McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Can't afford the "dollar menu"?
Let me guess - RED state & food stamps don't work at McDonald's.

Keep 'em dumb. Keep 'em republican.


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Sorry Ray, I can't go along with you on this one. Anti Orange has a rant for sure, but to me a more admirable and gutsy "F-you" rant than most on USMB. Anti Orange NEVER said it was a law about insurance coverage- you did. AO is clearly disgruntled at CEOs and Paris Hilton type corporate culture that DISRESPECTS THE WORKING PERSON. I imagine that Anti Orange would prefer to live a life akin to the swamp dwellers just distillin' whisky and growing his own veggies to eat with the Gator meat. AO sounds like an ol fashioned "Yer can't trust a Hillary, but yer can trust a distillery and damn all politicians" type perhaps of the left leaning sort.

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Fk McD !
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Thank goodness it was not a coffee shop in the OKC Federal Building!
I did have an account there and used to work across the street At McAffey and Taft law offices. But I moved from OKC in 1985 and never went back after the army. My old man lives in Yuma..
You and your ol man are living miracles having avoided both the Oklahoma City bombing AND the recent killer lettuce E-Coli outbreak from Yuma. God bless!
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Thank you!
Yep, college educated on 2 scholarships. Grew up in the inner city & chose to live in the country.
I make far more than minimum wage but still cut coupons.
I volunteer with many organizations but the one that just breaks my heart is the local food pantry. Two working parents & just can't make ends meet. They have no luxuries. They buy used clothes, yet always look professional. And yet they need the crap food from a food pantry.
Does anyone know what eating Ramen noodles (& other crap) does to your health? It sends your potassium levels to a point that you need immediate medical care.
Our "system" is systematically killing off the less fortunate.
Don't believe me? Check out the "life expectancy" for those less "privileged".
Do you think it's just a coincidence that people that can't afford fresh veggies & quality meat live shorter lives?
I personally am a vegetarian & my dog has learned to love veggies (that I grow) over processed crap.
I donate my extra crops to my local pantries.
Don't insult your own lack of intelligence by guessing about someone like me.
You haven't the slightest clue about who I am, what I do & how much I donate.
Yeah, that actually does make me a true blue screaming pussy hat wearing liberal.
I don't condone sexual harassment, discrimination or abuse.
That must really make the "conservatives" blood boil.
(Go Roy Moore, right?)
You people & your fake conservative religious outrage is hilarious.

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Thank you!
Yep, college educated on 2 scholarships. Grew up in the inner city & chose to live in the country.
I make far more than minimum wage but still cut coupons.
I volunteer with many organizations but the one that just breaks my heart is the local food pantry. Two working parents & just can't make ends meet. They have no luxuries. They buy used clothes, yet always look professional. And yet they need the crap food from a food pantry.
Does anyone know what eating Ramen noodles (& other crap) does to your health? It sends your potassium levels to a point that you need immediate medical care.
Our "system" is systematically killing off the less fortunate.
Don't believe me? Check out the "life expectancy" for those less "privileged".
Do you think it's just a coincidence that people that can't afford fresh veggies & quality meat live shorter lives?
I personally am a vegetarian & my dog has learned to love veggies (that I grow) over processed crap.
I donate my extra crops to my local pantries.
Don't insult your own lack of intelligence by guessing about someone like me.
You haven't the slightest clue about who I am, what I do & how much I donate.
Yeah, that actually does make me a true blue screaming pussy hat wearing liberal.
I don't condone sexual harassment, discrimination or abuse.
That must really make the "conservatives" blood boil.
(Go Roy Moore, right?)
You people & your fake conservative religious outrage is hilarious.

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This is the 2nd time people said fruits and vegetables were to high..

I don't get it they are so damn cheap it's pathetic..
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.

Cash is mostly what I use, but then again, most of my tenants pay me in cash so I have to get rid of it anyway. Now that I'm short because one tenant moved, I go to the ATM for cash instead of using my card all the time. Every time you use your card, you expose your number and identity to a number of people including computer hackers who gather information on millions of people once they figure out how to break in a stores main computer.

Unless somebody points a gun at you or you lose your wallet or purse, cash is the safest way to pay for anything.

You're safe with your credit card as long as you report to the credit card company right away if you see any reason to be concerned

This is true, but armed with that information, they can get other information about you as well from other companies. Identity theft is a big thing today. I don't take any chances. I get multiple credit card offers in the mail every week; pre-approved and an application with your name already on it. I don't just throw them away, I shred any application or anything with my name on it. I even shred my utility bills that have my account number.

You have every right. But to back up, Moonbat said no one will lose their job because apparently in his mind everyone pays with cash. You've not disputed that, you agree most people actually don't pay with cash, correct?

I really don't know how they pay at Mc's. What I do know is people use their debit card for everything, even a dollar fifty item. One time I seen a lady buy a pack of gum using her card.

The millennials don't believe in cash as we did. I guess it's how we grew up, but they grew up an entirely different way.

So to answer your question, I think half of the people in their 40's and 50's still use cash as I do, but under that age, they probably don't even know what cash is. In most cases I seen, they don't even keep the receipt. They throw it out right by the counter. If I use my debit card for anything, that receipt goes into my wallet until I get annoyed enough to take it out and deduct it from my checking account.

I eat McDonald's on average once a week. They do have some great breakfast items. If they decided to go totally cash-less, it wouldn't stop me from going as Moon claims it would, and I don't think other frequent cash users would boycott a store or restaurant either.

When I owned a restaurant, American Express offered to pay us to stop taking cash. It was part of a program of course, not just my specific restaurant. I didn't take the offer though because while the vast majority of payments were by debit or credit card, we got too much cash.

You're right about kids though. Everything is electronic for them. Though I pay by credit card most places and I'm in my 50s. About $5 is my limit though, I go cash below that.

BTW, I took McDonald's in the discussion only as an example. Though they are pushing towards people-less restaurants the hardest
Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.

Cash is mostly what I use, but then again, most of my tenants pay me in cash so I have to get rid of it anyway. Now that I'm short because one tenant moved, I go to the ATM for cash instead of using my card all the time. Every time you use your card, you expose your number and identity to a number of people including computer hackers who gather information on millions of people once they figure out how to break in a stores main computer.

Unless somebody points a gun at you or you lose your wallet or purse, cash is the safest way to pay for anything.

I just check my accounts online every day to see if anything looks funny. Just takes a couple of min.

I check only when I pay my bills for the week which is on Sunday. Nobody ever sees my card so it would be difficult for them to get my number. If I order something online, I would never use my debit card. I use a credit card that will cover me for possible fraud.

I never use my debit card other than ATMs. Though they have increased protection for Debit cards. The other thing is that for fraud on your credit card, worst they do is freeze your card. For Debit card, the money is out of your bank account until they put it back. Your mortgage check for example could bounce because of fraud
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.

Cash is mostly what I use, but then again, most of my tenants pay me in cash so I have to get rid of it anyway. Now that I'm short because one tenant moved, I go to the ATM for cash instead of using my card all the time. Every time you use your card, you expose your number and identity to a number of people including computer hackers who gather information on millions of people once they figure out how to break in a stores main computer.

Unless somebody points a gun at you or you lose your wallet or purse, cash is the safest way to pay for anything.

You're safe with your credit card as long as you report to the credit card company right away if you see any reason to be concerned

This is true, but armed with that information, they can get other information about you as well from other companies. Identity theft is a big thing today. I don't take any chances. I get multiple credit card offers in the mail every week; pre-approved and an application with your name already on it. I don't just throw them away, I shred any application or anything with my name on it. I even shred my utility bills that have my account number.

You have every right. But to back up, Moonbat said no one will lose their job because apparently in his mind everyone pays with cash. You've not disputed that, you agree most people actually don't pay with cash, correct?
Just by leasing the kiosk they now help employ more people than before the kiosk, so yet again your logic is nonexistent in business matters.

Um ... yeah ... that's what it is. Wow
Wrong, you pay by credit or debit card.

They have these all over Europe. There is always one person taking orders. If you're paying in cash, you go to them. But they don't get much work. Most Europeans are used to ordering at kiosks. America will too.

This would have happened anyway, but leftists like you are killing jobs way faster than would have happened if you'd have left it alone to free markets. By rocketing the costs of people, you hastened the elimination of people
If you have neither plastic forms of payment you still see the cashier.
How many people don't have a debit card or credit card? I haven't used cash to buy something in 6 months.
I carry all of the above, including a chocolate covered cashews can for change in the truck...

You eat those with your fried pork skins, Enis?
Only when sucking down bears pencil neck geek..

Your typical post. I had to read it several times to understand what you said. Though this is one of your better ones because after several reads I did get there, I didn't have to ask you to try again

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