McConnell: The President Stepped Up with Bold Plan to Re-Open Government, Fund Border Security

Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Only a fool would agree to that. I marvel at Dims who believe "negotiate" means complete abdication.

I marvel at the Trumpanzees who still think they are in any position to dictate the terms on anything.
Piglosi is the one who imagines she can dictate terms.
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Only a fool would agree to that. I marvel at Dims who believe "negotiate" means complete abdication.

I marvel at the Trumpanzees who still think they are in any position to dictate the terms on anything.

^ case in point, this moron refuses to even consider that maybe just maybe BOTH sides need to win and lose in a good negotiated bill
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Only a fool would agree to that. I marvel at Dims who believe "negotiate" means complete abdication.

I marvel at the Trumpanzees who still think they are in any position to dictate the terms on anything.

I suppose that's why house bills are piling up in the Senate? Like 2012 in reverse. Even a RINO is marginally better than a DemWitted loon. Come on Ginsberg.....another nail in the coffin.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

The dems are holding onto the drug and child trafficking dollars coming up from Mexico
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, if the Democrats don't accept a deal he negotiated with himself, Mike Pence and his son in law, it's all on them.


They do not need to accept the deal as is, just us it as a starting point for negotiations.
This should not be an issue. The United States has in its history opened and slowed down its immigration borders as needed. Then it became political as the communists took over the Democratic Party. The immigration issue has been locked open since the mid 1960's. This is not about hate. It is about the survival of a nation. A nation where many people are out of shape, sickly and collectors of checks/benefits without doing anything. Sadly there are hard working people who are included in this era who deserve better. So instead of inclusion and joining a culture that is vibrant with all groups we have diversity and a growing tower of babel nation that will go down in flames.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

Here’s my one and only counter offer. We’ll give you another $1.6 billion, to go with the $1.6 billion you already got, for a total of $3.2 billion, for border security.

The government reopens today.

The DACA kids get citizenship status as of today.

The TPS kids get citizenship status as of today.

You will sign a bill from the House for a 1 year budget, including an amendment that makes continuing resolutions a violation of law.

You will also sign a bill that automatically keeps government funded through each debt ceiling cycle for the remainder of your term in office.

You will pay for every late charge accrued, and every single piece of personal property sold, plus a $5000 bonus, to every single government worker effected by the shut down.

Take it or leave it, but that’s the offer now, and in the future, and is not open to further negotiation.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

Here’s my one and only counter offer. We’ll give you another $1.6 billion, to go with the $1.6 billion you already got, for a total of $3.2 billion, for border security.

The government reopens today.

The DACA kids get citizenship status as of today.

The TPS kids get citizenship status as of today.

You will sign a bill from the House for a 1 year budget, including an amendment that makes continuing resolutions a violation of law.

You will also sign a bill that automatically keeps government funded through each debt ceiling cycle for the remainder of your term in office.

You will pay for every late charge accrued, and every single piece of personal property sold, plus a $5000 bonus, to every single government worker effected by the shut down.

Take it or leave it, but that’s the offer now, and in the future, and is not open to further negotiation.

All you did was throw money at a broadly defined “border security” followed by demands. I am less interested in money but more interested in how Democrats plan to defend our borders.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

That's because when they said "No wall", Trump walked out. There is not going to be a wall. Not now, not ever. The American people elected Pelosi and the Democrats because Ryan and the Republicans refused to say "No" to Trump. The American people didn't want Trump as President. They didn't vote for him, and they're taking their country back.

Republicans have sunk to such depths with this President that the party doesn't deserve to survive. Republicans have been desperately clinging to power since Obama was elected, vowing to obstruct his agenda at every turn so he had nothing to run on, despite the American people overwhelmingly rejecting the Republican Party of George W. Bush, and the endless wars. They gave their Party's nomination to a Manchurian Candidate, even though only about 15% of Republican voters were voting for him, while famously excoriating the media for not vetting Obama properly, leading to false allegations he wasn't born in the USA.

The gerrymandering, the voter suppression - moving polling stations out of poor neighbours, the out and out election fraud we saw all over the US, always at the hands of Republicans. It's an obscenity in a democracy or a republic.

And they're the ones who are whining that Democrats need to accept election results. They did. And Republicans are still blaming Democrats that they got nothing done with House, the Senate and the Presidency.

We shit is getting real, and this orange fool you asshats elected had better straighten up and fly right.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

And it's very difficult to meet with opposition leaders when they run out of town. Did you forget that?
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

That's because when they said "No wall", Trump walked out. There is not going to be a wall. Not now, not ever. The American people elected Pelosi and the Democrats because Ryan and the Republicans refused to say "No" to Trump. The American people didn't want Trump as President. They didn't vote for him, and they're taking their country back.

Republicans have sunk to such depths with this President that the party doesn't deserve to survive. Republicans have been desperately clinging to power since Obama was elected, vowing to obstruct his agenda at every turn so he had nothing to run on, despite the American people overwhelmingly rejecting the Republican Party of George W. Bush, and the endless wars. They gave their Party's nomination to a Manchurian Candidate, even though only about 15% of Republican voters were voting for him, while famously excoriating the media for not vetting Obama properly, leading to false allegations he wasn't born in the USA.

The gerrymandering, the voter suppression - moving polling stations out of poor neighbours, the out and out election fraud we saw all over the US, always at the hands of Republicans. It's an obscenity in a democracy or a republic.

And they're the ones who are whining that Democrats need to accept election results. They did. And Republicans are still blaming Democrats that they got nothing done with House, the Senate and the Presidency.

We shit is getting real, and this orange fool you asshats elected had better straighten up and fly right.

The American people elected Pelosi??? WTF, you're making shit up again.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

That's because when they said "No wall", Trump walked out. There is not going to be a wall. Not now, not ever. The American people elected Pelosi and the Democrats because Ryan and the Republicans refused to say "No" to Trump. The American people didn't want Trump as President. They didn't vote for him, and they're taking their country back.

Republicans have sunk to such depths with this President that the party doesn't deserve to survive. Republicans have been desperately clinging to power since Obama was elected, vowing to obstruct his agenda at every turn so he had nothing to run on, despite the American people overwhelmingly rejecting the Republican Party of George W. Bush, and the endless wars. They gave their Party's nomination to a Manchurian Candidate, even though only about 15% of Republican voters were voting for him, while famously excoriating the media for not vetting Obama properly, leading to false allegations he wasn't born in the USA.

The gerrymandering, the voter suppression - moving polling stations out of poor neighbours, the out and out election fraud we saw all over the US, always at the hands of Republicans. It's an obscenity in a democracy or a republic.

And they're the ones who are whining that Democrats need to accept election results. They did. And Republicans are still blaming Democrats that they got nothing done with House, the Senate and the Presidency.

We shit is getting real, and this orange fool you asshats elected had better straighten up and fly right.

All you did was opine more about Trump and further skirted the fact that the Democrats are more interested in “Get Trump” than they are in addressing border security.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

That's because when they said "No wall", Trump walked out. There is not going to be a wall. Not now, not ever. The American people elected Pelosi and the Democrats because Ryan and the Republicans refused to say "No" to Trump. The American people didn't want Trump as President. They didn't vote for him, and they're taking their country back.

Republicans have sunk to such depths with this President that the party doesn't deserve to survive. Republicans have been desperately clinging to power since Obama was elected, vowing to obstruct his agenda at every turn so he had nothing to run on, despite the American people overwhelmingly rejecting the Republican Party of George W. Bush, and the endless wars. They gave their Party's nomination to a Manchurian Candidate, even though only about 15% of Republican voters were voting for him, while famously excoriating the media for not vetting Obama properly, leading to false allegations he wasn't born in the USA.

The gerrymandering, the voter suppression - moving polling stations out of poor neighbours, the out and out election fraud we saw all over the US, always at the hands of Republicans. It's an obscenity in a democracy or a republic.

And they're the ones who are whining that Democrats need to accept election results. They did. And Republicans are still blaming Democrats that they got nothing done with House, the Senate and the Presidency.

We shit is getting real, and this orange fool you asshats elected had better straighten up and fly right.

The American people elected Pelosi??? WTF, you're making shit up again.

Great point. The only Americans who voted for Pelosi were her base which is comprised largely of liberal elitist 1 percenters who are like her.
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

Here’s my one and only counter offer. We’ll give you another $1.6 billion, to go with the $1.6 billion you already got, for a total of $3.2 billion, for border security.

The government reopens today.

The DACA kids get citizenship status as of today.

The TPS kids get citizenship status as of today.

You will sign a bill from the House for a 1 year budget, including an amendment that makes continuing resolutions a violation of law.

You will also sign a bill that automatically keeps government funded through each debt ceiling cycle for the remainder of your term in office.

You will pay for every late charge accrued, and every single piece of personal property sold, plus a $5000 bonus, to every single government worker effected by the shut down.

Take it or leave it, but that’s the offer now, and in the future, and is not open to further negotiation.
Go fuck yourself.

Do you imagine that you're the president?
No, no, no. And just fucking stop. Again, this is Trump dictating to the House, what HE will accept. He hasn't met with Democratic Leaders or held discussions with them to find out what they propose.

But he is looking very weak at this point. Very weak. His walking out of negotiations has backfired utterly. Everybody blames him. The Democrats are holding strong, and Trump looks like a petulant child.

Democrats haven’t proposed anything besides “No Wall” and you accuse Trump of dictating?

That's because when they said "No wall", Trump walked out. There is not going to be a wall. Not now, not ever. The American people elected Pelosi and the Democrats because Ryan and the Republicans refused to say "No" to Trump. The American people didn't want Trump as President. They didn't vote for him, and they're taking their country back.

Republicans have sunk to such depths with this President that the party doesn't deserve to survive. Republicans have been desperately clinging to power since Obama was elected, vowing to obstruct his agenda at every turn so he had nothing to run on, despite the American people overwhelmingly rejecting the Republican Party of George W. Bush, and the endless wars. They gave their Party's nomination to a Manchurian Candidate, even though only about 15% of Republican voters were voting for him, while famously excoriating the media for not vetting Obama properly, leading to false allegations he wasn't born in the USA.

The gerrymandering, the voter suppression - moving polling stations out of poor neighbours, the out and out election fraud we saw all over the US, always at the hands of Republicans. It's an obscenity in a democracy or a republic.

And they're the ones who are whining that Democrats need to accept election results. They did. And Republicans are still blaming Democrats that they got nothing done with House, the Senate and the Presidency.

We shit is getting real, and this orange fool you asshats elected had better straighten up and fly right.

"There is not going to be a wall. Not now, not ever."

That's what you call "negotiating?"
Trump has pulled a masterstroke of PR here. Trump has made what appears to a lot of people as a very reasonable quid-pro-quo, on items that the DNC previously supported.

And now, the DNC outright rejects this offer so quickly that it is clear they didn't think or evaluate the offer; they're merely reacting without thought.

Trump has the upper hand here, because he can still order the Army Corps of Engineers to start construction under emergency order.
Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Why? Trump has Democrats screaming for open borders and defunding ICE just as the 2020 season starts. This is 2020 Gold.
I agree with him.

Trump put forth the starting point for negotiations, now everything is on the Dems. If they do not at least try to negotiate from this point they will now own the shutdown lock, stock and barrel.

Compromise on the immoral evil wall, eh?

Amateurish proposal by Trump. Need to pass the budget and then deal separately on legislation to fully fund the wall while also providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers . That is, if he really wants a wall.
Why? Trump has Democrats screaming for open borders and defunding ICE just as the 2020 season starts. This is 2020 Gold.

Now I think the Dims are thinking of opening a resort for illegals or for whoever will come that has brown skin to encourage immigration once they take power.
My fellow Americans:

Tonight, I am speaking to you because there is a growing humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border.

Ststistically not so.....

Every day, Customs and Border Patrol agents encounter thousands of illegal immigrants trying to enter our country. We are out of space to hold them, and we have no way to promptly return them back home to their country.

America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation. But all Americans are hurt by uncontrolled, illegal migration. It strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages. Among those hardest hit are African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs, including meth, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl. Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90 percent of which floods across from our southern border. More Americans will die from drugs this year than were killed in the entire Vietnam War.

the vast majority of heroin that crosses over from Mexico is smuggled through legal ports of entry – not in the vacant parts of the border that the wall would occupy, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment.

In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings. Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now

According to one published by the CATO Institute in February of 2018, native-born citizens are more likely than immigrants, whether here legally or illegally, to be convicted of a crime. For example, CATO examined 785 Texas homicide convictions in 2015: the conviction rate for illegal immigrants was 16% lower than that of native-born citizens. For legal immigrants, the rate of conviction was 67% lower than that of their native-born counterparts.

This is a humanitarian crisis — a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul.
Leaving out a brain is obvious....

Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States — a dramatic increase. These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs. One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico. Women and children are the biggest victims, by far, of our broken system.

This is the tragic reality of illegal immigration on our southern border. This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end.

Citizenship may help them, but not help us having to support them. If we truly have an immigration problem, why invite anyone on in?

My administration has presented Congress with a detailed proposal to secure the border and stop the criminal gangs, drug smugglers, and human traffickers. It’s a tremendous problem. Our proposal was developed by law enforcement professionals and border agents at the Department of Homeland Security. These are the resources they have requested to properly perform their mission and keep America safe. In fact, safer than ever before.

Past administrations have thrown $$$ and resourcs at the exact same immigration problem , so just what's new about the 'plan' apparently is secret.....?

The proposal from Homeland Security includes cutting-edge technology for detecting drugs, weapons, illegal contraband, and many other things. We have requested more agents, immigration judges, and bed space to process the sharp rise in unlawful migration fueled by our very strong economy. Our plan also contains an urgent request for humanitarian assistance and medical support.

which has zero to do with any wall.....

Furthermore, we have asked Congress to close border security loopholes so that illegal immigrant children can be safely and humanely returned back home.
legislating this does not take a wall either

Finally, as part of an overall approach to border security, law enforcement professionals have requested $5.7 billion for a physical barrier. At the request of Democrats, it will be a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall. This barrier is absolutely critical to border security. It’s also what our professionals at the border want and need. This is just common sense.

we've already walled off hundreds of miles , with dismall results.....

The border wall would very quickly pay for itself. The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion a year — vastly more than the $5.7 billion we have requested from Congress. The wall will also be paid for, indirectly, by the great new trade deal we have made with Mexico.


Donald J. Trump


Mexico is paying (indirectly) for the Wall through the new USMCA, the replacement for NAFTA! Far more money coming to the U.S. Because of the tremendous dangers at the Border, including large scale criminal and drug inflow, the United States Military will build the Wall!


8:43 AM - Dec 19, 2018
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Senator Chuck Schumer — who you will be hearing from later tonight — has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past, along with many other Democrats. They changed their mind only after I was elected President.

no, they changed their minds after you played God w/government

Democrats in Congress have refused to acknowledge the crisis. And they have refused to provide our brave border agents with the tools they desperately need to protect our families and our nation.

The federal government remains shut down for one reason and one reason only: because Democrats will not fund border security.

After claiming he owns it......

My administration is doing everything in our power to help those impacted by the situation. But the only solution is for Democrats to pass a spending bill that defends our borders and re-opens the government.

more bait /switch.....

This situation could be solved in a 45-minute meeting. I have invited Congressional leadership to the White House tomorrow to get this done. Hopefully, we can rise above partisan politics in order to support national security.

security from what?, if you're inviting them in????

Some have suggested a barrier is immoral. Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences, and gates around their homes? They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside. The only thing that is immoral is the politicians to do nothing and continue to allow more innocent people to be so horribly victimized.

Apparently making us all victims of legal immigration ,having to pay their welfare ,having to pay for their childbirth,having to grease their entire existence does rate here

America’s heart broke the day after Christmas when a young police officer in California was savagely murdered in cold blood by an illegal alien, who just came across the border. The life of an American hero was stolen by someone who had no right to be in our country.

sophmorish reductio ad absurdum......,

Day after day, precious lives are cut short by those who have violated our borders. In California, an Air Force veteran was raped, murdered, and beaten to death with a hammer by an illegal alien with a long criminal history. In Georgia, an illegal alien was recently charged with murder for killing, beheading, and dismembering his neighbor. In Maryland, MS-13 gang members who arrived in the United States as unaccompanied minors were arrested and charged last year after viciously stabbing and beating a 16-year-old girl.

none of which a wall will change.....

Over the last several years, I’ve met with dozens of families whose loved ones were stolen by illegal immigration. I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers. So sad. So terrible. I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, and the sadness gripping their souls.
statistics from even r wing think tanks opine the fix is legislative, and will most likely stay that way, wall or no wall....

How much more American blood must we shed before Congress does its job?

To those who refuse to compromise in the name of border security, I would ask: Imagine if it was your child, your husband, or your wife whose life was so cruelly shattered and totally broken?

DACA is a huge compromise.....

To every member of Congress: Pass a bill that ends this crisis.

it won't.....that's the problem......two dimesional thinking will not end this

To every citizen: Call Congress and tell them to finally, after all of these decades, secure our border.

This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice. This is about whether we fulfill our sacred duty to the American citizens we serve.

a grey issue , presented in black/white can not possibly present themselves more infantile and summarilly inept

When I took the Oath of Office, I swore to protect our country. And that is what I will always do, so help me God.

Thank you and goodnight.

Protecting cheap labor for your fortune 500's , while leading the sheepeople to believe they're safe thru fear tactics ?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
Seriously.....he's deluded.....


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