McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

You know, when this first started, Republicans were a united front in their support of Trump. Now? There have been people peeling off in their support, and Trump might not be sitting as good as he thinks.

I'm guessing that they are voting for witnesses so that the evidence can be presented. If it's damning enough, then Republicans will abandon Trump and he will be removed. Lots of Republicans don't like Trump, but they are scared of what they think he might be able to do to them politically.

If you followed the Nixon time, The House didn't have even enough votes to even say a sparse word against Nixon. But as time went by, the General Public Opinion turned sour on what was once the most Popular President ever in Office short of FDR and JFK. When it reached 56%, they had no choice. They were ready to vote for impeachment. Nixon saw it and resigned instead knowing he would be impeached. The funny part is, in the Senate (history shows) there wasn't enough support for removal of office. It's tough to impeach and remove a President because it's so dramatic and harmful to the Nation Nixon did what he thought was best for the Nation.

You left out a pretty key fact. The tides didn't turn against Nixon until the recording known as "the Smoking Gun" was exposed, which nailed Nixon on his knowledge of the break in and the attempt to cover it up, despite publicly denying knowledge or involvement. THAT is when the bottom fell out. The circumstantial he-said/she-said stuff wasn't doing much of anything to move the needle, just like it isn't moving the needle much here.
Rump is finished. With his passing are you willing to have the name of the Republican Party pass with him? Or are you willing to burn everything to the ground.

You people always use the same playbook. That same prediction was made in 2016 about Trump destroying the GOP. The warnings came both from inside the Republican Party and the oh-so-concerned Democrat/media machine.
You found that just wanting it really really bad wasn’t enough to warp reality. You’ll find it true again this time.
The only real question is who succeeds Trump in 2025.

And they were right. Rump destroyed the GOP and replaced it with the party of the Rump

LOL. You get more ridiculous every day but whats obvious is you cant learn. You still dont know why you lost in fact you think you won :) And you dont mind lying. The promise was not some metaphysical destruction and name changing,. The promise was that the Republicans would be out of power for a generation. Demonstrably not true.

And you make the same threat now even though you...let me see if I can follow the twisted logic and semantics..think the GOP was destroyed and replaced already with the mystical Trump party?

So brass tacks. Which one is it that is going to be destroyed this time around? The GOP or this "Party of Trump"? And you are sure it wont simply change names again and continue to kick your ass?
There's one thing a dem can't do after all the trash talking and it's this, point at the scoreboard.

Good God its been three years of "we got him now!!!!" Its what comes of a complete divorce from reality possible only from people like Daryl Hunt who think there are 64 genders. It has been said from the start that they have no idea why they got creamed in 2016.

Maybe its not an advantage to have the media elites completely on your side feeding you propaganda every second of every day and distorting your reality...while real Americans react in real time?

From: [email protected] <[email protected]
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>; susan [email protected]; Begala, Paul
Cc: Stan Greenberg <[email protected]>; Anna Greenberg [email protected]; Tara McGuinness [email protected]
Sent: Tue Feb 19 12:36:51 2008
Subject: DRAFT launch statement for progressive media

"Progressive Media will serve as a communications and messaging nerve center for the progressive movement. We will create a robust echo chamber with messaging that spans from independent groups, to progressive partisans, to grassroots organizers, to the netroots. We will align messaging across broadcast and cable TV, radio, print, Internet, single-issue and advocacy organizations, progressive media, surrogates and new media."

Re: DRAFT launch statement for progressive media - WikiLeaks

Uncool troll. Time to thin out the gene pool. You obviously don't have a life or you are a Putin Troll. Either way, I don't have time for you and you have nothing of worth for me to read. Have a nice day.
aprovel rating.png

Take out the worst rated one Rasmussen and Scum bag looks even worse.
Looking all the tRumplings who are suddenly all about witnesses.

Well......we Republicans always look for a silver lining, unlike Democrats who constantly see doom and gloom everywhere.

Obama didn't see doom and gloom. Don't forget, he was all about
'Hope and Change' and things did get better with him as prez.

And things aren't better in this country under Trump? Trump is scoring points all the time with people, it's just a shame the MSM is so bias in scant reporting of them. Just yesterday. the SC ruled that Trump's green card policy can be put in place. It prohibits people applying for green cards from getting in and ending up on our welfare programs. You want to come here for work, school, whatever, you need to demonstrate you can financially take care of yourself and perhaps your family. Lord knows how many billions he saved us right there.

Trump's mostly just riding the upward wave that started under Obama a decade ago. link below. Trump drove us deeper in debt with the usual republican tax breaks for billionaires and corporations. He even found time to take away tax breaks for homeowners in states like california and now he has to subsidize (socialism maybe?) farmers that are losing out because of his tariff wars. Careful with this guy since he already warned us at Davos that cutting safety nets like social security and medicare is in his plans as republicans are always wanting to do. No, this guy basically doesn't know shit from shinola, being a spoiled rich kid that never had to make a living like rest of us. Remember, this is a guy who's still in bankruptcy and we need to get rid of him before he bankrupts this country.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider
No more witnesses are needed here. But, I have to admit seeing Hunter, Joe and the Whistleblower have to testify under cross examination will be block buster TV.
The hate party call The Biden's , ya but why, he has nothing to do with the charges against the pile of shit. Well it will put a twist in the knot of insanity , something that the right always strives for, fake , lies , distortions is the name of the game. The prosecution call Micheal Bloomberg . Yup now Scum bag is in real trouble, way more relative then the Biden's , what a hoot.

Talk about somebody that has nothing to do with it. What does Blooming Idiot have to do with this?
Someone from the right that can think past a third grader, yup that is the point.
Senate should remove Trump, majority of independent voters say in Fox News poll
Senate should remove Trump, majority of independent voters say in Fox News poll

Our representatives don't make decisions based on polls, they make decisions based on right or wrong. The impeachment is a farce. They contain no articles subject to impeachment by our founders. The only reasonable conclusion to make is that it's over with. There was nothing here to start off with.
CNN poll: 51% say Senate should remove Trump from office and only 45% say he shouldn't get Evicted
You know, when this first started, Republicans were a united front in their support of Trump. Now? There have been people peeling off in their support, and Trump might not be sitting as good as he thinks.

I'm guessing that they are voting for witnesses so that the evidence can be presented. If it's damning enough, then Republicans will abandon Trump and he will be removed. Lots of Republicans don't like Trump, but they are scared of what they think he might be able to do to them politically.

If you followed the Nixon time, The House didn't have even enough votes to even say a sparse word against Nixon. But as time went by, the General Public Opinion turned sour on what was once the most Popular President ever in Office short of FDR and JFK. When it reached 56%, they had no choice. They were ready to vote for impeachment. Nixon saw it and resigned instead knowing he would be impeached. The funny part is, in the Senate (history shows) there wasn't enough support for removal of office. It's tough to impeach and remove a President because it's so dramatic and harmful to the Nation Nixon did what he thought was best for the Nation.

You left out a pretty key fact. The tides didn't turn against Nixon until the recording known as "the Smoking Gun" was exposed, which nailed Nixon on his knowledge of the break in and the attempt to cover it up, despite publicly denying knowledge or involvement. THAT is when the bottom fell out. The circumstantial he-said/she-said stuff wasn't doing much of anything to move the needle, just like it isn't moving the needle much here.

You mean like the information in the past week on Rump? It's moved the needle on the public demanding additional witnesses including Bolton and a few others that were denied the House. But mostly Bolton at this time. There is a reason that Moscow Mitch is trying very, very hard to prevent even one witness. If it's even one witness, it's going to be Bolton. And he knows where ALL the skeletins are buried.
You know, when this first started, Republicans were a united front in their support of Trump. Now? There have been people peeling off in their support, and Trump might not be sitting as good as he thinks.

I'm guessing that they are voting for witnesses so that the evidence can be presented. If it's damning enough, then Republicans will abandon Trump and he will be removed. Lots of Republicans don't like Trump, but they are scared of what they think he might be able to do to them politically.

If you followed the Nixon time, The House didn't have even enough votes to even say a sparse word against Nixon. But as time went by, the General Public Opinion turned sour on what was once the most Popular President ever in Office short of FDR and JFK. When it reached 56%, they had no choice. They were ready to vote for impeachment. Nixon saw it and resigned instead knowing he would be impeached. The funny part is, in the Senate (history shows) there wasn't enough support for removal of office. It's tough to impeach and remove a President because it's so dramatic and harmful to the Nation Nixon did what he thought was best for the Nation.

You left out a pretty key fact. The tides didn't turn against Nixon until the recording known as "the Smoking Gun" was exposed, which nailed Nixon on his knowledge of the break in and the attempt to cover it up, despite publicly denying knowledge or involvement. THAT is when the bottom fell out. The circumstantial he-said/she-said stuff wasn't doing much of anything to move the needle, just like it isn't moving the needle much here.

You mean like the information in the past week on Rump? It's moved the needle on the public demanding additional witnesses including Bolton and a few others that were denied the House. But mostly Bolton at this time. There is a reason that Moscow Mitch is trying very, very hard to prevent even one witness. If it's even one witness, it's going to be Bolton. And he knows where ALL the skeletins are buried.

No I don't mean like the thing with Bolton. That would still be he-said/he-said. If that's all Nixon was up against, he wouldn't have lost all support from the Senate and been forced out. It was the recording that did him in (before deep fakes were a thing).
Looking all the tRumplings who are suddenly all about witnesses.

Well......we Republicans always look for a silver lining, unlike Democrats who constantly see doom and gloom everywhere.

Obama didn't see doom and gloom. Don't forget, he was all about
'Hope and Change' and things did get better with him as prez.

And things aren't better in this country under Trump? Trump is scoring points all the time with people, it's just a shame the MSM is so bias in scant reporting of them. Just yesterday. the SC ruled that Trump's green card policy can be put in place. It prohibits people applying for green cards from getting in and ending up on our welfare programs. You want to come here for work, school, whatever, you need to demonstrate you can financially take care of yourself and perhaps your family. Lord knows how many billions he saved us right there.

Trump's mostly just riding the upward wave that started under Obama a decade ago. link below. Trump drove us deeper in debt with the usual republican tax breaks for billionaires and corporations. He even found time to take away tax breaks for homeowners in states like california and now he has to subsidize (socialism maybe?) farmers that are losing out because of his tariff wars. Careful with this guy since he already warned us at Davos that cutting safety nets like social security and medicare is in his plans as republicans are always wanting to do. No, this guy basically doesn't know shit from shinola, being a spoiled rich kid that never had to make a living like rest of us. Remember, this is a guy who's still in bankruptcy and we need to get rid of him before he bankrupts this country.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider

No, Trump's bankruptcies ended long ago. Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career, so three bankruptcies (in a bad economy) is not all that unusual.

The economy didn't move along because of DumBama, industry moved along in spite of him. Hussein has been the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Businesses couldn't wait for him to be out of the White House. DumBama never made one policy to the benefit of our job creators. He only made things harder on them. You can't give him credit for an economy he fought to slow down. Thank the feds and their quantitive easing for any success under him.

Trade deals position US farmers for ‘record year of exports’: US agriculture secretary
Senate should remove Trump, majority of independent voters say in Fox News poll

Our representatives don't make decisions based on polls, they make decisions based on right or wrong. The impeachment is a farce. They contain no articles subject to impeachment by our founders. The only reasonable conclusion to make is that it's over with. There was nothing here to start off with.

If that were the case Moscow Mitch would allow quite a few of those over 400 HR bills to pass onto the senate floor or at least to committee. But now, the polls are going against Rump. Watch for a change in the behavior of the Senate Republicans. They DO listen to polls when they get as bad as they are right now. They've hitched their wagons to Rumps and if he goes down (even if it's in November) they go down with him in all but the reddest areas. I don't wish to see the Senate lost to the Dems. We can't afford one party to have all 3 power bases. Every time that happens we get is real serious trouble. I want them to start reaching out with the olive branch. And if the Dems in the house don't accept that branch, get rid of them with people that will. But keep it balanced.

As it is, a Ham Sandwich could defeat Rump in November. And let's face it, the Dems are running what amounts to 4 ham sandwiches to choose from. It's a friggin train wreck.
We agree...on both sides..without favor...without Executive privilege or loud crocodile concerns about national security.

All of the bandage off..but the end of the day..Biden..or Clinton..or not on trial here...Trump is.
This thing's been a circus from day one. Why stop now? It only takes a few right questions to the right people to open up brand new investigations and special prosecutors. I could see Biden stumbling through the campaign being dogged by things he'd much rather be left alone.

I wonder if the witnesses the Democrats call for can just refuse to testify? I wonder if Trump can stop them if they wanted to testify? After all, Joe said he won't comply. What can they do to him if he doesn't?
The Idea of calling Biden for this case is comedy and from weakness. He has nothing to do with the charges against the rights pile of shit leader.

Then you have nothing to worry about should they call witnesses, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Similarly you can subpoena somebody and make him/her testify but you make them say anything. Reference Lois Lerner who took the 5th or couldn't remember anything. So the Senate can subpoena the Bidens, the WB, Bolton, or whoever, but that doesn't mean you're going to get the truth.

Indeed, but if they all take the 5th, wouldn't it be amusing?
You know, when this first started, Republicans were a united front in their support of Trump. Now? There have been people peeling off in their support, and Trump might not be sitting as good as he thinks.

I'm guessing that they are voting for witnesses so that the evidence can be presented. If it's damning enough, then Republicans will abandon Trump and he will be removed. Lots of Republicans don't like Trump, but they are scared of what they think he might be able to do to them politically.

If you followed the Nixon time, The House didn't have even enough votes to even say a sparse word against Nixon. But as time went by, the General Public Opinion turned sour on what was once the most Popular President ever in Office short of FDR and JFK. When it reached 56%, they had no choice. They were ready to vote for impeachment. Nixon saw it and resigned instead knowing he would be impeached. The funny part is, in the Senate (history shows) there wasn't enough support for removal of office. It's tough to impeach and remove a President because it's so dramatic and harmful to the Nation Nixon did what he thought was best for the Nation.

You left out a pretty key fact. The tides didn't turn against Nixon until the recording known as "the Smoking Gun" was exposed, which nailed Nixon on his knowledge of the break in and the attempt to cover it up, despite publicly denying knowledge or involvement. THAT is when the bottom fell out. The circumstantial he-said/she-said stuff wasn't doing much of anything to move the needle, just like it isn't moving the needle much here.

You mean like the information in the past week on Rump? It's moved the needle on the public demanding additional witnesses including Bolton and a few others that were denied the House. But mostly Bolton at this time. There is a reason that Moscow Mitch is trying very, very hard to prevent even one witness. If it's even one witness, it's going to be Bolton. And he knows where ALL the skeletins are buried.

No I don't mean like the thing with Bolton. That would still be he-said/he-said. If that's all Nixon was up against, he wouldn't have lost all support from the Senate and been forced out. It was the recording that did him in (before deep fakes were a thing).

Nixon didn't lose the support of the Senate. It never got that far. He lost the support of the House. Historians look back and come to the conclusion that the Senate would not have voted for removal even though the House would have voted for Impeachment. Nixon was NOT impeached. He resigned before that could happen. There are only 3 impeached Presidents to date; Johnson (Andrew), Nixon and Rump. And there has been zero removed from office due to an impeachment. Johnson was saved by one Republican voting no.
This thing's been a circus from day one. Why stop now? It only takes a few right questions to the right people to open up brand new investigations and special prosecutors. I could see Biden stumbling through the campaign being dogged by things he'd much rather be left alone.

I wonder if the witnesses the Democrats call for can just refuse to testify? I wonder if Trump can stop them if they wanted to testify? After all, Joe said he won't comply. What can they do to him if he doesn't?
The Idea of calling Biden for this case is comedy and from weakness. He has nothing to do with the charges against the rights pile of shit leader.

Then you have nothing to worry about should they call witnesses, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Similarly you can subpoena somebody and make him/her testify but you make them say anything. Reference Lois Lerner who took the 5th or couldn't remember anything. So the Senate can subpoena the Bidens, the WB, Bolton, or whoever, but that doesn't mean you're going to get the truth.

Indeed, but if they all take the 5th, wouldn't it be amusing?

Pleading the 5th is an answer in itself to the Voters. I still say, no matter how it goes, we are in for a train wreck for the next 5 years at least even if Rump isn't reelected. Our Presidential System is so broke we get the choice of a Mafia Don Criminal or a Ham Sandwich and the Ham Sandwich is leading in the Polls by quite a margin.
No amount of spin will change the facts that 1) Trump will still be POTUS after the Schiffshow is over, and 2) his odds of being reelected have improved thanks to this shampeachment.

The hapless Dems threw Trump in the proverbial "briar patch" and are too fucking stupid to realize what that means. :rofl:

Except that....if there weren't a massive and exponentially growing number of absolute fucking RETARDS on the Left, would we even have the impeachment or this thread?
Looking all the tRumplings who are suddenly all about witnesses.

Well......we Republicans always look for a silver lining, unlike Democrats who constantly see doom and gloom everywhere.

Obama didn't see doom and gloom. Don't forget, he was all about
'Hope and Change' and things did get better with him as prez.

And things aren't better in this country under Trump? Trump is scoring points all the time with people, it's just a shame the MSM is so bias in scant reporting of them. Just yesterday. the SC ruled that Trump's green card policy can be put in place. It prohibits people applying for green cards from getting in and ending up on our welfare programs. You want to come here for work, school, whatever, you need to demonstrate you can financially take care of yourself and perhaps your family. Lord knows how many billions he saved us right there.

Trump's mostly just riding the upward wave that started under Obama a decade ago. link below. Trump drove us deeper in debt with the usual republican tax breaks for billionaires and corporations. He even found time to take away tax breaks for homeowners in states like california and now he has to subsidize (socialism maybe?) farmers that are losing out because of his tariff wars. Careful with this guy since he already warned us at Davos that cutting safety nets like social security and medicare is in his plans as republicans are always wanting to do. No, this guy basically doesn't know shit from shinola, being a spoiled rich kid that never had to make a living like rest of us. Remember, this is a guy who's still in bankruptcy and we need to get rid of him before he bankrupts this country.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider

No, Trump's bankruptcies ended long ago. Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career, so three bankruptcies (in a bad economy) is not all that unusual.

The economy didn't move along because of DumBama, industry moved along in spite of him. Hussein has been the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Businesses couldn't wait for him to be out of the White House. DumBama never made one policy to the benefit of our job creators. He only made things harder on them. You can't give him credit for an economy he fought to slow down. Thank the feds and their quantitive easing for any success under him.

Trade deals position US farmers for ‘record year of exports’: US agriculture secretary

Let's take a look at the numbers. Using 2016 which was actually a bad year for export agriculture goods to china was 1.09 billion dollars. In 2015, it was more than twice that much. For this year, it's going to be 50 billion. I find some holes in that. For 2019, it was only 117 million. Now if China is going to really buy 50 billion that would be good. But I see a huge problem.

Our Farmers scaled way down in order to stay in business. They don't plant what they can't sell. The fields lie fallow. Now, add to the fact that the floods in the bread basket that has reduced the amount of land that is usable by quite a margin. I don't see our agriculture production able to produce 50 billion on top of the other commitments. That's almost 50 times the export to china as 2016. And 500 times increase from 2019 using less acreage.

Something smells to high heaven here.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.

Yes, Trump made it clear who the Communists are and those who demand the fall of the USA. They were always here....but now they must stand in the daylight.

As far as racial polarization.....all but the most racist Americans would agree that would be the former President.
Yikes. Maybe back away from the radio for a while.

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