McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

I hope they call witnesses and drag this out until the summer. Punish the Democrats by giving them what they want.

Three facts that no amount of spin will ever change:

1) The Aid to Ukraine was delivered before the deadline- that means there is no "there" there. Sorry.
2) There is no victim. There is no crime. The Ukrainians didn't even know the aid was held up- not one Ukrainian says they were ever pressured by Trump or anyone in his administration. Every single Democrat witness admitted they had no first hand knowledge of any crime. It was all opinion and assumption.
3) Burisma hiring Biden's son and paying him a huge sum of money for doing nothing (except having the last name "Biden") is sleazy and should be investigated. Joe bragging that he held up aid unless they fired a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma at the time is an actual "Quid pro quo" and that should be investigated.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
Now we've got him./ Any day now.

There was never any expectation that the Trump party controlled Senate would convict him. It would take integrity for them to do that, and they just don't have any.
McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:

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I think I would like to quote myself here though it was the Senator chose to leak it to their allies the New York Times instead. Do I know the deviousness of liberals or what?

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You called it dead nuts. Now, if folks are thinking, that manuscript went through our govrenment to make sure there were no secrets in it. So in a way, Bolton already gave his testimony. The senators, Romny, Merkowski and Collins can have that manuscript in their hot little hands in no time. Bet they have already seen it as a matter of fact. Bring Bolton, then pull the Biden thread.
So unidentified sacredly anonymous “whistleblowers” and an unreleased, potential work of fiction is how they roll
So unidentified sacredly anonymous “whistleblowers” and an unreleased, potential work of fiction is how they roll
Marine Corps General Kelly says he believes Bolton. He will probably be the next war veteran smeared and disparaged by Trumper's.
Are you trying to get me to understand Fanatics? Can't be done.

Fine, then post this source of yours where the claim was made. You are making it all up. You know Trump is popular wherever he goes and people can't wait until the next election.

I don't need to prove it. You are making the claim that Rump is popular wherever he goes and people can't wait until the next election. I will give you that people can't wait for the next election. I know I can't and in some cases, I might barely qualify as people. But the part about how popular Rump is, that you are going to have to prove. And they only way for you to prove that will be Nov 2, 2020.
I work with both sides of the fence and non-Liberals are voting for Trump.

Do you mean ALL non-Liberals? Every one of them? Did you ask ever one of them? Before you make that statement, go ask every one of them. Until then, I'll wait.................still waiting................
8/10 non-Liberals are voting for Trump.
It’s the economy.
By the way, I will probably never vote for President again after Trump finishes his 2nd term because both parties consist of Globalist scum.

Hey, I can play, right?

8/10 Martians are voting for Dumlac for President. 4/5 of Jupertians are voting for Guplas for President. The Lillypad faction is voting for the Candyman. And the people that want to breath are all voting for Nader. How do I know this? I just made them up. Just like you did.
McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:
Nothing Bolton might say will convince 20 Republican senators to vote for conviction.

Oh, I agree to that one. But what it might do is to convince those 20 to go for censure and I am sure that the Dems will go for that for the Win.
No, all it will do is give the Democrats a venue for attacking the President without accomplishing anything for the American people. It would also prevent Warren and Sanders from campinging, pretty much giving Biden a free ride to the nomination.

You obviosly have last weeks score card. Things sure do change fast these days. I suggest that the Senate Republicans settle for Censure to save their own careers.
McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:

Dunno. Biden is losing his shit on the trail and Bernie is beating him.

Putin finally got what he was shooting form. Maybe we should put Putin on the Democratic Card. It appears he has more say than the others do.

Na, it will be Bernie until the convention, then the DNC will knee cap him again and give it to Biden to lose.

Hey, it still might be Mayor Pete as long as Maybe Pete can learn to keep is damned mouth shut until then.

Not a chance. He already lost the black vote. For one, blacks are not keen of gays in the first place, especially one that is married to another man. Two, he's had some problems in his district when it comes to blacks.

I don't think so either but for different reasons that aren't so racist as you.
So unidentified sacredly anonymous “whistleblowers” and an unreleased, potential work of fiction is how they roll
Marine Corps General Kelly says he believes Bolton. He will probably be the next war veteran smeared and disparaged by Trumper's.
No one needs to smear Kelly. Just point out that Dr. Hill, Ambassador Yavonovitch, & US AG Barr have already debunked his (Boston's) book / what he claims...

'Nuff said.

McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:

LOL, TRUMP wanted witnesses all along. Republicans are already on record as saying if Bolton testifies then TRUMP's defense can call Hunter. And Now Republicans are saying if Bolton testifies TRUMP's defense should be able to call more the one witness.

The way I see it is Bolton is smart enough to play both sides without providing a "smoking gun".

And there's a 100% chance Hunter will lie about something under oath and complicate things for Biden and the democrats who will have to try and defend the Biden's.

The first thing that the Rump Defense Council will have to do is to prove that the Bidens had anything to do with Rumps decision to attempt the illegal withholding of the funds, hiding it from congress and a few other little tidbits. The one part about obstruction can be thrown out but that last impeachment tidbit can't. And any and all actions by the bidens, obamas, tooth fairy or any other person or persons has nothing to do with those charges. No defense will be necessary since the Bidens are not part of the Impeachment.

That is good news. That means Hunter and Joe will be anxious to get up there.

They won't need to. They can watch it on PBS just like the rest of us.

Except that it will look like a cover up if the democrats throw out an impeachment charge in order to avoid having the Biden's testify.

Look like? Look like? They've been doing a coverup for Rump for quite awhile. Enter this last week. The sky is falling.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
Now we've got him./ Any day now.

There was never any expectation that the Trump party controlled Senate would convict him. It would take integrity for them to do that, and they just don't have any.

. It would take integrity for them to do that, and they just don't have any.

Is there integrity in either party?
So I’m still wondering...can we call schiff and pelosi and put them under oath?

Schiff? Yes. Piglosi? No. She had nothing to do with it.
Pelosi violated her own requirements for Impeachment - overwhelming evidence & bipartisanship.

SHE is the leader of the House, not Schiff...

SHE is the leader of the House, not Schiff...

The way Schiff and AOC have been leading her around by the nose, I wouldn't bet on that.
McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:
Nothing Bolton might say will convince 20 Republican senators to vote for conviction.

Oh, I agree to that one. But what it might do is to convince those 20 to go for censure and I am sure that the Dems will go for that for the Win.
No, all it will do is give the Democrats a venue for attacking the President without accomplishing anything for the American people. It would also prevent Warren and Sanders from campinging, pretty much giving Biden a free ride to the nomination.

You obviosly have last weeks score card. Things sure do change fast these days. I suggest that the Senate Republicans settle for Censure to save their own careers.

When Acquittal is in the bag, why settle for Censure?
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
The key will be independent voters. Will they hold Republicans accountable for a cover up?

Will they hold democrats accountable for a kangaroo court?

I think there is a lot more to be held accountable than that. And your "Hey, Look Over There" works less and less every day. Remember, when the Public Opinion for Nixon changed to 56% wanting him gone, the House was ready to impeach and Nixon resigned. Right now, Rump is sitting at 51% of the general population wanting him removed. A few months ago, that rating was 45% and it's just gets worse. When it hits 56% will Rump have the dignity of Nixon and resign? No, he's not equal to a pimple on Nixon's ass.

And your "Hey, Look Over There" works less and less every day.

so you bring up Nixon?

Got it
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
Great, then get Impeached Trump up there too.
McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:
Nothing Bolton might say will convince 20 Republican senators to vote for conviction.

Oh, I agree to that one. But what it might do is to convince those 20 to go for censure and I am sure that the Dems will go for that for the Win.
No, all it will do is give the Democrats a venue for attacking the President without accomplishing anything for the American people. It would also prevent Warren and Sanders from campinging, pretty much giving Biden a free ride to the nomination.

You obviosly have last weeks score card. Things sure do change fast these days. I suggest that the Senate Republicans settle for Censure to save their own careers.

When Acquittal is in the bag, why settle for Censure?

It's been a foregone conclusion all along but how they arrive at the destination is the question. As of the last couple of days, the strutting peacock of the "He's Innocent" have all been tamped down. All of a sudden the one article of Impeachment becomes front and center stage. It can no longer be swept under the rug. While the Senate still may vote to not remove Rump from office, they can NEVER vote to exonerate. That ship has sailed. I still believe that the savior to many of the Republican's Careers in the swing states is to go for Censure openly even if they don't get it. At least they will have posted the effort or appeared to. I don't believe the Senate Hearing will last longer than a week but the outcome isn't written in stone like it once was.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
The key will be independent voters. Will they hold Republicans accountable for a cover up?

Will they hold democrats accountable for a kangaroo court?

I think there is a lot more to be held accountable than that. And your "Hey, Look Over There" works less and less every day. Remember, when the Public Opinion for Nixon changed to 56% wanting him gone, the House was ready to impeach and Nixon resigned. Right now, Rump is sitting at 51% of the general population wanting him removed. A few months ago, that rating was 45% and it's just gets worse. When it hits 56% will Rump have the dignity of Nixon and resign? No, he's not equal to a pimple on Nixon's ass.

And your "Hey, Look Over There" works less and less every day.

so you bring up Nixon?

Got it

It has everything to do with it. Rump has mirrored Nixon very closely except Nixon showed a whole hell of a lot more class. And it's not about Nixon, it's about the Congress and how they reacted to public pressures.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
Great, then get Impeached Trump up there too.

What's hilarious is, Bill Clinton could not have been compelled to testify at all. You cannot compel a person to testify in their own trial unless they volunteer. Billy Boy was just plain stupid on that one. For a Rhodes Scholar, obviously, even one of those have "AhShitz" moments. Rump cannot be forced to testify no matter what unless he volunteers. And I don't think even HE is that stupid. That Arrogant maybe but not that stupid.

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