McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



LOL, leave it to gub'mint worshipers to equate a private company increasing employee compensation voluntarily with government price controls on the labor market, that's like saying that if removing a brain tumor yields positive results it proves that removing the whole brain is a good idea.:rolleyes:

You seem to forget that the argument from you people for ages has always been that a minimum wage increase would cripple the fast food industry.

Actually, no. The argument haa been that doubling the MW quickly would result in more automation, higher prices, and fewer human workers. That's still true.
It's going to happen no matter what the min wage is or isn't.

Wages will go up until they're higher than the cost of automation.
Bull shit. EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to McDonalds they cannot get my order right. No one ever asks me to take a survey.

Usually there is a web site on your receipt that you can go to for the survey. They give you a free sandwich every time you take it. It's limited to once a month though.

Did not know that, thanks. The only reason I eat there is that they are open late and near my house.
What! You mean a corporation increased pay and benefits without the government telling them to do so.

McDonalds increased minium wage as result of a long public pressure campaign, organization by it's employees and yes, state and local minimum wage raises:

Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
What! You mean a corporation increased pay and benefits without the government telling them to do so.

McDonalds increased minium wage as result of a long public pressure campaign, organization by it's employees and yes, state and local minimum wage raises:


And the proceeded to start phasing out real "people". You're a smart one aren't you?
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
How would you know? They have increased their income and given more responsibility for more skills to their workers. Perhaps they are improving customer relations by increasing the quality of their staff.
Just by leasing the kiosk they now help employ more people than before the kiosk, so yet again your logic is nonexistent in business matters.

HTF did they employ more people than less with kiosks? Do you really think that's what businesses do, find ways to pay more people money to get the same amount of work done?
Now a technician must pull maintenance..or they lease the machine and someone is hired to maintain the machine...There are still cashiers, please tell me who lost their job over it...

Did you ever go to the store and notice those self-checkout lines? In our store, they replaced four workers with scanners alone and only one lady to oversee the process and address the problems. That's three people who lost a job.

Our McDonald's has a person that takes your order and punches it into the computer. If it's push button ordering, that's a person that lost their job. Then you have people running around making french fries, pouring drinks, getting the order together. If those people are replaced by machines, then those humans lost a job.

A business doesn't invest in automation unless it means less payroll; less costs. A kiosk to order food probably costs a few thousand dollars; a one time cost. A human is a consistent cost that you have to pay every week. The kiosk probably breaks even in four or five months. After that, it's free labor.

In your scenario, what he argued was that for the three people who lost their jobs (four replaced by one), the scanning company hired more than three people to support the scanners. The man is truly a moron

Most of those things are built with automation as well. I don't think we created more jobs by hiring people to assemble backhoes than we lost ditch diggers. i don't think the people that make refrigerators are more people than we used to use for ice delivery for your ice box.

Several years ago American companies started to purchase screws and bolts from China. The American companies lost a lot of business or shut down altogether. I could say that many jobs were created, and that would be true. What isn't true is that more jobs were created. It's always a net loss.

Here's the part you're missing. When the prices dropped, the consumers had more money in their pockets. Ultimately they either invested or spent that money. And that created more net jobs than it cost.

The fact is the world IS changing. Embracing that is what made America winners through history. Fighting it means you lose the jobs now anyway and you don't replace those jobs with more jobs in the future.

Unless I misunderstood you
True story, I prefer the taste of a Big Mac over a Big Carl, however, McDonalds put's onions on their Big Macs and I hate onions. Carl's Jr doesn't. I go to Carl's Jr. purely because the employees at McDonalds are shits; they either fuck it up or they bitch about it (then I get to worry about if they spit in my food simply because I don't like onions or not.)

Also a true story, the McDonald's in my town lost my business for decades because an employee and their buddy manager got into a pissing contest about not serving sausage muffins w/o egg (despite it being written on the fucking wrapper.) At the time, I was an assistant manager for the news paper so I was literally sitting around near the restaurant for 6 hours every morning waiting on complaint calls from customers. They easily lost thousands of dollars a year off me because their employees wanted to play stupid games. (I can't eat their eggs, I puke immediately - even if it is pulled off, I've tried because I seriously /love/ sausage muffins.) There are exactly two McDonald's in a 50 mile radius I, or my husband, will go to - every other one can't get their shit straight and place my order correctly "no egg, I'm allergic." The owners of the two know us by name cause one or both of us in there every single morning. I drive 30 minutes and get my shit as ordered to save myself from puking on the car floor because the bastard employees just pulled the egg round off and re-wrapped it on me. I probably should have sued them out of business...

So I, for one, am thrilled with kiosks coming to McDonalds, because I seriously love sausage muffins. Whenever my husband screws up that's what he prefaces his oops on - he also loves that they're available 24 hours :p
HTF did they employ more people than less with kiosks? Do you really think that's what businesses do, find ways to pay more people money to get the same amount of work done?
Now a technician must pull maintenance..or they lease the machine and someone is hired to maintain the machine...There are still cashiers, please tell me who lost their job over it...

Did you ever go to the store and notice those self-checkout lines? In our store, they replaced four workers with scanners alone and only one lady to oversee the process and address the problems. That's three people who lost a job.

Our McDonald's has a person that takes your order and punches it into the computer. If it's push button ordering, that's a person that lost their job. Then you have people running around making french fries, pouring drinks, getting the order together. If those people are replaced by machines, then those humans lost a job.

A business doesn't invest in automation unless it means less payroll; less costs. A kiosk to order food probably costs a few thousand dollars; a one time cost. A human is a consistent cost that you have to pay every week. The kiosk probably breaks even in four or five months. After that, it's free labor.

In your scenario, what he argued was that for the three people who lost their jobs (four replaced by one), the scanning company hired more than three people to support the scanners. The man is truly a moron

Most of those things are built with automation as well. I don't think we created more jobs by hiring people to assemble backhoes than we lost ditch diggers. i don't think the people that make refrigerators are more people than we used to use for ice delivery for your ice box.

Several years ago American companies started to purchase screws and bolts from China. The American companies lost a lot of business or shut down altogether. I could say that many jobs were created, and that would be true. What isn't true is that more jobs were created. It's always a net loss.

Here's the part you're missing. When the prices dropped, the consumers had more money in their pockets. Ultimately they either invested or spent that money. And that created more net jobs than it cost.

The fact is the world IS changing. Embracing that is what made America winners through history. Fighting it means you lose the jobs now anyway and you don't replace those jobs with more jobs in the future.

Unless I misunderstood you

The consumer had more money in their pockets provided their wages were stable. The problem is that it's a "first they came after the Jews, but I was not speak up because I was not Jewish."

Eventually this obsession by the American consumer of the cheapest price hits home. One day it will come after your wages because the products you make are too expensive, and your customers too will opt to buy Chinese.

We need a whole new attitude change in this country when it comes to purchasing. What it's like now (and has been for the past few decades) is I don't car about quality, I care about price. The lowest price I can pay for my goods, the better, and I don't care how many Americans I put out of work.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



LOL, leave it to gub'mint worshipers to equate a private company increasing employee compensation voluntarily with government price controls on the labor market, that's like saying that if removing a brain tumor yields positive results it proves that removing the whole brain is a good idea.:rolleyes:

You seem to forget that the argument from you people for ages has always been that a minimum wage increase would cripple the fast food industry.

Actually, no. The argument haa been that doubling the MW quickly would result in more automation, higher prices, and fewer human workers. That's still true.
It's going to happen no matter what the min wage is or isn't.

This is true, but why push it to happen even faster?
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
There are no robots working for McD's. A kiosk is not a robot it doesn't move.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
There are no robots working for McD's. A kiosk is not a robot it doesn't move.

That was a mistake moonglow..

The bread, fries everything..its automation and robotics that bring it to the store.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
There are no robots working for McD's. A kiosk is not a robot it doesn't move.

That was a mistake moonglow..

The bread, fries everything..its automation and robotics that bring it to the store.
They were trying to say that the kiosk was a robot.
Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
There are no robots working for McD's. A kiosk is not a robot it doesn't move.

That was a mistake moonglow..

The bread, fries everything..its automation and robotics that bring it to the store.
They were trying to say that the kiosk was a robot.

I just wanted to clarify it..nppe that's not a robot.
McDonalds sucks. They're slow, they constantly make mistakes, and their food sucks. Burger King is awesome.
Now a technician must pull maintenance..or they lease the machine and someone is hired to maintain the machine...There are still cashiers, please tell me who lost their job over it...

Did you ever go to the store and notice those self-checkout lines? In our store, they replaced four workers with scanners alone and only one lady to oversee the process and address the problems. That's three people who lost a job.

Our McDonald's has a person that takes your order and punches it into the computer. If it's push button ordering, that's a person that lost their job. Then you have people running around making french fries, pouring drinks, getting the order together. If those people are replaced by machines, then those humans lost a job.

A business doesn't invest in automation unless it means less payroll; less costs. A kiosk to order food probably costs a few thousand dollars; a one time cost. A human is a consistent cost that you have to pay every week. The kiosk probably breaks even in four or five months. After that, it's free labor.

In your scenario, what he argued was that for the three people who lost their jobs (four replaced by one), the scanning company hired more than three people to support the scanners. The man is truly a moron

Most of those things are built with automation as well. I don't think we created more jobs by hiring people to assemble backhoes than we lost ditch diggers. i don't think the people that make refrigerators are more people than we used to use for ice delivery for your ice box.

Several years ago American companies started to purchase screws and bolts from China. The American companies lost a lot of business or shut down altogether. I could say that many jobs were created, and that would be true. What isn't true is that more jobs were created. It's always a net loss.

Here's the part you're missing. When the prices dropped, the consumers had more money in their pockets. Ultimately they either invested or spent that money. And that created more net jobs than it cost.

The fact is the world IS changing. Embracing that is what made America winners through history. Fighting it means you lose the jobs now anyway and you don't replace those jobs with more jobs in the future.

Unless I misunderstood you

The consumer had more money in their pockets provided their wages were stable. The problem is that it's a "first they came after the Jews, but I was not speak up because I was not Jewish."

Eventually this obsession by the American consumer of the cheapest price hits home. One day it will come after your wages because the products you make are too expensive, and your customers too will opt to buy Chinese.

We need a whole new attitude change in this country when it comes to purchasing. What it's like now (and has been for the past few decades) is I don't car about quality, I care about price. The lowest price I can pay for my goods, the better, and I don't care how many Americans I put out of work.

You missed my point. Would you pay $10 or $15 for the same thing? $10, right? Why? You still have $5 you wouldn't have had. What I'm saying is when you spend or invest that $5 , THAT creates more jobs.

And the second part is that eventually if you force consumers to spend the $15, that government propping up of prices isn't sustainable. Consumers don't want to overpay. Eventually the product you overpaid for goes away anyway.

Economic efficiency is what made America right. Tariffs are taxes on consumers. And they make our corporations sick, not healthy, because we're protecting the inefficient ones from competition
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Pay attention to what thery're DOING, not what their SAYING!!!!!!


    • McDonald's will upgrade 1,000 stores with kiosk and mobile order technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.
    • International markets like Canada, Australia and the U.K. are already fully integrated with kiosk service and mobile ordering.
    • McDonald's has also been exploring delivery in the U.S. in an attempt to meet customer demand and changes in how consumers want to get their food.
As McDonald's MCD seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms.

McDonald's has been systematically adding self-service ordering kiosks and table service to stores as it works to "build a better McDonald's."

"What we're finding is when people dwell more, they select more," CEO Steve Easterbrook told CNBC on "Squawk on the Street" Monday. "There's a little bit of an average check boost."

In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters.

McDonald's to add self-order kiosks to 1,000 stores each quarter
They have also made drastic changes to their menu to increase sales. These include serving breakfast anytime and a burger made with fresh burger instead of a frozen patties.

Which has NOTHING to do with a $15 wage OR the robots replacing the real "people".
There are no robots working for McD's. A kiosk is not a robot it doesn't move.

They're researching robots to make the food. They will get there
McDonalds sucks. They're slow, they constantly make mistakes, and their food sucks. Burger King is awesome.

Burger king fries suck , been that way since the mid 90s..thats why I never go there and Wendy's fucked up their fries also 6 years ago? Screw Wendy's also..

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