McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

I can't recall which of the Prog Moonbat loons kept stalking me with posts to ridicule my prediction that McDs would replace workers with robots, but I was right all along!
That's excellent pay for someone that only has to have a 2 year degree to be a nurse.
I said nursing assistants. NA's.

Perhaps you should let initforme know you said nursing assistant. Apparently he thought it said nurse.

Nursing Assistant is a fancy name for bed pan emptier.[/QUOTE]

Nursing Assistants do much more than empty bedpans, LPN's and RN's can even and do empty bedpans. I bet that just burns you to know that an RN making good money might empty a bedpan.

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.
Newsflash: No one thinks 7.25 is a living wage. They do, however, acknowledge that paying a worker more than the value his job adds to revenue is a losing proposition.

I've posed this question with no answer thus far. How long can a company survive if it pays its workers more than the value they add to the bottom line?

If those that think $15/hour is a good minimum wage want that to be done, why don't they start a business and set the example? You and I both know many of them couldn't run a business and supporting what they support doesn't cost them anything. It's someone else's money they're spending.
Cmon conservative, call me some names cuz only hypocrites believe in the war against drugs. Wasted money...users will always use. Is it our business anyway?
If a practice has a significant negative impact on society, it becomes an issue. Take, for example, seat belts and motorcycle helmets. There's really no good reason to require them by law except so many people would die without them. Likewise with drugs. When a large enough group of people become dependent on drugs, take more than they produce, and die in large numbers from overdoses, society takes notice.

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker
RNs need a four year degree and its decent pay, not excellent. Some senior nurses make 60 bucks per hour plus 7 weeks paid vacation. Now that's getting on the good dside of pay. And for the record, I ran my own construction business for 27 years...took it over from my dad. My youngest son now owns it. And yes the ceos I worked with were lazy and overpaid for being useless.
You said nurses. An RN is quite different.

Do you know what it takes to be senior?

So you had to take over something your daddy started and pass it down to your son. Sounds like neither of you are capable of having done it on your own. In other words, CEO's that had it handed to them because they're too lazy to do it for themselves.
And, of course, the question that never gets answered because of the ramifications, why not just set the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty altogether? If arbitrarily setting the MW can result in a living wage with no impact on the number of jobs, surely we can set it high enough to eliminate poverty.
That's excellent pay for someone that only has to have a 2 year degree to be a nurse.
I said nursing assistants. NA's.

Perhaps you should let initforme know you said nursing assistant. Apparently he thought it said nurse.

Nursing Assistant is a fancy name for bed pan emptier.

Nursing Assistants do much more than empty bedpans, LPN's and RN's can even and do empty bedpans. I bet that just burns you to know that an RN making good money might empty a bedpan.[/QUOTE]

Nursing assistants can't do what nurses do. As I said, if you should ever be in a hospital, insist that the nursing assistant start your IV, etc. I bet you choose otherwise.
Once again you provide a microeconomic solution to a macroeconomic problem

Yes, an individual worker may be able to improve job skills and get a better job

But that doesn't solve the problem of 30 million low wage workers who need government assistance due to low wages
There are not 30 million "better jobs" available for them to move up to.
Then if society demands that everyone have a guaranteed income, society needs to pass legislation, raise taxes, and make up the difference between a worker's pay and whatever arbitrary (and infinitely increasing) value is deemed sufficient.
why not cost shift from our drug war?

Why not stop the war on poverty? It hasn't worked.
because the drug war costs more and does not promote the general welfare. only the right wing, never gets it.

Handing some piece of shit freeloader money for doing nothing doesn't promote it.

By the way, liar, the war on drugs does not spend near what the waste on poverty does.
handing someone a "free" drug war, is worse. only the right wing, is that fantastical.

and, our war on drugs is more expensive than our war on poverty.
Once again you provide a microeconomic solution to a macroeconomic problem

Yes, an individual worker may be able to improve job skills and get a better job

But that doesn't solve the problem of 30 million low wage workers who need government assistance due to low wages
There are not 30 million "better jobs" available for them to move up to.

All you offer is to hand those low wage workers who get that low wage because they are LOW SKILLED money someone else earned. That isn't a solution at all because it solves NOTHING. That's why I expect those of you that propose useless answers to use your own money. You expect those of us that know it won't work to support doing something that has failed. In the last 50 years the U.S. has done that to the tune of $22 trillion dollars. The result. The same percentage of Americans in poverty.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. that is why we need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; to privatize costs instead of socialize costs.
We shouldn't have a minimum wage nor social services. If you want to help someone you deem worthy, it would be privatized because you would have to use YOUR money.
it isn't Your money; money is printed by the government and belongs to the government; you can merely use it. money has already been taxed and labored over, why pay double.

I'm in possession of it. If you don't think it's mine, on behold of the government please come and try to take it. That is, if you have the guts.
any privateer can simply take it from you, if they want. it is one reason we have, Government.
only in right wing fantasy; we have a mixed market economy. you are simply too lazy to come up with valid arguments, slacker.

You are simply too lazy to do for yourself. That makes you a waste and worthless to society.
being too lazy to come up with a valid argument, is work ethic moral.

That's two ways I'm not lazy. I support myself and have provided a valid argument why others currently not doing so should do the same.
i have to wonder how you support yourself, since you Only have fallacies instead of good argument. crony capitalism, accounts for that.

Unlike you, I earn a living. Try it sometime you fucking piece of shit.
crony capitalism?

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Since what they make off some is little to nothing, that's why some get paid little to nothing. See how that works.

Are you saying that someone for which a company makes the equivalent of $2/hour should get paid more than that? That's a losing proposition even you, if you could start a business, wouldn't do.
All you offer is to hand those low wage workers who get that low wage because they are LOW SKILLED money someone else earned. That isn't a solution at all because it solves NOTHING. That's why I expect those of you that propose useless answers to use your own money. You expect those of us that know it won't work to support doing something that has failed. In the last 50 years the U.S. has done that to the tune of $22 trillion dollars. The result. The same percentage of Americans in poverty.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. that is why we need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; to privatize costs instead of socialize costs.
We shouldn't have a minimum wage nor social services. If you want to help someone you deem worthy, it would be privatized because you would have to use YOUR money.
it isn't Your money; money is printed by the government and belongs to the government; you can merely use it. money has already been taxed and labored over, why pay double.

I'm in possession of it. If you don't think it's mine, on behold of the government please come and try to take it. That is, if you have the guts.
any privateer can simply take it from you, if they want. it is one reason we have, Government.

Sounds like a pussy like you doesn't have the guts to try. Offer was made and refused. Get behind me, son, and learn your place in life.

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Since what they make off some is little to nothing, that's why some get paid little to nothing. See how that works.

Are you saying that someone for which a company makes the equivalent of $2/hour should get paid more than that? That's a losing proposition even you, if you could start a business, wouldn't do.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists who make, "poor lifestyle choices" cannot do the same.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. that is why we need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; to privatize costs instead of socialize costs.
We shouldn't have a minimum wage nor social services. If you want to help someone you deem worthy, it would be privatized because you would have to use YOUR money.
it isn't Your money; money is printed by the government and belongs to the government; you can merely use it. money has already been taxed and labored over, why pay double.

I'm in possession of it. If you don't think it's mine, on behold of the government please come and try to take it. That is, if you have the guts.
any privateer can simply take it from you, if they want. it is one reason we have, Government.

Sounds like a pussy like you doesn't have the guts to try. Offer was made and refused. Get behind me, son, and learn your place in life.
i don't need to steal, even if i am poor, simply to not take a "master's name or a god's name, in vain.
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Here nursing assistants only make about 30 bucks an hour.....that isn't much. I must say walking oiff ththose first corporate jobs was ecxhilirating. I didn't show up for a meeting I was supposed to be at....never went back. Found a better job 2 weeks later. Those were 2 great days.
We shouldn't have a minimum wage nor social services. If you want to help someone you deem worthy, it would be privatized because you would have to use YOUR money.
it isn't Your money; money is printed by the government and belongs to the government; you can merely use it. money has already been taxed and labored over, why pay double.

I'm in possession of it. If you don't think it's mine, on behold of the government please come and try to take it. That is, if you have the guts.
any privateer can simply take it from you, if they want. it is one reason we have, Government.

Sounds like a pussy like you doesn't have the guts to try. Offer was made and refused. Get behind me, son, and learn your place in life.
i don't need to steal, even if i am poor, simply to not take a "master's name or a gods name, in vain.

What you realized is that you couldn't so you hid like a coward.

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