Mcconnell Re-elected 37 to 10

The swamp always protects its own....

And that's the message that Rick Scott wanted to communicate.

His attempt at leadership was never about leading. It was always about catering to the fears of his base.
Yeah, the red wave happened but it was stolen once again by Chavez ghost from Election Past!!!

Anyhoo, them re-electing McConnell shows that the GOP are just the Democrats Stooges and are for show only.

Time to get Libertarians and Greens elected and shake this system up a little!
I'm a Greenie!
Green Party has hurt the Democrats more than the Libertarians did the GOP in the past and I was actually thinking about creating a thread on this subject matter.

Green cost Gore and Clinton dearly in 2000 and 2016 in key States while this time in 2022 the Libertarians hurt the GOP in Nevada and Georgia, so let remember their job is not always to win but to stop a bad candidate from winning…
Definitely hurt Gore. If half the people that voted for Nader in NH had gone for Gore, he would have won the state and FL wouldn’t have mattered.
Apparently not bipartisan enough.

No impeachment of a US president has ever removed a president from office. While lawsuits succeed everyday and leadership changes in the Senate have happened dozens and dozens of times.

Unless its Trump filing a "Please look at me!" lawsuit. In which case, the odds drop precipitously.
In fairness, the second impeachment was the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our nation. That's how badly Trump shit the bed.
Trump shit on the political establishment, and they deserved it.
Just saw on FOX that Mitch Mcconnell will won re-election as minority leader of the Senate. Being independent, I do not care who leads the minority in that body, but thought it of interest to many of you.
Looks like the Turtle has a hard shell.
trump helicopter.jpg

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