McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
No...Trump is promoted as the most polarizing President of historical histories. He's got the sarcastic heart of a Prog. And it is refreshing for a Republican. And needed in these times in which the real haters are the ones who keep piling it on and do not even realize it or were just to spoiled for decades and now do not like being on the receiving end of their vile attacks on anyone that does not agree with them. And you still have not learned a damn thing.
I've learned quite a bit. I've learned Trump was right on the money with his "Fifth Avenue" comment, since you guys prove it every day.

What fifth avenue comment? Why would we not stick up for the guy with the commies doing everything possible to stop him? Why would we not support somebody who is doing such a good job trying to keep illegals out while at the same time, maintaining this great economy?

Oh, that's right, you don't personally like him, so anybody else that supports him is evidence of his fifth avenue comment.
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

Integrity and concern for the country demands that they do.
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

So far they have hung together in the Senate. And demanding Boltons Testimony really isn't out of limits. Don't you think it's time to put the lockstep to bed and just have him testify and get this damned thing over with? Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony unless Rump thinks he can keep Boltons book tied up until after the election.
No, all it will do is give the Democrats a venue for attacking the President without accomplishing anything for the American people. It would also prevent Warren and Sanders from campinging, pretty much giving Biden a free ride to the nomination.

You obviosly have last weeks score card. Things sure do change fast these days. I suggest that the Senate Republicans settle for Censure to save their own careers.

When Acquittal is in the bag, why settle for Censure?

It's been a foregone conclusion all along but how they arrive at the destination is the question. As of the last couple of days, the strutting peacock of the "He's Innocent" have all been tamped down. All of a sudden the one article of Impeachment becomes front and center stage. It can no longer be swept under the rug. While the Senate still may vote to not remove Rump from office, they can NEVER vote to exonerate. That ship has sailed. I still believe that the savior to many of the Republican's Careers in the swing states is to go for Censure openly even if they don't get it. At least they will have posted the effort or appeared to. I don't believe the Senate Hearing will last longer than a week but the outcome isn't written in stone like it once was.

The Senate will vote to exonerate him completely.

The Senate can't exonerate him. The best they can do for him is to refuse to find him guilty, but everybody already knows he did it anyway.

That's the problem with this clown show. He didn't do anything wrong in the first place. What the Democrats did is wrong by starting this impeachment war. In the next 25 years, we will see more impeachments than we have since the founding of this country.
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".
Those three RINO never trumpers were lost causes from the beginning

Yah, that's the way to gain their support for your cause. Insult them. It only takes one more that will stand on their hind legs. But I don't think it will make any difference. Rump will still not be forced out of office by the Senate. But it's a pretty fair guess no matter what the vote is, in the mind of the Voter, Rump will NOT be exonerated. He goes down in history forever as an impeached President. And with the easter eggs just this week, the one charge for impeachment is proven 100% as correct in the voters mind. It really depends on if another easter egg drops in the next few days on how the vote goes. Who knows, Nixon went from over an 80% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating almost over night. Rump stands at 51% rating for removal from office. Not quite enough to run scrambling to Cuba just yet.

Nobody expects to win Trump supporters support for the cause. Trump supporters are a lost cause, and will stick with him till the end. It's up to the sane people to save the country.
Save the country from what? a phone call
and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

Integrity and concern for the country demands that they do.


Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

So you set a false, lowered bar for victory...and demand it be acknowledged? News for lost in 2016 and you will lose in your attempt to remove the President. Youve even given up begging for censure.

Try to focus here.

We know Nancy Pelosi lies but the stated goal is the removal of the President. Not political theater. Not a political victory. Not the weakening of the President going into the next election. In fact Schiff has stated that the voters cant be trusted. So you lose if you dont remove him. A crushing defeat.

This wasnt a political stunt of some kind all along was it?

It's not about Pelosi or Trigger or Tigger or even the Tooth Fairy. It's about Rump. Your "Hey, look over there" is noted.
I think this is a last gasp, a final primal scream, but I'm just not sure how long it's going to last. This guy was/is the product of a lot of rage and frustration, and I think we all underestimated how much rage and frustration is out there. I don't know.

And given the condition and direction of the parties right now, I'm probably gonna be losing in November no matter WHAT happens.

If you did underestimate it then you weren’t listening. “And your not listening still”. It hasn’t been assuaged by impeachment certainly or three years of elites attacking. Trump is the most rational response you can hope for from a patient people pushed to their limits.
As I said, I don't know how long this will last. But I definitely don't think it's permanent.

It's not. In the last week, there has been two nice little Easter Eggs that pretty well has sunk the Rump Boat. Rump shouldn't be able to lie his way out of this one but he sure is trying. The Bolton Book manuscript has been in the Whitehouse for weeks so Rump knew about it's content. He just neglected to give the Senate and House Republicans a heads up. Rump is in damage control and that is when he's the most dangerous to everyone else around him. I can't wait to see his next "Hey, look over there" Here hold my beer moment.

I posted this last week. Its typical playbook and you people dont learn. Did it work with Kavenaugh? Does it ever work?
Not with Trump. Leak away.

gop Senators Receive Stark Warning About Voting Against trump

View attachment 303198

Are you saying that Rump wouldn't issue such a warning? it's typical Rump. Who knows, maybe Rump directed one of his lackeys to leak it so people can feel sorry for him. Didn't work out so well did it. He just comes off as a Mafia Don.

I think I was plain in what I said. As a political ploy the Democrat/media machine always come up with a last minute leak. Always. Its a hail Mary from people with no shame.
and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

So far they have hung together in the Senate. And demanding Boltons Testimony really isn't out of limits. Don't you think it's time to put the lockstep to bed and just have him testify and get this damned thing over with? Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony unless Rump thinks he can keep Boltons book tied up until after the election.

Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony

your opinion.

4 years ago, Hillary had a 90% chance to win, and Trump had no chance at the nomination.
In the 2018 election, those Senators he threw his support behind in close contested races turned Democrat in the House. Are you sure it's a good idea to allow him even a country mile from any Republicans campaign? The Rump affect is wearing off.

Actually Trump is a great barometer for the GOP. Those candidates who don’t want his support need to be Primaried and replaced with non-RINO candidates. Areas that vote agsindt Trump supported candidates simply prove their disloyalty to the country and we ensure they get nothing from the Government.
You obviosly have last weeks score card. Things sure do change fast these days. I suggest that the Senate Republicans settle for Censure to save their own careers.

When Acquittal is in the bag, why settle for Censure?

It's been a foregone conclusion all along but how they arrive at the destination is the question. As of the last couple of days, the strutting peacock of the "He's Innocent" have all been tamped down. All of a sudden the one article of Impeachment becomes front and center stage. It can no longer be swept under the rug. While the Senate still may vote to not remove Rump from office, they can NEVER vote to exonerate. That ship has sailed. I still believe that the savior to many of the Republican's Careers in the swing states is to go for Censure openly even if they don't get it. At least they will have posted the effort or appeared to. I don't believe the Senate Hearing will last longer than a week but the outcome isn't written in stone like it once was.

The Senate will vote to exonerate him completely.

The Senate can't exonerate him. The best they can do for him is to refuse to find him guilty, but everybody already knows he did it anyway.

That's the problem with this clown show. He didn't do anything wrong in the first place. What the Democrats did is wrong by starting this impeachment war. In the next 25 years, we will see more impeachments than we have since the founding of this country.

Rump got out of control. Nancy was blocking impeachment until the Ukraine thing. And then it got to be about something much more important and she really had no choice. Rump is out of the "Here, hold my Beer" moments that the public will tolerate anymore. I don't care if what you say is true, it doesn't matter anymore. The one article of Impeachment is correct in every way. Rather than trying to convince us that Rump has done nothing wrong you should be asking if it's really enough to remove him from office.
As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

Integrity and concern for the country demands that they do.



I can understand that word being unfamiliar to you. You should look it up.
If you did underestimate it then you weren’t listening. “And your not listening still”. It hasn’t been assuaged by impeachment certainly or three years of elites attacking. Trump is the most rational response you can hope for from a patient people pushed to their limits.
As I said, I don't know how long this will last. But I definitely don't think it's permanent.

It's not. In the last week, there has been two nice little Easter Eggs that pretty well has sunk the Rump Boat. Rump shouldn't be able to lie his way out of this one but he sure is trying. The Bolton Book manuscript has been in the Whitehouse for weeks so Rump knew about it's content. He just neglected to give the Senate and House Republicans a heads up. Rump is in damage control and that is when he's the most dangerous to everyone else around him. I can't wait to see his next "Hey, look over there" Here hold my beer moment.

I posted this last week. Its typical playbook and you people dont learn. Did it work with Kavenaugh? Does it ever work?
Not with Trump. Leak away.

gop Senators Receive Stark Warning About Voting Against trump

View attachment 303198

Are you saying that Rump wouldn't issue such a warning? it's typical Rump. Who knows, maybe Rump directed one of his lackeys to leak it so people can feel sorry for him. Didn't work out so well did it. He just comes off as a Mafia Don.

I think I was plain in what I said. As a political ploy the Democrat/media machine always come up with a last minute leak. Always. Its a hail Mary from people with no shame.

Then I suggest that Rump stop doing the last minute leaks.
As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

So far they have hung together in the Senate. And demanding Boltons Testimony really isn't out of limits. Don't you think it's time to put the lockstep to bed and just have him testify and get this damned thing over with? Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony unless Rump thinks he can keep Boltons book tied up until after the election.

Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony

your opinion.

4 years ago, Hillary had a 90% chance to win, and Trump had no chance at the nomination.

And you think that should justify anything Trump has done since that point. That's not how it works.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.

Yes, Trump made it clear who the Communists are and those who demand the fall of the USA. They were always here....but now they must stand in the daylight.

As far as racial polarization.....all but the most racist Americans would agree that would be the former President.
Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

Integrity and concern for the country demands that they do.



I can understand that word being unfamiliar to you. You should look it up.

Maybe you should.

See if you see any pictures of Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, or Schumer beside it.

(Hint: you won't)
You people always use the same playbook. That same prediction was made in 2016 about Trump destroying the GOP. The warnings came both from inside the Republican Party and the oh-so-concerned Democrat/media machine.
You found that just wanting it really really bad wasn’t enough to warp reality. You’ll find it true again this time.
The only real question is who succeeds Trump in 2025.

And they were right. Rump destroyed the GOP and replaced it with the party of the Rump

LOL. You get more ridiculous every day but whats obvious is you cant learn. You still dont know why you lost in fact you think you won :) And you dont mind lying. The promise was not some metaphysical destruction and name changing,. The promise was that the Republicans would be out of power for a generation. Demonstrably not true.

And you make the same threat now even though you...let me see if I can follow the twisted logic and semantics..think the GOP was destroyed and replaced already with the mystical Trump party?

So brass tacks. Which one is it that is going to be destroyed this time around? And you are sure it wont simply change names again and continue to kick your ass?

I lost no matter which one won. Rump didn't win because of Rump. Hillary lost because of Hillary. Guess what, Rump is now in the same boat. Chipped Beef could beat him.

But thats what you thought last time. Your record is not impressive. Dont you ever get tired of being wrong?

I thought that I was going to lose then. And guess what, no matter who wins with the choices today, it's still going to be another 4 years of a train wreck. But you love train wrecks. It shouldn't matter if Rump wins or loses to you since it will still be another 4 years of a Train wreck regardless.

No you thought you would win by changing the goalposts. The GOP was going to lose..but not really..just in a Platonic mystical way. The President was going to be removed...but not really he is going to be censured and thats really the win...but not really but ok if witnesses are called you win... hey thats the ticket!..but really ok if Schiff isnt thrown in prison YOU WIN and that was your goal all along!

And he didnt even really win the election according to you..Hillary lost!!!! LOL So do I need to even speak to you at all any more? I can hear you next year.."Trump didnt win...Biden lost!"

You want to talk train wrecks. Its your insidious whispering against reality like some demon thats the train wreck.
As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

So far they have hung together in the Senate. And demanding Boltons Testimony really isn't out of limits. Don't you think it's time to put the lockstep to bed and just have him testify and get this damned thing over with? Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony unless Rump thinks he can keep Boltons book tied up until after the election.

Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony

your opinion.

4 years ago, Hillary had a 90% chance to win, and Trump had no chance at the nomination.

Rump didn't win because of Rump. Hillary lost because of Hillary. Another case of chipped beef on toast. This time around, Rump is sitting in even a worse chair than Hillary ended up sitting in. Bolton to Rump is like Comey is to Hillary.
Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

You know WTF I was talking about

answer the question

do you believe the Senate Democrats are going to march in lockstep?

On Documents, witnesses, etc.

So far they have hung together in the Senate. And demanding Boltons Testimony really isn't out of limits. Don't you think it's time to put the lockstep to bed and just have him testify and get this damned thing over with? Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony unless Rump thinks he can keep Boltons book tied up until after the election.

Yes, Rump is toast to the voters with or without Boltons Testimony

your opinion.

4 years ago, Hillary had a 90% chance to win, and Trump had no chance at the nomination.

And you think that should justify anything Trump has done since that point. That's not how it works.


I'm merely pointing out how ridiculous going by polls or opinion is.

The only 'poll' I pay attention to, is the one the morning of the first Wednesday of November.
So I’m still wondering...can we call schiff and pelosi and put them under oath?

Schiff? Yes. Piglosi? No. She had nothing to do with it.
Pelosi violated her own requirements for Impeachment - overwhelming evidence & bipartisanship.

SHE is the leader of the House, not Schiff...

But there's nothing she can testify to. Schiff Face has been in contact with the whistleblower, and he knows who the informant is and likely had contact with him as well.
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