McDonalds Opening 6500 sq ft Restaurant WHERE KIOSKS WILL TAKE YOUR ORDER

Where do you live? I called our local McDonald's to check the price. That is for a meal here in south Florida.
Who cares what the job was meant to be?? You can't be serious. Tell me the skill set it takes to place items into a bag? Or do you believe everyone should make the same, schooling,or not? Impetus or not?
You forgot to mention the fries and the drink that comes with it at that price.
You also forgot to mention that these jobs are not meant to sustain a family. They can't afford it. Otherwise the price would be the same as a fine dining restaurant. And who would pay that price for a McDonald's burger and fries?
Good job lefties. Yep, the real minimum wage is $0.

  • $1.59million St. Joseph restaurant will open in July
  • It will feature earthy tones, couches and armchairs for a 'modern look'
  • And kiosks will allow customers to customize burger and sandwich orders
  • Play space will have interactive light board tables, tabletop video games
Read more: Missouri McDonald's will offer bottomless french fries on the menu

So what? In the mean time pay your employees a decent wage. I was just beebopping around town over the weekend, kids wanted McD, a rare treat for them, so we stopped in, I couldn't believe the prices, $6 for a quarter pounder with cheese? Meanwhile they had a sign up "now hiring $9 an hour" That means an employee would have to work roughly 50 minutes to pay for one sandwich. That is ludicrous and shouldn't be defended by anyone.

I didn't forget anything friend, If I had meant that the quarter pounder meal was $6, that's what I would have written. The meal with fries and drink was $8.99. That's right, $9 for a skinny burger, mediocre fries, and sugar water.

And who cares what the job was meant to be? That has nothing to do with the issue. The issue is "do you employ someone? Yes? Good, then pay them a decent wage"

and by decent I mean $10-11 an hour , any higher and you are going to upset the entire system.

You must work in the industry, I mean as uneducated as you obviously are. Can't even read. At NO point did I say I want everyone to be paid the same. In the case of minimum wage, we are talking about duh a minimum wage.

Let me ask you something, How old are you ? When did you last earn minimum wage?
Every time I pump my own gas I laugh at the greedy minimum wage workers

I never saw self serve gas until they demanded over $2 an hour
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.
Lot's of homes, apartments and business buildings out there being built too. No robot can maintain or repair them either. Auto mechanics has changed but you still need a guy wrenching in odd places. Most professional suppliers still need qualified people to take and help on orders.

Someone still need to load it...

Not neccessarily.. could be packed by machine.

Right wingers aren't upset about losing their jobs. THey are upset by political solutions that are based on antiquated ideas about "careers" in burger flipping.

The goal shouldn't be making folks comfortable in mind-numbing dead end jobs.. If that's not OBVIOUS -- we are in for trainloads of displaced workers in the next decade..

1. The machines packing the machine still will need some form of human factor involved. The human factor will never be removed from the equation, so I still so no issue with those old fashion starter jobs going away.

2. The fair wage issue is one I never agreed with. I have made more money than the minimum wage either working for someone else or doing private contract jobs, and I believe individuals need to set their own wage and if the owner of the establishment refuses to hire them at that wage then do not look at the government to force the owner to pay them the wage they want.

3. Education and training is the major issue in today time. I have worked from Window Washer to Navy, to computer companies, to engineering firms, to home health agencies, and all of it was on the job training, so training is important along with education.

Those complaining about those jobs going away are doing so because they want to taunt the Progressive Left for using the government to raise wages, but those are the same posters that have no problem with the government being in our lives when it come to abortion or social issues, and they should think before wanting Government regulating one sector of life and then complaining when it goes into another sector of life to regulate us...

The kind of jobs required to MAINTAIN an automat restaurant are not "starter jobs".. They will require a very broad base of skills and knowledge, because "the job" is no longer taught in 10 minutes. The only starter jobs will be cleaning, janitorial services, and some form of security. And the NUMBER of those jobs will be far less than the "unskilled" pool is today. THOSE are folks the left is trying to make comfortable with redistribution at a time when they are about to be run over by a Mack..

And I don't believe there is a linkage between wage and job issues and one's desire to have govt intervention into morals and social issues.

We need to stop fretting about the unskilled intro jobs and start PANICKING about preparing folks to be more skill agile and absorbent of knowledge.. If we DON'T -- you'll eventually see the living standard disparity that right now only exists in 3rd world countries. There WILL be no large pool of "unskilled" labor required.
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.
Lot's of homes, apartments and business buildings out there being built too. No robot can maintain or repair them either. Auto mechanics has changed but you still need a guy wrenching in odd places. Most professional suppliers still need qualified people to take and help on orders.

Oh you think so????

This 3D Printer, Capable Of Building A House In A Day, Could Change Construction Forever

Or watch this TED talk.. .

Or Printing out 10 houses in 24 hours. .


Someone still need to load it...

Not neccessarily.. could be packed by machine.

Right wingers aren't upset about losing their jobs. THey are upset by political solutions that are based on antiquated ideas about "careers" in burger flipping.

The goal shouldn't be making folks comfortable in mind-numbing dead end jobs.. If that's not OBVIOUS -- we are in for trainloads of displaced workers in the next decade..

1. The machines packing the machine still will need some form of human factor involved. The human factor will never be removed from the equation, so I still so no issue with those old fashion starter jobs going away.

2. The fair wage issue is one I never agreed with. I have made more money than the minimum wage either working for someone else or doing private contract jobs, and I believe individuals need to set their own wage and if the owner of the establishment refuses to hire them at that wage then do not look at the government to force the owner to pay them the wage they want.

3. Education and training is the major issue in today time. I have worked from Window Washer to Navy, to computer companies, to engineering firms, to home health agencies, and all of it was on the job training, so training is important along with education.

Those complaining about those jobs going away are doing so because they want to taunt the Progressive Left for using the government to raise wages, but those are the same posters that have no problem with the government being in our lives when it come to abortion or social issues, and they should think before wanting Government regulating one sector of life and then complaining when it goes into another sector of life to regulate us...
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.

Just as coopers didn't just stop working when buggies went out of style , fast food workers won't stop working when their jobs get automated.

Actually it is the best thing that could happen to them, necessity is the mother of invention. It will be NECESSARY for them to gain new skills to survive, and so they will do so. At least most of them will. Some will just go on welfare , suddenly developing a disability of some dubious claim.

When unskilled jobs become heavily automated - the "unskilled" will have to evolve.. That's the message that SHOULD be going out right now.. LOUD and CLEAR. . Over the noises of "Living Wages" and class warfare..
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.
Lot's of homes, apartments and business buildings out there being built too. No robot can maintain or repair them either. Auto mechanics has changed but you still need a guy wrenching in odd places. Most professional suppliers still need qualified people to take and help on orders.

Oh you think so????

This 3D Printer, Capable Of Building A House In A Day, Could Change Construction Forever

Or watch this TED talk.. .

Or Printing out 10 houses in 24 hours. .

I'm not going to watch the video, thanks. I am familiar with construction, no printer is going to install plumbing, electrical, assembly, concrete, shingles, windows, doors, etc. etc.
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.
Lot's of homes, apartments and business buildings out there being built too. No robot can maintain or repair them either. Auto mechanics has changed but you still need a guy wrenching in odd places. Most professional suppliers still need qualified people to take and help on orders.
I'll let your bullshit lie about "lots" of construction happening go for now.
The reality is as the 'pool' of illegal unskilled/low skilled workers is dramatically increasing the 'pool' of semi-literate/non literate high school (cough) 'graduates' being 'streamed' through the failed education system is also growing.
Now we have two 'pools' of people needing unskilled/low skilled' jobs which are declining every day.
Make that three pools of people who are looking for unskilled/unskilled low paying jobs. The third pool are the millions of newly redundant/displaced people over the age of fifty. BYW these are the people FF franchises are hiring. They show up clean and sober. They have a working lifetime of learning how to get along with fellow employees. They appreciate the fact they have a job. The keep their fucking politics and pet 'causes' to themselves and just do the fucking job required.
I know some owners of FF franchises. They are always looking for 'mature' employees. The fucking LIB stoners/agitators and illegals need not apply.
Every fully automated chip frier and every fully automated burger maker, which can make 300 custom burgers an hour perfectly wrapped and boxed, is a robot that has forever displaced a few humans.....forever. Forever is a long time when you have no marketable skills.
Keep in mind virtually NONE of the highly skilled jobs needed to design and manufacture these robots are in the US.
One three person crew of highly skilled robotic repairmen/women can service a few hundred FF outlets.
The robotics are engineered to last for millions of production cycles.
They are so dependable now that they are commonly swapped out with rebuilt ones before any breakdowns happen.
Sum it all up and the US is sliding into what rural China looks like now in a decade.
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.
Lot's of homes, apartments and business buildings out there being built too. No robot can maintain or repair them either. Auto mechanics has changed but you still need a guy wrenching in odd places. Most professional suppliers still need qualified people to take and help on orders.
I'll let your bullshit lie about "lots" of construction happening go for now.
The reality is as the 'pool' of illegal unskilled/low skilled workers is dramatically increasing the 'pool' of semi-literate/non literate high school (cough) 'graduates' being 'streamed' through the failed education system is also growing.
Now we have two 'pools' of people needing unskilled/low skilled' jobs which are declining every day.
Make that three pools of people who are looking for unskilled/unskilled low paying jobs. The third pool are the millions of newly redundant/displaced people over the age of fifty. BYW these are the people FF franchises are hiring. They show up clean and sober. They have a working lifetime of learning how to get along with fellow employees. They appreciate the fact they have a job. The keep their fucking politics and pet 'causes' to themselves and just do the fucking job required.
I know some owners of FF franchises. They are always looking for 'mature' employees. The fucking LIB stoners/agitators and illegals need not apply.
Every fully automated chip frier and every fully automated burger maker, which can make 300 custom burgers an hour perfectly wrapped and boxed, is a robot that has forever displaced a few humans.....forever. Forever is a long time when you have no marketable skills.
Keep in mind virtually NONE of the highly skilled jobs needed to design and manufacture these robots are in the US.
One three person crew of highly skilled robotic repairmen/women can service a few hundred FF outlets.
The robotics are engineered to last for millions of production cycles.
They are so dependable now that they are commonly swapped out with rebuilt ones before any breakdowns happen.
Sum it all up and the US is sliding into what rural China looks like now in a decade.
Are you drunk? You aren't even addressing what I said. Go back and read it. Machines aren't going to replace construction, repairmen or contractors. I said nothing about illegals or fast food.
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.
Lot's of homes, apartments and business buildings out there being built too. No robot can maintain or repair them either. Auto mechanics has changed but you still need a guy wrenching in odd places. Most professional suppliers still need qualified people to take and help on orders.

Oh you think so????

This 3D Printer, Capable Of Building A House In A Day, Could Change Construction Forever

Or watch this TED talk.. .

Or Printing out 10 houses in 24 hours. .

I'm not going to watch the video, thanks. I am familiar with construction, no printer is going to install plumbing, electrical, assembly, concrete, shingles, windows, doors, etc. etc.

Are you then familiar with the fact that more and more buildings are being constructed in large panel form off site?
These panels are basically pre-fab. Within the panels are all the electrical and plumbing elements. The entire building is pre-fabbed and trucked to the building site where a small crew basically 'plugs' in each panel to another.
The interior and exterior and insulation is prefabbed.
Increasingly these prefab building are being constructed by robots.
I have visited a couple of these building manufacturing businesses.
Think of what a modern day automobile factory looks like with it's huge robotics. The exact same technology is happening in prefab building businesses.
Once the building site is prepped and the foundations poured and cured and the sub floors are down in come the lowboy 18 wheelers. I recently saw a two story 10000 square foot office building go up complete with landscaping and parking lot ready to do business in three weeks.
A couple of years ago it would have taken six months and fifty carpenters.
This building had a full time crew of five.
I'm not drunk pal. I'm looking at the reality coming to everyone in the country who doesn't have the education/skills to earn a secure well paying job.
You are clearly delusional.
Last edited:
Are you then familiar with the fact that more and more buildings are being constructed in large panel form off site?
These panels are basically pre-fab. Within the panels are all the electrical and plumbing elements. The entire building is pre-fabbed and trucked to the building site where a small crew basically 'plugs' in each panel to another.
The interior and exterior and insulation is prefabbed.
Increasingly these prefab building are being constructed by robots.
I have visited a couple of these building manufacturing businesses.
Think of what a modern day automobile factory looks like with it's huge robotics. The exact same technology is happening in prefab building businesses.
Once the building site is prepped and the foundations poured and cured and the sub floors are down in come the lowboy 18 wheelers. I recently saw a two story 10000 square foot office building go up complete with landscaping and parking lot ready to do business in three weeks.
A couple of years ago it would have taken six months and fifty carpenters.
This building had a full time crew of five.
I'm not drunk pal. I'm looking at the reality coming to everyone in the country who doesn't have the education/skills to earn a secure well paying job.
You are clearly delusional.
Most commercial and residential buildings are not prefab. Assembly line work can be done by robots, you keep diverting the conversation. I'm a general contractor and belong to a contractor forum and we talk every day. Nobody is doing prefab work. Buildings go up faster because they have the crew and subs to do the job. Many aspects are subbed out these days and since it's what they do they can knock it out. Suppliers are geared up for quick deliveries to. Order one day have it delivered the next.

It's all skilled work and you'll be long long gone before robots are doing that kind of work. They'll have roboic cops by then.
Someone still need to load it...

Not neccessarily.. could be packed by machine.

Right wingers aren't upset about losing their jobs. THey are upset by political solutions that are based on antiquated ideas about "careers" in burger flipping.

The goal shouldn't be making folks comfortable in mind-numbing dead end jobs.. If that's not OBVIOUS -- we are in for trainloads of displaced workers in the next decade..

1. The machines packing the machine still will need some form of human factor involved. The human factor will never be removed from the equation, so I still so no issue with those old fashion starter jobs going away.

2. The fair wage issue is one I never agreed with. I have made more money than the minimum wage either working for someone else or doing private contract jobs, and I believe individuals need to set their own wage and if the owner of the establishment refuses to hire them at that wage then do not look at the government to force the owner to pay them the wage they want.

3. Education and training is the major issue in today time. I have worked from Window Washer to Navy, to computer companies, to engineering firms, to home health agencies, and all of it was on the job training, so training is important along with education.

Those complaining about those jobs going away are doing so because they want to taunt the Progressive Left for using the government to raise wages, but those are the same posters that have no problem with the government being in our lives when it come to abortion or social issues, and they should think before wanting Government regulating one sector of life and then complaining when it goes into another sector of life to regulate us...
The human factor will never be removed. You will just need very few humans. Skilled repairmen will be necessary to maintain machines. Which might be a crew that goes from outlet to outlet.

Just as coopers didn't just stop working when buggies went out of style , fast food workers won't stop working when their jobs get automated.

Actually it is the best thing that could happen to them, necessity is the mother of invention. It will be NECESSARY for them to gain new skills to survive, and so they will do so. At least most of them will. Some will just go on welfare , suddenly developing a disability of some dubious claim.

When unskilled jobs become heavily automated - the "unskilled" will have to evolve.. That's the message that SHOULD be going out right now.. LOUD and CLEAR. . Over the noises of "Living Wages" and class warfare..

I agree, but you know what's going to happen is that once these jobs are fully automated fast food restaurants will look to further lower costs by making their management positions the new minimum wage jobs. So, just saying we can't raise the minimum wage b/c that will cause people to lose their job is short sighted.
2. Prefab/offsite construction methods will become more popular

461 Dean Street high-rise modular building in Brooklyn, NY
Credit: City Limits

Offsite — also known as modular or prefabricated — construction has been gaining ground as an alternative building method that offers the benefits of reduced construction time, less waste and possible cost savings. As companies struggle to staff job sites and stick to difficult schedules, many have started to turn to prefab as an option that offers more certainty.

"A lot of use of things like prefabrication, we expect that to be an accelerating trend next year," Thasarathar said.

Ron Antevy, president and CEO of e-Builder, told Construction Dive he has seen a growing use of prefab methods, especially in the healthcare sector.

"(Prefab) is up-and-coming. That's a way to save costs and speed up the time," he said. "Some of the larger owners out there are starting to realize there are efficiencies there, but you have to be doing a certain amount of volume for these kinds of strategies to pay off."

Wider implementation of offsite construction has been somewhat hindered by the design and construction culture, according to experts at the Offsite Construction Expo in September. They also cited the change in the traditional building process that comes with offsite methods as a deterrent for implementing the approach, as contractors and owners struggle to adapt to the varied timeline of decisions and building. Still, the additional certainty that comes with prefab could catalyze the growing trend in 2016."

Traditional construction methods are being replaced by 'Off-site' methods.
Are you then familiar with the fact that more and more buildings are being constructed in large panel form off site?
These panels are basically pre-fab. Within the panels are all the electrical and plumbing elements. The entire building is pre-fabbed and trucked to the building site where a small crew basically 'plugs' in each panel to another.
The interior and exterior and insulation is prefabbed.
Increasingly these prefab building are being constructed by robots.
I have visited a couple of these building manufacturing businesses.
Think of what a modern day automobile factory looks like with it's huge robotics. The exact same technology is happening in prefab building businesses.
Once the building site is prepped and the foundations poured and cured and the sub floors are down in come the lowboy 18 wheelers. I recently saw a two story 10000 square foot office building go up complete with landscaping and parking lot ready to do business in three weeks.
A couple of years ago it would have taken six months and fifty carpenters.
This building had a full time crew of five.
I'm not drunk pal. I'm looking at the reality coming to everyone in the country who doesn't have the education/skills to earn a secure well paying job.
You are clearly delusional.
Most commercial and residential buildings are not prefab. Assembly line work can be done by robots, you keep diverting the conversation. I'm a general contractor and belong to a contractor forum and we talk every day. Nobody is doing prefab work. Buildings go up faster because they have the crew and subs to do the job. Many aspects are subbed out these days and since it's what they do they can knock it out. Suppliers are geared up for quick deliveries to. Order one day have it delivered the next.

It's all skilled work and you'll be long long gone before robots are doing that kind of work. They'll have roboic cops by then.
Pre fab homes are going up all over SoCal. There is a core where all the mechanics are, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, heating. The foundation is put in, the core tower goes up and everything is just plugged in.

In areas where there are affordable subdivisions, it's mobile homes. They are trucked in, bolted down and sprayed with stucco. By looking, you can't tell them from stick built.
Hardee’s Restaurant Installs “Self Order Stations”
Young Conservatives ^ | 20 Apr 16 | Andrew Mark Miller
A little while back we told you about how the CEO of Hardees/Carl’s Jr. was thinking about replacing employees with machines thanks to the ridiculous minimum wage hike to $15.Well, it appears he has done it.It was only a matter of time before this started to happen and you can expect to see more of this in the future.

McDonalds sucks, doesn't matter what you order it all tastes the same

It sucks because shitty employees of the BLM crowd make it.

These machines will make the food correctly and get the order right!!

This is wonderful news. And if it ever comes here...I may start eating McDonald's once a week again. When done correctly....a proper Big Mac and fries is hard to beat.

I'll go to Chik Fil La first...our kids like it better anyway

Oh yeah....Chic Fil A is overall much better. Far better customer service too.
The one near us is always so busy I skip on it cept for breakfast.
Hardee’s Restaurant Installs “Self Order Stations”
Young Conservatives ^ | 20 Apr 16 | Andrew Mark Miller
A little while back we told you about how the CEO of Hardees/Carl’s Jr. was thinking about replacing employees with machines thanks to the ridiculous minimum wage hike to $15.Well, it appears he has done it.It was only a matter of time before this started to happen and you can expect to see more of this in the future.

Machines dont' strike, don't get sick, don't demand raises for nothing, don't join unions, don't fight with customers.
Don't' blame Hardees at all.
No a single one of the FF robotic machines are built in the US. They are all built in China.
The few remaining FF jobs in the very near future will belong to the recently retired. They can work unsupervised, they show up clean and sober. They keep their fucking politics and pet 'causes' to themselves. They have a 'work ethic'.
Tomorrow's FF worker: Very carefully screened. Has another source of income (critical). Even if it's a small pension and SS. Healthy. Fit. Friendly disposition. Over fifty with a solid work history.
Are you then familiar with the fact that more and more buildings are being constructed in large panel form off site?
These panels are basically pre-fab. Within the panels are all the electrical and plumbing elements. The entire building is pre-fabbed and trucked to the building site where a small crew basically 'plugs' in each panel to another.
The interior and exterior and insulation is prefabbed.
Increasingly these prefab building are being constructed by robots.
I have visited a couple of these building manufacturing businesses.
Think of what a modern day automobile factory looks like with it's huge robotics. The exact same technology is happening in prefab building businesses.
Once the building site is prepped and the foundations poured and cured and the sub floors are down in come the lowboy 18 wheelers. I recently saw a two story 10000 square foot office building go up complete with landscaping and parking lot ready to do business in three weeks.
A couple of years ago it would have taken six months and fifty carpenters.
This building had a full time crew of five.
I'm not drunk pal. I'm looking at the reality coming to everyone in the country who doesn't have the education/skills to earn a secure well paying job.
You are clearly delusional.
Most commercial and residential buildings are not prefab. Assembly line work can be done by robots, you keep diverting the conversation. I'm a general contractor and belong to a contractor forum and we talk every day. Nobody is doing prefab work. Buildings go up faster because they have the crew and subs to do the job. Many aspects are subbed out these days and since it's what they do they can knock it out. Suppliers are geared up for quick deliveries to. Order one day have it delivered the next.

It's all skilled work and you'll be long long gone before robots are doing that kind of work. They'll have roboic cops by then.
Pre fab homes are going up all over SoCal. There is a core where all the mechanics are, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, heating. The foundation is put in, the core tower goes up and everything is just plugged in.

In areas where there are affordable subdivisions, it's mobile homes. They are trucked in, bolted down and sprayed with stucco. By looking, you can't tell them from stick built.
None of that is going on here, might have something to do with California pricing. But it still requires skilled help to do. All aspects must pass inspection, plumbing, electrical, foundation, etc. Robots aren't doing it. Prefab has been around for a long while and they have their place but that doesn't describe most homes. Same with mobile homes. That's the low end of the market and if you look around, most homes are not low end.

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