McCarthy to release ALL Capitol Footage.


Ah, that "bitch" part seems a tad whiney & screechy, but......but it's the internet. So no harm, no foul.

But, the good poster Oddball, and for that matter poster WeGo (see quote below) think that much sinister stuff is hidden in the videos and the right people haven't been identified.

OK, I acknowledge they are complaining. However, for them, and anybody else who is interested in fingering the bad guys, well, try Sedition Hunters. For example, in the link below is a sheet of perp pics of the J6 insurrectionists.

Scan through it and see if you recognize any family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, or simply the neighborhood RWNJ crank. Do that and you may not have to sit down and watch 4,000 hours of video.

Note: Can we speculate that 3,900+ of those hours depict empty hallways or staffers scurrying for a loo leak after their last cup of morning joe?

Dems are a bit to ardent about not releasing those vids.
If there was nothing to see they would have released them.

Ah, that "bitch" part seems a tad whiney & screechy, but......but it's the internet. So no harm, no foul.

But, the good poster Oddball, and for that matter poster WeGo (see quote below) think that much sinister stuff is hidden in the videos and the right people haven't been identified.

OK, I acknowledge they are complaining. However, for them, and anybody else who is interested in fingering the bad guys, well, try Sedition Hunters. For example, in the link below is a sheet of perp pics of the J6 insurrectionists.

Scan through it and see if you recognize any family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, or simply the neighborhood RWNJ crank. Do that and you may not have to sit down and watch 4,000 hours of video.

Note: Can we speculate that 3,900+ of those hours depict empty hallways or staffers scurrying for a loo leak after their last cup of morning joe?

bring it, bitch
"bring it, bitch"

Oooops, my bad. I guess.

Did that perp-sheet from Sedition Hunters embarrass poor poster Oddball?

If it did in fact do that.....well, that is regrettable, I imagine.
It certainly was not intended.
There was no way for my avatar to know who or how many of those perps may cause personal embarrassment to any on this gossipboard. ;)
"Dems are a bit to ardent about not releasing those vids."

If good poster HereWe wants to peruse shiny pictures....well, OK.
Go back up and click that link to Sedition Hunters's Perp Sheet.

And I was serious, poster
HereWe, if your family or friends or for that matter, you ......are depicted in that Perp Sheet, that is regrettable. As I most certainly did not intend to embarrass you or your family.

Ah, that "bitch" part seems a tad whiney & screechy, but......but it's the internet. So no harm, no foul.

But, the good poster Oddball, and for that matter poster WeGo (see quote below) think that much sinister stuff is hidden in the videos and the right people haven't been identified.

OK, I acknowledge they are complaining. However, for them, and anybody else who is interested in fingering the bad guys, well, try Sedition Hunters. For example, in the link below is a sheet of perp pics of the J6 insurrectionists.

Scan through it and see if you recognize any family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, or simply the neighborhood RWNJ crank. Do that and you may not have to sit down and watch 4,000 hours of video.

Note: Can we speculate that 3,900+ of those hours depict empty hallways or staffers scurrying for a loo leak after their last cup of morning joe?

Then release it all and let the chips fall where they may, bitch.
If good poster HereWe wants to peruse shiny pictures....well, OK.
Go back up and click that link to Sedition Hunters's Perp Sheet.

And I was serious, poster
HereWe, if your family or friends or for that matter, you ......are depicted in that Perp Sheet, that is regrettable. As I most certainly did not intend to embarrass you or your family.

Lame post.
I did however see you.

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