McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

Do you understand basic economics? A business makes a profit when it earns more money than it spends, and labor costs are a part of the money a company spends. You simply cannot raise that labor cost significantly without impacting that profit, and a company that operates on a 3% profit margin cannot double its labor costs without significant changes.

If labor cost more, the business has these choices:

1. Reduce profit to absorb the increased cost. Not likely to happen because the profit margin is not going to be that big, except in rare cases. Double labor costs for most companies and they would start losing money.

2. Raise prices to cover the added cost. Likely. prices would go up and the poor would no longer be able to afford the cheap stuff they can now. Is it better to be able to buy a cheap TV at Walmart and have a low MW or to have a high MW and have the poor pay a good deal more for that TV?

3. Reduce the number of workers to bring costs back in line with revenue. Very likely to happen, and the workers laid off would not be cheering the MW hike that cost them their jobs.

You do understand the basic economics here, right? You just can't double most company's labor costs overnight and expect nothing to happen.
A business makes a profit off of every employee. Rising labor costs are no different than rising costs of supplies, taxes, rent, insurance or even executive pay. All have risen over the last eight years while minimum wage has remained frozen

Minimum wage has not remained the same states have risen it, which is the right thing to do - it's a regional thing not a national one.
It's why we call it a minimum

Some states would reimplement slavery if you let them

The problem with what you want is the skills required to do minimum wage jobs when you made $2/hour are the same skills required today to do those same jobs. Same skills, same pay.
same should go for CEOs.
In all cases it is what the market and shareholders will bear.
Name calling.....nice. Do you think I owed my company more?
Character identification.

But you thought your company owed you more. That's the hypocritical part. People like you say you owe nothing yet you left because the company wasn't doing for you what you thought it owed you. A pussy and a hypocrite.
Then if society demands that everyone have a guaranteed income, society needs to pass legislation, raise taxes, and make up the difference between a worker's pay and whatever arbitrary (and infinitely increasing) value is deemed sufficient.

That is what we are doing now
The taxpayer makes up the difference in low pay and subsidizes rents, food and healthcare that an employer used to pay

Our society has changed. It used to be a low skilled worker could support a family on the wages being paid. They didn't live well, but could provide the basics
Employers no longer do that and keep the added profit while taxpayers support their workers
1. How long can a business stay open if it is forced to pay workers $15/hr for work that contributes $5/hr to the bottom line?

2. Why should a business subsidize society's responsibility? If society demands that every person receive a guaranteed income, then it should write legislation, raise taxes, and make up the difference between worker pay and the arbitrary level.

3. Those low skilled, high paying jobs simply are no longer. They have been replaced by automation that doesn't take sick time, doesn't work 8 hours then quit for 16, doesn't go on strike, never has a bad attitude, and does a better job.

1. There are many jobs that would be paid $15/hour under the bleeding heart Liberal plan that bring $0 to the bottom line.

2. Society shouldn't subsidize someone's PERSONAL responsibility. It's not an employer's place or the taxpayer's place to subsidize someone that brings a skill set one step above what a monkey could be trained to do.

3. Exactly. Automation is the best employee. It does the job, does it well, doesn't get pissed when you ask it to do something, and has a better work ethic than those constantly whining they should be paid a higher wage when they offer a lower skill set.

i think we simply need to end the capital gains preference if capitalists cannot create low unemployment through Jobs Booms.
I think we need a 20% flat tax with only one 25k deduction allowed. That way everyone pays their fair share. The government can no longer pay crony capitalism on the revenue side and everyone cares what they spend.
Two things that would guarantee immediate tax cuts.

1. Elections held the day after taxes are due.
2. Eliminate payroll withholding. Everyone writes a check for taxes owed.
Yup. I didn't owe the company respect. Thankfully they closed their doors 3 years I left at the right time. I was happy they folded up though. The management was incompetent.
Nope....I quit the job for a better one. I didn't owe my emp!oyer notice. They didn't deserve one.
That kind of thing can come back to bite you when the company you're interviewing with calls the one you walked out on. I've had prospective employers appreciate me not starting for two weeks so I could give appropriate notice to my last one. They like that kind of stuff because it shows you're a better quality employee than someone who would just walk out.

You're talking to a 10 year old..

Yup. I didn't owe the company respect. Thankfully they closed their doors 3 years I left at the right time. I was happy they folded up though. The management was incompetent.
You obviously didn't interview for high level or important positions very often. "Why and how did you leave your last job"? "The jerks didn't give me the loyalty I demanded so I walked out and never went back". "It was nice talking to you, we'll be in touch".
Actually, I went from management to management positions. In the 70s, that's how it worked.
I'm talking about how a worker is out there for himself and owes the company zero loyalty. Can't you read?
Yup. I didn't owe the company respect. Thankfully they closed their doors 3 years I left at the right time. I was happy they folded up though. The management was incompetent.

Yet you thought the company owed it to you.

I'd say your ineptness caused them to close. It took that long and had you stayed, it would have been sooner.
Yup. I didn't owe the company respect. Thankfully they closed their doors 3 years I left at the right time. I was happy they folded up though. The management was incompetent.
You obviously didn't interview for high level or important positions very often. "Why and how did you leave your last job"? "The jerks didn't give me the loyalty I demanded so I walked out and never went back". "It was nice talking to you, we'll be in touch".

What's sad about people like initforme is that they demand loyalty yet prove they don't show it.
I didn't demand loyalty. Nor shoud any worker be loyal to the company. If there is a better job, a worker leaves asap. That's the way it works. You so called hard workers are full of it. I'm calling you inferior.
This is fun. You still believe in the two weeks notice. I believe that is wrong. Why does a worker owe his employer 2 weeks notice? Explain your theory.
I never said the company should be loyal. Emp!loyers and employees should be at odds to a large extent. If I have skills other companies need, why do you inferiors think I need to notify my employer I am leaving? God you arestupidas dog dung.
it isn't Your money; money is printed by the government and belongs to the government; you can merely use it. money has already been taxed and labored over, why pay double.

I'm in possession of it. If you don't think it's mine, on behold of the government please come and try to take it. That is, if you have the guts.
any privateer can simply take it from you, if they want. it is one reason we have, Government.

Sounds like a pussy like you doesn't have the guts to try. Offer was made and refused. Get behind me, son, and learn your place in life.
i don't need to steal, even if i am poor, simply to not take a "master's name or a gods name, in vain.

What you realized is that you couldn't so you hid like a coward.
i don't resort to fallacy, either. something You cannot do, like lazy moocher.

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