McConaughey's Eco-Lighting: Handy Hobby


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will consumerism and media alter the way we conceive of pseudo-socialism bazaars?

It seems media-access is reorienting our conception of propaganda-broadcasting (e.g., The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation)!

Will 'TrumpUSA' be labelled as a new age Rome?



American actor/celebrity Matthew McConaughey had come a long way since making the hip cult-favorite 1970s high school culture-diorama film Dazed and Confused (co-starring Ben Affleck and Jason London). McConaughey had gone on to make the politically-provocative racism-film A Time to Kill (co-starring Samuel L. Jackson), the lauded Sagan-adapted sci-fi modern-classic Contact (co-starring Jodie Foster), and the hyped Scorsese film The Wolf of Wall Street (co-starring Leo DiCaprio). McConaughey was now interested in eco-activism and was turned onto the Home Depot hardware store-franchise's marketing of energy-efficient (eco-friendly) fluorescent light-bulbs. McConaughey built an eco-themed tree-house complete with all bright blue-colored fluorescent light bulbs in the summer of 2018.


Americans under 'TrumpUSA' were interested in issues as varied as global petroleum sales, toys, fast-food, intellectual property, computers, terrorism in the Middle East, Wall Street, narcotics-politics, and biochemical warfare dangers. Donald Trump, a capitalism-baron, was the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan, but his critics feared he'd give the world something as 'regrettable' as Reaganomics --- 'Trumponomics.' Yes, Trumponomics was about inflated confidence (and borderline-arrogance) about consumerism based politics/governance. What would Trump say about the political symbolism of an American media-celebrity such as Matt McConaughey hyping eco-friendly habitable tree-houses with energy-efficient fluorescent light-bulbs? Would Trump condone such a 'hobby-based' propaganda presentation? Would it be compatible with TrumpUSA?


Americans love entertainment and amusement parks, and crowds flocked to the Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom amusement parks in the summer of 2018. Revellers enjoyed water-slides and pools and candies and friendship under the summer sky, while the EPA negotiated with the Trump Administration regarding symbolic/valuable treaties regarding the handling of industrialization-related toxic-waste and the growing criticisms of global warming. McConaughey's eco-lit tree-house suddenly became a 'hot relic' for politicians to grab. McConaughey decided to make a trip to Dorney with his girlfriend Camila to celebrate!


After much consideration, President Trump decided to invite McConaughey to the White House for a summer game of Monopoly, the iconic Parker Brothers real-estate capitalism-fantasy board-game which was now a popular iPhone video-game app(!). Trump and Matt played Monopoly for 3 hours, and finally, Trump won (with just $1000 ahead in the bank-tally). McConaughey was upset, but he was happy to chat with the American President about society's new age fascination with turning politics-propaganda into a commerce and consumerism-friendly 'hobby.' Trump wondered why Americans seemed so darn hypnotized by the generic concept of 'celebrity.' Was it all...ornamentation?


Conservative Christians were wary that celebrity-obsession was clouding politics with entertainment and vanity. They protested in front of the White House, declaring that the dangerous Harlot of Babylon was about to see her dominion on Earth come to fruition, as men were consistently seduced by the lure of capitalism-vanities. Trump was busy working on an OPEC negotiation regarding the establishment of a Burger King fast-food restaurant in politically-challenged Afghanistan. McConaughey's girlfriend Camila suggested that Matt work closely with The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (an eco-activism group founded by the celebrity who affords his name).


McConaughey decided to invest in IBM (the immensely-lucrative American computer powerhouse company whose influence preceded the new age cultural impact of Apple and Microsoft and Intel). Matt believed the intellectual symbolism of IBM reflected the modernism imagination of his eco-lit summer tree-house (since computers represented advanced engineering!). What would Trump make of all this pedestrian aesthetics? Would he care about the common-man or would he turn into another Reagan?


GOD: Matt McConaughey is a media role-model.
SATAN: President Trump is a commerce diplomat!
GOD: Who is more representative of modern society?
SATAN: I think they both symbolize consumerism in some way...
GOD: Media has changed the way we conceive of social dialogue.
SATAN: Yes, politics is more pedestrianism-friendly.
GOD: We have to be extra-wary of media-scandals.
SATAN: Yes, the Clinton-Lewinsky sex-scandal damaged the American rubric.
GOD: True; Clinton was a major populism advocate before 'falling.'
SATAN: Perhaps 'TrumpUSA' can resurrect some media optimism.
GOD: Maybe McConaughey will run for Senate/Congress...
SATAN: It's not inconceivable; let's watch The Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix!
GOD: It seems politics and prose have become linked and...hobbies.
SATAN: I love collecting 'consumerism relics' (e.g., Happy Meal toys).
GOD: Will eco-lighting become a 'socially beneficial' pedestrian 'hobby'?
SATAN: In time...




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