely be the sanest thing at this point. The UN, if Russia doesn't stop it, could save our ass yet.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will show their true colors! They want Syria within their sphere of influence and will elbow everyone else out. They are dead set on having a warm water port in the Med for their Navy. Once they accomplish that, they will be the bully on the pond!

During the foreplay of the "joint cooperation" between Putin's Russia and the US with Obama as CiC, do you remember how Russia push our forces out of specific areas under Assad's control and just 'seemed' to be hitting the wrong targets which favored Assad goals. If we get drawn into this quagmire again, Russia will pull the same crap to satisfy their goals. There is a reason they have an airbase there that will likely harbor Syrian aircraft also keeping them safe from attack...wait and see this scenario develop over the next few months.

Bingo. It's all about their port.

Putin will not allow the US to seize their port in Tartus. Remember what happened when NATO thought they could muscle Russia out of their ports in Crimea? Didn't work out too well for NATO or the Ukraine.
Now what, Comrade Tiny? Seems the orange clown finally realized what the Russians are up to.

Russia is assisting in decimating ISIS. That's a good thing. And with far less civilian casualties than the US. Why just last month in one strike, the US managed to whack 200 civilians in Mosul.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will show their true colors! They want Syria within their sphere of influence and will elbow everyone else out. They are dead set on having a warm water port in the Med for their Navy. Once they accomplish that, they will be the bully on the pond!

During the foreplay of the "joint cooperation" between Putin's Russia and the US with Obama as CiC, do you remember how Russia push our forces out of specific areas under Assad's control and just 'seemed' to be hitting the wrong targets which favored Assad goals. If we get drawn into this quagmire again, Russia will pull the same crap to satisfy their goals. There is a reason they have an airbase there that will likely harbor Syrian aircraft also keeping them safe from attack...wait and see this scenario develop over the next few months.
But if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases in Syria even if Assad falls, why would they want to support Assad?
Can we say warm water port in the Med? Look at a map and consider the strategic implications!
You didn't read my post. I said if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases. Yes, they'll keep their port, why not? It's important to them to have it, but there is no good reason for it to be important to us.
Your conclusion that a full blown permanent Russian naval port on the Med would be unimportant is absurd! Can we say strategically destabilizing? It would be a point of power projection! Don't bother applying for a job in the Pentagon!

WTF? Russia has had a naval base in Tartus since 1971. And the lease has been renewed for another half a century.
Here is part of what I wrote to the other uninformed idiot:

Oct 2016;
"Russia will create a permanent naval base in Syria to expand its military footprint in its closest Middle East ally, a government official said on Monday, a week after Moscow said it was considering reopening Soviet-era bases in Vietnam and Cuba.

The move, announced by Russian Deputy Defence Minister Nikolai Pankov, is further evidence Russia is building up its capabilities in Syria despite a partial drawdown in March and another sign it is digging in for the long haul to help prop up President Bashar al-Assad."

~~ Russia to build permanent Syrian naval base, eyes other outposts ~~

I'm long out of the US Navy but I keep up with the news of things of interest in that vein. I know the difference between a supply facility and a permanent port facility, rube! Go to Google Earth and give me the coordinates of the dry docks, slips and cranes at the Russian port facility that you claim the Russians have had at Tartus for years!

Now you give that a stab TD and locate those facilities noted above that the Russians have been using since 1971. Also explain why just a few months ago the Russians announced they, "...will create a permanent naval base in Syria to expand its military footprint...." BTW, cargo container cranes would be worthless for the needs of a fighting naval vessel!
But if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases in Syria even if Assad falls, why would they want to support Assad?
Can we say warm water port in the Med? Look at a map and consider the strategic implications!
You didn't read my post. I said if the Russians were assured they could keep their bases. Yes, they'll keep their port, why not? It's important to them to have it, but there is no good reason for it to be important to us.
Your conclusion that a full blown permanent Russian naval port on the Med would be unimportant is absurd! Can we say strategically destabilizing? It would be a point of power projection! Don't bother applying for a job in the Pentagon!

WTF? Russia has had a naval base in Tartus since 1971. And the lease has been renewed for another half a century.
Here is part of what I wrote to the other uninformed idiot:

Oct 2016;
"Russia will create a permanent naval base in Syria to expand its military footprint in its closest Middle East ally, a government official said on Monday, a week after Moscow said it was considering reopening Soviet-era bases in Vietnam and Cuba.

The move, announced by Russian Deputy Defence Minister Nikolai Pankov, is further evidence Russia is building up its capabilities in Syria despite a partial drawdown in March and another sign it is digging in for the long haul to help prop up President Bashar al-Assad."

~~ Russia to build permanent Syrian naval base, eyes other outposts ~~

I'm long out of the US Navy but I keep up with the news of things of interest in that vein. I know the difference between a supply facility and a permanent port facility, rube! Go to Google Earth and give me the coordinates of the dry docks, slips and cranes at the Russian port facility that you claim the Russians have had at Tartus for years!

Now you give that a stab TD and locate those facilities noted above that the Russians have been using since 1971. Also explain why just a few months ago the Russians announced they, "...will create a permanent naval base in Syria to expand its military footprint...." BTW, cargo container cranes would be worthless for the needs of a fighting naval vessel!
Again, why are you so worried about a Russian naval base at Tartus? What is it you imagine the Russians will do there?
He's nuts. It is not even known exactly what happened. And can Syria really be that dumb to use Chemical weapons in a war that they were winning with Russian Help?.

Last week Trump reversed American policy of removing Assad from power. Saying the only thing that could oust Assad, was to be voted out by the Syrian people. Assad therefore started taking out those who would vote against him.
To Reverse ISIS, Use Sí, Sí

Assad should have followed the policy of our Democrats, bringing in millions of easily bribed Mexicans to vote for him.
We've all known he is a war mongering bastard who views the planet as a battlefield. Rand Paul was right. This is a seriously dangerous game he is playing because any military action against Assad will be declaring war not only on Syria, but on Russia and Iran.

I'm praying Trump wakes up and realizes he's being played with this false flag that Assad purposefully used chemical weapons against his people.
Thank you, Voice Of Putin, for your input. Now fuck off.
That would definitely be the sanest thing at this point. The UN, if Russia doesn't stop it, could save our ass yet.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will show their true colors! They want Syria within their sphere of influence and will elbow everyone else out. They are dead set on having a warm water port in the Med for their Navy. Once they accomplish that, they will be the bully on the pond!

During the foreplay of the "joint cooperation" between Putin's Russia and the US with Obama as CiC, do you remember how Russia push our forces out of specific areas under Assad's control and just 'seemed' to be hitting the wrong targets which favored Assad goals. If we get drawn into this quagmire again, Russia will pull the same crap to satisfy their goals. There is a reason they have an airbase there that will likely harbor Syrian aircraft also keeping them safe from attack...wait and see this scenario develop over the next few months.

Bingo. It's all about their port.

Putin will not allow the US to seize their port in Tartus. Remember what happened when NATO thought they could muscle Russia out of their ports in Crimea? Didn't work out too well for NATO or the Ukraine.
Now what, Comrade Tiny? Seems the orange clown finally realized what the Russians are up to.

Russia is assisting in decimating ISIS. That's a good thing. And with far less civilian casualties than the US. Why just last month in one strike, the US managed to whack 200 civilians in Mosul.

Neither Russia or Assad are focusing on ISIS.

They are killing all the moderates and civilians in order to make us face the choice of assad or ISIS when it comes to who's left to run the country.
This makes no sense. We didn't have a reason when Obama was president we still don't have a reason
War in the Raw

Totally ignorant what Trump did today, just what Obama and Hillary wanted to do. Why is he trying to please those losers? Why is he listening to senile Hanoi John McCain't?

ISIS, the mercenaries moderate rebels, and the willing human shields civilians don't have a chance. It is better to get them to surrender as quickly as possible, by any means possible. Dropping WMDs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki would up saving millions of Japanese lives.
No matter what Trump does, he is blah blah blah to left wing parrots who simply hate him.

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