McConnell: The President Stepped Up with Bold Plan to Re-Open Government, Fund Border Security

Gotta love this DragonLady idiot to

"Trump hasn't even asked Dems what they want"

Did Obama ask Republicans what they wanted when he told them "elections have consequences" and shoved the ACA down their throats? No, he did not. so shut up with that bullshit.
Mexico is paying, we have heard this over and over. There is no need for taxpayer money , his own words. Its his fault he lied. He gets nothing and will like it.

And Mexico can also pay to re-open the government too.

Or not and we stay shut down. Either way.

Trump can sign a spending bill anytime he wants. He is holding taxpayer money hostage for something he said was paid for, repeatedly. Its on him.

He can't sign a bill that Congress hasn't sent to him to be signed

Who is blocking a bill being sent to him?
Mexico is paying, we have heard this over and over. There is no need for taxpayer money , his own words. Its his fault he lied. He gets nothing and will like it.

And Mexico can also pay to re-open the government too.

Or not and we stay shut down. Either way.

Trump can sign a spending bill anytime he wants. He is holding taxpayer money hostage for something he said was paid for, repeatedly. Its on him.

He can't sign a bill that Congress hasn't sent to him to be signed

Who is blocking a bill being sent to him?

Not Trump lol
I commend @POTUS for his leadership in proposing this bold solution to reopen the government, secure the border, and take bipartisan steps toward addressing current immigration issues.
My full statement: McConnell: The President Stepped Up with Bold Plan to Re-Open Government, Fund Border Security | Republican Leader— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) January 19, 2019

Everyone has made their point—now it’s time to make a law. I intend to move to this legislation this week. With bipartisan cooperation, the Senate can send a bill to the House quickly so that they can take action as well. The situation for furloughed employees isn’t getting any brighter and the crisis at the border isn’t improved by show votes. But the President’s plan is a path toward addressing both issues quickly.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following statement regarding the President’s plan to re-open the closed portions of the federal government, fund border security and address additional immigration measures:

“I commend the President for his leadership in proposing this bold solution to reopen the government, secure the border, and take bipartisan steps toward addressing current immigration issues.

“Compromise in divided government means that everyone can’t get everything they want every time. The President’s proposal reflects that. It strikes a fair compromise by incorporating priorities from both sides of the aisle.

“This bill takes a bipartisan approach to re-opening the closed portions of the federal government. It pairs the border security investment that our nation needs with additional immigration measures that both Democrat and Republican members of Congress believe are necessary. Unlike the bills that have come from the House over the past few weeks, this proposal could actually resolve this impasse. It has the full support of the President and could be signed into law to quickly reopen the government.

“Everyone has made their point—now it’s time to make a law. I intend to move to this legislation this week. With bipartisan cooperation, the Senate can send a bill to the House quickly so that they can take action as well. The situation for furloughed employees isn’t getting any brighter and the crisis at the border isn’t improved by show votes. But the President’s plan is a path toward addressing both issues quickly.”

Trump made a number of assumptions regarding his border wall. Obviously, his speech was designed strictly for his base -- meaning they are the only ones who would believe it. He made no attempt to reach out to the majority of Americans who feel he is solely responsible for the government shutdown. More importantly, he made no attempt to reach out to Democrats to reopen the government.

Trump feels the Democrats should come to the table and negotiate a compromise. He and McConnell are making a fundamental assumption. They are assuming both sides agree that Trump's wall is beneficial, and, therefore, the only issue is negotiating a compromise, a price.

That assumption is blatantly false. It has been from the very beginning, and Trump is incapable of understanding that. The Democrats, many Republicans in Congress, and the majority of the American people feel a border wall is essentially a bad idea. There are modern methods that are far more effective at making our border secure at less cost.

Trump made the assumption this his idea of negotiating is to work out a deal with his son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Vice President Mike Pence. They created this "broader compromise proposal." Democrats were not welcome.

Trump described a "humanitarian crisis" that largely takes place south of our border. He assumes his wall will cure this humanitarian crisis.

Trump attempted to scare us with a litany of crimes committed by illegal immigrants already in this country. He assumes his wall will eliminate many these crimes.

Trump lectured us on illegal drugs entering this country via the southern border. He assumes his wall will stop the flow of drugs. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year were caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.

Trump told us that, by way of compromise, that he has given up on a brick wall from "sea to shining sea," and he is asking for only $5.7 billion for only 230 miles of a steel slat barrier this year! He assumes that those fleeing across the border won't go around, under, or over his beautiful steel slat barrier.

He further assumes that his tactics will work next year when he wants something.

Trump offered three years of protection for immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children, meaning the Dreamers. Earlier in his administration, Trump destroyed the protections afforded to Dreamers. Now he proposing to correct the fault for which he is responsible, using that as a bargaining tool. He is assuming the Democrats will agree to a temporary solution for the Dreamers so that a permanent wall can be built.

He further assumes the Democrats are stupid.

His speech today was just another photo op. It is noted that he did not allow questions from the White House press corps.
Mexico is paying, we have heard this over and over. There is no need for taxpayer money , his own words. Its his fault he lied. He gets nothing and will like it.

And Mexico can also pay to re-open the government too.

Or not and we stay shut down. Either way.

Trump can sign a spending bill anytime he wants. He is holding taxpayer money hostage for something he said was paid for, repeatedly. Its on him.

He can't sign a bill that Congress hasn't sent to him to be signed

Who is blocking a bill being sent to him?

Not Trump lol
Who? Or are you stupid.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, if the Democrats don't accept a deal he negotiated with himself, Mike Pence and his son in law, it's all on them.

The problem is Democrats don't want Trump to fulfill his promise of a wall andr border security. They'd rather see US citizens die while drugs and illegals pour into the country just for a chance to win the 2020 election. Power is more important than doing what's right.
Our awesome Pres.Trump has presented the Democrats a fair and equitable immigration plan.

The ball is now in their court. ... :cool:

Our asshole president has had government shutdown for a month too. How awesome is that?
The Congress refused to fund the government. That is on the fuckwad dems.

The bills to fund the government are sitting in the Senate waiting for action.

Including the house bill passed in DEC with $5.7B border funding. I suppose they put that one on the bottom of the pile?
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

The man trying to secure the border and keep Americans safe while offering up solutions is the "petulant child". smh The Liberal mindset on full display here. God help when these people take over the White House again.
Our awesome Pres.Trump has presented the Democrats a fair and equitable immigration plan.

The ball is now in their court. ... :cool:

Our asshole president has had government shutdown for a month too. How awesome is that?
The Congress refused to fund the government. That is on the fuckwad dems.

The bills to fund the government are sitting in the Senate waiting for action.

Including the house bill passed in DEC with $5.7B border funding. I suppose they put that one on the bottom of the pile?

The Senate voting on that bill would then send it back to the House for reconciliation and the new house would not vote for it.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

The man trying to secure the border and keep Americans safe while offering up solutions is the "petulant child". smh The Liberal mindset on full display here. God help when these people take over the White House again.

So, Trump reportedly had some White House insiders (including his callow, feckless son-in-law) negotiate with some leading Republicans to come up with a plan to end their government shutdown. Because having created this crisis all by themselves they apparently think they can bargain their way out of it all by themselves. As if they don’t actually understand how any of this works.

So, the “offer” is temporary protections for a permanent wall. Which, if accepted, would give Trump every incentive down the road to extort something else he wants for a temporary extension of the temporary protections.

No deal. Because it’s not a deal.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, if the Democrats don't accept a deal he negotiated with himself, Mike Pence and his son in law, it's all on them.


They do not need to accept the deal as is, just us it as a starting point for negotiations.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, if the Democrats don't accept a deal he negotiated with himself, Mike Pence and his son in law, it's all on them.


They do not need to accept the deal as is, just us it as a starting point for negotiations.

LIberals really don't understand negotiating at all. Trump is literally having to force them to the table and they are confused "what do you mean we give up something we want to get something we want?"
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Only a fool would agree to that. I marvel at Dims who believe "negotiate" means complete abdication.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Trump didn't offer to negotiate. He said Mitch McConnell was brining a Bill to the floor of the Senate, this week. This is Emperor Trump dictating the terms of his surrender.
Can you describe what you believe negotiation would look like?
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

The man trying to secure the border and keep Americans safe while offering up solutions is the "petulant child". smh The Liberal mindset on full display here. God help when these people take over the White House again.

So, Trump reportedly had some White House insiders (including his callow, feckless son-in-law) negotiate with some leading Republicans to come up with a plan to end their government shutdown. Because having created this crisis all by themselves they apparently think they can bargain their way out of it all by themselves. As if they don’t actually understand how any of this works.

So, the “offer” is temporary protections for a permanent wall. Which, if accepted, would give Trump every incentive down the road to extort something else he wants for a temporary extension of the temporary protections.

No deal. Because it’s not a deal.

The man sworn to protect Americans is the one putting forth solutions and deals while Liberals whine like little bitches.
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Only a fool would agree to that. I marvel at Dims who believe "negotiate" means complete abdication.

I marvel at the Trumpanzees who still think they are in any position to dictate the terms on anything.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Trump didn't offer to negotiate. He said Mitch McConnell was brining a Bill to the floor of the Senate, this week. This is Emperor Trump dictating the terms of his surrender.
Can you describe what you believe negotiation would look like?

Democrats idea of negotiations

"You stupid conservative racists, this what we want, no one cares what you want, DO IT or you're a redneck bigot"

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