McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
Are you advocating they should all become CEO's to get a pay increase?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?
Irrelevant. You continually cite Ford doubling worker pay as a model for corporate activity, yet ignore when I've repeatedly pointed out that the only reason Ford could do that was because his company was making enough money. Even though you have no intention of acknowledging the reality that most corporations simply cannot afford to double worker pay overnight, you can stop carrying on about Ford doing it. Of course, you won't, and you will come back with yet another banal platitude attempting to divert attention from the vacuity of your posts.

That's enough from you!
First you're a fucking dummy. Your concept of simple economics is childlish.
If that's not bad enough you seem to think anyone here gives a fuck about 'your life'.
Second and even worse is you're fucking boring!
Go fuck yourself!
Permanent Ignore.

I disagree with everything Winston posts. He presents a revisionist perversion of history, intended to defame not just those who founded the nation, but also the principles upon which the nation was founded.

But I assure you, Winston is no dummy. He is clearly (mal)educated and fairly well versed in economic concepts, one of the few on the left who is around here.

Never underestimate your opponent.

Just another greedy Corporation that doesn't care about America. Minimum Wage had nothing to do with this decision. McDonalds had this plan in the works years ago. It's just using the Minimum Wage issue to dupe folks like you. McDonalds has made untold $Billions of slave labor. It's a classic 'Evil Corporation.'

McDonalds has slaves? :eek:

Where do they get them? Did they go to war against Wendy's and put the captives in chains?

LOL, you fucking retard.
I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?
Irrelevant. You continually cite Ford doubling worker pay as a model for corporate activity, yet ignore when I've repeatedly pointed out that the only reason Ford could do that was because his company was making enough money. Even though you have no intention of acknowledging the reality that most corporations simply cannot afford to double worker pay overnight, you can stop carrying on about Ford doing it. Of course, you won't, and you will come back with yet another banal platitude attempting to divert attention from the vacuity of your posts.
It was "revenue neutral"; doubling wages was offset by realizing gains from productivity. it was his business plan.
I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?
Irrelevant. You continually cite Ford doubling worker pay as a model for corporate activity, yet ignore when I've repeatedly pointed out that the only reason Ford could do that was because his company was making enough money. Even though you have no intention of acknowledging the reality that most corporations simply cannot afford to double worker pay overnight, you can stop carrying on about Ford doing it. Of course, you won't, and you will come back with yet another banal platitude attempting to divert attention from the vacuity of your posts.
It was "revenue neutral"; doubling wages was offset by realizing gains from productivity. it was his business plan.
So, IOW, Ford had the money available to keep his business running while he doubled his labor costs. He saw a growth industry that would have massive exploding demand.

Now, do you think most corporations today that operate on very small profit margins in non-growth industries would be able to do the same thing? You are citing Ford as the example to follow, so do you really think they can do it? Be specific.

That's enough from you!
First you're a fucking dummy. Your concept of simple economics is childlish.
If that's not bad enough you seem to think anyone here gives a fuck about 'your life'.
Second and even worse is you're fucking boring!
Go fuck yourself!
Permanent Ignore.

I disagree with everything Winston posts. He presents a revisionist perversion of history, intended to defame not just those who founded the nation, but also the principles upon which the nation was founded.

But I assure you, Winston is no dummy. He is clearly (mal)educated and fairly well versed in economic concepts, one of the few on the left who is around here.

Never underestimate your opponent.

Is that what you find if you dig through his endless Marxist rhetoric?

That's enough from you!
First you're a fucking dummy. Your concept of simple economics is childlish.
If that's not bad enough you seem to think anyone here gives a fuck about 'your life'.
Second and even worse is you're fucking boring!
Go fuck yourself!
Permanent Ignore.

I disagree with everything Winston posts. He presents a revisionist perversion of history, intended to defame not just those who founded the nation, but also the principles upon which the nation was founded.

But I assure you, Winston is no dummy. He is clearly (mal)educated and fairly well versed in economic concepts, one of the few on the left who is around here.

Never underestimate your opponent.

Is that what you find if you dig through his endless Marxist rhetoric?

I've stopped digging through his rhetoric. When he started on the Zinn bullshit about Washington cornering the whiskey market I tuned him out, this America hating revisionism has been refuted dozens of times in this forum, and is boring to all save the Bolsheviks who think it will further their cause of ending the nation.

That said, Winston WAS the single person here who instantly grasped what I posted regarding the Market revolution. Though his revisionist arguments are spurious, he DOES at least know the history of the time (and then attempts to distort it.)
  • Thanks
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I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?
Irrelevant. You continually cite Ford doubling worker pay as a model for corporate activity, yet ignore when I've repeatedly pointed out that the only reason Ford could do that was because his company was making enough money. Even though you have no intention of acknowledging the reality that most corporations simply cannot afford to double worker pay overnight, you can stop carrying on about Ford doing it. Of course, you won't, and you will come back with yet another banal platitude attempting to divert attention from the vacuity of your posts.
It was "revenue neutral"; doubling wages was offset by realizing gains from productivity. it was his business plan.
So, IOW, Ford had the money available to keep his business running while he doubled his labor costs. He saw a growth industry that would have massive exploding demand.

Now, do you think most corporations today that operate on very small profit margins in non-growth industries would be able to do the same thing? You are citing Ford as the example to follow, so do you really think they can do it? Be specific.
the capital conditions have not changed. most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.
I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?
Irrelevant. You continually cite Ford doubling worker pay as a model for corporate activity, yet ignore when I've repeatedly pointed out that the only reason Ford could do that was because his company was making enough money. Even though you have no intention of acknowledging the reality that most corporations simply cannot afford to double worker pay overnight, you can stop carrying on about Ford doing it. Of course, you won't, and you will come back with yet another banal platitude attempting to divert attention from the vacuity of your posts.
It was "revenue neutral"; doubling wages was offset by realizing gains from productivity. it was his business plan.
So, IOW, Ford had the money available to keep his business running while he doubled his labor costs. He saw a growth industry that would have massive exploding demand.

Now, do you think most corporations today that operate on very small profit margins in non-growth industries would be able to do the same thing? You are citing Ford as the example to follow, so do you really think they can do it? Be specific.

Ford was a Georgist who believed in welfare capitalism. He more than doubled the pay of his workers in order to improve retention and increase productivity. At the time, turnover in the manufacturing industry was in excess of one hundred percent. Interestingly enough, turnover in the fast food industry is in excess of one hundred percent.

Now, to answer the question concerning a company's ability to finance a wage increase. It has been answered. The McDonalds franchisee cannot finance that increase. But McDonald's corporate could easily finance it. Walmart could finance an increase to fifteen dollars of all it's workers as well. One merely needs to look at the amount spent on stock buybacks. Those funds could just have easily been used to pay higher wages, probably to better effect.

But the truth is, were we a welfare capitalist economy, instead of capitalist economy, we would not even be having this discussion. Ford would never have structured a "franchise". Nor would he have sought to collect economic rent. And the really funny part, rather the money was distributed via stock buybacks or wage increases, under the system Ford supported, it would be going to the same place, the worker.

Ford also introduced the concept of profit sharing to employees who, now get this, upheld proper moral and ethical standards. If McDonalds practiced welfare capitalism, like Ford, all the stores would be company owned, mostly by employees. The company would pay more than a living wage, provide comprehensive medical care via a company paid doctor and hospital contracts, have onsite daycare facilities, pay for gym memberships for all their employees along with sponsoring of numerous recreational sports teams. And you know how much a Big Mac would cost? THE SAME.
Only lousy capitalists cannot double wages and realize gains through productivity.
Show the numbers.

Easy. A McDonalds franchisee runs a labor cost of no more than twenty percent. Probably closer to fifteen. Yet that same McDonalds will send 30 to 35% to corporate in the form of royalties and franchise fees. Flip the percentages and poof, we have doubled the wage of the employees and cut the royalty and franchise fees by half.

But oh no, horrors. Cutting the franchise fees by half would cut McDonalds revenue from them by half. Comes to less than five billion dollars a year. Interestingly enough, they have spent 20 billion dollars in stock buybacks the last two years.
Only lousy capitalists cannot double wages and realize gains through productivity.
Show the numbers.

Easy. A McDonalds franchisee runs a labor cost of no more than twenty percent. Probably closer to fifteen. Yet that same McDonalds will send 30 to 35% to corporate in the form of royalties and franchise fees. Flip the percentages and poof, we have doubled the wage of the employees and cut the royalty and franchise fees by half.

But oh no, horrors. Cutting the franchise fees by half would cut McDonalds revenue from them by half. Comes to less than five billion dollars a year. Interestingly enough, they have spent 20 billion dollars in stock buybacks the last two years.
And again, that doesn't address the vast majority of companies that do not have large profit margins, nor does it address the economic reality that automation WILL become cheaper than human labor. Consider as well that some 62% of the American work force earns $20/hr or less. Do you really think that those earning between $15/hr and $20/hr are going to sit by quietly as their wages goes from comfortably above MW to just a few dollars above it? Not so. They're going to demand higher pay as well. Over half the work force suddenly getting or demanding higher pay is not a good thing. Take 20 years to do it, and you may not see immediate negative effects. Do it in less than 5 years and you will.
Keep in mind, McDonalds was gonna implement these kiosks no matter what the Minimum Wage was. It's a Corporation that doesn't care about Americans or America. It only cares about the money. But who knows? Maybe this move has put it on Trump's shitlist. I hope so.
ALL FF outlet franchise owners have been aware of the robotics sitting in Chinese warehouses for a decade just waiting to be but into their FF outlets.
It's NEVER been about the cost of the equipment.
A grade ten student with a calculator can figure out the massive cost benefits to installing robotic fry makers compared to having to deal with semiliterate dummies/dirty/late/thieving/dopers/drunks/'activists in the workplace' losers.
The ONLY reason the robots haven't virtually replaced humans has been local 'politics'.
But recent marketing studies have proven that the average person who eats at FF outlets doesn't give a fuck who or what is making their 'Whopper' as long as it's quick and cheap and what they ordered.
The $15 an hour movement put the final nail in the 'we must have humans flipping the burgers' coffin.

Just another greedy Corporation that doesn't care about America. Minimum Wage had nothing to do with this decision. McDonalds had this plan in the works years ago. It's just using the Minimum Wage issue to dupe folks like you. McDonalds has made untold $Billions of slave labor. It's a classic 'Evil Corporation.'
Then stop buying their fucking Big Macs three times a week! Asshole.
Here's an idea. Why don't you figure out a way to close down every "evil" FF corporation in the country. You know. So that the 'poor' don't have anywhere to get something to eat that doesn't cost the same as their rent.
YOU tell the 'poor' to start shopping at 'Wholefoods'.
Fucking IDIOT!

FUCK MCDONALDS! It made its several $Billions off slave labor. I hope Trump kicks its ass.
I cold use a couple of double bacon cheese burgers, and some smokin' hot, salty fries about now, then wash em down with a chocolate shake ..

mmmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Just another greedy Corporation that doesn't care about America. Minimum Wage had nothing to do with this decision. McDonalds had this plan in the works years ago. It's just using the Minimum Wage issue to dupe folks like you. McDonalds has made untold $Billions of slave labor. It's a classic 'Evil Corporation.'

McDonalds has slaves? :eek:

Where do they get them? Did they go to war against Wendy's and put the captives in chains?

LOL, you fucking retard.

Yup, defend the slave owners. Hey, whatever floats your boat i guess. There was a time when most Americans supported African American slavery too. I realize it can take much time for folks to evolve and see what's right.

Just another greedy Corporation that doesn't care about America. Minimum Wage had nothing to do with this decision. McDonalds had this plan in the works years ago. It's just using the Minimum Wage issue to dupe folks like you. McDonalds has made untold $Billions of slave labor. It's a classic 'Evil Corporation.'

McDonalds has slaves? :eek:

Where do they get them? Did they go to war against Wendy's and put the captives in chains?

LOL, you fucking retard.

Yup, defend the slave owners. Hey, whatever floats your boat i guess. There was a time when most Americans supported African American slavery too. I realize it can take much time for folks to evolve and see what's right.

You smoke a great deal of crack, don't you?
Do you really think that those earning between $15/hr and $20/hr are going to sit by quietly as their wages goes from comfortably above MW to just a few dollars above it? Not so. They're going to demand higher pay as well. .

And there you have it. You just made my argument.

See, I contend that the minimum wage in no way represents some minimal level of labor value, but instead, is a minimum floor in which labor prices are negotiated.

For instance, if the employee currently making fifteen is only worth fifteen, won't the employer just pay him fifteen, no matter how much he bitches and moans? And if his value of production is worth more than fifteen, why didn't he ask for a raise a long time ago?

See, neither he nor his employer measure and negotiate his wage from the value of his production. They value it from the floor of the minimum wage.

Now, what we do notice when we see a minimum wage increase in a given area is wage compression. In your example, those making fifteen might get a raise to sixteen. But those making twenty are probably going see their wages fall. And mid-level managers better be dusting off their resumes.
And there you have it. You just made my argument.

See, I contend that the minimum wage in no way represents some minimal level of labor value, but instead, is a minimum floor in which labor prices are negotiated.

For instance, if the employee currently making fifteen is only worth fifteen, won't the employer just pay him fifteen, no matter how much he bitches and moans? And if his value of production is worth more than fifteen, why didn't he ask for a raise a long time ago?

See, neither he nor his employer measure and negotiate his wage from the value of his production. They value it from the floor of the minimum wage.

Now, what we do notice when we see a minimum wage increase in a given area is wage compression. In your example, those making fifteen might get a raise to sixteen. But those making twenty are probably going see their wages fall. And mid-level managers better be dusting off their resumes.

So then, wages will seek equilibrium based on purchasing power driving inflation so that the value created by the MW worker is equal to the purchasing power of the compensation provided.

Other than the massive disruption to the market as the upheaval occurs, the entire affair is then fruitless, with the determent of destroying savings, annuities, and those on a fixed income....

Just another greedy Corporation that doesn't care about America. Minimum Wage had nothing to do with this decision. McDonalds had this plan in the works years ago. It's just using the Minimum Wage issue to dupe folks like you. McDonalds has made untold $Billions of slave labor. It's a classic 'Evil Corporation.'

McDonalds has slaves? :eek:

Where do they get them? Did they go to war against Wendy's and put the captives in chains?

LOL, you fucking retard.

Yup, defend the slave owners. Hey, whatever floats your boat i guess. There was a time when most Americans supported African American slavery too. I realize it can take much time for folks to evolve and see what's right.

You smoke a great deal of crack, don't you?

I realize most are still defending slave owners like McDonalds. But i feel one day, most will come around. They eventually came around about African American slavery. In my opinion, Karmic Justice will be McDonalds goin tits-up.

It's made untold $Billions off the backs of poor slave workers. And now, it implements kiosks out of more evil greed. I will truly celebrate the day McDonalds folds. It's the epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.'

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