McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

Ray sorry to correct you but we need players surrounding a president that are for country first and politics 2nd.. and not scared shitless to tell him he's wrong

People who worked with Trump on the business level say that Trump welcomes difference of opinion. They have also said that if a person actually only interacted with Trump that way, they would be in disbelief that the Tweets he sends out actually came from him. He's otherwise very professional and intelligent. He loves problems because he's good at solving them.

If I were Vindman, I would have never accepted a position with Trump in the first place. That's the right thing to do. Vindman accepted the position to work behind the scenes to undermine Trump. The phone call was innocuous. It was the stupidest thing to try and impeach a President on. You really had to have the mindset of "what can I find to help the rest of the deep staters defeat this guy?"

With all his medals and ribbons, Vindman was no better than Stroke-off or Page.
Trump welcomed differences of opinion??? That's why those Generals left him ,why ALL the others walked out or were thrown out??Face the truth We have a moron a bully in our WH

Just because Trump welcomed differences in opinions doesn't mean he's going to act on each one. He just wants to hear everybody out. It's still his decision on which way he feels is best to handle a situation.

People who have had jobs understand that if a member of the team is absolutely not on the same page with the team captain about the goals and how to achieve them, that team member gets invited to go join a team he agrees with.

I guess that explains why eddie doesn't get it.

If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?
Generals differ all the time with their opinion. You can see them on news programs. One feels the best way to handle situation X is a certain way, and another will say the way to handle it is differently, or just the opposite. It's not like they all have a consensus.

Generals do not normally express their personal opinions. Vindmann is pretty well toast now. Yah, I know, he's a LtC not a General. But he was called on to testify and he spoke the truth as he knew it as was the custom, tradition of the US Military. He pretty well had to know he was finished before he testified. The Man showed class and courage. And he had to know he was going to be removed from the office he was in and moved to another less visible. I don't think he had a problem with that. Then Rump ran his mouth and besmirched Vindman's character in a very nasty way. Vindman came back hard knowing his career was over. Vindman owes allegiance to America, not just one man. I know some people think that one man IS
America but that's just not the case. America is a much larger thing. The same goes for the other Professionals that Rump kicked to the curb. Not to worry, they all have jobs waiting for them working for people that are actually sane.

Vindman took the job as an anti-trumper. If he had any desire but to work for the deep state, he would have kindly declined the offer. But he didn't. In spite of his disdain for Trump, he took the position for the sole purpose of spying on him hoping to help out his Democrat buddies in getting rid of Trump.

During testimony, even his former supervisor reluctantly testified that Vindman could not be trusted, and received complaints on him in his other duties.

Just keep making it up as you go. I worked for quite a few superiors that I didn't like. In fact, I hate a couple. But I did my job. Personal Opinion was not issued to me. If he was that bad, he would have NEVER gotten to that level. So you keep making crap up as you go.

But rest assured, Vindman is for sure out to hang Rump now.

He always was. That's the point you don't get. So tell me, what politician did you work for that you were against everything they stood for and did? Names please.

I was in the United States Military much like Vindman. Vindman just got caught between doing his duty and covering for a cancer. He chose duty, honor and Country over Rump. But like everything else, consequences do happen. BOHICA.

He was never with Trump. He was not forced to work in the White House, he was offered a position and accepted it. If he had any honesty about him, he would have thanked the President for the offer, but declined because he was of a different political persuasion. Trump would have understood, and probably thanked him for his integrity.

The guy took the job to get inside of Trump's most sensitive areas, while reporting back to the Democrat party. He was basically a spy. He took the job for nefarious reasons.
People who worked with Trump on the business level say that Trump welcomes difference of opinion. They have also said that if a person actually only interacted with Trump that way, they would be in disbelief that the Tweets he sends out actually came from him. He's otherwise very professional and intelligent. He loves problems because he's good at solving them.

If I were Vindman, I would have never accepted a position with Trump in the first place. That's the right thing to do. Vindman accepted the position to work behind the scenes to undermine Trump. The phone call was innocuous. It was the stupidest thing to try and impeach a President on. You really had to have the mindset of "what can I find to help the rest of the deep staters defeat this guy?"

With all his medals and ribbons, Vindman was no better than Stroke-off or Page.
Trump welcomed differences of opinion??? That's why those Generals left him ,why ALL the others walked out or were thrown out??Face the truth We have a moron a bully in our WH

Just because Trump welcomed differences in opinions doesn't mean he's going to act on each one. He just wants to hear everybody out. It's still his decision on which way he feels is best to handle a situation.

People who have had jobs understand that if a member of the team is absolutely not on the same page with the team captain about the goals and how to achieve them, that team member gets invited to go join a team he agrees with.

I guess that explains why eddie doesn't get it.

If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Trump in SOTU in 2019 said Revenge politics is unamerican Now all can see we have a scumbag in our WH with cowards surrounding him

You are just assuming it's revenge. A President needs team players on his side, not players that are against him. If you were managing a baseball team, would you let the player that's for the other side be a pitcher on your team, or a catcher? Of course not. That player will not play for your team, he is playing for the other team to win.

Barr is doing revenge actions with little, no or fabricated information to base it on. Rump is out to destroy as many careers as he can. And there will be a backlash. I'll give it 5 months and it's right back to another impeachment if Barr files with Barr lockstepped with Rump in the Impeachment.

So what we have here is the fake Russian collision, we had a spying ring going on for Trump's circle, and indirectly, for Trump himself, we had a doctored FISA application to get the warrant illegally, we had a lawyer recently go into FBI files and alter documents, we have a former VP who's drug head son got no-show job for 83K a month, in an industry he had no experience in, with a corrupt company in a corrupt county his father was in charge of, and nobody is supposed to look into these things?

Sorry, but this is how corruption grows. This is why the players feel they don't have to play by any other rules than their own. Nothing will ever happen to them unless they get busted. And if somebody is near a position where that could happen, find some phony reason to try and get rid of him.
Let me start with there sure as hell was Russian collusion and sure as hell trump asked for it The rest of your post is the same ,,,all bs accusations by republican cowardly liars BTW How much are trumps kids making on daddies presidency??

Probably not much. Trump lost a billion dollars of worth since he announced his candidacy. Donald Jr. is working for free like his father. His daughter, I don't know about.

Since you know there was Russian collusion, you better get Mueller's number and let him know you got something his two year investigation didn't turn up.
Yeah that meeting of Trumps idiot son at trump towers with high ranking russian people was all about adoption You really believe that BS and Mueller had the goods on Trump but passed it down to congress where senate cowards made excuses for and ignored it
Trump welcomed differences of opinion??? That's why those Generals left him ,why ALL the others walked out or were thrown out??Face the truth We have a moron a bully in our WH

Just because Trump welcomed differences in opinions doesn't mean he's going to act on each one. He just wants to hear everybody out. It's still his decision on which way he feels is best to handle a situation.

People who have had jobs understand that if a member of the team is absolutely not on the same page with the team captain about the goals and how to achieve them, that team member gets invited to go join a team he agrees with.

I guess that explains why eddie doesn't get it.

If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did
The phone transcript shows Trump asking Zelensky to investigate Biden ya goof.

No, it doesn't, unless you happen to be so determined to hear that that you would hear it in a McDonald's commercial jingle.

Please try to step out of your bubble long enough to realize how much perspective changes things.

Did you say something. Oh yeah. Step out of your bubble because you pathetic brainwashed scumbag libtards and Demtards got your asses kicked again.

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. . . Aaaand your kneejerk, ignorant assumption that your opinion = THE conservatism, and anyone who disagrees with you is automatically a "libtard" puts you right where you belong, in the mouthbreather circular file.

Buh bye, Jethro.

You left out the other things. If anyone doesn't back Rump 100% the are also
And a lot more.

I am seeing Rump go into his :boo_hoo14: mode, feel sorry for him. While I don't normally care for Nancy, once in awhile she does something that completely gets under Rumps skin. She just reaches right over and rips that self inflicted scab off that wound. This is priceless. And I am a Fiscal Conservative.

Another lie from Daryl. Conservative. Your full of shit. Your so far left it isn’t funny. It’s nice to see the losers stick together

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We call losers sticking together the Republican senate Keep it up longo You crack me up
I see you don't understand Bolton at all. He may be a hawk but he's a true believer. No matter how insane Rump is, as long as he followed along the lines that Bolton wanted everything was hunky dory. But the Ukraine mess crossed the line. Bolton cannot be "Brought into Line" by anyone. True Believers are the most dangerous enemy and can be the most dangerous ally.

Bolton is a lying sack of shit and trying to get back in the spotlight.

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Yah, saying anything contrary to what Rump says is always lying, right. It's going to be a fun 10 months. Sleep Tight. I am on Guard to protect you.

Huntshit. How are you feeling today after getting another ass whopping from President Trump. Demtards lose again and they will continue to lose because they are pathetic scumbags like you and your friends. Loooooooossssssssssssseeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssss

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You are going to have to do with no better than a 50/50 senate Rep to Dem ratio in the Senate. Rump was less on trial than the Republicans in the Senate were. The verdict against the Senate Reps wasn't the forgone conclusion decision not to remove rump from office, it was the refusal to include pertinent witnesses. Only one Republican Senator has stopped forward and voiced remorse for that. But the time for remorse was BEFORE the vote for the witnesses was cast. It's okay to have a sham trial (and it was a sham and we all knew it) but it's another to be so blatant about it that it's out there for anyone with even a smidgen amount of common sense can see it. This tripped the trigger on a lot of us out here that do NOT support the Democrats and now, not only do we demand that Rump be gone, it's time to take his blind followers along with him. We are taking on 4 right now. Meaning, if we succeed (and there is a very good chance we will) the senate count just might be in the Dems favor of 51/49. That is something I don't wish to see if the Dems retain the House but it's better than the alternative. With the normal Gain/Loss ratio, it looks to be a split Senate come January. All of a sudden, the VP gets a real job.

You have something to say now dumb ass. Like I said. Start crying now because you lose in 2020 big time.

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LONGO In Nov stay away from guns It might save your life ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or don't
Just because Trump welcomed differences in opinions doesn't mean he's going to act on each one. He just wants to hear everybody out. It's still his decision on which way he feels is best to handle a situation.

People who have had jobs understand that if a member of the team is absolutely not on the same page with the team captain about the goals and how to achieve them, that team member gets invited to go join a team he agrees with.

I guess that explains why eddie doesn't get it.

If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.
People who have had jobs understand that if a member of the team is absolutely not on the same page with the team captain about the goals and how to achieve them, that team member gets invited to go join a team he agrees with.

I guess that explains why eddie doesn't get it.

If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.

Okay, let's look at that. The old Ukrainian President didn't like her. Rump didn't like her. They really hate honest professional people. I wonder who is filling that position now or is it held open to see if Rudy will be available.
If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.

Okay, let's look at that. The old Ukrainian President didn't like her. Rump didn't like her. They really hate honest professional people. I wonder who is filling that position now or is it held open to see if Rudy will be available.

That I couldn't tell you. What I can tell you is the articles I read on her, she's very bossy, and people above her didn't care for that. She didn't offer advice, she insisted on it. Point is that it was more than just Trump.
If you ask three Generals what the biggest threat to the US is today, you will probably get three different answers. Military people are like any other group. They don't all think alike simply because they're in the military. When Bush was President, you had military people that approved of waterboarding. You had people like McCain who were totally against it.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.

Okay, let's look at that. The old Ukrainian President didn't like her. Rump didn't like her. They really hate honest professional people. I wonder who is filling that position now or is it held open to see if Rudy will be available.

Okay, let's look a little deeper. We're told that Biden extorting a foreign government in order to force it to get rid of an official is laudable because no one liked him. Yet Trump getting rid of an unpopular official is seemed scandalous.

And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?
And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?

Guess you've missed all the times that Trump has given nicknames to his opponents.
And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?

Guess you've missed all the times that Trump has given nicknames to his opponents.

No, I didn't miss that at all. Are these people trying to be like Trump? Maybe it's a plea to be liked by the the cool kids or something like that.
And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?

Guess you've missed all the times that Trump has given nicknames to his opponents.

He's from New York city. That's how they are. Bush gave plenty of people nicknames, but mostly to people he liked.
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.

Okay, let's look at that. The old Ukrainian President didn't like her. Rump didn't like her. They really hate honest professional people. I wonder who is filling that position now or is it held open to see if Rudy will be available.

That I couldn't tell you. What I can tell you is the articles I read on her, she's very bossy, and people above her didn't care for that. She didn't offer advice, she insisted on it. Point is that it was more than just Trump.
Giuliani trump boot licker didn't like her either Remember the line're known by the friends you keep and also by your enemies ??
And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?

Guess you've missed all the times that Trump has given nicknames to his opponents.

No, I didn't miss that at all. Are these people trying to be like Trump? Maybe it's a plea to be liked by the the cool kids or something like that.
Perhaps hadit you'd prefer Drumph??
And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?

Guess you've missed all the times that Trump has given nicknames to his opponents.

He's from New York city. That's how they are. Bush gave plenty of people nicknames, but mostly to people he liked.
I'm from NY and we call trump slime bag
And every one of them was expected to support the government's position on it, whatever their private opinions. The left has no problem with judges being expected to uphold abortion law regardless of their private opinions, and demand that any who substitute their opinion for policy be summarily dismissed. Yet this guy is supposed to be kept on board?

They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.

Okay, let's look at that. The old Ukrainian President didn't like her. Rump didn't like her. They really hate honest professional people. I wonder who is filling that position now or is it held open to see if Rudy will be available.

That I couldn't tell you. What I can tell you is the articles I read on her, she's very bossy, and people above her didn't care for that. She didn't offer advice, she insisted on it. Point is that it was more than just Trump.

So you just made the rest up. I know of many Professionals that are bossy, don't give advice, they give orders and are very narrow in the scope of their jobs. Corporate America Loves "em. Just because She didn't sway from that narrow scope doesn't mean she didn't do a good job. Now, if Rump wants to fire her, that's clearly up to Rump but let's not go off on a character assassination just because Rump does. If Rump thought he could benefit from it, he would try and get laws passed to character assassinate Jesus Christ, Moses, Budha, Mohamed, Baal and every other Diety that wasn't him.
They do this with Trump all the time. Just like when they cried about Yovanovich. They only stopped bitching about it when it was pointed out that DumBama got rid of all his Ambassadors before he even entered the White House. That shut the left up about her.
Obama didn't do it for revenge Only the pos in the WH now did

He got rid of her because she was a trouble maker. The Ukraine President didn't like her, the former President didn't like her, and Trump didn't like her.

Okay, let's look at that. The old Ukrainian President didn't like her. Rump didn't like her. They really hate honest professional people. I wonder who is filling that position now or is it held open to see if Rudy will be available.

That I couldn't tell you. What I can tell you is the articles I read on her, she's very bossy, and people above her didn't care for that. She didn't offer advice, she insisted on it. Point is that it was more than just Trump.

So you just made the rest up. I know of many Professionals that are bossy, don't give advice, they give orders and are very narrow in the scope of their jobs. Corporate America Loves "em. Just because She didn't sway from that narrow scope doesn't mean she didn't do a good job. Now, if Rump wants to fire her, that's clearly up to Rump but let's not go off on a character assassination just because Rump does. If Rump thought he could benefit from it, he would try and get laws passed to character assassinate Jesus Christ, Moses, Budha, Mohamed, Baal and every other Diety that wasn't him.

Trump has freedom of speech just like anybody else. The woman was a pain in the ass apparently. While I didn't keep the articles I've read, I'm sure they're not that hard to find. People take orders from people above them, they highly reject taking orders from people below them. She's only a Fn Ambassador, not a President. Apparently she didn't know her place or importance.
And who's this Rump character anyway? There's nobody in Washington with that name. I mean, nobody is such a juvenile fool that they think they're being clever are they?

Guess you've missed all the times that Trump has given nicknames to his opponents.

No, I didn't miss that at all. Are these people trying to be like Trump? Maybe it's a plea to be liked by the the cool kids or something like that.
Perhaps hadit you'd prefer Drumph??

If you're going to attempt it, you should at least use something original and funny. This is just sad.

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