McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Increasing the cost of labor means capital will seek gains from productivity.

Yes, indeed. That is what some of us pointed out in response to those who promoted the increased minimum wage as benefiting low wage workers. In reality, the real minimum wage is $0 when robots and automation replace humans.
Nothing like being, "behind the curve, right wingers"?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Y'all need first world excuses not third world excuses.

Take a look at the Labor Force Participation Rate, bub. Take a look at the industries in which jobs are being created (hint, most are not high wage). And then take a look at the trend of median wages, and that of wages in the bottom 20%. The pictures aren't pretty.
Not very relevant. Y'all need, first world excuses, not third world excuses.

It's great that U.S. businesses are hiring. But these record number of openings are also a sign that business owners can't find the skilled workers qualified to fill the jobs they have.

You are a blithering moron. You throw out a statisitic without any context to population growth, job destruction, sector, and wage levels.

But keep it up. You just help to underscore the intellectual bankruptcy of the left.
McDs is replacing expensive humans with robots. I was right.

McDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks

    • Cowen says McDonald's will upgrade 2,500 restaurants to its "Experience of the Future" technology by year-end, which includes digital ordering kiosks.

See the problem with the people supporting these mandated National minimum wage is $15.00/hour is NOT enough in NY City and puts the person
in the middle class in Mississippi!
I have no problem with state minimum wage as it is determined by state's economic status.
But the fundamental ignorance by all the Federal Minimum wage is how much it costs to run a restaurant!
Here is a financial sheet for a typical McDonalds and it's operating expenses.
with crew payroll the 2nd highest % of net sales at 20% consider if the payroll percent increases by just 30% or to $162,000
this would wipe out the profit of $153,900 generating a loss. This would eventually cause the McDonalds to go out of business because
the prices are NOT set by the franchisee!
Fastfoodincome statement2014-10-08 .png
McDs is replacing expensive humans with robots. I was right.

McDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks

    • Cowen says McDonald's will upgrade 2,500 restaurants to its "Experience of the Future" technology by year-end, which includes digital ordering kiosks.

See the problem with the people supporting these mandated National minimum wage is $15.00/hour is NOT enough in NY City and puts the person
in the middle class in Mississippi!
I have no problem with state minimum wage as it is determined by state's economic status.
But the fundamental ignorance by all the Federal Minimum wage is how much it costs to run a restaurant!
Here is a financial sheet for a typical McDonalds and it's operating expenses.
with crew payroll the 2nd highest % of net sales at 20% consider if the payroll percent increases by just 30% or to $162,000
this would wipe out the profit of $153,900 generating a loss. This would eventually cause the McDonalds to go out of business because
the prices are NOT set by the franchisee!
View attachment 134903

Here's the problem with your theory: not all states have uniform economies. The Central Valley in CA is far different than the coasts. Small towns are losing the one or two restaurants they have due to the minimum wage increase.

Goverment should not tell businesses what to pay their employees. That is a private arrangement.
I would bet nobody on this forum eats that slop....I am right....again

What a pompous BUTT! You are so fatuous as well as dumb!
Once again idiots like you are the reason people like me and millions like me find your really classless comments so enlightening!
Yes I eat at McDonalds and almost all the time the food is hot, fresh and above all economically something people like you that live in your parents basement don't
need to worry about as you probably still get nourishment from your MOM!
McDs is replacing expensive humans with robots. I was right.

McDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks

    • Cowen says McDonald's will upgrade 2,500 restaurants to its "Experience of the Future" technology by year-end, which includes digital ordering kiosks.

See the problem with the people supporting these mandated National minimum wage is $15.00/hour is NOT enough in NY City and puts the person
in the middle class in Mississippi!
I have no problem with state minimum wage as it is determined by state's economic status.
But the fundamental ignorance by all the Federal Minimum wage is how much it costs to run a restaurant!
Here is a financial sheet for a typical McDonalds and it's operating expenses.
with crew payroll the 2nd highest % of net sales at 20% consider if the payroll percent increases by just 30% or to $162,000
this would wipe out the profit of $153,900 generating a loss. This would eventually cause the McDonalds to go out of business because
the prices are NOT set by the franchisee!
View attachment 134903

Here's the problem with your theory: not all states have uniform economies. The Central Valley in CA is far different than the coasts. Small towns are losing the one or two restaurants they have due to the minimum wage increase.

Goverment should not tell businesses what to pay their employees. That is a private arrangement.

What the hell did I say differently? You simply don't want any effort it appears. And I am at least intelligent enough to know that you can't have one size fits all.
So at least state minimum wage is local economics relative.
I avoid the self check outs. I mean damn, I didn't even apply for that job in the first place.

I'm the same way. On the few occasions I used one, I felt guilty because my actions were putting other people out of work.

Speaking of work, we lease our trucks from Penske and we use their fuel. They come out to your truck, check under the hood, fill your windshield washer fluid, clean the windshield, just like they used to do years ago with cars.

I miss those days and wouldn't mind paying a few extra cents per gallon to give somebody a job.
McDs is replacing expensive humans with robots. I was right.

McDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks

    • Cowen says McDonald's will upgrade 2,500 restaurants to its "Experience of the Future" technology by year-end, which includes digital ordering kiosks.

See the problem with the people supporting these mandated National minimum wage is $15.00/hour is NOT enough in NY City and puts the person
in the middle class in Mississippi!
I have no problem with state minimum wage as it is determined by state's economic status.
But the fundamental ignorance by all the Federal Minimum wage is how much it costs to run a restaurant!
Here is a financial sheet for a typical McDonalds and it's operating expenses.
with crew payroll the 2nd highest % of net sales at 20% consider if the payroll percent increases by just 30% or to $162,000
this would wipe out the profit of $153,900 generating a loss. This would eventually cause the McDonalds to go out of business because
the prices are NOT set by the franchisee!
View attachment 134903

Here's the problem with your theory: not all states have uniform economies. The Central Valley in CA is far different than the coasts. Small towns are losing the one or two restaurants they have due to the minimum wage increase.

Goverment should not tell businesses what to pay their employees. That is a private arrangement.

What the hell did I say differently? You simply don't want any effort it appears. And I am at least intelligent enough to know that you can't have one size fits all.
So at least state minimum wage is local economics relative.

You said you had no problem with a state setting a minimum wage. I disagree with that.
Thank you health for raising my premiums. Ever try real food? Jeez I hope you find digestible food at some point. McPUKES is toxic. believe the food you consume is of zero consequence? Scary. People who eat that slop should pay higher premiums.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

Only to a Soviet citizen. McDonald's is a US corporation that operates for profit.

Socialism to you, capitalism to the free world.
i refuse to go to grocery stores when all they have is self-checkout. krogers has pretty much lost my business over this. :)
I avoid the self check outs. I mean damn, I didn't even apply for that job in the first place.

I've waited behind enough 'tards (leftists, obviously) to know 1 'tard customer + 1 'tard cashier = 20 minute wait. Enjoy that.

And you were at McDonald's buying your family a nutritious meal. Before heading over to Walmart of course.

Higher wages and higher profits for McDonald's. And conservatives hate it. Trump does to, he doesn't want poor people making decisions.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

Only to a Soviet citizen. McDonald's is a US corporation that operates for profit.

Socialism to you, capitalism to the free world.

B'loney. It's socialism-big-governmentism that expects workers (tax serfs) to cower before their masters and to wait for scraps.
So people who eat fake food should not pay higher health premiums? How lame....hypocrites believe the food you consume is of zero consequence? Scary. People who eat that slop should pay higher premiums.

Well again, that's the mentality that keeps us from accepting government healthcare; they would think exactly like you: tell people what they can and can't eat, what kind of exercise they are allowed to do, how much television they can watch.........

We can find dangers in just about anything in life like biking, swimming, hang gliding, driving a motorcycle......

Should every activity you disagree with be met with higher insurance premiums?

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