McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

51% of America wants Rump removed from office. Up from a couple of months ago at 45%. Even if he isn't removed (most likely outcome) he's dead in the water in November. Especially with the Bolton Book being published that makes the Republicans in Congress look like a bunch of Traitors. And doesn't do Rump any favors either. Rump is Roast Rump in November. He's getting ready to feel what Hillary felt when that idjit from the FBI ran his mouth days before the election.
If you say so. I'm not good at predictions.

You have to admit it was just a matter of time before the Circus had to leave town. The Carnies just get too crazy if left in one spot too long. And they found the disappearing midjit. Now the Fat Lady can sit down.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

I don't know about you but we've been losing for quite some time now regardless of which party is in power. The worst thing that can happen is when on party controls all 3. Then we get to see some real "Here Hold My Beer" moves that aren't good for any country.
It's pretty frustrating. I agree, what I don't want is either of these whacked-out tribes to have all three branches, for sure. But then, because neither group of children is allowed to play with the other group of children, we end up in an ugly deadlock where no issues are addressed, no problems are solved, we just sit here and decay.

What I want to see is the communication, collaboration and innovation that gave us our Constitution. But we have simply lost that capacity. We can't do it. I guess it's like a muscle - use it or lose it.

I've said it before. Step one, destroy the party of the Rump. That pretty well wounds the Republican Party where they will have troubles winning in anything blue or swing. Don't worry about the Dem Party. It's broken as well but you have to completely destroy one or the other before the party is forced to rebuild in a healthy way. The Republican Party is the most broke and is pretty well destroying itself at a national level. Once you rebuild the Republican Party then the Democrat Party is going to go into the same dry spell that the Republicans experienced during the rebuild. If the Republicans start right now, today, they can have the rebuild done by as early as November of 2020 or 2024 at the latest. If not, then they are looking at some sorry years and won't have a ghost of a chance until no earlier than 2028. In the meantime, we end up with whatever crackpot the Dems wish to throw at us.

Step one, you have to rebuild from nothing first. And by Nov 2nd 2020, the Republican National Party will have pretty much reached that point. The good news is, there are 4 Presidential Republican Candidates that would win hands down in November 2020 if given the chance. Unfortunately, the party of the Rump would first have to get the hell out of the way and that just won't happen. Rump would rather take the ship down with the Captain and the Party of the Rumpers will gleefully go down with the Captain while burning the dock.
51% of America wants Rump removed from office. Up from a couple of months ago at 45%. Even if he isn't removed (most likely outcome) he's dead in the water in November. Especially with the Bolton Book being published that makes the Republicans in Congress look like a bunch of Traitors. And doesn't do Rump any favors either. Rump is Roast Rump in November. He's getting ready to feel what Hillary felt when that idjit from the FBI ran his mouth days before the election.
If you say so. I'm not good at predictions.

You have to admit it was just a matter of time before the Circus had to leave town. The Carnies just get too crazy if left in one spot too long. And they found the disappearing midjit. Now the Fat Lady can sit down.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

I don't know about you but we've been losing for quite some time now regardless of which party is in power. The worst thing that can happen is when on party controls all 3. Then we get to see some real "Here Hold My Beer" moves that aren't good for any country.
It's pretty frustrating. I agree, what I don't want is either of these whacked-out tribes to have all three branches, for sure. But then, because neither group of children is allowed to play with the other group of children, we end up in an ugly deadlock where no issues are addressed, no problems are solved, we just sit here and decay.

What I want to see is the communication, collaboration and innovation that gave us our Constitution.

The Founders had a singular purpose. That is not the current circumstance.
If you say so. I'm not good at predictions.

You have to admit it was just a matter of time before the Circus had to leave town. The Carnies just get too crazy if left in one spot too long. And they found the disappearing midjit. Now the Fat Lady can sit down.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

I don't know about you but we've been losing for quite some time now regardless of which party is in power. The worst thing that can happen is when on party controls all 3. Then we get to see some real "Here Hold My Beer" moves that aren't good for any country.
It's pretty frustrating. I agree, what I don't want is either of these whacked-out tribes to have all three branches, for sure. But then, because neither group of children is allowed to play with the other group of children, we end up in an ugly deadlock where no issues are addressed, no problems are solved, we just sit here and decay.

What I want to see is the communication, collaboration and innovation that gave us our Constitution. But we have simply lost that capacity. We can't do it. I guess it's like a muscle - use it or lose it.

I've said it before. Step one, destroy the party of the Rump. That pretty well wounds the Republican Party where they will have troubles winning in anything blue or swing. Don't worry about the Dem Party. It's broken as well but you have to completely destroy one or the other before the party is forced to rebuild in a healthy way. The Republican Party is the most broke and is pretty well destroying itself at a national level. Once you rebuild the Republican Party then the Democrat Party is going to go into the same dry spell that the Republicans experienced during the rebuild. If the Republicans start right now, today, they can have the rebuild done by as early as November of 2020 or 2024 at the latest. If not, then they are looking at some sorry years and won't have a ghost of a chance until no earlier than 2028. In the meantime, we end up with whatever crackpot the Dems wish to throw at us.

Step one, you have to rebuild from nothing first. And by Nov 2nd 2020, the Republican National Party will have pretty much reached that point. The good news is, there are 4 Presidential Republican Candidates that would win hands down in November 2020 if given the chance. Unfortunately, the party of the Rump would first have to get the hell out of the way and that just won't happen. Rump would rather take the ship down with the Captain and the Party of the Rumpers will gleefully go down with the Captain while burning the dock.
If Trump loses in November, the party will have a shitload of decisions to make. Okay, it got its primal scream out, but now what? I sure as hell could end up being wrong here, but he is a one-off. They're not going to be able to replace him with something similar, another human cartoon character. So NOW what?

Right after Trump was elected, I expressed the concern that his term(s) would be so whacked out and polarizing that the Democrats would respond by going just as nuts. Wild, uncontrollable swings back and forth, from one fucked up extreme to the other. It looks like that's one (1) prediction I may have nailed.
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You have to admit it was just a matter of time before the Circus had to leave town. The Carnies just get too crazy if left in one spot too long. And they found the disappearing midjit. Now the Fat Lady can sit down.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

I don't know about you but we've been losing for quite some time now regardless of which party is in power. The worst thing that can happen is when on party controls all 3. Then we get to see some real "Here Hold My Beer" moves that aren't good for any country.
It's pretty frustrating. I agree, what I don't want is either of these whacked-out tribes to have all three branches, for sure. But then, because neither group of children is allowed to play with the other group of children, we end up in an ugly deadlock where no issues are addressed, no problems are solved, we just sit here and decay.

What I want to see is the communication, collaboration and innovation that gave us our Constitution. But we have simply lost that capacity. We can't do it. I guess it's like a muscle - use it or lose it.

I've said it before. Step one, destroy the party of the Rump. That pretty well wounds the Republican Party where they will have troubles winning in anything blue or swing. Don't worry about the Dem Party. It's broken as well but you have to completely destroy one or the other before the party is forced to rebuild in a healthy way. The Republican Party is the most broke and is pretty well destroying itself at a national level. Once you rebuild the Republican Party then the Democrat Party is going to go into the same dry spell that the Republicans experienced during the rebuild. If the Republicans start right now, today, they can have the rebuild done by as early as November of 2020 or 2024 at the latest. If not, then they are looking at some sorry years and won't have a ghost of a chance until no earlier than 2028. In the meantime, we end up with whatever crackpot the Dems wish to throw at us.

Step one, you have to rebuild from nothing first. And by Nov 2nd 2020, the Republican National Party will have pretty much reached that point. The good news is, there are 4 Presidential Republican Candidates that would win hands down in November 2020 if given the chance. Unfortunately, the party of the Rump would first have to get the hell out of the way and that just won't happen. Rump would rather take the ship down with the Captain and the Party of the Rumpers will gleefully go down with the Captain while burning the dock.
If Trump loses in November, the party will have a shitload of decisions to make. Okay, it got its primal scream out, but now what? I sure as hell could end up being wrong here, but he is a one-off. They're not going to be able to replace him with something similar, a human cartoon character. So NOW what?

Right after Trump was elected, I expressed the concern that his term(s) would be so whacked out and polarizing that the Democrats would respond by going just as nuts. Wild, uncontrollable swings back and forth, from one fucked up extreme to the other. It looks like that's one (1) prediction I may have nailed.

You nailed it. I thought the same thing. There are a number of really decent Democrats that would do a great job but aren't considered by the old white guys in the back room. Same goes for the Republicans. But as of November 2, the Republicans have the chance to reform and take a good hard look at those good Candidates for 2024. Let's face it, no matter what (even if rump wins) from 2021 to 2025 it's going to be a real train wreck no matter who wins.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
We agree...on both sides..without favor...without Executive privilege or loud crocodile concerns about national security.

All of the bandage off..but the end of the day..Biden..or Clinton..or not on trial here...Trump is.
This thing's been a circus from day one. Why stop now? It only takes a few right questions to the right people to open up brand new investigations and special prosecutors. I could see Biden stumbling through the campaign being dogged by things he'd much rather be left alone.

I wonder if the witnesses the Democrats call for can just refuse to testify? I wonder if Trump can stop them if they wanted to testify? After all, Joe said he won't comply. What can they do to him if he doesn't?

I suppose they could take Joe to court, and get a ruling in a year or two.

That's the remedy. Keep the trial going until the democrat senators running for reelection start putting pressure on him to testify or tell McConnell that they'll vote for acquittal just to end it.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
The key will be independent voters. Will they hold Republicans accountable for a cover up?

Or will they hold the democrats responsible for turning impeachment into a partisan circus? BTW, if you know about it, it's not a cover-up.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
Great, then get Impeached Trump up there too.

Even impeached Bubba didn't have to appear before the Senate, so you'll never get to watch Trump testify under oath. At best, you'll maybe get to hear a few quotes from a written deposition that somebody leaked.
Nothing Bolton might say will convince 20 Republican senators to vote for conviction.

Oh, I agree to that one. But what it might do is to convince those 20 to go for censure and I am sure that the Dems will go for that for the Win.
No, all it will do is give the Democrats a venue for attacking the President without accomplishing anything for the American people. It would also prevent Warren and Sanders from campinging, pretty much giving Biden a free ride to the nomination.

You obviosly have last weeks score card. Things sure do change fast these days. I suggest that the Senate Republicans settle for Censure to save their own careers.

That would be a piss poor bit of advice...for republicans anyhow. The Republican base is much more loyal to Trump than to any fact any Senator you may care to mention us probably viewed somewhat suspicious already for a Trump voters. And in this party trump voters are all that matter.

So you will slink away with nothing. Just embarrassment at total, abject failure.

Rump is finished. With his passing are you willing to have the name of the Republican Party pass with him? Or are you willing to burn everything to the ground.

You people always use the same playbook. That same prediction was made in 2016 about Trump destroying the GOP. The warnings came both from inside the Republican Party and the oh-so-concerned Democrat/media machine.
You found that just wanting it really really bad wasn’t enough to warp reality. You’ll find it true again this time.
The only real question is who succeeds Trump in 2025.
Bolton is going to blow up in the dems faces so bad and it’s going to be glorious lol
Fine, then post this source of yours where the claim was made. You are making it all up. You know Trump is popular wherever he goes and people can't wait until the next election.

I don't need to prove it. You are making the claim that Rump is popular wherever he goes and people can't wait until the next election. I will give you that people can't wait for the next election. I know I can't and in some cases, I might barely qualify as people. But the part about how popular Rump is, that you are going to have to prove. And they only way for you to prove that will be Nov 2, 2020.
I work with both sides of the fence and non-Liberals are voting for Trump.

Do you mean ALL non-Liberals? Every one of them? Did you ask ever one of them? Before you make that statement, go ask every one of them. Until then, I'll wait.................still waiting................
8/10 non-Liberals are voting for Trump.
It’s the economy.
By the way, I will probably never vote for President again after Trump finishes his 2nd term because both parties consist of Globalist scum.

Hey, I can play, right?

8/10 Martians are voting for Dumlac for President. 4/5 of Jupertians are voting for Guplas for President. The Lillypad faction is voting for the Candyman. And the people that want to breath are all voting for Nader. How do I know this? I just made them up. Just like you did.
I suggest you get out of your chair and meet people.
I happen to be in a profession where I meet many people in different neighborhoods.
No...Trump is promoted as the most polarizing President of historical histories. He's got the sarcastic heart of a Prog. And it is refreshing for a Republican. And needed in these times in which the real haters are the ones who keep piling it on and do not even realize it or were just to spoiled for decades and now do not like being on the receiving end of their vile attacks on anyone that does not agree with them. And you still have not learned a damn thing.
I've learned quite a bit. I've learned Trump was right on the money with his "Fifth Avenue" comment, since you guys prove it every day.

51% of America wants Rump removed from office. Up from a couple of months ago at 45%. Even if he isn't removed (most likely outcome) he's dead in the water in November. Especially with the Bolton Book being published that makes the Republicans in Congress look like a bunch of Traitors. And doesn't do Rump any favors either. Rump is Roast Rump in November. He's getting ready to feel what Hillary felt when that idjit from the FBI ran his mouth days before the election.
If you say so. I'm not good at predictions.

You have to admit it was just a matter of time before the Circus had to leave town. The Carnies just get too crazy if left in one spot too long. And they found the disappearing midjit. Now the Fat Lady can sit down.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

If you did underestimate it then you weren’t listening. “And your not listening still”. It hasn’t been assuaged by impeachment certainly or three years of elites attacking. Trump is the most rational response you can hope for from a patient people pushed to their limits.
I don't need to prove it. You are making the claim that Rump is popular wherever he goes and people can't wait until the next election. I will give you that people can't wait for the next election. I know I can't and in some cases, I might barely qualify as people. But the part about how popular Rump is, that you are going to have to prove. And they only way for you to prove that will be Nov 2, 2020.
I work with both sides of the fence and non-Liberals are voting for Trump.

Do you mean ALL non-Liberals? Every one of them? Did you ask ever one of them? Before you make that statement, go ask every one of them. Until then, I'll wait.................still waiting................
8/10 non-Liberals are voting for Trump.
It’s the economy.
By the way, I will probably never vote for President again after Trump finishes his 2nd term because both parties consist of Globalist scum.

Hey, I can play, right?

8/10 Martians are voting for Dumlac for President. 4/5 of Jupertians are voting for Guplas for President. The Lillypad faction is voting for the Candyman. And the people that want to breath are all voting for Nader. How do I know this? I just made them up. Just like you did.
I suggest you get out of your chair and meet people.
I happen to be in a profession where I meet many people in different neighborhoods.

If CNN didn’t say it then he doesn’t know it.
Please finish our work for us. We are feckless but if you don’t do our job for us then you are racist.
I've learned quite a bit. I've learned Trump was right on the money with his "Fifth Avenue" comment, since you guys prove it every day.

51% of America wants Rump removed from office. Up from a couple of months ago at 45%. Even if he isn't removed (most likely outcome) he's dead in the water in November. Especially with the Bolton Book being published that makes the Republicans in Congress look like a bunch of Traitors. And doesn't do Rump any favors either. Rump is Roast Rump in November. He's getting ready to feel what Hillary felt when that idjit from the FBI ran his mouth days before the election.
If you say so. I'm not good at predictions.

You have to admit it was just a matter of time before the Circus had to leave town. The Carnies just get too crazy if left in one spot too long. And they found the disappearing midjit. Now the Fat Lady can sit down.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

If you did underestimate it then you weren’t listening. “And your not listening still”. It hasn’t been assuaged by impeachment certainly or three years of elites attacking. Trump is the most rational response you can hope for from a patient people pushed to their limits.
As I said, I don't know how long this will last. But I definitely don't think it's permanent.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
Now we've got him./ Any day now.

There was never any expectation that the Trump party controlled Senate would convict him. It would take integrity for them to do that, and they just don't have any.
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
Now we've got him./ Any day now.

There was never any expectation that the Trump party controlled Senate would convict him. It would take integrity for them to do that, and they just don't have any.
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.

I can only imagine the mountain of butt hurt on this forum if Cult45's messiah loses in November. Will they all flee in disgust?
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.

I can only imagine the mountain of butt hurt on this forum if Cult45's messiah loses in November. Will they all flee in disgust?
Weird. It would be really, really weird.
ANY Republican Senator who votes for additional testimony, witnesses, documents, etc... should be immediately banished from the Republican Party and if possible, forced out of their position by whatever means are necessary.

23 Republican Senators are up for re-election this year. How many of them can afford to get $0 from the party and it’s donors while facing primary opponents? How many can afford that in 2022/2024? Mr McConnell needs to make the potential consequences of disloyalty VERY CLEAR to members of his party.
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