McConnell Warns ‘Unacceptable’ GOP Candidates Could Spoil The Fun For Everyone

Reagan couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag.
Neither can Biden, so let be clear Reagan was a better actor than Biden at least!

Also George H.W. Bush ran the country and Reagan was the face.

So let me fox it America need another Reagan and Bush team!
"There’s still plenty of room for error, especially when your hopes might have to hinge on someone who insists you call him by his TV character name (Dr. Oz) or someone who may not know what cocaine is (Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC)).

During an event in Kentucky today, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) voiced plenty of muted optimism about his party’s chances of taking back the Senate in the fall, nodding at an oft-cited, ironclad rule of American politics — the party in the White House will almost certainly lose ground in the Midterms.

“From an atmospheric point of view, it’s a perfect storm of problems for the Democrats,” McConnell mused on Tuesday, according to The Hill, before acknowledging that Republicans haven’t always done as well as they could have, especially when a few “unacceptable” folks get in the way.

“How could you screw this up? It’s actually possible. And we’ve had some experience with that in the past,” he said. “In the Senate, if you look at where we have to compete in order to get into a majority, there are places that are competitive in the general election. So you can’t nominate somebody who’s just sort of unacceptable to a broader group of people and win. We had that experience in 2010 and 2012.”

The number of unacceptable candidates almost being too numerous to count. Cawthorn, Boebert, Greene, Gohmert, Cruz, Jordan, being among the most obvious ones. But what about these guys?

In Walker's case, a turbulent past being a euphemism for multiple personality disorder and holding a gun to his ex-wife's head. Grossman has said she was long a victim of Walker’s impulses. When his book was released, she told ABC News that at one point during their marriage, her husband pointed a pistol at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

Buy hey, mental disorders, committing acts of physical abuse, belief in QAnon, prior arrests, espousing lunacy, these are features.......not bugs........for today's POT (Party of Trump). That's what follows when the leader of your party is an adulterous, lying, incompetent, self-serving, fraudulent, traitorous criminal who has been gaslighting the country for years.
What is the message this lib screed is trying to convey to republican voters?

Dont vote for your first choice

instead vote for the blowdried, focus group tested swamp rat we tell you to vote for
Reagan was far better than Carter--and he ended the fake oil crisis that the Sauds and carter gave us
In light of what is happening in the world are you sure you want to brag about how Reagan stopped Carter's initiatives to make us less reliant on oil?
McConnel, the guy who flip flops so much you'd think he was footwear, first he says he would not vote for Trump and then says it's ok to vote for Trump. He's got so many bruises on his knees you'd think he'd get kneepads to protect them.
What is the message this lib screed is trying to convey to republican voters?

Dont vote for your first choice

instead vote for the blowdried, focus group tested swamp rat we tell you to vote for
That's exactly the kind of idiotic thinking that gave us Trump, Boebert, and Greene in the first place. You want to vote for mavericks? Go for it. How about you nominate ones with half a brain instead of conspiratorial nitwits.
That's exactly the kind of idiotic thinking that gave us Trump, Boebert, and Greene in the first place. You want to vote for mavericks? Go for it. How about you nominate ones with half a brain instead of conspiratorial nitwits.
How did last night’s BLM meeting go?
And suddenly, Berg{IQ}80 loves the biggest pos neo-Con of all time.
Talk about being mentally ill.
How is it that simple concepts so easily confuse you. The post is not an endorsement of McTreason.........obviously. It's to point out what he said has an element of truth in it.
Sorry, don't recall Reagan forgetting his name or ever saying he was running for the Senate instead of President, or saying his wife was his mother.

Do you?
I have no lost love for Reagan but he wasn’t anywhere near as senile as Biden.
Sorry, don't recall Reagan forgetting his name or ever saying he was running for the Senate instead of President, or saying his wife was his mother.

Do you?
Mrs. Reagan wasn't a woman she was a bitch from Hell.

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