McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020

McConnell can't take on impeachment until the increasingly unstable House Speaker decides to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
Actually he can.. They are a matter of public record. IF the house refuses he can summarily dismiss them by a vote of the Senate.
Since the Senate is in charge of the rules......................just like Nancy Drew...uh........Peolis was in charge in the Senate. LOL

Well.........Mitch can pretty much do as he damn well pleases with a simple Majority vote......LOL

Meaning he can call for a dismissal vote right off the bat.............

Meaning if they refuse to send them the articles and show up........he can call a vote to dismiss because they will not show up............LOL a bitch
and Karma's wrath on hypocrites will come down on you as well.... because your side, are hypocrites to the nth degree! ;)


It would be an injustice to the American people to not have a trial with witnesses and evidence and arguments for and against,

and most importantly, an injustice for the president...

His acquittal, would forever be known as a scam, a "THE FIX WAS IN" acquittal and his legacy, forever and a day....HISTORY, will be recounting it as SCAM acquittal until History doesn't exist.

And that would not be fair to him.... if he really is innocent.

If he is guilty, taking a sham acquittal without a trial, could be the best he would ever get.

Acquittal, is acquittal, is acquittal, is acquittal. No one cares about witnesses in the senate. The impeachment record is complete, or it shouldn't have been sent over from the House. The trial is not the time for fishing expeditions. Even if they called Mulvaney, Bolton, Blair, and Duffey, all they would say is "executive privilege" and waste more time.
The GOP can call Schiff, Chalupa, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, Page, Rice, Lynch, the Ohrs, Rosenstein, Mueller, Ukrainians, Mifsud, Downer, Simpson, Powers, Kavalec, Pientka, Priestap, Baker, Comey, McCabe, Halper, Rogers, Steele, and any other relevant coup plotters or explainers. The trial could take until the election if Mitch plays it right, with the dem senators silently glued to their seats until the trial is over.
The Mitch show could be riveting as they show Operation Crossfire Hurricane as the biggest scandal in US history, as well as eliminate the viability of all the democrat presidential candidates.

Be careful what you wish for. The senate rules would be devastating to the impeachment case, and toxic to democrats in general.
Your 'opinion' had some very exact information, the reason I requested a link.
"The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else." Its in the OP.

But you did not post an opinion, you stated a statement as a fact: "McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement"

That is a statement of fact, not opinion. So where do you get that from?
Your 'opinion' had some very exact information, the reason I requested a link.
"The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else." Its in the OP.

But you did not post an opinion, you stated a statement as a fact: "McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement"

That is a statement of fact, not opinion. So where do you get that from?
I got that from persons who would know in the Senate... Persons who disclosed on conditions of anonymity.
McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement.

In what appears to be a stunning move by the Senate Majority leader, a Trial has been scheduled starting January 6, 2020 to deal with the House Articles of Impeachment. It is front and center on the schedule according to sources close to McConnell. It appears that McConnell is going to call Nancy's bluff and demands for a continued sham house run smear campaign.

House rules demand that any impeachment voted in the affirmative, by the house, "MUST BE IMMEDIATELY TRANSMITTED TO THE SENATE". A rule Nancy apparently thinks she does not have to follow.

Sources close to McConnell say he may appeal to SCOTUS, as soon as January 2nd, for immediate relief from the House and Pelosi who is obstructing the Senate from completing its constitutionally mandated duties in a timely manner and denying Trump his right to a speedy and fair trial.

The gloves are off and its going to be brutal...

The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else.

No such rule exists. The Constitution gives the House sole power of impeachment. McConnell nor the Supreme Court have any say in the matter.

Pelosi has Trump and McConnell by the balls, and there isn't thing they can do about it.
McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement.

In what appears to be a stunning move by the Senate Majority leader, a Trial has been scheduled starting January 6, 2020 to deal with the House Articles of Impeachment. It is front and center on the schedule according to sources close to McConnell. It appears that McConnell is going to call Nancy's bluff and demands for a continued sham house run smear campaign.

House rules demand that any impeachment voted in the affirmative, by the house, "MUST BE IMMEDIATELY TRANSMITTED TO THE SENATE". A rule Nancy apparently thinks she does not have to follow.

Sources close to McConnell say he may appeal to SCOTUS, as soon as January 2nd, for immediate relief from the House and Pelosi who is obstructing the Senate from completing its constitutionally mandated duties in a timely manner and denying Trump his right to a speedy and fair trial.

The gloves are off and its going to be brutal...

The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else.

No such rule exists. The Constitution gives the House sole power of impeachment. McConnell nor the Supreme Court have any say in the matter.

Pelosi has Trump and McConnell by the balls, and there isn't thing they can do about it.
Can you acknowledge Pelosi lied to you?
McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement.

In what appears to be a stunning move by the Senate Majority leader, a Trial has been scheduled starting January 6, 2020 to deal with the House Articles of Impeachment. It is front and center on the schedule according to sources close to McConnell. It appears that McConnell is going to call Nancy's bluff and demands for a continued sham house run smear campaign.

House rules demand that any impeachment voted in the affirmative, by the house, "MUST BE IMMEDIATELY TRANSMITTED TO THE SENATE". A rule Nancy apparently thinks she does not have to follow.

Sources close to McConnell say he may appeal to SCOTUS, as soon as January 2nd, for immediate relief from the House and Pelosi who is obstructing the Senate from completing its constitutionally mandated duties in a timely manner and denying Trump his right to a speedy and fair trial.

The gloves are off and its going to be brutal...

The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else.

Why did she invite President Trump to give The State of The Union Address in the House on Feb 4!!!!!
McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement.

In what appears to be a stunning move by the Senate Majority leader, a Trial has been scheduled starting January 6, 2020 to deal with the House Articles of Impeachment. It is front and center on the schedule according to sources close to McConnell. It appears that McConnell is going to call Nancy's bluff and demands for a continued sham house run smear campaign.

House rules demand that any impeachment voted in the affirmative, by the house, "MUST BE IMMEDIATELY TRANSMITTED TO THE SENATE". A rule Nancy apparently thinks she does not have to follow.

Sources close to McConnell say he may appeal to SCOTUS, as soon as January 2nd, for immediate relief from the House and Pelosi who is obstructing the Senate from completing its constitutionally mandated duties in a timely manner and denying Trump his right to a speedy and fair trial.

The gloves are off and its going to be brutal...

The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else.

No such rule exists. The Constitution gives the House sole power of impeachment. McConnell nor the Supreme Court have any say in the matter.

Pelosi has Trump and McConnell by the balls, and there isn't thing they can do about it.

True the House has the "sole power to impeach", but not the power to remove. The senate has "the sole power to try", but not impeach.
As the esteemed law professor from Stanford said, "the "impeachment" isn't complete until the House forwards the articles to the senate for a trial".
In the senate, Mitch calls the shots and makes the rules with a simple majority. Schumer and Nancy are powerless in the senate, if Nancy had balls, Mitch would have them grabbed.

The impeachment record is complete, or it shouldn't have been sent over from the House. The senate trial is not the time for fishing expeditions. Even if they called Mulvaney, Bolton, Blair, and Duffey, all they would say is "executive privilege" and waste more time.
The GOP can call Schiff, Chalupa, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, Page, Rice, Lynch, the Ohrs, Rosenstein, Mueller, Ukrainians, Mifsud, Downer, Simpson, Powers, Kavalec, Pientka, Priestap, Baker, Comey, McCabe, Halper, Rogers, Steele, and any other relevant coup plotters or explainers. The trial could take until the election if Mitch plays it right, with the dem senators silently glued to their seats until the trial is over.
The Mitch McConnell show should be riveting as they show "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" as the biggest scandal in US history, as well as eliminate the viability of all the democrat presidential candidates.

Be careful what you wish for, the senate rules will be devastating to the impeachment case, and toxic to democrats in general.
McConnell preparing to deal with Articles of Impeachment on January 6, 2020, with or without House involvement.

In what appears to be a stunning move by the Senate Majority leader, a Trial has been scheduled starting January 6, 2020 to deal with the House Articles of Impeachment. It is front and center on the schedule according to sources close to McConnell. It appears that McConnell is going to call Nancy's bluff and demands for a continued sham house run smear campaign.

House rules demand that any impeachment voted in the affirmative, by the house, "MUST BE IMMEDIATELY TRANSMITTED TO THE SENATE". A rule Nancy apparently thinks she does not have to follow.

Sources close to McConnell say he may appeal to SCOTUS, as soon as January 2nd, for immediate relief from the House and Pelosi who is obstructing the Senate from completing its constitutionally mandated duties in a timely manner and denying Trump his right to a speedy and fair trial.

The gloves are off and its going to be brutal...

The opinions here and information are mine. I have yet to see this reported anywhere else.

No such rule exists. The Constitution gives the House sole power of impeachment. McConnell nor the Supreme Court have any say in the matter.

Pelosi has Trump and McConnell by the balls, and there isn't thing they can do about it.
I suggest you read House Rules butt boy...
Democrats will be crying in their beer after McConnell and the other GOP Senators immediately vote to dismiss charges.
what is Moscow Mitch's governing philosophy for America, other than appointing judges, and cutting taxes for the rich every now and then?
Leader Schumer, In Letter To Leader McConnell, Puts Forward Structure For A Fair And Honest Bipartisan Impeachment Trial In Senate; Schumer Proposed-Trial Structure Would Require Specific Documents And Testimony From Four Key Witnesses | Senate Democratic Leadership

Specifically, Leader Schumer’s proposal would, among other things, establish that the Senate:

  • Begin with pre-trial housekeeping measures adopted on Monday, January 6, 2020; swearing-in of the Chief Justice and Senators occur on Tuesday, January 7, 2020; House Managers presentations begin on Thursday, January 9, 2020;

  • Provide 24 hours to each side for opening presentations and rebuttals and 16 hours for questioning by senators evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats;

  • Issue subpoenas for Robert Blair, Senior Advisor to the Acting White House Chief of Staff; Mick Mulvaney, Acting White House Chief of Staff; John Bolton, former National Security Advisor; and Michael Duffey, Associate Director for National Security, Office of Management and Budget to testify. All four of these witnesses were asked to testify in the House impeachment inquiry but did not appear;

  • Schumer’s letter says that Democrats are open to hearing the testimony of additional witnesses having direct knowledge of the Administration’s decisions related to the delay in security assistant funding to Ukraine and its requests for certain investigations to be announced by the government of Ukraine, if the President’s Counsel or House Managers wish to call such witnesses.

  • Issue subpoenas for a specific, limited list of documents that will shed additional light on the Administration’s decision making regarding the delay in security assistance funding to Ukraine and its requests for certain investigations to be announced by the government of Ukraine;

  • The documents will include communications between administration officials about the withholding of the Ukraine military assistance and its requests for certain investigations to be announced by the government of Ukraine.

  • Allow for witnesses to testify and be examined for up to four hours by each side; and

  • Upon the conclusion of final arguments, the Senate will begin up to 24 hours of deliberations.

The full text of Leader Schumer’s letter to Leader McConnell can be found here and below:
McConnell: “Let’s quit the charade” of impeachment impartiality, shall we?

“All I’m asking of Schumer is that we treat Trump the same way we treated Clinton.”

Does anyone really think senators on either side of the aisle are impartial about Donald Trump and the House impeachment? Come on man, Mitch McConnell told Fox & Friends this morning. If Senate Democrats were truly concerned about impartiality, the Senate Majority Leader said, they’d have no trouble adopting the same rules for the upcoming impeachment trial that got adopted 100-0 twenty years ago for Bill Clinton’s trial.

Besides, which Senate Democrats have demurred on publicly commenting on Trump’s alleged guilt?

“Do you think Chuck Schumer is impartial? Do you think Elizabeth Warren is impartial? Bernie Sanders is impartial? So let’s quit the charade. This is a political exercise. … All I’m asking of Schumer is that we treat Trump the same way we treated Clinton.

“We had a procedure that was approved 100 to nothing — Schumer voted for it, to go through the opening arguments, to have a written question period, and then, based upon that, deciding what witnesses to call. We haven’t ruled out witnesses. We’ve said let’s handle this case just like we did with President Clinton. Fair is fair.”​

This is a very good response to allegations that McConnell is engaging in undue partisanship. The Senate has a bipartisan precedent for handling an impeachment trial. If Schumer is truly interested in impartiality, then he should have already accepted McConnell’s offer to simply adopt those as the rules for this trial as well. Schumer needs to explain why those rules were fine for Clinton but not for Trump.

At this point, at least, nothing’s moving — and McConnell says nothing will before Nancy Pelosi gets around to sending over the articles of impeachment. The longer that takes, McConnell warns, the more voters will be wondering why they rushed into impeachment in an election year:

MCCONNELL was asked if he had spoken to Schumer: “Yeah, before we left town. Look, we’re at an impasse. We can’t do anything until the speaker sends the papers over, so everybody enjoy the holidays.”

“THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, if they think this is a very significant episode, can take it into account we’re voting this year. Most people that I run into, whether they are fans of the president or not, say, ‘Well, why don’t you just let us decide this? We’re in the middle of the election.’”​

Not only have Senate Democrats’ most prominent members been anything but impartial, but they haven’t explained why voters shouldn’t just make this decision. In the end, they’re stuck with it anyway:

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Cali.) endorsed impeachment on Twitter a few hours ahead of the vote, and that wasn’t even her first time in doing so. In last month’s Democratic presidential debate, three of her Senate colleagues running for the nomination endorsed impeachment as well — Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders. Warren said she would exhort Republicans to convict, and Harris referred to Trump as “a criminal living in the White House.” Ginsburg’s impartial jury pool is thinning out on both sides of the aisle.

The demands for impartiality are really just a smokescreen for an impeachment debacle borne out of hyperpartisanship and personal animosity. What began as a politicized stunt will eventually end in a politicized stalemate, and voters will have the last word. As they should.
McConnell believes that Pelosi will send the impeachment articles soon enough, calling the delay “an absurd position.” That’s almost certainly true, since there is nothing to be gained by the delay and a lot to lose for Democrats who are watching support for impeachment drain away. If Pelosi wants to hold onto those articles, McConnell would be delighted to use the Senate’s time to confirm more judges to the federal bench. That would make for “happy holidays” at the White House, indeed.


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Nancy's impeachment "Hail Mary" fell with a thud.
Mitch and the GOP senate will acquit Trump, and then all the dems will have is their clown car primaries.

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