McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
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Who would have thought firing cashiers and installing kiosks would result in higher profits....

It became clear when they set the minimum wage in cities and States that clearly don't justify hiring an actual person to flip the burger. Not to mention Obamacare and other taxes, rules and regulations.

The government wants people to be unemployed. I've owned five small businesses, that was the message they sent me every day. I'm scum for hiring people and I deserve to be kicked and spat on by the US government at all levels, Federal, State and local
You really are a liar. I never encountered as much and I have fulfilled federal and state contracts.

Again I had to read multiple time to know what the hell you said. Seriously, when you write a post, read it before you click post reply. Really guy.

That said, what does fulfilling contracts have to do with owning businesses?
If you must ask that you don't know and have never run a business that negotiates contracts to fulfill..As far as your inability to hold a job, much less run a business is well is expressed by your ignorance. Do you need an interpreter for that statement?
Outside of mandated prevailing wages, contracts with the feds and state have NOTHING to do with this thread. Stop trying to pretend you're some important business owner lol
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Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expanses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
I've never met a leftist that had any economic knowledge that works in real world applications. Book smarts tend to be somewhat useless in the real world without real life experience to back it up.
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

It's a global economy. Why you think that means the only jobs are at McDonald's and Walmart however escapes me! You need job skills to get better paying jobs. Not rocket science. Get the skills you need to get the good a good life...don't get the skills you need? Then you're going to hover right around the poverty level for your whole life. Your choice...
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

It's a global economy. Why you think that means the only jobs are at McDonald's and Walmart however escapes me! You need job skills to get better paying jobs. Not rocket science. Get the skills you need to get the good a good life...don't get the skills you need? Then you're going to hover right around the poverty level for your whole life. Your choice...

Again, you're living in the past. Those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs' are now vital to many Citizens' survival. Like i said, you can thank the greedy Un-American Globalists for that. They've decimated American Workers. So like it or not, those jobs are critical. Folks will need to be compensated better. This new Global Economy is great, huh?
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



LOL, leave it to gub'mint worshipers to equate a private company increasing employee compensation voluntarily with government price controls on the labor market, that's like saying that if removing a brain tumor yields positive results it proves that removing the whole brain is a good idea.:rolleyes:

You seem to forget that the argument from you people for ages has always been that a minimum wage increase would cripple the fast food industry.

Actually, no. The argument haa been that doubling the MW quickly would result in more automation, higher prices, and fewer human workers. That's still true.
All day breakfast and a revised menu might have had something to do with it but if people want to believe that burger flippers can be motivated and big mac motivation translates to higher profits, go ahead and believe it. Nobody objects to higher wages and better benefits, hell, even burger flippers have certain skills (don't they?) The problem is when a fascist regime forces companies to pay their workers more than they can afford.
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Who would have thought firing cashiers and installing kiosks would result in higher profits....

It became clear when they set the minimum wage in cities and States that clearly don't justify hiring an actual person to flip the burger. Not to mention Obamacare and other taxes, rules and regulations.

The government wants people to be unemployed. I've owned five small businesses, that was the message they sent me every day. I'm scum for hiring people and I deserve to be kicked and spat on by the US government at all levels, Federal, State and local
You really are a liar. I never encountered as much and I have fulfilled federal and state contracts.

Again I had to read multiple time to know what the hell you said. Seriously, when you write a post, read it before you click post reply. Really guy.

That said, what does fulfilling contracts have to do with owning businesses?
If you must ask that you don't know and have never run a business that negotiates contracts to fulfill..As far as your inability to hold a job, much less run a business is well is expressed by your ignorance. Do you need an interpreter for that statement?

That's funny. This was your broken English way of saying you owned a business, "I have fulfilled federal and state contracts."

That could mean a whole lot of things:

1) You could have written proposals for someone you worked for
2) You could have been an account manager
3) You could have just worked on a team for a firm that sells contracts

It also could have been a one person contract. It could have been that you sold them toilet paper.

You're an awful writer and you don't know what the hell you're saying, which is why no one reading your stupid crap knows what you're saying either.

What you do is type something then emotion floods up your nostrils like a good bite of wasabi.

What you have to do is at that moment is STOP. Let the emotion pass, re-read your post and don't click until it makes sense
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.
Bull shit. EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to McDonalds they cannot get my order right. No one ever asks me to take a survey.

Usually there is a web site on your receipt that you can go to for the survey. They give you a free sandwich every time you take it. It's limited to once a month though.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



LOL, leave it to gub'mint worshipers to equate a private company increasing employee compensation voluntarily with government price controls on the labor market, that's like saying that if removing a brain tumor yields positive results it proves that removing the whole brain is a good idea.:rolleyes:

You seem to forget that the argument from you people for ages has always been that a minimum wage increase would cripple the fast food industry.

Actually, no. The argument haa been that doubling the MW quickly would result in more automation, higher prices, and fewer human workers. That's still true.
It's going to happen no matter what the min wage is or isn't.
You have every right. But to back up, Moonbat said no one will lose their job because apparently in his mind everyone pays with cash. You've not disputed that, you agree most people actually don't pay with cash, correct?
Just by leasing the kiosk they now help employ more people than before the kiosk, so yet again your logic is nonexistent in business matters.

HTF did they employ more people than less with kiosks? Do you really think that's what businesses do, find ways to pay more people money to get the same amount of work done?
Now a technician must pull maintenance..or they lease the machine and someone is hired to maintain the machine...There are still cashiers, please tell me who lost their job over it...

Did you ever go to the store and notice those self-checkout lines? In our store, they replaced four workers with scanners alone and only one lady to oversee the process and address the problems. That's three people who lost a job.

Our McDonald's has a person that takes your order and punches it into the computer. If it's push button ordering, that's a person that lost their job. Then you have people running around making french fries, pouring drinks, getting the order together. If those people are replaced by machines, then those humans lost a job.

A business doesn't invest in automation unless it means less payroll; less costs. A kiosk to order food probably costs a few thousand dollars; a one time cost. A human is a consistent cost that you have to pay every week. The kiosk probably breaks even in four or five months. After that, it's free labor.

In your scenario, what he argued was that for the three people who lost their jobs (four replaced by one), the scanning company hired more than three people to support the scanners. The man is truly a moron

Most of those things are built with automation as well. I don't think we created more jobs by hiring people to assemble backhoes than we lost ditch diggers. i don't think the people that make refrigerators are more people than we used to use for ice delivery for your ice box.

Several years ago American companies started to purchase screws and bolts from China. The American companies lost a lot of business or shut down altogether. I could say that many jobs were created, and that would be true. What isn't true is that more jobs were created. It's always a net loss.
Who would have thought firing cashiers and installing kiosks would result in higher profits....

It all depends on the cost of the kiosks. Like all technology, as more items are created, the cheaper it is to create them.

I got my first apartment in 1980. With no cable or VCR back then, I focused on getting the nicest television money could buy, so I bought a Curtis Mathis.

Back then I paid over $1,500 for that 25" television set. Do you know what kind of television you can buy for $1,500 today? Same with cell phones, same with computers, same with everything in technology.

Probably 10 years ago you'd save money keeping your employees instead of buying a kiosk. Not so today.
Sorry Ray, I can't go along with you on this one. Anti Orange has a rant for sure, but to me a more admirable and gutsy "F-you" rant than most on USMB. Anti Orange NEVER said it was a law about insurance coverage- you did. AO is clearly disgruntled at CEOs and Paris Hilton type corporate culture that DISRESPECTS THE WORKING PERSON. I imagine that Anti Orange would prefer to live a life akin to the swamp dwellers just distillin' whisky and growing his own veggies to eat with the Gator meat. AO sounds like an ol fashioned "Yer can't trust a Hillary, but yer can trust a distillery and damn all politicians" type perhaps of the left leaning sort.

What he said is they avoid giving employees 40 hours so "they don't have to" give them insurance. If somebody is forcing them to provide insurance to employees working 40 or more a week, who is forcing them if not government?

It was a conclusion on my part, because if a company doesn't want to provide insurance to people that work 40 hours, all they have to do is get rid of the policy.

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