McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

The fact that they can hire better workers with better pay probably is the reason why. I see it every fuckin place I go to. When workers are paid like shit they tend to work like shit and this affects the operation in general. The problem with hire pay is that McDonalds might begin to squeeze out illegals and we all know that illegals can't be denied fucking anything in this country.
do you really think that what they pay is really not "shit?" Ok wages for the kid working through school or the woman without job skills but Anyone who makes McDonald's a career path is pretty much given up on life.
Is that what you tell the CEO of MCD's?
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people

The Proglodytes are also trying to get rid of CASH, so the cash argument is lame.
Higher wages is exactly what we pre-illegal alien American workers wanted. But exploiting illegal aliens broke all that, but now, poor questionable immigrants of "Hispanic" heritage just realized this isn't a petty little game?
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
Your Cheeto Jesus & his daily lunch (just lunch) menu consists of:

- 2 Big Macs
- 2 Fillet-o-Fish
- Super Size Fries
- Large Chocolate Shake

And a Diet Coke.

Then he eats 2 more Big Macs while in bed at 6:30.

Remember that doctor, the one who was fired ("The Candy Man") that said that fat orange morbidly obese sack of shit was in "great shape"?
How many times (much like Cheney) do you think "we the people" are going to have to pay to jump-start your Cheeto Jesus?
Did Melania's recent face lift get paid for with tax payer money or did she have an abortion? Many people had commented on her recent weight gain. Maybe it was liposuction....?

Yet another hypocrite spewing what FAUX News tells him to spew.

Starve the majority so the 1%-ers can continue to piss in golden loo's.

You people are idiots.
Chump loves you anyway!!!

Sent from my iPhone using
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.


/——/ Are you raising wages at your Kool Aid stand?
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.

The type of people who only have cash are the panhandler sort who have turned Starbucks into a homeless way station.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.

The type of people who only have cash are the panhandler sort who have turned Starbucks into a homeless way station.
Some of us have jobs and banks have loads of cash, damn indignant bean counters..
Your Cheeto Jesus & his daily lunch (just lunch) menu consists of:

- 2 Big Macs
- 2 Fillet-o-Fish
- Super Size Fries
- Large Chocolate Shake

And a Diet Coke.

Then he eats 2 more Big Macs while in bed at 6:30.

Remember that doctor, the one who was fired ("The Candy Man") that said that fat orange morbidly obese sack of shit was in "great shape"?
How many times (much like Cheney) do you think "we the people" are going to have to pay to jump-start your Cheeto Jesus?
Did Melania's recent face lift get paid for with tax payer money or did she have an abortion? Many people had commented on her recent weight gain. Maybe it was liposuction....?

Yet another hypocrite spewing what FAUX News tells him to spew.

Starve the majority so the 1%-ers can continue to piss in golden loo's.

You people are idiots.
Chump loves you anyway!!!

Sent from my iPhone using
I'd puke if I ate that much..
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.
I carry all of the above, including a chocolate covered cashews can for change in the truck...
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.


Those kiosks get a pay raise did they?

I remember at a young age my dad's most famous quote (famous in my eyes that is)...."pretend to pay me I pretend to work." It has served me well. I passed it on down to my kids.
I was right. McD's is replacing humans with robots.

McDonald's Is Planning to Add Self-Serve Kiosks Across the U.S.
It's not taking anyone's job because the kiosk is used to enhance order taking during peak periods, the cashier still has to take yer cash...

Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.

The type of people who only have cash are the panhandler sort who have turned Starbucks into a homeless way station.
I carry a couple hundred in cash everyday. Not carrying cash is asking for trouble if an emergency happens.
In the last month I have seen two McDonalds closed down. One here in Florida and one in Atlanta.

They have terrible food (except for some breakfast items) and now their cost of labor is artificially going up due to stupid government interference in the free market of labor.

If these automated systems don't save them they may be a thing of the past in a few years.
WOWY WOW... this is the zaniest thread and it looks so fun I have to jump in the MCWaters: Today a reply followed the prior post from JUNE 23 2017...yeah 2017! I had to do a double take to see that it couldn't possible be later than June 7th (2018 of course)...and someone called INITFORME someone "who lives in his parents basement" after said Initforme earlier explained that he/she is over 70 years old! AND: everyone keeps calling what looks like a big touch screen kiosk (I have seen them as recently as this morning) calling them "robots"! ha ha! and EVERYONE is arguing about whether McDonalds is food or not when it is clearly both. YES I am guilty- on a budget I like a McDonald's breakfast with an affordable coffee, even TODAY! Who can beat the McCafe genius. I am not always in it for the Starbucks price or politics. I get perfect diversity at McDonalds every time no news stories needed. AND hoy salty fries that practically save my life along with the water and coffee in the AZ desert. THANKS McDonalds! When I win the lottery I will still drink McDonalds coffees. Starbucks- see you once and awhile. Coffee at home and backyard grilled burgers= still the greatest. Farmers Market for fresh veggies and fruit off the trees= happy balanced living. Diversity! variety! America!
cher-moonstruck-coffee.jpg mcdonalds-mcpick-2-breakfast.jpg

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