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McCain's Flag Thread and Poll

How long should the WH Flag remain at half mast to honor democrat double agent Juan McCain?

  • 24 hours

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 48 hours

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • 72 hours

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Until Trump is Impeached

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Ask Uncle Vlad

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'm apoplectic that the flag was only lowered for 48 hours! IMPEACH!!!!

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
If you honestly believe that, then you truly are a lost cause.
I'm just a loyal and patriotic American citizen who supports our beloved Pres. Trump who is both honest and forthright in leadership of his great nation. ..... :cool:
Like I said, a lost cause. Do you even listen to what he says and how he brags about himself almost nonstop and lies wit every breath he takes? Do you have kids? Do you even care that he's dismantling everything that will keep the environment safe for them to breath, and the water clean for them to drink? Do you even care that he wants to take protected lands so that the energy companies can frack on them and cause irreparable destruction? Oklahoma now has more quakes than California and it's because of all of the fracking being done there. Also, fracking puts poison into the ground and it filters into waterways and wells.
He only cares about the 1% and corporations and what they can do for him. His own people are turning against him at alarming rates and the walls are closing in on him.
Here's another question for you: If he eventually is found guilty of multiple felonies that require years of prison, and his cultist followers are told that they can do some prison time for him, would you be willing to go to prison for him so that he didn't have to? Are you that devoted? (and stupid?)
Holy shit we're all gonna die!
Go ahead, yuck it up, but it won't be so funny when there's no more clean water to drink or clean air to breathe. The storms are getting stronger and the weather is getting more violent. All of this has been proven as a direct result of climate change. I am lucky. i don't have any children or grandchildren i have to worry about for their future, so you would think I shouldn't give a damn about the environment, but I do. The waters are already coming closer to the coastal cities and destroying a lot of the coast lines. I'm in NC and there's pictures of Nags Head where several feet of the coast has been eroded by tides coming in closer to the shore. There's a shelf that drops several feet where the beach used to be. In Dorchester County Maryland, the water is taking over because it's moving in and people are having to raise their houses several feet, but eventually, they will be surrounded by water.
Watch the movie, Chasing Ice and then come back here and have a good laugh at what you think is a myth about climate change. Here's the thing, we are the parasites on this planet and we are killing it. Life as we know it won't be sustainable for very much longer, but here's also the beauty of it. After we are all gone, the earth will still be here and will rejuvenate itself. Mother Earth is better without us destroying her in every way we possibly can, and will be better off when all of us are gone. Hopefully, the next beings who eventually inhabit the earth will have a lot more respect for it than we did.
Okay, go ahead and laugh about this and do your usual denial, but science tells us different, and even people like you don't believe in science because it is part of the dreaded education that you hate, it is based on facts, whether you choose to believe it or not.

You really are a clueless moron. The land is sinking, not the water is rising! It's been that way forever!

When I lived in Virginia, they would replenish the sand on a beach known as "Sandbridge". Look at the name! Sand - bridge. They would spend millions of dollars dredging up sand, taking months to build up the beach. A Nor'easter or hurricane would pass by and undo all of their efforts in one night! This has happened for generations, not since global warming/climate change came into vogue. Man is a pissant compared to Mother Nature. To assume we have any impact is arrogant.
Go ahead, yuck it up, but it won't be so funny when there's no more clean water to drink or clean air to breathe.

I've done more to pollute our nations waterways than Trump has.

For almost 40 years I've been pissing over the side of the boat when I needed to take a piss while fishing. And YOU DRINK THAT WATER!! EWWW!!

Man should never drink water. Phish phuck in it!
Trumps view on military service :

Trump about himself “You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.” It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider... Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'
In a 1998 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump compared sex to going to battle in Vietnam and joked he should be getting the Congressional Medal of Honor.
What a horrible despicable man.

What part of "joke" do you not understand?
/—-/ Libs have no sense of humor. It’s been beaten out of them.
So the NFL kneels for that flag, ESPN won’t play the anthem and the left is fine with that. but the POTUS should be impeached because he followed protocol? How insane are these libtards?
Shit, trump doesn’t even know what color the stripes on the flag are. He’s no longer in a position to tell others not to kneel for the flag.

Why are you addressing comments to yourself?
John McCain forgave Vietnam for years of torture. He advocated returning diplomatic relations
Trump is a spoiled child who bears grudges for years


McCain was a pure trash shit stain on America.

With EVERY post you prove how utterly ignorant you are and how Anti-American, anti-Constitutional and how much you despise freedom and liberty.

John McCain Is the Perfect American Lie

The Real John McCain
Date: August 8, 2017Author: shieldwallnetwork

This article was written by JJ Paul McCartney who says:

For anyone who doesn’t know the real John McCain let me help you get to know
him. And remember this doesn’t even mention his traitorous acts while he was
a POW.

Okay, people…before John McCain dies and the ridiculous “tributes” to the man make me vomit, let’s remember what McCain’s real legacy is: His father was the Admiral in charge of the Pacific fleet prosecuting the war in
Vietnam Nam.

Because of this McCain got preferential treatment in the Navy. He was allowed to become a Navy pilot. But he was a terrible pilot.

McCain crashed two Navy Jets in his early career. Then while aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Forrestal, McCain got angry because he had to wait in line to take off on a bombing run.

He shut off his engines, opened the cockpit, and in his haste to exit the aircraft to chew someone out about his having to ” wait”, he hit the button that released his live bombs onto the deck of the Forrestal.

He took off running, as the bombs exploded, which set off a chain reaction of bombs from adjacent aircraft, and the ensuing explosions and fires killed 133 sailors aboard the Forrestal.

While his fellow sailors were fighting the fire, McCain went to the pilot’s lounge below decks and watched the men fight the fire on closed circuit TV.

Hours later, McCain took off with a New York Times reporter buddy of his, and went on to say that after seeing the effects of those bombs on the Forrestal, he was beginning to question the morality of dropping those bombs on the Viet Cong.

McCain was the direct cause of 133 deaths on his own ship, and was never reprimanded. He was nowhere to be found as the Forrestal had to limp to the Philippines for months of repair work.

McCain was married then. His wife was stricken with debilitating injuries in an automobile accident. And was hospitalized for more than 5 months. McCain was off gallivanting with anything in a skirt.

Upon returning from Vietnam Nam, McCain found his wife was disfigured by her injuries, which included a shattered pelvis, arm, and legs. In order to save her legs, doctors performed 23 surgeries on her, and had to remove significant portions of the bones in her legs, which left he shorter, and unable to walk, and in a wheelchair, she had to use a catheter.

McCain was disinterested in his first wife’s predicament. She had to go through grueling physical therapy to learn to walk again.

After McCain left the Navy, he was intent on a career in politics. He and His wife Carol had gotten to know Ronald and Nancy Reagan, and McCain was eager to jump into politics.

But he decided he needed a more visually pleasing young woman by his side. He callously divorced Carol, the mother of his three children, and
immediately jumped into the sack with new wife Cindy, who was 18 years

Upon learning of this, the Reagans were shocked and angered by how he had
treated Carol.

While campaigning for congress, McCain used pictures of himself posing with Mr. And Mrs. Reagan, but there was no hearty endorsement offered by the Reagans.

McCain’s new young wife was also an heiress to an Arizona Brewing fortune.
And let us not forget McCain was one of the Keating 5, who had helped swindle life savings from countless Americans in the Savings and Loan scandal of the 1980’s. McCain was in it up to his eyeballs.

Yet McCain was well-connected in Washington, and parlayed his connections into a seat in the United States Senate.

So before the tearful tributes to John McCain, be sure you remember the facts about this self-proclaimed Maverick. The facts do not agree with that portrait of a heroic patriot and great American.

With due respect to his family, John McCain was never the great man so many portray him as.

I do not wish the man any harm or ill-will. But neither should we allow this false narrative fairy-tale about this scoundrel of a man as he faces his eternal fate.

There is about 10% of the red text that is true. There is a video of the incident. Watch it and tell me everything about that account you just posted that are bald-faced lies.

McCain was not a saint, but you don't need to lie to justify your hatred.
So much ado. I am sure Trump thought about having some flag guy raise it, then lower it, cuz he is so bored sitting at that desk and all he does is look at his watch and the calendar on what maintenance guy does.

Really? So your defense of treating a decorated veteran and six-term Senator who passes away shabbily is to double down on the shabby treatment by relegating honoring him to "just maintenance work"? How about when he tweeted his condolences to the family without uttering a single word about McCain himself? Was that also just "because he's too important to be bothered"?

The more you try to defend this, the worse Trump looks.

He was wrong, and behaved badly. There is no combination of words that's going to make that not-true.
They hated each other. Expecting one of the two to just all of a sudden NOT hate each other is ridiculous. If the situation were reversed and McCain was the one still alive, do you really think he would drop his feelings for Trump? No. And you would be glad if he actually DID because any excuse to continue the same bullshit against a sitting POTUS is fine with you, especially if its Trump.
I wonder how the Trump supporters feel about Trump caving in to public pressure?
Can't this White House do the simplest things without screwing up? I can just picture them scurrying around all day investigating protocol and custom and blaming each other for what went wrong. I wonder if Sarah is doing a press briefing today.
What did they do wrong? They followed standard protocol n people went nuts.

Because they were so obviously BARELY following protocol, and coupled with Trump's repeated refusals to say anything about McCain's death beyond, "My condolences to the family", it looked really grudging and snotty and consequently, just about as rude and insulting as refusing to lower the flag at all would have been.
Really. I was NOT a fan of McCain these past years. But I also wished upon the family condolences. My dislike had nothing to do with them. It was towards McCain. Not his family.
Again, much ado about nothing and just more TDS by those that just can't stop their hatred.
Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

I don't know what she would have done.

I've always believed that the FBI investigations were used as a threat
against her, when she made statements that some of Zero's policies
had to go. Zero wasn't going to allow her to change his policies, and
he wanted her to see he still had in's with the FBI/DOJ.

Hillary and Hubby are both big-time capitalists. They are also big-time
elites, that wield a lot of power. I don't know how much things would
be different if she had won and changed his policies. We could be
seeing the same investigations if she had won the Presidency.

I would disagree with her, because she would have handed out more
crumbs to the minorities, but she would have still wanted to be a good
President. AND she could have been better than Obama.

Her problem was...Obama had the goods on her and she knew it. BUT,
she had shit on Zero also, It would have been interesting theater.

Zero is the culprit...always has been. Hillary always knew she had power
to fight him, but had to cater to him, to rid herself of the FBI.

Now she's a klutz and a bitch but she would have been twice the President
of the People that Obama ever was.

Most sensible people know EXACTLY what she would have done. She's even openly said so. Your confusion is baffling....or not.

She clearly stated she was FOR Open Borders (same as Angela Merkel in Germany, and Germany is now lost forever).
She clearly stated she was for raising taxes (well duh, more revenue for herself and her rich cronies that run the IRS)
She clearly stated that she would bring about drastic gun control (Like ALL good dictators do)

So your statement that she would have been "Twice the President of the people".....was that a joke? If not, you're another moron on the Democrat Plantation plain & simple.
What people? Surely you meant the Socialists/Communists people of America because she sure as fuck wasn't for the people I know or who value the US Constitution by ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION.

She would have been twice the President that Obama was.

She had her own mind but was trying to get elected and had to cower to
Obama. I know what she stood for but I also know she is a capitalist.
She would eventually have been like her Hubby and moved to the center.

If you think I'm on the democratic plantation you don't read many of
my posts.

My remarks were in reference to the state of the country. The FBI and Zero
in the background would have gone after her with the same intensity that they have gone after Trump if she had changed Obama's policies.

HRC doesn't give a shit about anybody but herself, but being a good president would have reflected on herself and she would have dumped
many of Zero's policies. Maybe not as many as Trump, but she ould
have gotten rid of them because she would know she couldn't better the
country following Zero's nonsense.
Under 4 U.S.C. § 7(m) and established traditions by Presidential proclamations, the flag of the United States is to be flown at half-staff on rare occasions, in the following circumstances:[59]

Trump followed protocol! IMPEACH HIM!!!!

On the day of death and the day after[61]for a Member of Congress.
Apparently, the correct time for Trump to lower the flag is when his base, the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, tell him that he is being disrespectful of the military.
So much ado. I am sure Trump thought about having some flag guy raise it, then lower it, cuz he is so bored sitting at that desk and all he does is look at his watch and the calendar on what maintenance guy does.

Really? So your defense of treating a decorated veteran and six-term Senator who passes away shabbily is to double down on the shabby treatment by relegating honoring him to "just maintenance work"? How about when he tweeted his condolences to the family without uttering a single word about McCain himself? Was that also just "because he's too important to be bothered"?

The more you try to defend this, the worse Trump looks.

He was wrong, and behaved badly. There is no combination of words that's going to make that not-true.

While I understand your attempt at trying to make Trump look diplomatic, that is the problem we have in this nation currently, denying reality.

The reality? McStain was a war criminal.

How am I trying to make Trump look diplomatic? He wasn't. I'm being pretty clear about that.

The reality? You're an asshole without a shred of class and civilization left from all the partisan hackery.
McCain should have resigned when he was diagnosed. Instead he hung on specifically to oppose the President. I can't say his memory is getting any thing more than what he is getting.

I don't think it was about Trump. The guy was always a spotlight whore. He wasn't capable of leaving any way but feet first, just like he did. Ginsberg is going to follow the same path

Well, let's be honest. Trump ain't exactly shy and retiring himself. Most politicians have a streak of narcissism in them.

Yes, as someone who actually lives in McCain's state, I was one of the first around here to say that he should have stepped down instead of clinging to his seat and depriving Arizona of full representation in the Senate. And don't even talk to me about his wife replacing him out of sentiment. :eusa_hand:

All that being said, AND keeping in mind that I disagreed with McCain politically quite often, AND that I didn't like the guy personally . . .

Trump was still wrong. And petty. And childish. And vindictive. For no reason whatsoever than his massive, hypersensitive ego, and at the cost of disgusting a good chunk of people who are neither far-left lunatics nor fanatical Trump supporters, but whose votes Trump needs on his side come November.

Trump was 100% wrong, both in terms of decent, civilized behavior and politically. And there is no amount of airy dismissal that's going to make it any less true.

Trump should have lowered the flag, I never argued otherwise

I just wish to God SOMEONE had his attention enough AND the stones to tell him when he's showing his ass in public. McCain's DEAD, for God's sake. That means you WON. You outlasted him.

Not only is all this unnecessary drama exhausting, it is the opposite of helpful when it comes to what really matters, which is holding onto the ability to keep implementing good policies.

I've been in management my whole career. I've always had to take the high road. I'd have not thought beyond half a second to just lower the flag and I'd have gone out and given a positive but vague statement about his life and that he fought for his own values.

But on the other hand, I don't really care. This is a pittance of what the two parties do to each other and their enemies. There is so much more in DC to be outraged about.

For example, Democrats right now are trying to invalidate and if possible overturn an election because the don't like the outcome. Democrats have fabricated an entire scenario that Trump is a racist by flat out misquoting and lying about what he's said. They're arguing the Russians picked the winner and own Trump.

I would have just lowered the flag in the first place, but I'm glad we FINALLY have a Republican fighting back against the malignant left and the useless establishment Republicans who endlessly undercut any Republican who tries to fight back even if he doesn't know when to stop

Fighting back is great. Fighting everything, for no good purpose and to the detriment of the ultimate goal, is fucking stupid.
McCain should have resigned when he was diagnosed. Instead he hung on specifically to oppose the President. I can't say his memory is getting any thing more than what he is getting.

I don't think it was about Trump. The guy was always a spotlight whore. He wasn't capable of leaving any way but feet first, just like he did. Ginsberg is going to follow the same path

Well, let's be honest. Trump ain't exactly shy and retiring himself. Most politicians have a streak of narcissism in them.

Yes, as someone who actually lives in McCain's state, I was one of the first around here to say that he should have stepped down instead of clinging to his seat and depriving Arizona of full representation in the Senate. And don't even talk to me about his wife replacing him out of sentiment. :eusa_hand:

All that being said, AND keeping in mind that I disagreed with McCain politically quite often, AND that I didn't like the guy personally . . .

Trump was still wrong. And petty. And childish. And vindictive. For no reason whatsoever than his massive, hypersensitive ego, and at the cost of disgusting a good chunk of people who are neither far-left lunatics nor fanatical Trump supporters, but whose votes Trump needs on his side come November.

Trump was 100% wrong, both in terms of decent, civilized behavior and politically. And there is no amount of airy dismissal that's going to make it any less true.

Trump should have lowered the flag, I never argued otherwise
He did.

I think she means in the first place and kept it there for the mandatory period

He should have spent five seconds to look past his own towering and fragile ego to the long view, and then made the very slight effort to look like a mature and gracious adult instead of a spiteful child.
I don't think it was about Trump. The guy was always a spotlight whore. He wasn't capable of leaving any way but feet first, just like he did. Ginsberg is going to follow the same path

Well, let's be honest. Trump ain't exactly shy and retiring himself. Most politicians have a streak of narcissism in them.

Yes, as someone who actually lives in McCain's state, I was one of the first around here to say that he should have stepped down instead of clinging to his seat and depriving Arizona of full representation in the Senate. And don't even talk to me about his wife replacing him out of sentiment. :eusa_hand:

All that being said, AND keeping in mind that I disagreed with McCain politically quite often, AND that I didn't like the guy personally . . .

Trump was still wrong. And petty. And childish. And vindictive. For no reason whatsoever than his massive, hypersensitive ego, and at the cost of disgusting a good chunk of people who are neither far-left lunatics nor fanatical Trump supporters, but whose votes Trump needs on his side come November.

Trump was 100% wrong, both in terms of decent, civilized behavior and politically. And there is no amount of airy dismissal that's going to make it any less true.

Trump should have lowered the flag, I never argued otherwise
He did.

Yeah, AFTER making a big show of being unnecessarily disrespectful in the eyes of far too many voters. Contrary to the opinions of the political addicts on both sides of the aisle, the nation isn't just pro-Trump and anti-Trump. There are a whole bunch of people in the middle who don't pay a great deal of attention to politics generally, whose votes we need. And in their eyes, Trump came off very badly, and there's no amount of excuse-making that's going to change that.

I, for one, do NOT want to live with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or any of the rest of her noxious brigade, in charge after November. And if that happens, there's no amount of "Well, well, well, Trump was TECHNICALLY correct!" that's gonna make up for it.

The people who hate Trump still hate him, the people who don't hate Trump still don't. In the scheme of things, this makes no difference than Trump using the wrong fork to eat his salad.

Frankly the leftist media going on about this is less of a deal than what they would be going on about had Trump not done it. They'd be screaming about Cohen and fabricated felonies

Actually, it makes a lot more difference. This just in: there are more people in this country than just those who love Trump and those who hate him. And THOSE people found this whole episode offensive and distasteful, and for what? Exactly what the fuck was accomplished for all this?
First, our Progressive friends were apoplectic that the White House Flag wasn't lowered to honor Juan McCain, then, finding out they got self-pwned, they're double shot of apoplectic that it was only lowered for 48 hours.

What's the magical correct flag lowered time to get Progressive sane again?

Multi choice available.
I think Trump should treat John McCain the way McCain treated Trump.

Because that will accomplish what? In what way is that going to make the US a better place?
I don't think it was about Trump. The guy was always a spotlight whore. He wasn't capable of leaving any way but feet first, just like he did. Ginsberg is going to follow the same path

Well, let's be honest. Trump ain't exactly shy and retiring himself. Most politicians have a streak of narcissism in them.

Yes, as someone who actually lives in McCain's state, I was one of the first around here to say that he should have stepped down instead of clinging to his seat and depriving Arizona of full representation in the Senate. And don't even talk to me about his wife replacing him out of sentiment. :eusa_hand:

All that being said, AND keeping in mind that I disagreed with McCain politically quite often, AND that I didn't like the guy personally . . .

Trump was still wrong. And petty. And childish. And vindictive. For no reason whatsoever than his massive, hypersensitive ego, and at the cost of disgusting a good chunk of people who are neither far-left lunatics nor fanatical Trump supporters, but whose votes Trump needs on his side come November.

Trump was 100% wrong, both in terms of decent, civilized behavior and politically. And there is no amount of airy dismissal that's going to make it any less true.

Trump should have lowered the flag, I never argued otherwise
He did.

I think she means in the first place and kept it there for the mandatory period

He should have spent five seconds to look past his own towering and fragile ego to the long view, and then made the very slight effort to look like a mature and gracious adult instead of a spiteful child.
He would have looked like a hypocrite. The.same leftists would still be screaming about how awful Trump is.

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