Mcconnell Ready To Shut Down Center For Disease Control Asap!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So from the rest of the United States, outside of Kentucky, then likely Democrats will note that the Republicans in fact so opposed ObamaCare that in fact they are for the Ebola Plague. The leaderships, if elected, intends another federal shutdown, including of all health services--only weeks ago!

Mitch McConnell s Mischievous Government Shutdown Game

McConnell and likely Boehner are likely to shut down Center for Disease Control, and the rest of the federal health and military agencies, if elected.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Obama economy doing so well that Santa Ynez, indigenous peoples, intend new high rise, near Santa Barbara, CA! Republicans not at all a force in CA, where economy seems to prosper!)
That's a scary thought - but NaziCons are crazy and hateful enough to do it.
And why not?

Its not as though we are a global community with pathogens around the world that could harm us.

Far better that we just fight the zombie apocalypse that is taking place here in the US.

Right, RWs?
Show us where he said he wants to shut down the CDC, you fucking liar.
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.

you've picked up on Van Jones tin foil fearmongering. how cute
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.

you've picked up on Van Jones tin foil fearmongering. how cute
You leftie/commies are so DESPERATE you'll spread anything
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.

you've picked up on Van Jones tin foil fearmongering. how cute
You leftie/commies are so DESPERATE you'll spread anything
Republicans set back recovery a year with their stunt and never even acted as if they felt bad about it, after that I am of the opinion that they would inflict any amount of pain on the nation to punish us for electing such a scary man to be president.
McConnell is probably the biggest piece of shit in Congress. (Quite an accomplishment.) At this point, there's not much I would put past him. Nice job Kentucky!
McConnell is probably the biggest piece of shit in Congress. (Quite an accomplishment.) At this point, there's not much I would put past him. Nice job Kentucky!
So you are willing to take a BS thread and call it truth?

McConnell earned my contempt long ago. I've got better things to do than run down all the sources of the article but since he was instrumental in shutting down the government, I certainly wouldn't put this past him.
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.

you've picked up on Van Jones tin foil fearmongering. how cute
You leftie/commies are so DESPERATE you'll spread anything
Republicans set back recovery a year with their stunt and never even acted as if they felt bad about it, after that I am of the opinion that they would inflict any amount of pain on the nation to punish us for electing such a scary man to be president.
2/3 of the gov yet its still the other guy??!!

The CDC was never shut down ,nor was it going to be along with all the other essential agency's,you were never at anymore risk then as now,except we have Ebola with in our boarders .
McConnell is probably the biggest piece of shit in Congress. (Quite an accomplishment.) At this point, there's not much I would put past him. Nice job Kentucky!
So you are willing to take a BS thread and call it truth?

Well if that's the case, I believe Obama ALLOWED the Ebola to come in our country for his agenda.
wonder if Joey not normal would agree to that being the truth?
McConnell is probably the biggest piece of shit in Congress. (Quite an accomplishment.) At this point, there's not much I would put past him. Nice job Kentucky!
So you are willing to take a BS thread and call it truth?

McConnell earned my contempt long ago. I've got better things to do than run down all the sources of the article but since he was instrumental in shutting down the government, I certainly wouldn't put this past him.
Well good for you, you hate him,still dosn't make this thread the truth

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