McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

Only to a Soviet citizen. McDonald's is a US corporation that operates for profit.

Socialism to you, capitalism to the free world.

B'loney. It's socialism-big-governmentism that expects workers (tax serfs) to cower before their masters and to wait for scraps.

Oh, you're living in opposite world. I didn't know. Whatever the facts are, you claim the opposite. Which part is incorrect, McDonald's is a US corporation, they operate for a profit.

Unless you are now stating the United States is socialist then what besides meme nonsense? conservative principles tell me that I should not have to pay for your diet that consists of el sloppo that McDonalds serves.. That stuff is toxic and I hope you change you dietary habits so I don't have to pay a lot morecuz of toxic food.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

Only to a Soviet citizen. McDonald's is a US corporation that operates for profit.

Socialism to you, capitalism to the free world.

B'loney. It's socialism-big-governmentism that expects workers (tax serfs) to cower before their masters and to wait for scraps.

Oh, you're living in opposite world. I didn't know. Whatever the facts are, you claim the opposite. Which part is incorrect, McDonald's is a US corporation, they operate for a profit.

Unless you are now stating the United States is socialist then what besides meme nonsense?

Reading Comprehension Challenged much? I didn't say that McDs is a socialist country, I said that the perspective that workers should cower before their overlords is a characteristic of Socialism.

Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

I believe the goal of socialism is to have everyone (except the masters) equally poor. See: Venezuela
Socialism requires social morals for free; now do you understand?
Increasing the cost of labor means capital will seek gains from productivity.

Yes, indeed. That is what some of us pointed out in response to those who promoted the increased minimum wage as benefiting low wage workers. In reality, the real minimum wage is $0 when robots and automation replace humans.
Nothing like being, "behind the curve, right wingers"?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Y'all need first world excuses not third world excuses.

Take a look at the Labor Force Participation Rate, bub. Take a look at the industries in which jobs are being created (hint, most are not high wage). And then take a look at the trend of median wages, and that of wages in the bottom 20%. The pictures aren't pretty.
Not very relevant. Y'all need, first world excuses, not third world excuses.

It's great that U.S. businesses are hiring. But these record number of openings are also a sign that business owners can't find the skilled workers qualified to fill the jobs they have.

You are a blithering moron. You throw out a statisitic without any context to population growth, job destruction, sector, and wage levels.

But keep it up. You just help to underscore the intellectual bankruptcy of the left.
There is no longer any more Third World excuses, slackers. Move up or out.
Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

Only to a Soviet citizen. McDonald's is a US corporation that operates for profit.

Socialism to you, capitalism to the free world.

B'loney. It's socialism-big-governmentism that expects workers (tax serfs) to cower before their masters and to wait for scraps.

Oh, you're living in opposite world. I didn't know. Whatever the facts are, you claim the opposite. Which part is incorrect, McDonald's is a US corporation, they operate for a profit.

Unless you are now stating the United States is socialist then what besides meme nonsense?

Reading Comprehension Challenged much? I didn't say that McDs is a socialist country, I said that the perspective that workers should cower before their overlords is a characteristic of Socialism.


Either you read another post or your brain automatically converts English to idiot so your mind doesn't melt. Try again Sparky, reread and tell us where anything you said is drawn from. conservative principles tell me that I should not have to pay for your diet that consists of el sloppo that McDonalds serves.. That stuff is toxic and I hope you change you dietary habits so I don't have to pay a lot morecuz of toxic food.

Obviously you don't have conservative principles. Only liberals want to butt into other people's lives and tell them how they should be living it.

I'm not a fan of McDonalds food, but I really like their kiosks. Went to one across from the Pond (where the Ducks play hockey) and was very impressed. So much better than the counter help they used to have.. Ordered the crappy food and it came right to my table. Fries were good, burger was crappy.

I always said one of the things middle-aged and younger people will never know , and that is what a real Big Mac and a real Whopper tasted like. They used to make great burgers years ago but as time went on, kept using cheaper and cheaper crap in effort to keep the price down. The only FF restaurant that stayed the same was Wendy's, but you're going to pay more for a meal than you will at McDonald's or Burger King.

FYI - McDonalds has some of the strictest beef requirements in the industry. Their beef is about as good as you are going to get in the fast food world.

65-35 is "about as good as you can get?" :eek:

That is getting close to half-fat, it's utter crap.

I'm not a fan of McDonalds food, but I really like their kiosks. Went to one across from the Pond (where the Ducks play hockey) and was very impressed. So much better than the counter help they used to have.. Ordered the crappy food and it came right to my table. Fries were good, burger was crappy.

I always said one of the things middle-aged and younger people will never know , and that is what a real Big Mac and a real Whopper tasted like. They used to make great burgers years ago but as time went on, kept using cheaper and cheaper crap in effort to keep the price down. The only FF restaurant that stayed the same was Wendy's, but you're going to pay more for a meal than you will at McDonald's or Burger King.

FYI - McDonalds has some of the strictest beef requirements in the industry. Their beef is about as good as you are going to get in the fast food world.

65-35 is "about as good as you can get?" :eek:

That is getting close to half-fat, it's utter crap.

You know you pompous BUTTS think you know so much about "nutrition" and you blather what YOU have been told by the grossly biased AND UNINFORMED MSM
especially with your comments about McDonalds.
Pompous BUTTS like you have NO idea about McDonalds except from bullcrap you repeat.

So take it from EXPERT Nutritionists! Dumbos! These are people I consider knowledgeable. Not bozos like you that simple regurgitate what you have heard other pompous intellectually challenged idiots have to say about McDonalds.
I just find you people really disgusting how you have such UNINFORMED opinions strictly based on what YOU think the pompous intellectual elites think!

By The Editors of Eat This, Not That!
If I said you could eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at McDonald’s for six months straight and lose a ton of weight, no doubt you'd laugh me out of the room.
But that's exactly what John Cisna did back in 2014. The science teacher challenged his students at Iowa's Colo-Nesco High School to think about everything they eat. He showed them that with smart choices and daily exercise, you could turn any establishment into a healthy one while meeting all your nutritional needs. After the McDonald’s Diet, Cisna lost 56 pounds of belly fat in six months. Color us impressed.

“Not only do I eat guilt-free at McDonald's, I think they get a bad rap all too often. When I’m flying in the morning, I typically get an Egg McMuffin and a coffee. The sandwich only has 300 calories and it offers 17 grams of satiety-providing protein. Instead of the egg white version, I stick with the whole egg sandwich because the yolk contains carotenoids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.” - Christine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND, a Chicago area registered dietitian and nutrition communications consultant

“Every so often when I have a long drive and can’t pack food or snacks, McDonald’s is where I go. l order a kid’s meal comprised of a hamburger, small order of fries, a bottle of water and a Cuties clementine. This meal has 390 calories and 13 grams of fat.” - Toby Amidor, MS, RD nutrition expert and author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More Than 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Day

“I turn to the indulgent-sounding, but not overly heavy Premium Grilled Chicken Ranch BLT Sandwich. As long as you avoid the Crispy version–which adds an unnecessary 160 calories and 13 grams of fat–the super-low calorie count of the chicken breast lets you enjoy some splurge-worthy toppings like bacon.” - Dave Zinczenko, Creator of the Zero Belly Diet

“If I had to get a full meal from McDonald’s, I'd order a grilled chicken filet, sans bun and mayonnaise dressing. Removing the bun and dressing reduces the total fat by 7.5 grams and cuts about 450 mg of sodium. To help keep me full and add some vitamins to the meal, I’d also get a side salad and top it with a fresh mandarin orange.” - Jim White RD, ACSM HFS, Owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios
How to Eat Healthy at McDonald's | Eat This Not That

Finally I imagine you are reading this in your parent's basement and you THINK that by knocking what most Americans find acceptable i.e. McDonalds you are giving the impression you are sophisticated. Smart. Well read! Well that's not the impression you are giving me.
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

The fact that they can hire better workers with better pay probably is the reason why. I see it every fuckin place I go to. When workers are paid like shit they tend to work like shit and this affects the operation in general. The problem with hire pay is that McDonalds might begin to squeeze out illegals and we all know that illegals can't be denied fucking anything in this country.
do you really think that what they pay is really not "shit?" Ok wages for the kid working through school or the woman without job skills but Anyone who makes McDonald's a career path is pretty much given up on life.
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

The fact that they can hire better workers with better pay probably is the reason why. I see it every fuckin place I go to. When workers are paid like shit they tend to work like shit and this affects the operation in general. The problem with hire pay is that McDonalds might begin to squeeze out illegals and we all know that illegals can't be denied fucking anything in this country.
do you really think that what they pay is really not "shit?" Ok wages for the kid working through school or the woman without job skills but Anyone who makes McDonald's a career path is pretty much given up on life.

Way to insult people unlike you that have ambition.
Plus once again you have never used facts to substantiate your lies!
Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 6.53.02 AM.png
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

The fact that they can hire better workers with better pay probably is the reason why. I see it every fuckin place I go to. When workers are paid like shit they tend to work like shit and this affects the operation in general. The problem with hire pay is that McDonalds might begin to squeeze out illegals and we all know that illegals can't be denied fucking anything in this country.
do you really think that what they pay is really not "shit?" Ok wages for the kid working through school or the woman without job skills but Anyone who makes McDonald's a career path is pretty much given up on life.

Way to insult people unlike you that have ambition.
Plus once again you have never used facts to substantiate your lies!
View attachment 134967
Really, to support your position you posted a chart proving my point? Really? That is just too funny. I am not insulting anyone, just pointing out they need more ambition then to settle on service industry.
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

The fact that they can hire better workers with better pay probably is the reason why. I see it every fuckin place I go to. When workers are paid like shit they tend to work like shit and this affects the operation in general. The problem with hire pay is that McDonalds might begin to squeeze out illegals and we all know that illegals can't be denied fucking anything in this country.
do you really think that what they pay is really not "shit?" Ok wages for the kid working through school or the woman without job skills but Anyone who makes McDonald's a career path is pretty much given up on life.

Way to insult people unlike you that have ambition.
Plus once again you have never used facts to substantiate your lies!
View attachment 134967
Really, to support your position you posted a chart proving my point? Really? That is just too funny. I am not insulting anyone, just pointing out they need more ambition then to settle on service industry.

FACTS NOT guesses which is what you have continually done! Please use links, substantiation of your comments as it adds credibility which is missing in all your comments!

Of 2,600,000 workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.
- Ages 16 to 24 (mostly unmarried with no children) made up 1.15 million.
- Ages 25 and older, some of whom MAY have a family...) 1.4 million.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2015 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

And so rather then "HELP" the nearly 50% of up to 24 year olds... what does raising the minimum wage $15.00 do?

"It's cheaper to buy a $35,000 robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who's inefficient making $15 an hour bagging french fries," former McDonald's USA CEO Ed Rensi said in an interview on Tuesday on the Fox Business Network's "Mornings with Maria." "It's nonsense and it's very destructive and it's inflationary and it's going to cause a job loss across this country like you're not going to believe."
McDonald's CEO reveals how the fast-food chain will use robots in the future
better paid Labor means Capital can seek better products even if the dollar menu doesn't double.


Again read the financial statement if you can but I doubt as you don't seem to comprehend how a business works.
That sounds so good in THEORY!!! But IF YOU raise the Crew payroll by 30% and according to this income statement:
Crew Payroll takes 20% but raising it 30% or $162,000 you've wiped out the profit of $153,000 plus a loss of $9,000!
And ONE thing most of you don't take into consideration:
Employment taxes ON THE EMPLOYER are 6.2%... meaning at $10.00 an hour the employer puts out actually $10.62.
Raise the hourly to $15.00 not only have you increased by 50% BUT with the employment taxes it is $15.93 / hour!
Something most people are ignorant about as I assume you are, i.e. Employers match the employees SS/Medicare payments!
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Wait for it, they'll be denying this until they're blue in the face. To cons capitalism means paying their masters who then throw scraps on the ground if they feel generous. a company that takes care of it's employees and gains economic benefit from it just grinds against everything cons believe. They live with the thought that the wealthy are supposed to enslave everyone else and everyone else is supposed to thank them for it.

It is a type of self-loathing that is really disgustingly sad to see.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

I believe the goal of socialism is to have everyone (except the masters) equally poor. See: Venezuela
Socialism requires social morals for free; now do you understand?

Absolute nonsense.
Yes, indeed. That is what some of us pointed out in response to those who promoted the increased minimum wage as benefiting low wage workers. In reality, the real minimum wage is $0 when robots and automation replace humans.
Nothing like being, "behind the curve, right wingers"?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Y'all need first world excuses not third world excuses.

Take a look at the Labor Force Participation Rate, bub. Take a look at the industries in which jobs are being created (hint, most are not high wage). And then take a look at the trend of median wages, and that of wages in the bottom 20%. The pictures aren't pretty.
Not very relevant. Y'all need, first world excuses, not third world excuses.

It's great that U.S. businesses are hiring. But these record number of openings are also a sign that business owners can't find the skilled workers qualified to fill the jobs they have.

You are a blithering moron. You throw out a statisitic without any context to population growth, job destruction, sector, and wage levels.

But keep it up. You just help to underscore the intellectual bankruptcy of the left.
There is no longer any more Third World excuses, slackers. Move up or out.

You're describing Socialism, not Capitalism, bub.

Only to a Soviet citizen. McDonald's is a US corporation that operates for profit.

Socialism to you, capitalism to the free world.

B'loney. It's socialism-big-governmentism that expects workers (tax serfs) to cower before their masters and to wait for scraps.

Oh, you're living in opposite world. I didn't know. Whatever the facts are, you claim the opposite. Which part is incorrect, McDonald's is a US corporation, they operate for a profit.

Unless you are now stating the United States is socialist then what besides meme nonsense?

Reading Comprehension Challenged much? I didn't say that McDs is a socialist country, I said that the perspective that workers should cower before their overlords is a characteristic of Socialism.


Either you read another post or your brain automatically converts English to idiot so your mind doesn't melt. Try again Sparky, reread and tell us where anything you said is drawn from.

My reading comprehension and logic are impeccable. You clearly did not understand your first post in this quote, so you must have copied and pasted it
from a prog talking point source.

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