McDonalds Opening 6500 sq ft Restaurant WHERE KIOSKS WILL TAKE YOUR ORDER

Good job lefties. Yep, the real minimum wage is $0.

  • $1.59million St. Joseph restaurant will open in July
  • It will feature earthy tones, couches and armchairs for a 'modern look'
  • And kiosks will allow customers to customize burger and sandwich orders
  • Play space will have interactive light board tables, tabletop video games
Read more: Missouri McDonald's will offer bottomless french fries on the menu

Someone has to make the food and until robots are made to do this, well then someone will be working. Also the drive through will have a clerk and someone will have to deliver the food.

Because there will be Kiosk for you to place the order from does not mean people will not have jobs...
Dear God how can you be so naive?
You drive up to the speaker. You verbally place your order. A computer speaks your order back to you. You verbally confirm your order.
The computer sends the electronic order to the machine that makes the entire order up to your custom request. You drive up to the window and either use your debit card which you slide into the slot or you put paper money into another slot and you get whatever change back. A door opens and you reach in and take your order. The technology to do this has been around for many years.
Or you go into the FF outlet and do basically the same thing except you are given a number when you pay for your order, like what happens at the fucking car wash.
When your order is ready your number comes up on the screen where you are waiting. You walk over and a door opens and your custom order is waiting for you on a tray.
The only employees are the ones that 'feed' the robots their base ingredients and someone who works 'front of house' keeping the place tidy and clean.
Good job lefties. Yep, the real minimum wage is $0.

  • $1.59million St. Joseph restaurant will open in July
  • It will feature earthy tones, couches and armchairs for a 'modern look'
  • And kiosks will allow customers to customize burger and sandwich orders
  • Play space will have interactive light board tables, tabletop video games
Read more: Missouri McDonald's will offer bottomless french fries on the menu

Someone has to make the food and until robots are made to do this, well then someone will be working. Also the drive through will have a clerk and someone will have to deliver the food.

Because there will be Kiosk for you to place the order from does not mean people will not have jobs...
Dear God how can you be so naive?
You drive up to the speaker. You verbally place your order. A computer speaks your order back to you. You verbally confirm your order.
The computer sends the electronic order to the machine that makes the entire order up to your custom request. You drive up to the window and either use your debit card which you slide into the slot or you put paper money into another slot and you get whatever change back. A door opens and you reach in and take your order. The technology to do this has been around for many years.
Or you go into the FF outlet and do basically the same thing except you are given a number when you pay for your order, like what happens at the fucking car wash.
When your order is ready your number comes up on the screen where you are waiting. You walk over and a door opens and your custom order is waiting for you on a tray.
The only employees are the ones that 'feed' the robots their base ingredients and someone who works 'front of house' keeping the place tidy and clean.

People are still working, and it still takes someone to run the machines, and clean the place and manage the place.

So what is the problem again?

Are you afraid of losing your job?
Starter jobs will soon be a thing of the past, congradulations.
I still won't eat McDonald'
So fuck those people who won't have jobs because you don't like McDonald's, right? They should go on welfare.

Or learn a skill that is not flipping a burger...

I know how dare I require those like you strive to better your life!
Fag, I make more money in a week than you do in a year.
Starter jobs will soon be a thing of the past, congradulations

View attachment 71956

Total automation provides a gazillion of jobs for skilled and high paid industrial electricians and mechanics.

Exactly.. It's only a threat to folks who break-danced thru 11th grade and quit. The 21st century revolution is in favor of INDIVIDUAL work sovereignty and entrepreneurial spirit. The 21st century job requires FLEXIBILITY and adaptation. And the tools are there to make almost EVERYONE an entrepreneur.. For $400 -- you have the tools that only LARGE organizations had in the 20th Century to make your music, publish your own works, service niche markets. Education and especially post H.S. education needs to change NOW to avoid leaving folks behind..

The morons trying to make careers out of "starter jobs" and keep folks comfy in menial labor -- AGAIN fail to understand how things work.. $15/hr or living wages is NOT where the economy is headed..
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Starter jobs will soon be a thing of the past, congradulations.
I still won't eat McDonald'
So fuck those people who won't have jobs because you don't like McDonald's, right? They should go on welfare.

Or learn a skill that is not flipping a burger...

I know how dare I require those like you strive to better your life!
Fag, I make more money in a week than you do in a year.

You know this how?
Starter jobs will soon be a thing of the past, congradulations

View attachment 71956

Total automation provides a gazillion of jobs for skilled and high paid industrial electricians and mechanics.

Exactly.. It's only a threat to folks who break-danced thru 11th grade and quit. The 21st century revolution is in favor of INDIVIDUAL work sovereignty and entrepreneurial spirit. The 21st century job requires FLEXIBILITY and adaptation. And the tools are there to make almost EVERYONE an entrepreneur.. For $400 -- you have the tools that only LARGE organizations had in the 20th Century to make your music, publish your own works, service niche markets. Education and especially post H.S. education needs to change NOW to avoid leaving folks behind..

The morons trying to make careers out of "starter jobs" and keep folks comfy in menial labor -- AGAIN fail to understand how things work.. $15/hr or living wages is NOT where the economy is headed..

That is the problem with some in our society is that they have not vision or willingness to risk and open their own business and make their lives better.

You can go down to the local hardware store and invest in window cleaning equipment ( around one hundred dollars ) and go from storefront to storefront to earn money washing windows, and it is a honorable job.

I think today society prefer someone handing them a job and doing very little while demanding the most in pay...
Has anyone actually used one of these kiosks? I don't see how it gets rid of more than two or three workers at my local McD's. Someone still has to read the order and put the stuff in a bag and hand it to you, right? And that is the same people who took my order. Won't cut down on the people cooking it. Also, I assume cash is out, right? Can't pay a kiosk with cash.

Why not? You can pay with cash at the self checkout at the grocery store.
How? Do you put it in a cigar box and make your own change?

Where the hell do you live...outer Mongolia?
100 miles north of there.
Starter jobs will soon be a thing of the past, congradulations

View attachment 71956

Total automation provides a gazillion of jobs for skilled and high paid industrial electricians and mechanics.

Exactly.. It's only a threat to folks who break-danced thru 11th grade and quit. The 21st century revolution is in favor of INDIVIDUAL work sovereignty and entrepreneurial spirit. The 21st century job requires FLEXIBILITY and adaptation. And the tools are there to make almost EVERYONE an entrepreneur.. For $400 -- you have the tools that only LARGE organizations had in the 20th Century to make your music, publish your own works, service niche markets. Education and especially post H.S. education needs to change NOW to avoid leaving folks behind..

The morons trying to make careers out of "starter jobs" and keep folks comfy in menial labor -- AGAIN fail to understand how things work.. $15/hr or living wages is NOT where the economy is headed..

That is the problem with some in our society is that they have not vision or willingness to risk and open their own business and make their lives better.

You can go down to the local hardware store and invest in window cleaning equipment ( around one hundred dollars ) and go from storefront to storefront to earn money washing windows, and it is a honorable job.

I think today society prefer someone handing them a job and doing very little while demanding the most in pay...

When govt makes it too hard for small biz owners to jump the hurdles and become employers -- then individuals will have to make the leap.. It's a work-around to the over-legislated business owner.

THEN the the companies that feel the competition will run bawling to the government to STOP these "unauthorized, unsafe" window washers. You're seeing that now between the govt created Taxi cartels and Uber.

It all starts with government creating the problems in the first place,. Then trying to fix it all by redistribution of money and wages..
Good job lefties. Yep, the real minimum wage is $0.

  • $1.59million St. Joseph restaurant will open in July
  • It will feature earthy tones, couches and armchairs for a 'modern look'
  • And kiosks will allow customers to customize burger and sandwich orders
  • Play space will have interactive light board tables, tabletop video games
Read more: Missouri McDonald's will offer bottomless french fries on the menu

Someone has to make the food and until robots are made to do this, well then someone will be working. Also the drive through will have a clerk and someone will have to deliver the food.

Because there will be Kiosk for you to place the order from does not mean people will not have jobs...
Good job lefties. Yep, the real minimum wage is $0.

  • $1.59million St. Joseph restaurant will open in July
  • It will feature earthy tones, couches and armchairs for a 'modern look'
  • And kiosks will allow customers to customize burger and sandwich orders
  • Play space will have interactive light board tables, tabletop video games
Read more: Missouri McDonald's will offer bottomless french fries on the menu

Someone has to make the food and until robots are made to do this, well then someone will be working. Also the drive through will have a clerk and someone will have to deliver the food.

Because there will be Kiosk for you to place the order from does not mean people will not have jobs...

Arby's (a place I like) made that "leap" back in the 90s.. It was WAAAAY too early for folks to adapt to.

I stood and watch old folks trying to TALK to the kiosk. Or pressing "Done" with nothing ordered.

TODAY -- folks prefer this. Should do voice recognition at the Drive-thrus and ask to confirm the orders.
Even unloading trucks with supplies could be automated.

This is NOT a work sector that needs WAGE protection. This is a work sector that DESPERATELY needs training and education.. And a curiosity for how to serve others and make money doing it.. .
Good job lefties. Yep, the real minimum wage is $0.

  • $1.59million St. Joseph restaurant will open in July
  • It will feature earthy tones, couches and armchairs for a 'modern look'
  • And kiosks will allow customers to customize burger and sandwich orders
  • Play space will have interactive light board tables, tabletop video games
Read more: Missouri McDonald's will offer bottomless french fries on the menu

Someone has to make the food and until robots are made to do this, well then someone will be working. Also the drive through will have a clerk and someone will have to deliver the food.

Because there will be Kiosk for you to place the order from does not mean people will not have jobs...


Someone will still make it?

You should be happy that those are going to be going away, and those lazy workers will have to learn a new skill, but it seem all of you on the fringe right are upset, and it make me wonder how many of you are afraid of losing your job?

Kiosk ordering has been on the rise and McDonald's is not the first and even though it is doing away with the worthless clerk the store will need the cook until they can have the robot do it.

Then when the robot does it they will need someone to feed the robot and fix it until they get a robot to do that.

Then you still will need the human to fix those robots and you know what it mean higher educated people earning more money and not some slack jaw that would spit on your burger because they hate the job they're doing.

So I see no major problem about all this but please tell me your opinion in great detail...

Someone still need to load it...

Not neccessarily.. could be packed by machine.

Right wingers aren't upset about losing their jobs. THey are upset by political solutions that are based on antiquated ideas about "careers" in burger flipping.

The goal shouldn't be making folks comfortable in mind-numbing dead end jobs.. If that's not OBVIOUS -- we are in for trainloads of displaced workers in the next decade..

Someone still need to load it...

Not neccessarily.. could be packed by machine.

Right wingers aren't upset about losing their jobs. THey are upset by political solutions that are based on antiquated ideas about "careers" in burger flipping.

The goal shouldn't be making folks comfortable in mind-numbing dead end jobs.. If that's not OBVIOUS -- we are in for trainloads of displaced workers in the next decade..

1. The machines packing the machine still will need some form of human factor involved. The human factor will never be removed from the equation, so I still so no issue with those old fashion starter jobs going away.

2. The fair wage issue is one I never agreed with. I have made more money than the minimum wage either working for someone else or doing private contract jobs, and I believe individuals need to set their own wage and if the owner of the establishment refuses to hire them at that wage then do not look at the government to force the owner to pay them the wage they want.

3. Education and training is the major issue in today time. I have worked from Window Washer to Navy, to computer companies, to engineering firms, to home health agencies, and all of it was on the job training, so training is important along with education.

Those complaining about those jobs going away are doing so because they want to taunt the Progressive Left for using the government to raise wages, but those are the same posters that have no problem with the government being in our lives when it come to abortion or social issues, and they should think before wanting Government regulating one sector of life and then complaining when it goes into another sector of life to regulate us...

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