McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

Maybe mcpukes goes under. Would not be a bad thing just limklimke illegal drugs being stopped. Same exact thing.
Wartime Tax Rates! even for a War on Drugs.
Kids don't need experience on minimum wage jobs. My kids didn't work until after they had their college degrees. 7.25an hour, which I am not in favor of raising, ensures big profits. Those John's are for unproductive, low skilled people who will only stay a few weeks or so.
Those jobs are for kids who don't have daddy paying for their college education and have to save up money to pay for school

I made $2 an hour when I went to college. I paid a years tuition working just summers.

Take you $15 an hour today
Kids don't need experience on minimum wage jobs. My kids didn't work until after they had their college degrees. 7.25an hour, which I am not in favor of raising, ensures big profits. Those John's are for unproductive, low skilled people who will only stay a few weeks or so.

Translation ~your lying
Kids don't need experience on minimum wage jobs. My kids didn't work until after they had their college degrees. 7.25an hour, which I am not in favor of raising, ensures big profits. Those John's are for unproductive, low skilled people who will only stay a few weeks or so.
Those jobs are for kids who don't have daddy paying for their college education and have to save up money to pay for school

I made $2 an hour when I went to college. I paid a years tuition working just summers.

Take you $15 an hour today

$15 an hour wouldn't be enough to pay a years tuition today. Tuition has increased 1000x the rate of inflation since the 80s.
Kids don't need experience on minimum wage jobs. My kids didn't work until after they had their college degrees. 7.25an hour, which I am not in favor of raising, ensures big profits. Those John's are for unproductive, low skilled people who will only stay a few weeks or so.
Those jobs are for kids who don't have daddy paying for their college education and have to save up money to pay for school

I made $2 an hour when I went to college. I paid a years tuition working just summers.

Take you $15 an hour today

$15 an hour wouldn't be enough to pay a years tuition today. Tuition has increased 1000x the rate of inflation since the 80s.
I lot of it is less state aid
Kids don't need experience on minimum wage jobs. My kids didn't work until after they had their college degrees. 7.25an hour, which I am not in favor of raising, ensures big profits. Those John's are for unproductive, low skilled people who will only stay a few weeks or so.
Those jobs are for kids who don't have daddy paying for their college education and have to save up money to pay for school

I made $2 an hour when I went to college. I paid a years tuition working just summers.

Take you $15 an hour today

$15 an hour wouldn't be enough to pay a years tuition today. Tuition has increased 1000x the rate of inflation since the 80s.
I lot of it is less state aid

Actually, it's not. That's just an excuse they like to use.

By contrast, a major factor driving increasing costs is the constant expansion of university administration. According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions.

Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.

What cannot be defended, however, is the claim that tuition has risen because public funding for higher education has been cut. Despite its ubiquity, this claim flies directly in the face of the facts.
fifteen dollars an hour makes it a lot easier to pay any tuition than our current minimum wage.
No one working at a menial entry level job at a fast food joint is college material. If a worker had any designs on moving forward in the retail food industry, they should skip the university and asked to enroll in the restaurant's management training program.
Another example....There is a chain of Convenience stores named Quick Trip. This chain has broken ranks with other chains in that the starting wages are higher than average. But there is a trade off. In order for a worker to improve their earning potential, they MUST enter the management program. Quick Trip is far more selective in it hiring practices.. The chain would rather the stores be slightly understaffed than hire what the chain's ownership considers to be unqualified people.
In this wage issue, there is no magic bullet. This idea of the artificially high min wage is nothing but a political play perpetuated by politicians looking to score with the Millenials. It is also a tool used by SEIU as a method of recruitment of new members.
I didn't demand loyalty. Nor shoud any worker be loyal to the company. If there is a better job, a worker leaves asap. That's the way it works. You so called hard workers are full of it. I'm calling you inferior.

I'm not the one that walked away like a whining pussy boy.
This is fun. You still believe in the two weeks notice. I believe that is wrong. Why does a worker owe his employer 2 weeks notice? Explain your theory.

Who said two weeks? Now, you're making things up.

Unlike you I'm a professional not a whining pussy that thinks running like a coward makes him better. It makes you a coward not wanting to face those that are your superiors. That would be me. It's OK. You can be a pussy and not be willing to face someone and look them in the eye. That's how cowards operate.
It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Since what they make off some is little to nothing, that's why some get paid little to nothing. See how that works.

Are you saying that someone for which a company makes the equivalent of $2/hour should get paid more than that? That's a losing proposition even you, if you could start a business, wouldn't do.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists who make, "poor lifestyle choices" cannot do the same.
This is why leftists are irrelevant to discussions on economics.

Just be honest for a change. What you want is legal pot and a guaranteed income so you can buy it without having to work a job.
only the right is irrelevant to discussions about economics. all they have is right wing fantasy and no valid economic arguments.

i don't mind paying taxes on recreational pot.
Sure, as long as you get a paycheck without having to bother working a job for it.

True today as much as 1934

If you can only stay in business by paying $7.25 an hour, you don't belong in business
You can stay in business if you pay more, but you will likely have fewer employees enjoying the increased pay, and if you pay more than you can charge for your goods or services, you will go out of business.

Here's a good question: Why not just raise the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty altogether? Think it through.

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