McCarthy concession underscores his own weakness

Personally, I’m enjoying the shitshow. Seriously.

McCarthy’s weakness stands exposed and constitutes the very reason there is a fight over the speakership this time. A portion of the GOP is vigorously standing-up to the status quo.

Fuck a red wave. I want meaningful change. Therefore, this shitshow isn’t just entertainment, it’s good news.
It might do the right some good if you quit calling people anti-American. It makes you look childish and crazy.
if the shoe fits buddy. I'd love to hear you tell us how your party qualifies as America lovers. go on...give it a shot.
They don't want to reward the douchebag who helped turn what should have been a rout into a squeaker.

Failing up is for demoncrats.
Nah, I believe that's just your hyperbolic self. Seems Dems came to play during midterms and the GOP & magaturds underestimated the power of their populism. Now their asses are hanging out. That's what I believe.
Nah, I believe that's just your hyperbolic self. Seems Dems came to play during midterms and the GOP & magaturds underestimated the power of their populism. Now their asses are hanging out. That's what I believe.
You can believe whatever you want....Fact is that both McCarthy and McTurtle kneecappped candidates who could've won.

Fuck McCarthy.
if the shoe fits buddy. I'd love to hear you tell us how your party qualifies as America lovers. go on...give it a shot.
Sorry BooBoo. If you're crazy enough to make that accusation, you're not worth the effort. You seem to enjoy sounding childish and crazy.
I can't stand Beck but he's right on this:

The Speaker of the House has enormous power over the process, so if he just wants to uphold the status quo, good luck getting anything meaningful passed.

When a bill is proposed, the speaker sends it to a committee, but if that committee is run by people with an opposing ideological agenda, the bill dies there, Beck says.

Even if the bill survives, the committee then sends it to the House Rules Committee. But, again, if those on the committee oppose it politically, it goes no farther. “But, if it's something Progressives really, really want and it's unconstitutional, it doesn’t matter,” Beck says.

If, somehow, the bill is approved by the Rules Committee, it is then sent back to the Speaker.

It is at this point that Speakers have been abusing their power to prevent debate on the bill and force a vote before House members have had a chance to read it, Beck explains:

“The speaker is supposed to put it onto a calendar, so it can be debated on the floor.
“When was the last time you saw them debate anything? They haven’t been debating anything – because the Speaker has been circumventing this and printed it up, at the very last minute, given it right to Congress so they can vote on it, many times without reading it.
“This is how the Swamp is ruling our country right now. This is how they represent themselves and not you and me.”
“So, what are they asking for?” Beck asks, rhetorically, before laying out the changes the 21 Republican hold-outs against McCarthy are demanding:

“They are asking that they can have a few members on these committees, this one and this one, to make sure that, maybe, somebody who likes the Constitution, is in those rooms. And, then, that the speaker put it on a calendar, so it can be read and debated before the vote.”

Conservatives are sick and tired of this process. Put in dems you get stinkeen dem run gov't
Put in repunks you still get STINKEEN dem run gov't. ENOUGH.
If they are secret how do you know? That's the second time you made that claim.
If I name my source, it won't continue to be my source. You don't want to believe it? So don't believe it.

If this story is factually accurate, it seems like an incredibly stupid concession for any prospective Speaker to make.

And if he’s that willing to cave just to get the spot, he is unlikely to be much of a force AS speaker down the road.
The republic party encourage this type of stupidity for years, why is anyone surprised by this clown car action.
Personally, I’m enjoying the shitshow. Seriously.

McCarthy’s weakness stands exposed and constitutes the very reason there is a fight over the speakership this time. A portion of the GOP is vigorously standing-up to the status quo.

Fuck a red wave. I want meaningful change. Therefore, this shitshow isn’t just entertainment, it’s good news.
What if they fuck around and nominate Jeffries? :auiqs.jpg: Wouldn't you flip out?
The republic party encourage this type of stupidity for years, why is anyone surprised by this clown car action.
dems are always buying off others.and paying themselves. You got no room to talk.
why would dems just move the wife of a dead democrat politician into his seat?
The republic party encourage this type of stupidity for years, why is anyone surprised by this clown car action.
I’m happy it’s happening. Time for a change. And you gots ta crack a few eggs to make an omelette!

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