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McConnell claims GOP will sacrifice White House, drop Trump ‘like a hot rock’ if he’s nominee

"Republican voters need only look to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to understand that GOP lawmakers will willingly sacrifice the White House in order to save their own hides."

And save the party as well.

How will rejecting Trump save the party? What is it being saved from, victory?
"Republican voters need only look to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to understand that GOP lawmakers will willingly sacrifice the White House in order to save their own hides."

And save the party as well.

How will rejecting Trump save the party? What is it being saved from, victory?

Pretty much. Apparently McConnell and his ilk like things the way they are. They don't have to actually do anything, can say "well we tried, just send us more money" and expect they'll never be voted out of office.
Putting aside C_Clayton's mindless prattle, it is important to remember this....every time Trump wins, it gets the country back to its roots. The Founders always intended citizen patriots to step forward & enter government service for a little while. It was never their intent to have dickheads like McConnell, Paul Ryan, Henry Reid, & Pelosi make careers out of politics. McConnell is blind like the rest of the Establishment. They don't see the tsunami coming their way. I say good. I'm happy to sacrifice this farce that has become the GOP to take down the establishment.
Its like watching a feud between the Hatfields and Hatfields.

Popcorn is popped, remote in hand; let's draw this one out for a long, slow, bitter ending.
It's hard to believe what incredible douche bags these establishment RINOs are.

McConnell claims GOP lawmakers will sacrifice White House, drop Trump ‘like a hot rock’ if he's nominee | BizPac Review

Republican voters need only look to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to understand that GOP lawmakers will willingly sacrifice the White House in order to save their own hides.

As the Republican Party begins to accept the very real possibility that front-runner Donald Trump will be their presidential nominee, McConnell “laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election,” The New York Times reported.

Despite his overwhelming victories thus far, leaders of the party think Trump will lose in the general election and will hurt Republicans down-ticket.

It's hard to believe what incredible douche bags these establishment RINOs are.

McConnell claims GOP lawmakers will sacrifice White House, drop Trump ‘like a hot rock’ if he's nominee | BizPac Review

Republican voters need only look to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to understand that GOP lawmakers will willingly sacrifice the White House in order to save their own hides.

As the Republican Party begins to accept the very real possibility that front-runner Donald Trump will be their presidential nominee, McConnell “laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election,” The New York Times reported.

Despite his overwhelming victories thus far, leaders of the party think Trump will lose in the general election and will hurt Republicans down-ticket.

You still don't get it. If Trump is the nominee of the party he will get slaughtered. And Republicans will lose the Senate and the House also, as most people vote straight tickets. So they would vote Democrat all the way down the ballot.

Trump can't win. He has chased off 17% of the population, Hispanics when the GOP nominee, historically, since Reagan, needs at least 40% of this block to win. The last President to win was G.W. Bush and he captured 44% of this block, Romney lost by only getting 27% of this block. Of course, in 2012 the immigration topic, deportation, etc. were also topics during the debates and it killed Republicans with Hispanics. Obviously, the right didn't learn anything from that, and they're back at it again. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this block. Registered Republican Latino voters have already stated they will not support a Donald Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Trump would lose women, the largest voting block in this country today. Republicans have a bad history with women already, that showed it's ugly head in 2012. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This by continually going into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is Legitimate, legal rape questions and answers.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Mitt Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.

Basically it was Hispanics and women that secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Mitch McConnell and others within the Republican party are finally looking at these stats and thinking Sweet Baby Jesus what are we in for.

These numbers already indicate that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.

So as this Republican states who is a Professor for National Security at the Naval Academy: "The future of the entire Conservative movement is at stake, and the only way to save it is for Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump."
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump


The Republican party has been shattered into pieces.

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"You still don't get it. If Trump is the nominee of the party he will get slaughtered. And Republicans will lose the Senate and the House also, as most people vote straight tickets. So they would vote Democrat all the way down the ballot."


In fact, a significant number of Trump supporters aren't really interested in wining the WH, just 'destroying' the hated 'establishment'; and losing the Senate along with the presidential election is how they're planning on doing it.
"You still don't get it. If Trump is the nominee of the party he will get slaughtered. And Republicans will lose the Senate and the House also, as most people vote straight tickets. So they would vote Democrat all the way down the ballot."


In fact, a significant number of Trump supporters aren't really interested in wining the WH, just 'destroying' the hated 'establishment'; and losing the Senate along with the presidential election is how they're planning on doing it.

They have done a great job of doing that already. Most of the Tea Party members in this country are 3 or more daily hours of faithful listeners to right wing radio talk shows, and or attached at the hip to FOX news. These programs will fill them with hours of right wing hyperbole, designed to inflame them, and leave out a lot of critical information. Like the make-up of the National electorate, which candidate can or can't win the White House and the reasons for that, etc. They're ignorant of all that information.

So they get angry at their own party, and go crazy ivan on a candidate that they believe is some type of John Wayne figure. What they don't realize is that Donald Trump is really Colonel Custer, and they're part of the 7th Calvary.

These people are the ones who are picking who the GOP nominee will be, even though they are the minority of the party, they have driven this election right into Hillary Clinton's lap, and they don't even realize it. They may never realize it. Right wing talk show hosts have repeatedly told them that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough--LOL. Barack Obama won a 2nd term because Republicans chased off women by double digits, and Hispanics.


They never learn. Until the Republican party learns to stop chasing off large voting blocks they will continue to lose national elections from here on out.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Mr. Talent loan from Gawwwd-d & his right wing comrades, are huge part of the part of the problem. Political entertainment for ratings and those Obscene profit breaks, has shattered the Republican party into pieces.

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I'd say it a safe bet the Gopp is screwed in November unless some really weird thing happens. If the Gopp supports trump they lose and lose Senate seats as well.
If they dump him he goes 3rd party and he loses and they lose anyway.

And waiting to fill a Supreme Court seat will be worse because then the Democrat president can choose somone alot more liberal.

It going to be a really bad year for Gopps. Of course, sometimes something weird does happen.
I'd say it a safe bet the Gopp is screwed in November unless some really weird thing happens. If the Gopp supports trump they lose and lose Senate seats as well.
If they dump him he goes 3rd party and he loses and they lose anyway.

And waiting to fill a Supreme Court seat will be worse because then the Democrat president can choose somone alot more liberal.

It going to be a really bad year for Gopps. Of course, sometimes something weird does happen.

You mean like Hillary getting indicted?
The GOP mainstream moderates will turn its collective back on Trump while letting the far right and social con scream themselves hoarse.

If the system elect Trump then everyone needs to take their medicine. Just like we have for the last 8 years, We need to realize just why it is time for Trump. Its because Obama has brought America to her knees, one breath away from a bullet to the head. Hard to believe Obama screwed things up so bad that Americans are pleading for leadership, thus Trump is it

You see, we conservatives are showing the Democrats and The Pubs that we're sick of your shit. We have been patient waiting, but you failed us. Now America is going to control her own destiny and show you all what it means to have courage and resolve.

Today's America is a dull light that Obama is trying to extinguish. Trump is like a blazing sun in contrast

"You still don't get it. If Trump is the nominee of the party he will get slaughtered. And Republicans will lose the Senate and the House also, as most people vote straight tickets. So they would vote Democrat all the way down the ballot."


In fact, a significant number of Trump supporters aren't really interested in wining the WH, just 'destroying' the hated 'establishment'; and losing the Senate along with the presidential election is how they're planning on doing it.

Utter and complete morons vote straight ticket. So you're saying most people are morons?

The moderates in your party are willing to sacrifice elections in order to maintain control of the party.

Letting the dems win is not as bad as to surrendering control to its right wing or social conservative base. Of the three groups, the moderates are the least likely to believe the dems will destroy the nation.
Drumph is not a social conservative.
I'd say it a safe bet the Gopp is screwed in November unless some really weird thing happens. If the Gopp supports trump they lose and lose Senate seats as well.
If they dump him he goes 3rd party and he loses and they lose anyway.

And waiting to fill a Supreme Court seat will be worse because then the Democrat president can choose somone alot more liberal.

It going to be a really bad year for Gopps. Of course, sometimes something weird does happen.

You mean like Hillary getting indicted?

If she's the candidate that would do it. But don't bet on that one, it is just a pie in the sky dream for con-land. The key is 'was it so-and-so' at the time.

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