McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.

I think it matters BIG TIME to the voters. Polls consistently show that ALL VOTERS, Democrat or Republican, want a trial with witnesses and evidence. More than 75% of all voters, including 60% of Republicans.

Anything less, will demonstrate to those voters that Mitch McConnell is engaged in a cover-up of the President's abuses of power. And that Trump is guilty as hell, otherwise why not bring in witnesses?

Trump can claim process or that he was exonerated will forever be tainted by this corruption of the highest legislative chamber in the land.

Our representatives do not conduct themselves according to rigged polls, or at least the Republicans don't. They determine if witnesses are needed only if they seek more information. But everything needed is out there. There are no impeachable offenses here, even if it can be proven Trump did a quid pro quo. Presidents have done that in the past, and will do it in the future. Of course, the next commie President that does it under a Republican House will be impeached, but again, they started this mess.
Please explain how Biden has anything to do with the charges against Trump. I understand that you want to get some mud on him regarding some former actions, as that may help Trump in the coming election. but just cant see what else could be gained. he is an x member of government & has had no role in the Trump administration.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.

Yes, but would it help Bernie Sanders?

Most likely not...

Bolton testimony will not change the outcome of this, or how Sanders will lose in November...

Don't care about Sanders, or any of the others in the race. Impeachment is a completely different subject and takes precedence over all that other stuff.

Then why bring up voters in the next election?

If you did not care about those like Sanders you would not be making the comment about the next election...

Nice try at attempting to claim I am changing the subject when I am responding to what you actually wrote!
As I said, I don't know how long this will last. But I definitely don't think it's permanent.

It's not. In the last week, there has been two nice little Easter Eggs that pretty well has sunk the Rump Boat. Rump shouldn't be able to lie his way out of this one but he sure is trying. The Bolton Book manuscript has been in the Whitehouse for weeks so Rump knew about it's content. He just neglected to give the Senate and House Republicans a heads up. Rump is in damage control and that is when he's the most dangerous to everyone else around him. I can't wait to see his next "Hey, look over there" Here hold my beer moment.

I posted this last week. Its typical playbook and you people dont learn. Did it work with Kavenaugh? Does it ever work?
Not with Trump. Leak away.

gop Senators Receive Stark Warning About Voting Against trump

View attachment 303198

Are you saying that Rump wouldn't issue such a warning? it's typical Rump. Who knows, maybe Rump directed one of his lackeys to leak it so people can feel sorry for him. Didn't work out so well did it. He just comes off as a Mafia Don.

So now you claim Trump is the one who leaked the Bolton excerpts?

LOL. Wheels within wheels..just how far gone are you?

The White house is the ONLY place that had a copy of the transcript. He didn't give copies to anyone else.

Do not lie to me it never works. I just dispatched a liar. "The White House" is not the same as "President Trump". The book was in the hands of the NSC. And your claims that the New York Times and Trump are working together are ludicrous. What isnt ludicrous is the previous statement by a supposed leaker to the New York Times...admitting to Deep State attempts to bring down the President from within. Here let him explain himself...

""I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration...I work for the President but like minded collegues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda"

Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

We now know the Vindmens are part of it.

Source: Alexander Vindman's Brother, Yevgeny, Clears Publications by NSC Officials
Please explain how Biden has anything to do with the charges against Trump. I understand that you want to get some mud on him regarding some former actions, as that may help Trump in the coming election. but just cant see what else could be gained. he is an x member of government & has had no role in the Trump administration.

The charge was that Trump asked Zelensky to dig up dirt on Joe and Hunter for political reasons. If it can be proven it was beyond political reasons, and that the Biden's were involved in corruption, or at least leave the Senate to believe they were, then the claim that Trump asked for that favor for his own benefit gets thrown right out the window.
""I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration...I work for the President but like minded collegues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda"

Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

We now know the Vindmens are part of it.

Source: Alexander Vindman's Brother, Yevgeny, Clears Publications by NSC Officials

These people need to be dragged out of the White Hoise and summarily executed in the Rose Garden on an ALL STATION radio/tv broadcast.
There was never any expectation that the Trump party controlled Senate would convict him. It would take integrity for them to do that, and they just don't have any.
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".
Those three RINO never trumpers were lost causes from the beginning

Yah, that's the way to gain their support for your cause. Insult them. It only takes one more that will stand on their hind legs. But I don't think it will make any difference. Rump will still not be forced out of office by the Senate. But it's a pretty fair guess no matter what the vote is, in the mind of the Voter, Rump will NOT be exonerated. He goes down in history forever as an impeached President. And with the easter eggs just this week, the one charge for impeachment is proven 100% as correct in the voters mind. It really depends on if another easter egg drops in the next few days on how the vote goes. Who knows, Nixon went from over an 80% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating almost over night. Rump stands at 51% rating for removal from office. Not quite enough to run scrambling to Cuba just yet.
They are lost causes
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".

One more to go.

Provided, as I stated, the democrats march in lockstep to convict.

The next vote isn't about conviction. There will never be a 67 vote to remove him from office. But there just needs to be one more vote to bring Bolton to the Senate Floor. Please stay focused. You are looking a bit tipsy. It's a bit early to be hitting the bar.

So you set a false, lowered bar for victory...and demand it be acknowledged? News for lost in 2016 and you will lose in your attempt to remove the President. Youve even given up begging for censure.

Try to focus here.

We know Nancy Pelosi lies but the stated goal is the removal of the President. Not political theater. Not a political victory. Not the weakening of the President going into the next election. In fact Schiff has stated that the voters cant be trusted. So you lose if you dont remove him. A crushing defeat.

This wasnt a political stunt of some kind all along was it?
Do you really think pelosi is doing this for the best interest of the country?

she is doing it for political gain
Ya left out dem controlled congress impeached him without a single repub.
Your trump controlled senate is laughable.

and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".
Those three RINO never trumpers were lost causes from the beginning

Yah, that's the way to gain their support for your cause. Insult them. It only takes one more that will stand on their hind legs. But I don't think it will make any difference. Rump will still not be forced out of office by the Senate. But it's a pretty fair guess no matter what the vote is, in the mind of the Voter, Rump will NOT be exonerated. He goes down in history forever as an impeached President. And with the easter eggs just this week, the one charge for impeachment is proven 100% as correct in the voters mind. It really depends on if another easter egg drops in the next few days on how the vote goes. Who knows, Nixon went from over an 80% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating almost over night. Rump stands at 51% rating for removal from office. Not quite enough to run scrambling to Cuba just yet.

Nobody expects to win Trump supporters support for the cause. Trump supporters are a lost cause, and will stick with him till the end. It's up to the sane people to save the country.
The country is saved by rejecting the democrats and their phony impeachment trial
and, in the House, 1 changed party over impeachment, 1 voted present, and one democrat voted against at least 1 of the articles.

Are the Democrats voting in lockstep, or is there a chance 1, or more, will vote against conviction?

Mitch may have the votes he needs, and not yet aware of it.

As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".
Those three RINO never trumpers were lost causes from the beginning

Yah, that's the way to gain their support for your cause. Insult them. It only takes one more that will stand on their hind legs. But I don't think it will make any difference. Rump will still not be forced out of office by the Senate. But it's a pretty fair guess no matter what the vote is, in the mind of the Voter, Rump will NOT be exonerated. He goes down in history forever as an impeached President. And with the easter eggs just this week, the one charge for impeachment is proven 100% as correct in the voters mind. It really depends on if another easter egg drops in the next few days on how the vote goes. Who knows, Nixon went from over an 80% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating almost over night. Rump stands at 51% rating for removal from office. Not quite enough to run scrambling to Cuba just yet.

Nobody expects to win Trump supporters support for the cause. Trump supporters are a lost cause, and will stick with him till the end. It's up to the sane people to save the country.
The country is saved by rejecting the democrats and their phony impeachment trial

So you think a sham trial is the best way to save the country. Typical Trump logic.
McConnell may not have the votes now, but he might after the Q&A is over. And it is possible they will depose Bolton in a sciff somewhere and ask him specific questions with his attorney and one from the WH present to ensure presidential communications are not compromised beyond the scope of this trial. Or maybe they get the hands on his manuscript, at least the applicable parts. Or he does an interview in the media somewhere; it wouldn't be under oath, but he could elaborate a little bit on what the President said.

Even if none of that happens, I still think this trial will be over by Saturday. IMHO, the A of I do not measure up to the level for removal from office.
As of this morning, there are 3 Rep Senators that will vote for Bolton to be questioned on the Senate Floor. One more to go. Sounds like Rump may have pissed off a few Republicans. It was also announced that Rump has had the manuscript for weeks of Boltons book and never tipped off the Senate and House Republicans. Can anyone spell "Blindsided"?

Just how many of these easter eggs before the Repubs start saying "Enough is Enough".
Those three RINO never trumpers were lost causes from the beginning

Yah, that's the way to gain their support for your cause. Insult them. It only takes one more that will stand on their hind legs. But I don't think it will make any difference. Rump will still not be forced out of office by the Senate. But it's a pretty fair guess no matter what the vote is, in the mind of the Voter, Rump will NOT be exonerated. He goes down in history forever as an impeached President. And with the easter eggs just this week, the one charge for impeachment is proven 100% as correct in the voters mind. It really depends on if another easter egg drops in the next few days on how the vote goes. Who knows, Nixon went from over an 80% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating almost over night. Rump stands at 51% rating for removal from office. Not quite enough to run scrambling to Cuba just yet.

Nobody expects to win Trump supporters support for the cause. Trump supporters are a lost cause, and will stick with him till the end. It's up to the sane people to save the country.
The country is saved by rejecting the democrats and their phony impeachment trial

So you think a sham trial is the best way to save the country. Typical Trump logic.
The democrat House swamp rats had 24 hours of floor time to present their evidence

that is far from a sham trial
If 4 republicans want to vote for this hoax they need to answer questions.. not hide like they been doing .. cowards
McConnell may not have the votes now, but he might after the Q&A is over. And it is possible they will depose Bolton in a sciff somewhere and ask him specific questions with his attorney and one from the WH present to ensure presidential communications are not compromised beyond the scope of this trial. Or maybe they get the hands on his manuscript, at least the applicable parts. Or he does an interview in the media somewhere; it wouldn't be under oath, but he could elaborate a little bit on what the President said.

Even if none of that happens, I still think this trial will be over by Saturday. IMHO, the A of I do not measure up to the level for removal from office.
If they depose Bolton then depose the whistleblower and schiff also
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
Is he MAC, really?

This is the type of hyperbole that you often chide others for. You really think he is more polarizing than, say, Lincoln?
Those three RINO never trumpers were lost causes from the beginning

Yah, that's the way to gain their support for your cause. Insult them. It only takes one more that will stand on their hind legs. But I don't think it will make any difference. Rump will still not be forced out of office by the Senate. But it's a pretty fair guess no matter what the vote is, in the mind of the Voter, Rump will NOT be exonerated. He goes down in history forever as an impeached President. And with the easter eggs just this week, the one charge for impeachment is proven 100% as correct in the voters mind. It really depends on if another easter egg drops in the next few days on how the vote goes. Who knows, Nixon went from over an 80% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating almost over night. Rump stands at 51% rating for removal from office. Not quite enough to run scrambling to Cuba just yet.

Nobody expects to win Trump supporters support for the cause. Trump supporters are a lost cause, and will stick with him till the end. It's up to the sane people to save the country.
The country is saved by rejecting the democrats and their phony impeachment trial

So you think a sham trial is the best way to save the country. Typical Trump logic.
The democrat House swamp rats had 24 hours of floor time to present their evidence

that is far from a sham trial

It was a sham investigation by House dems.
If the dems wanted more witnesses, like Bolton, they should have subpoenaed them. They know that they are out of reach.
They want to blame Republicans for their shitty Articles and witnesses.
So I’m still wondering...can we call schiff and pelosi and put them under oath?

Schiff? Yes. Piglosi? No. She had nothing to do with it.
Pelosi violated her own requirements for Impeachment - overwhelming evidence & bipartisanship.

SHE is the leader of the House, not Schiff...

But there's nothing she can testify to. Schiff Face has been in contact with the whistleblower, and he knows who the informant is and likely had contact with him as well.
Schiff was 'out'ed as being a 'Contact Witness', for attempting to present fake evidence, for lying for 2.5 years (Sedition) about having evidence, for leaking classified, and for taking money from a Russian-born arms dealer and corrupt Ukraine officials ... BEFORE she allowed Articles of Impeachment to be drafted by this clown... SHE had an obligation to remove him from the Impeachment effort - she allowed it to continue.

I want to know how much she was paid...
Or is she is that stupid...
Or is she that incompetent.

Ask her under oath.

Ask her exactly when she committed to affecting a political coup...
Please explain how Biden has anything to do with the charges against Trump. I understand that you want to get some mud on him regarding some former actions, as that may help Trump in the coming election. but just cant see what else could be gained. he is an x member of government & has had no role in the Trump administration.
And if this were a legal matter then you would be correct.

It is not a legal matter though, it is a political one. IOW, Trump does not need to refute anything - what he needs to do is ensure that the people do not want him removed and that they are willing to vote for him in the coming election. It is pretty clear that establishing corruption (or at least leaving enough question open that it is there) will have a large effect on public opinion around this issue.
So I’m still wondering...can we call schiff and pelosi and put them under oath?

Schiff? Yes. Piglosi? No. She had nothing to do with it.
Pelosi violated her own requirements for Impeachment - overwhelming evidence & bipartisanship.

SHE is the leader of the House, not Schiff...

But there's nothing she can testify to. Schiff Face has been in contact with the whistleblower, and he knows who the informant is and likely had contact with him as well.
Schiff was 'out'ed as being a 'Contact Witness', for attempting to present fake evidence, for lying for 2.5 years (Sedition) about having evidence, for leaking classified, and for taking money from a Russian-born arms dealer and corrupt Ukraine officials ... BEFORE she allowed Articles of Impeachment to be drafted by this clown... SHE had an obligation to remove him from the Impeachment effort - she allowed it to continue.

I want to know how much she was paid...
Or is she is that stupid...
Or is she that incompetent.

Ask her under oath.

Ask her exactly when she committed to affecting a political coup...

My opinion is that the Democrats went into panic mode when they found out Trump was curious about the Biden's and Ukraine. Oh sure, they were always going to try and impeach Trump anyway, but they were looking for something a little more solid than obstruction or abuse of power.

Impeachment was designed to throw Trump off track, or if Zelensky did give Trump anything, they could take the attention off of whatever Zelensky gave Trump and have the media focus on the impeachment instead, which of course, that's what accomplices do.

As Sekulow pointed out, Trump withheld aid several times during his first term, and the Democrats didn't blink an eye. But when Biden could have been related to it, they went into Defcon 1 mode.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
Nope not totally ,there is a definite increasing the support numbers for Scum Bag being impeached. This country wants him impeached because like me they know he is 100% guilty as charged

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