McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

A business makes a profit off of every employee. Rising labor costs are no different than rising costs of supplies, taxes, rent, insurance or even executive pay. All have risen over the last eight years while minimum wage has remained frozen

Minimum wage has stayed the same because what's required to do minimum wage jobs hasn't risen. When the skill level required stays frozen, so do the wages. You mention 8 years. That's 8 years those low skilled people could have done something to raise their skill level. If they spent a quarter of the time bettering themselves as they did whining about wanting to be handed more, this wouldn't be a conversation.

You mention 8 years. The skills required to do a minimum wage job today are the same as they were 50 years ago. Pushing a broom, emptying trash, and cleaning a toilet require the same skill level today as they did when I was a kid and learned to do those things as chores around the house.

Used to be minimum wage was a true...starter wage
I started at $2 an hour in 1972. For $2 an hour, I could pay my entire college tuition working just the summer. I could buy a new car working six months. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that car.
It would take $15 an hour to do that today

When you had 30 million less illegals ..

When your piece of shit pinto couldn't pass the epa emissions test of today never mind the safety issue.

rightwinger fails to acknowledge that those demanding a higher wage still offer starter wage skills.
dear, it is about social services costing around fourteen dollars an hour. only the right wing, never gets it.

That's 14 more dollar than those freeloaders are worth. Simple solution is to stop paying them for being freeloaders. Whatever happens, happens.
7.25 an hour is what two of the three ceos I worried for were worth. But I was fortunate enuff to be able to walk off both those jobs without notice. Incredibly fulfilling that was. Now its different one can't succeed today without an advanced degree.
I'm a freeloader a collect my social security...and use my mefdicare. Two great things this nation has done.
Cmon conservative, call me some names cuz only hypocrites believe in the war against drugs. Wasted money...users will always use. Is it our business anyway?

It is our business when a drugged up piece of shit kills an innocent person? Damn right it is. Is it our businesses when a drugged driver hits an innocent one? Damn right it is. If it was as simple as you say, you might have a point but it's not that simple and you know it. Your only concern is that you and the rest of the waste druggies get to do your drugs.

If you want to talk about a waste of money. Look at the $22 trillion spent on freeloading welfare recipients over the last 50 years. All that money invested with zero return.

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.

Sometimes the most mundane jobs requires the most in pay, if you think these people are overpaid, then you really are.

My skill level is far higher than those doing a job that a monkey could be trained to do.

You mean jobs that require no thinking like emptying the trash, sweeping the floor, and cleaning a toilet?

No I mean jobs that do not take advanced training and might be monotonous, unappreciated for the hard work they do, and have to put up with low lifes like you.

I would also add the nurses aids and the housekeepers are the most important workers in a hospital, yet the most underappreciated.
7.25 an hour is what two of the three ceos I worried for were worth. But I was fortunate enuff to be able to walk off both those jobs without notice. Incredibly fulfilling that was. Now its different one can't succeed today without an advanced degree.

Did they get paid more than $7.25?

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.

Sometimes the most mundane jobs requires the most in pay, if you think these people are overpaid, then you really are.

My skill level is far higher than those doing a job that a monkey could be trained to do.

You mean jobs that require no thinking like emptying the trash, sweeping the floor, and cleaning a toilet?

No I mean jobs that do not take advanced training and might be monotonous, unappreciated for the hard work they do, and have to put up with low lifes like you.

I would also add the nurses aids and the housekeepers are the most important workers in a hospital, yet the most underappreciated.

Then the answer to my question should have been a simple yes although I dispute the hard work part.

Can the nurses aids and housekeepers do things to save someone's life? Since the patients in a hospital are there, for the most part, because they're seek and need medical attention, I'd say those with skills being able to treat them medically are the most important workers in the hospital. However, since you think differently, should you happen to ever be one of those patients, have the bed pan emptier and custodian start your IV, give you the correct dose of medications, and monitor your while you're there.
Yup....they got paid for being lazy and ignorant. It happens I know...most ceos fit that description. Heck if they mess up they get bonuses. Meanwhile the people actually doing the work and creating the profit didn't get paid.
Dispute nurses work hard? Nice troll thread. You don't work harder than anybody else here has worked. That's a guarantee.
Here nurses get about 45 bucks an hour plus bennies. Seems decent. Not great but decent.
Yup....they got paid for being lazy and ignorant. It happens I know...most ceos fit that description. Heck if they mess up they get bonuses. Meanwhile the people actually doing the work and creating the profit didn't get paid.

Then you're a liar. If they got paid more than $7.25, they're worth more than $7.25. Someone's labor is worth what the one doing the paying is willing to pay not what a piece of shit like you think they're worth.

If those workers you say do all the work are so good at what they do and are so much better than the CEO's you chastise, why aren't they a CEO somewhere? Why haven't they started their own companies and pushed those companies so much higher than the ones you say are run by lazy idiots?

People that talk like you prove two things. You have no clue what it takes to run a company and you couldn't do it if you wanted or you would have already done so claiming to be as smart and so much better than those in those positions.
Dispute nurses work hard? Nice troll thread. You don't work harder than anybody else here has worked. That's a guarantee.

Two things: 1) Nurses do, nurses aids do not come close to the nurse level. 2) A guarantee like you made should come with proof otherwise it's nothing more than a piece of shit running his mouth.
That's excellent pay for someone that only has to have a 2 year degree to be a nurse.[/QUOTE]
I said nursing assistants. NA's.

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.
Newsflash: No one thinks 7.25 is a living wage. They do, however, acknowledge that paying a worker more than the value his job adds to revenue is a losing proposition.

I've posed this question with no answer thus far. How long can a company survive if it pays its workers more than the value they add to the bottom line?
Here are the choices:

1) Employers pay their workers what the employers believe the job is worth since it's their money
2) A worker can either better their skills or continue to make a lower wage but taxes shouldn't make up for a worker's slack skill level
3) Someone suffering should blame people like you because you think they deserve to be handed something for nothing.
Once again you provide a microeconomic solution to a macroeconomic problem

Yes, an individual worker may be able to improve job skills and get a better job

But that doesn't solve the problem of 30 million low wage workers who need government assistance due to low wages
There are not 30 million "better jobs" available for them to move up to.
Then if society demands that everyone have a guaranteed income, society needs to pass legislation, raise taxes, and make up the difference between a worker's pay and whatever arbitrary (and infinitely increasing) value is deemed sufficient.

That is what we are doing now
The taxpayer makes up the difference in low pay and subsidizes rents, food and healthcare that an employer used to pay

Our society has changed. It used to be a low skilled worker could support a family on the wages being paid. They didn't live well, but could provide the basics
Employers no longer do that and keep the added profit while taxpayers support their workers

It's easy to solve. Stop having taxpayers make up the difference because some low skilled worker offers such low skills. If the worker with what they offer to an employer is getting paid an equivalent wage to those skills, they have two choice. Either step and improve those skills or do without.
the only reason we have unemployment, is underpayment.
This, gentle readers, is the kind of stupidity that renders leftists irrelevant to discussions about economics.
RNs need a four year degree and its decent pay, not excellent. Some senior nurses make 60 bucks per hour plus 7 weeks paid vacation. Now that's getting on the good dside of pay. And for the record, I ran my own construction business for 27 years...took it over from my dad. My youngest son now owns it. And yes the ceos I worked with were lazy and overpaid for being useless.
Do you understand basic economics? A business makes a profit when it earns more money than it spends, and labor costs are a part of the money a company spends. You simply cannot raise that labor cost significantly without impacting that profit, and a company that operates on a 3% profit margin cannot double its labor costs without significant changes.

If labor cost more, the business has these choices:

1. Reduce profit to absorb the increased cost. Not likely to happen because the profit margin is not going to be that big, except in rare cases. Double labor costs for most companies and they would start losing money.

2. Raise prices to cover the added cost. Likely. prices would go up and the poor would no longer be able to afford the cheap stuff they can now. Is it better to be able to buy a cheap TV at Walmart and have a low MW or to have a high MW and have the poor pay a good deal more for that TV?

3. Reduce the number of workers to bring costs back in line with revenue. Very likely to happen, and the workers laid off would not be cheering the MW hike that cost them their jobs.

You do understand the basic economics here, right? You just can't double most company's labor costs overnight and expect nothing to happen.
A business makes a profit off of every employee. Rising labor costs are no different than rising costs of supplies, taxes, rent, insurance or even executive pay. All have risen over the last eight years while minimum wage has remained frozen

Minimum wage has not remained the same states have risen it, which is the right thing to do - it's a regional thing not a national one.
It's why we call it a minimum

Some states would reimplement slavery if you let them

The problem with what you want is the skills required to do minimum wage jobs when you made $2/hour are the same skills required today to do those same jobs. Same skills, same pay.
same should go for CEOs.
It does. A CEO who drives a company into the ground doesn't get to keep his job very long.
That's excellent pay for someone that only has to have a 2 year degree to be a nurse.
I said nursing assistants. NA's.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you should let initforme know you said nursing assistant. Apparently he thought it said nurse.

Nursing Assistant is a fancy name for bed pan emptier.
Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.

Sometimes the most mundane jobs requires the most in pay, if you think these people are overpaid, then you really are.

My skill level is far higher than those doing a job that a monkey could be trained to do.

You mean jobs that require no thinking like emptying the trash, sweeping the floor, and cleaning a toilet?

No I mean jobs that do not take advanced training and might be monotonous, unappreciated for the hard work they do, and have to put up with low lifes like you.

I would also add the nurses aids and the housekeepers are the most important workers in a hospital, yet the most underappreciated.

Then the answer to my question should have been a simple yes although I dispute the hard work part.

Can the nurses aids and housekeepers do things to save someone's life? Since the patients in a hospital are there, for the most part, because they're seek and need medical attention, I'd say those with skills being able to treat them medically are the most important workers in the hospital. However, since you think differently, should you happen to ever be one of those patients, have the bed pan emptier and custodian start your IV, give you the correct dose of medications, and monitor your while you're there.

Really, you do not know much about healthcare and nurses and doctors make more money. I said lowest paid and underappreciated, they are the backbone of hospitals and nursing homes, albeit most hospitals also use LPN's as NAs, and even RN's if short and yes paid them their going salaries.

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