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McCain's Flag Thread and Poll

How long should the WH Flag remain at half mast to honor democrat double agent Juan McCain?

  • 24 hours

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 48 hours

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • 72 hours

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Until Trump is Impeached

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Ask Uncle Vlad

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'm apoplectic that the flag was only lowered for 48 hours! IMPEACH!!!!

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
That is because the base commander is more respectful and smarter than Trump.
So lowering flags to half-mast makes someone smarter?
What other things make one smarter?

Calling people racists.

Misreading tweets and attacking Trump for something he didn't say.

Calling people Nazis.

Thinking Russia runs the country.

The list goes on ...
Are you lining up to replace Sarah Huckabee Sander when she leave because you sound just like her with that total bullshit comment. Or, to quote Giuliani, "truth isn't truth."
There's no "misreading his tweets" when they're about as clear as his 3rd grade mind can make them.
There are proud Nazis out there who brag about being one. And unless you are blind, he kowtowed to Putin on the international stage and took his side against this country. He was in a private meeting with him for two and a half hours where NO ONE ELSE was allowed to witness it. I can see what you would have said if Obama did that, or even GW Bush, or Reagan or any of the other presidents in the past decade. You would be screaming from the rooftops that they were traitors, but for some reason, when this man did it, you are silent. When he finally loses his usefulness for Putin, his ass will meet a painful end, just like all of the others Putin was finished with. But by then, this country will be under the rule of a real dictator and not the pathetic wannabe in the WH now.

If I was so wrong, then why did you recognize yourself so quickly?
Well, you make absolutely no sense.....as usual. I was replying to your inane comment about him. trump cultists can't see themselves as the brainwashed people they are. That's okay though because the majority of this country are smarter and recognize him for the pathetic, soulless unhinged, narcissist he is.
I'm older enough to remember when he could at least put a complete sentence together. He was still a narcissist, but was coherent. Not anymore. Some say he's got dementia, others say he's in the advanced stages of syphilis. Whatever it is, he's getting worse day by day and that should disturb his rabid followers. Unlike Reagan who had Nancy and his advisors to basically take over for him when he lost his mind, this one has alienated almost everyone who could help him and cover for him. And, Melania doesn't want anything to do with him. She is so repulsed by him that she can't even hide it in public. Not that i blame her. After all, he's humiliated her on the world stage. At least Ronnie adored Nancy and never would have done anything like that to her. And, Nancy adored him right up to the end. Theirs was a true love story.....unlike the trumps.

Well why did you vote for Trump then, moron? Stop blaming other people for your own actions
So the NFL kneels for that flag, ESPN won’t play the anthem and the left is fine with that. but the POTUS should be impeached because he followed protocol? How insane are these libtards?
Another lopsided poll misses the point.

Why does anyone need a political stance to honor combat vets

Americans simply don't , one either has respect, or is simply less the patriot

Maybe such fools should consider the source

Yeah, guess y'all missed that,huh!


What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin

The left is going to criticize whatever Trump does, that's a given. However, a lot of people on the right, especially veterans, were offended by Trump's overall behavior in the wake of McCain's death. I know, because I'm one of them. And mind you, as I've said several times, I personally couldn't stand McCain. He was my Senator, and I kept wishing his stupid ass would retire. But he was still a 6-term US Senator, and however much people want to quibble and argue about it, he was accepted as a bona fide war hero, and admired by many as such.

At some point, Trump - and you - have to accept that sometimes it's not "100% negative spin". Sometimes, Trump really is just a petty, childish jackass who could use some lessons in civilized, mature behavior. And this was one of them.
Sometimes he is/does.

A lot of times.

But trump control this or the WH staff?

Also if the left didnt make EVERYTHING negative, the real problems would be much more self evident.

Yes, Trump controls his own statements upon McCain's passing, and I'd be mightily surprised if whoever's in charge of protocol at the WH didn't at least have a 2-minute conversation with the President about how to handle the death of a 6-term sitting US Senator. I'm thinking that sort of event gets the guy penciled in on the date book. I have no idea why so many people persist in thinking flag protocol upon the death of a Senator is just some minor, daily minutiae handled by the janitor.

Btw, I'm pretty sure it's not the janitor who raises and lowers the flag at the WH, even on a normal day.
did i say it was the janitor? no - i said WH staff or whoever normally would do this i'm sure was doing it. i doubt very seriously that trump or obama or bush ever went out themselves to do it.

trump is trying, from what i understand, to stay out of it and let the family grieve. i saw a statement from trumps twitter account that was professional and respectful and all "the media" could do was mock that it couldn't be trump cause things were spelled correctly.

CNN went after the WH Press staff when they said trump didn't want to issue a statement because no matter what he would say the media would tear into it so please, talk about mccain. NO - CNN insisted on making it about trump OF WHICH trump was trying NOT to do.

so if you want to say i'm over here implying the janitor is taking care of things, that's on you as i *never* said that but you need to extreme this up for some reason and that's fine. i don't understand your reasons, at least not fully. so no, i won't return the favor and pass judgement and get cute back to you; that won't help anything now will it?

angry people just gotta be angry, so go ahead and let me know when you're done.
I see my comment was removed, but I still stand by it. Sunni is so in love with the traitor that there's nothing trump can do that would turn him against him, no matter how vile that is. I'll leave it at that because as vile as some of your comments are here, the mods apparently don't like someone who points out the truth of the cultists who worship trump. They wouldn't care if he was another Warren Jeffs, they'd still stand behind him.
And if trump did something you liked, youd still attack him.

Maybe she would, but you know I wouldn't. If I think he's right, I say so. If I think the left is being unreasonable and melodramatic, I shout it from the rooftops. But if I think he's wrong, I'm also going to say THAT.

In this case, he was wrong.
to you, he was. to many, he got too much as it is. this is what happens in a divided country. no one can be respectful to each other anymore and everything becomes weaponized. i wish they'd just change the flag protocol that it stays at 1/2 mast until burial and then be done with it and remove what seems to be upsetting people; but something tells me they'll just find something else to be upset about.

i think most of trumps feuds are stupid and self serving. but then i see CNN go after trump for shit like eating fried chicken, TWO SCOOPS of ice cream and shit so like i've said all along - when something comes up that trump does in fact get wrong, no one will notice because the media has made everything wrong.

well; here we are.
I wonder how the Trump supporters feel about Trump caving in to public pressure?
Can't this White House do the simplest things without screwing up? I can just picture them scurrying around all day investigating protocol and custom and blaming each other for what went wrong. I wonder if Sarah is doing a press briefing today.
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin
Pray for you president to grow a brain then!
that was slick man - lobbing out stupid insults that have zero to add to the conversation. you must be the envy of all who will one day be able to provide their own milk money.
You're missing the real irony here.... regressive's don't want flags flying in public at all...but now are upset that it wasn't flying half staff long enough.
You can't make this stuff up.
They are not flying a Confederate flag like they will for Crooked Donnie
So the NFL kneels for that flag, ESPN won’t play the anthem and the left is fine with that. but the POTUS should be impeached because he followed protocol? How insane are these libtards?
Shit, trump doesn’t even know what color the stripes on the flag are. He’s no longer in a position to tell others not to kneel for the flag.
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.

Until he is put in the ground.

Can't this White House do the simplest things without screwing up? I can just picture them scurrying around all day investigating protocol and custom and blaming each other for what went wrong. I wonder if Sarah is doing a press briefing today.
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin
Pray for you president to grow a brain then!
that was slick man - lobbing out stupid insults that have zero to add to the conversation. you must be the envy of all who will one day be able to provide their own milk money.
You are hilarious! The president consistantly fans the flames of impropriety, he will be in hot water all the time till he stops! Yes, I wish he would stop the stupid shit he is embarrasing the country!
The virtue signaling pissants on the left. The second you even engage them, is when you are playing into their game.

Same fucks that burn and wipe their asses with the flag, called Mccain every name under the book (of course a racist) are all of a sudden trying to convince us of what?

Meanwhile, we know they don't know nor care about the protocol in regards to OUR flag.

Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

The virtue signaling pissants on the left. The second you even engage them, is when you are playing into their game.

Same fucks that burn and wipe their asses with the flag, called Mccain every name under the book (of course a racist) are all of a sudden trying to convince us of what?

Meanwhile, we know they don't know nor care about the protocol in regards to OUR flag.

Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

Note the double standard you call out. NFL can't neal but you can dis an american hero. Go get bent! You respectr pussy grabbibg bone spur over true patriot. He got caught so he is not a hero is your argumewnt. Your side sais they support the military until the pig of a pres sais do not! So the people that died in battle and made the ultimate sacrifice are not heros because they did not complete thier mission. Take you double standards and shove them where the sun does not shine swine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The virtue signaling pissants on the left. The second you even engage them, is when you are playing into their game.

Same fucks that burn and wipe their asses with the flag, called Mccain every name under the book (of course a racist) are all of a sudden trying to convince us of what?

Meanwhile, we know they don't know nor care about the protocol in regards to OUR flag.

Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

Note the double standard you call out. NFL can't neal but you can dis an american hero. Go get bent! You respectr pussy grabbibg bone spur over true patriot. He got caught so he is not a hero is your argumewnt. Your side sais they support the military until the pig of a pres sais do not! So the people that died in battle and made the ultimate sacrifice are not heros because they did not complete thier mission. Take you double standards and shove them where the sun does not shine swine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice education you stupid simpleton fuck. You say I display double standards you miserable illiterate piece of shit?
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
If trump would have extended it theyd say hes just faking sympathy.

Fucking tired of 100% negative spin
Pray for you president to grow a brain then!
that was slick man - lobbing out stupid insults that have zero to add to the conversation. you must be the envy of all who will one day be able to provide their own milk money.
You are hilarious! The president consistantly fans the flames of impropriety, he will be in hot water all the time till he stops! Yes, I wish he would stop the stupid shit he is embarrasing the country!
whats more embarassing are the people who fall all over everything he does as if THIS ONE will be what gets him out of office.

but hey - you seem to need a hobby.
The virtue signaling pissants on the left. The second you even engage them, is when you are playing into their game.

Same fucks that burn and wipe their asses with the flag, called Mccain every name under the book (of course a racist) are all of a sudden trying to convince us of what?

Meanwhile, we know they don't know nor care about the protocol in regards to OUR flag.

Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

Note the double standard you call out. NFL can't neal but you can dis an american hero. Go get bent! You respectr pussy grabbibg bone spur over true patriot. He got caught so he is not a hero is your argumewnt. Your side sais they support the military until the pig of a pres sais do not! So the people that died in battle and made the ultimate sacrifice are not heros because they did not complete thier mission. Take you double standards and shove them where the sun does not shine swine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice education you stupid simpleton fuck. You say I display double standards you miserable illiterate piece of shit?
Blow me Owl all you got is bull shit!
The virtue signaling pissants on the left. The second you even engage them, is when you are playing into their game.

Same fucks that burn and wipe their asses with the flag, called Mccain every name under the book (of course a racist) are all of a sudden trying to convince us of what?

Meanwhile, we know they don't know nor care about the protocol in regards to OUR flag.

Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

Note the double standard you call out. NFL can't neal but you can dis an american hero. Go get bent! You respectr pussy grabbibg bone spur over true patriot. He got caught so he is not a hero is your argumewnt. Your side sais they support the military until the pig of a pres sais do not! So the people that died in battle and made the ultimate sacrifice are not heros because they did not complete thier mission. Take you double standards and shove them where the sun does not shine swine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice education you stupid simpleton fuck. You say I display double standards you miserable illiterate piece of shit?
Blow me Owl all you got is bull shit!

You lose, you fucking loser.
The virtue signaling pissants on the left. The second you even engage them, is when you are playing into their game.

Same fucks that burn and wipe their asses with the flag, called Mccain every name under the book (of course a racist) are all of a sudden trying to convince us of what?

Meanwhile, we know they don't know nor care about the protocol in regards to OUR flag.

Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

Note the double standard you call out. NFL can't neal but you can dis an american hero. Go get bent! You respectr pussy grabbibg bone spur over true patriot. He got caught so he is not a hero is your argumewnt. Your side sais they support the military until the pig of a pres sais do not! So the people that died in battle and made the ultimate sacrifice are not heros because they did not complete thier mission. Take you double standards and shove them where the sun does not shine swine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice education you stupid simpleton fuck. You say I display double standards you miserable illiterate piece of shit?
Blow me Owl all you got is bull shit!

You lose, you fucking loser.
I lose what? I piss you off to the point you can not think and I lose! You realy do live in a fantasy land don't you! Hate it when you lose the argument. You saw the double standard and are mad at your self not me! Keep acting like a child though!
Trump is a tyrant
He believes he decides whether America should honor his political enemies

Does he really think he is the first President to have a political opponent die?

Others handled it with the grace and dignity of the office of the President. Trump handled it like a petulant child

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