McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

Denigrating corporate america(small a) is fun. Been there. Its a bad place. Open your own business. DonDont hire.
Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Since what they make off some is little to nothing, that's why some get paid little to nothing. See how that works.

Are you saying that someone for which a company makes the equivalent of $2/hour should get paid more than that? That's a losing proposition even you, if you could start a business, wouldn't do.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists who make, "poor lifestyle choices" cannot do the same.
This is why leftists are irrelevant to discussions on economics.

Just be honest for a change. What you want is legal pot and a guaranteed income so you can buy it without having to work a job.
only the right is irrelevant to discussions about economics. all they have is right wing fantasy and no valid economic arguments.

i don't mind paying taxes on recreational pot.

Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Not if they are forced by the government to pay that worker more than what that worker brings in.

Making money doesn't involve simply counting the revenue. Cost of what that worker is paid is an equal part of it. If the worker is paid more than the worker produces, no one is making money.
just work harder with fewer employees. those you cannot support with a job, can always go on welfare.
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. Our "job creators" are making record profits

Regardless of what you dream about, our labor pool has always contained a percentage of low skilled workers. It always will and those workers are needed in our economy. These workers are not deadbeats, most work very hard. They used to be able to perform low skilled jobs and a single wage earner could support a family on that wage. Now, they need to rely on the taxpayer to make up the difference

You blame the worker....I blame the employer
Blame advances in technology. Low skilled, high paying jobs are no more. How can they be, when you can get that same job done cheaper and better by an automated system?
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, solves that capital dilemma.

What solves that dilemma is those wanting $15/hour providing skills worth that much.
Henry Ford knew how to be a Capitalist; You do not.
But you are a socialist. You wouldn't be expected to fairly portray capitalism or capitalists.
why not? are crony capitalists going to be more honest.
1. How long can a business stay open if it is forced to pay workers $15/hr for work that contributes $5/hr to the bottom line?

2. Why should a business subsidize society's responsibility? If society demands that every person receive a guaranteed income, then it should write legislation, raise taxes, and make up the difference between worker pay and the arbitrary level.

3. Those low skilled, high paying jobs simply are no longer. They have been replaced by automation that doesn't take sick time, doesn't work 8 hours then quit for 16, doesn't go on strike, never has a bad attitude, and does a better job.

Business seems to be doing quite well. They have made over $10 trillion in the last eight years, yet still claim poverty when it comes to paying their workers
They can afford new corporate offices, monster executive compensation, increases in the cost of supplies
Yet, if it comes to raising the salary of their lowest paid workers...they claim it will bankrupt them

Government should step in and say....either support your workers or contribute to a fund that will
If society demands a guaranteed income, then society should step up, write legislation, raise taxes, and distribute the welfare. If you make companies into welfare distribution centers, they will distribute that welfare to a smaller number of employees than before, because they will not pay a worker more than what his work contributes to the bottom line.
Business seems to be doing quite well. They have made over $10 trillion in the last eight years, yet still claim poverty when it comes to paying their workers
They can afford new corporate offices, monster executive compensation, increases in the cost of supplies
Yet, if it comes to raising the salary of their lowest paid workers...they claim it will bankrupt them

Government should step in and say....either support your workers or contribute to a fund that will
If society demands a guaranteed income, then society should step up, write legislation, raise taxes, and distribute the welfare. If you make companies into welfare distribution centers, they will distribute that welfare to a smaller number of employees than before, because they will not pay a worker more than what his work contributes to the bottom line.

Your business is making a profit off of low cost labor. If society has to step in and support your worker, than you should have to contribute some of that profit to that fund.
Otherwise, pay a decent wage

That's easy to solve. Stop having society support someone that brings such low skills to the table that, by fault of their own for doing so, can't cut it. It's not societies place to make up for an individual worker's low skill set. It's that worker's responsibility. In other words, society owes neither me, you, or anyone else a damn thing.

Up your skill set or do without.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps capitalists re-discover their work ethic, since they will have to more of the actual work, themselves.
It won't change anything. It will have zero effect. It's all connected.
of course it will; labor will have more money to circulate in our economy.
Boycott them. If they want machines more money goes to welfare. See how that works. Call them at their own game. Its time to get money from the rich slobs who think 7.25 is a living wage.

It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Since what they make off some is little to nothing, that's why some get paid little to nothing. See how that works.

Are you saying that someone for which a company makes the equivalent of $2/hour should get paid more than that? That's a losing proposition even you, if you could start a business, wouldn't do.

Four workers on a shift at $2 an hour you are only making $8 an hour from your business. Not going to stay in business long

You forgot about those that do things that actually produce profits. That's what keeps things in business despite the ones getting paid $7.25 because the government mandates it yet only producing $2/hour in revenue.

If you need ridiculously low wages to stay in don't belong in business
A business makes a profit off of every employee. Rising labor costs are no different than rising costs of supplies, taxes, rent, insurance or even executive pay. All have risen over the last eight years while minimum wage has remained frozen

Minimum wage has stayed the same because what's required to do minimum wage jobs hasn't risen. When the skill level required stays frozen, so do the wages. You mention 8 years. That's 8 years those low skilled people could have done something to raise their skill level. If they spent a quarter of the time bettering themselves as they did whining about wanting to be handed more, this wouldn't be a conversation.

You mention 8 years. The skills required to do a minimum wage job today are the same as they were 50 years ago. Pushing a broom, emptying trash, and cleaning a toilet require the same skill level today as they did when I was a kid and learned to do those things as chores around the house.

Used to be minimum wage was a true...starter wage
I started at $2 an hour in 1972. For $2 an hour, I could pay my entire college tuition working just the summer. I could buy a new car working six months. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that car.
It would take $15 an hour to do that today

Used to be those making minimum wage did things to improve those skills. The problem is those refusing to improve their skills only want their wage increased for refusing to do so.
just right wing fantasy; most jobs being created by capitalists wanting to get richer faster for less, only pay the minimum wage.
It is called paying your dues. It is supposed to make you want to better yourself.
nope; just a private profit motive and not a general welfare profit motive.
Minimum wage has stayed the same because what's required to do minimum wage jobs hasn't risen. When the skill level required stays frozen, so do the wages. You mention 8 years. That's 8 years those low skilled people could have done something to raise their skill level. If they spent a quarter of the time bettering themselves as they did whining about wanting to be handed more, this wouldn't be a conversation.

You mention 8 years. The skills required to do a minimum wage job today are the same as they were 50 years ago. Pushing a broom, emptying trash, and cleaning a toilet require the same skill level today as they did when I was a kid and learned to do those things as chores around the house.

Used to be minimum wage was a true...starter wage
I started at $2 an hour in 1972. For $2 an hour, I could pay my entire college tuition working just the summer. I could buy a new car working six months. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that car.
It would take $15 an hour to do that today

When you had 30 million less illegals ..

When your piece of shit pinto couldn't pass the epa emissions test of today never mind the safety issue.

rightwinger fails to acknowledge that those demanding a higher wage still offer starter wage skills.
dear, it is about social services costing around fourteen dollars an hour. only the right wing, never gets it.
I wouldn't expect a socialist to see it any other way.
realistic based on economics? the right wing only has fantasy instead of Any valid arguments.
It's kind of the way it works......I earned minimum wage while I was trying to pay my way through college. I got a degree and demanded a higher salary.......someone else moved into that minimum wage job

You didn't demand shit, they saw your potential..

To bad you didn't give them your all..
Went right over your head, didn't it Goober?

People move on from minimum wage jobs and new people come in to take their place
It's kind of the way it works......I earned minimum wage while I was trying to pay my way through college. I got a degree and demanded a higher salary.......someone else moved into that minimum wage job

You didn't demand shit, they saw your potential..

To bad you didn't give them your all..
Went right over your head, didn't it Goober?

People move on from minimum wage jobs and new people come in to take their place

Some people move on and many others continue to do them demanding they get more pay for doing nothing more.
time in service and experience merits pay increases.
Yes, but mainly merit. Don't forget bettering yourself either.
a better crony capitalist?
A business makes a profit off of every employee. Rising labor costs are no different than rising costs of supplies, taxes, rent, insurance or even executive pay. All have risen over the last eight years while minimum wage has remained frozen

Minimum wage has not remained the same states have risen it, which is the right thing to do - it's a regional thing not a national one.
It's why we call it a minimum

Some states would reimplement slavery if you let them

The problem with what you want is the skills required to do minimum wage jobs when you made $2/hour are the same skills required today to do those same jobs. Same skills, same pay.
same should go for CEOs.
In all cases it is what the market and shareholders will bear.
in other words, the right is full of fallacy when claiming it is about "job worth"?
That is what we are doing now
The taxpayer makes up the difference in low pay and subsidizes rents, food and healthcare that an employer used to pay

Our society has changed. It used to be a low skilled worker could support a family on the wages being paid. They didn't live well, but could provide the basics
Employers no longer do that and keep the added profit while taxpayers support their workers
1. How long can a business stay open if it is forced to pay workers $15/hr for work that contributes $5/hr to the bottom line?

2. Why should a business subsidize society's responsibility? If society demands that every person receive a guaranteed income, then it should write legislation, raise taxes, and make up the difference between worker pay and the arbitrary level.

3. Those low skilled, high paying jobs simply are no longer. They have been replaced by automation that doesn't take sick time, doesn't work 8 hours then quit for 16, doesn't go on strike, never has a bad attitude, and does a better job.

1. There are many jobs that would be paid $15/hour under the bleeding heart Liberal plan that bring $0 to the bottom line.

2. Society shouldn't subsidize someone's PERSONAL responsibility. It's not an employer's place or the taxpayer's place to subsidize someone that brings a skill set one step above what a monkey could be trained to do.

3. Exactly. Automation is the best employee. It does the job, does it well, doesn't get pissed when you ask it to do something, and has a better work ethic than those constantly whining they should be paid a higher wage when they offer a lower skill set.

i think we simply need to end the capital gains preference if capitalists cannot create low unemployment through Jobs Booms.
I think we need a 20% flat tax with only one 25k deduction allowed. That way everyone pays their fair share. The government can no longer pay crony capitalism on the revenue side and everyone cares what they spend.
Two things that would guarantee immediate tax cuts.

1. Elections held the day after taxes are due.
2. Eliminate payroll withholding. Everyone writes a check for taxes owed.
that is why the US failed, under the Article of Confederation.
It's time to educate idiots like you that for what skills are required to do those jobs, $7.25 is overpaid.
They make money off of every worker

Since what they make off some is little to nothing, that's why some get paid little to nothing. See how that works.

Are you saying that someone for which a company makes the equivalent of $2/hour should get paid more than that? That's a losing proposition even you, if you could start a business, wouldn't do.

Four workers on a shift at $2 an hour you are only making $8 an hour from your business. Not going to stay in business long

You forgot about those that do things that actually produce profits. That's what keeps things in business despite the ones getting paid $7.25 because the government mandates it yet only producing $2/hour in revenue.

If you need ridiculously low wages to stay in don't belong in business

Yes we know Marge

True today as much as 1934

If you can only stay in business by paying $7.25 an hour, you don't belong in business

Then where do the kids get the skills?

Where do they get money to live on?

They can be paid a reasonable wage and still get their "skills"

Business survived eight years ago when min wage was raised to $7.25
They still claim they can only survive if wages remain at that level
Kids don't need experience on minimum wage jobs. My kids didn't work until after they had their college degrees. 7.25an hour, which I am not in favor of raising, ensures big profits. Those John's are for unproductive, low skilled people who will only stay a few weeks or so.

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