McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Hikes, Launches McCafe Coffee Kiosk

Sorry but it's the truth

Tell me why some slob working at McD's for years and is still making MW hasn't gotten tries to get a promotion or hasn't used the experience to get a better paying job at another fast food place

You paint EVERYONE with one brush. SORRY the world is far more complicated than that. Cons have a need to devolve everything down to black and white. The world does not work like that.

No it's not really.

MW jobs don't pay more because there is little or no skill needed to perform them

Tell me how many years did you work for MW or perhaps you still are.

I haven't made just MW since I was 16

You know, in the military, you don't make that much either. Even in spite of the fact that many jobs in the Navy are very high tech, advanced jobs, and most of them are held by people in the paygrade of E5 and below.

You know how much I made when I was a First Class (E6) in the Navy, with over 20 years of service? 36,000/year in the last couple of years while I was in, which for the jobs that I held at those times, it was a lot of responsibility. On one tour, I was the only Personnelman onboard who took care of the pay and personnel matters of a crew of around 30 to 40 people. My last tour was working as the Leading Petty Officer running a MEPS, had 4 people working under me, as well as was responsible for making sure that everyone who came to the MEPS was enlisted in the Navy if possible.

No, minimum wage jobs aren't the only low paying ones. The military won't make you rich if you make a career out of it, but it DOES provide for a decent retirement when you finally make it to 20.

You might not make much but you get free room and board and basically have very few expenses

Free room and board only if you're single and living in the barracks. Otherwise, if you're living out in town, they give you Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) and Variable Housing Allowance (VHA), which is supposed to cover what BAQ doesn't, but it never does. They take the average of the rent that everyone is paying, and base the amounts of BAQ and VHA on that, but it only covers about 50 to 75 percent of what the actual rent is. still have to buy your food if you don't eat in the chowhall, your dependents still have to be fed, you still have utilities, as well as any other expenses that go along with living in America like car, clothes, etc.

Nope, sorry, but you appear to have never been in the military, because you DO have expenses, and many times, they are equal to what your civilian counterparts have, but they get paid more.

In Newport RI, my BAQ and VHA was around 400 bucks, but my rent came up to 600, and that was before utilities.

In Amarillo TX, my BAQ and VHA came to around 300 bucks, but my rent was 350.

You don't get as much in military benefits as you might think.

Which is a disgrace. Every single soldier should have their housing and food paid for the whole time they are in the service. And anyone that goes into a hostile environment while in service should have free housing and medical the rest of their life.

If putting your life at real risk for the nation isn't worthy of that then nothing is.
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.

Anyone who settles for MW has made their own bed

Basically they don't try to improve which is why they are stuck at MW

A fallacy. An argument that everyone that has a minimum wage job is too lazy to find anything better.

Try again.

That's funny. I just saw stats today that showed workers earning minimum wage that were not in high school were about 1% of the work force. That seems to back up the argument about being lazy.
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.

Anyone who settles for MW has made their own bed

Basically they don't try to improve which is why they are stuck at MW

A fallacy. An argument that everyone that has a minimum wage job is too lazy to find anything better.

Try again.

So you agree Obama and crew are lying and the UE is not 5%.

You are smarter then I thought.

Bank of America says real U.S. unemployment rate is higher than 5%

Wall Street bank says U.S. unemployment isn't 5%
April 05

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have said repeatedly that America's unemployment rate ishigher than 5%. Now a Wall Street bank agrees with them.

The real rate is "more like 6%+," Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a research report Tuesday.

Bank of America believes that over 10 million people want a job and can't get one. But by the Obama administration's count, only 8million people are among those firing off resumes online and showing up at job fairs with no luck.
You paint EVERYONE with one brush. SORRY the world is far more complicated than that. Cons have a need to devolve everything down to black and white. The world does not work like that.

No it's not really.

MW jobs don't pay more because there is little or no skill needed to perform them

Tell me how many years did you work for MW or perhaps you still are.

I haven't made just MW since I was 16

You know, in the military, you don't make that much either. Even in spite of the fact that many jobs in the Navy are very high tech, advanced jobs, and most of them are held by people in the paygrade of E5 and below.

You know how much I made when I was a First Class (E6) in the Navy, with over 20 years of service? 36,000/year in the last couple of years while I was in, which for the jobs that I held at those times, it was a lot of responsibility. On one tour, I was the only Personnelman onboard who took care of the pay and personnel matters of a crew of around 30 to 40 people. My last tour was working as the Leading Petty Officer running a MEPS, had 4 people working under me, as well as was responsible for making sure that everyone who came to the MEPS was enlisted in the Navy if possible.

No, minimum wage jobs aren't the only low paying ones. The military won't make you rich if you make a career out of it, but it DOES provide for a decent retirement when you finally make it to 20.

You might not make much but you get free room and board and basically have very few expenses

Free room and board only if you're single and living in the barracks. Otherwise, if you're living out in town, they give you Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) and Variable Housing Allowance (VHA), which is supposed to cover what BAQ doesn't, but it never does. They take the average of the rent that everyone is paying, and base the amounts of BAQ and VHA on that, but it only covers about 50 to 75 percent of what the actual rent is. still have to buy your food if you don't eat in the chowhall, your dependents still have to be fed, you still have utilities, as well as any other expenses that go along with living in America like car, clothes, etc.

Nope, sorry, but you appear to have never been in the military, because you DO have expenses, and many times, they are equal to what your civilian counterparts have, but they get paid more.

In Newport RI, my BAQ and VHA was around 400 bucks, but my rent came up to 600, and that was before utilities.

In Amarillo TX, my BAQ and VHA came to around 300 bucks, but my rent was 350.

You don't get as much in military benefits as you might think.

Which is a disgrace. Every single soldier should have their housing and food paid for the whole time they are in the service. And anyone that goes into a hostile environment while in service should have free housing and medical the rest of their life.

If putting your life at real risk for the nation isn't worthy of that then nothing is.

It already is.

As to your "free housing and medical, for the rest of their life" that would break the bank.
yep in the 50's in movie theaters in NYC drop a nickle in the machine and a paper cup dropped and filled with coke
Ah, memories.

Do you happen to recall the 42nd Street movie strip, between Eighth and Broadway, when you had your choice of double-feature theaters for less than fifty cents? And there was the big hot dog joint on the Broadway corner (I think the name was Grant's) where you could have two big hot dogs and a beer for another fifty cents? Those were the days.

The honky-tonk atmosphere of Times Square back then was truly marvelous. It was the heartbeat of New York City. Then Guiliani had to destroy it all by tearing it down and changing the face of Times Square. It was like he'd killed an old friend. And I have no doubt the little Nazi bastard cleaned up on kickbacks from the contractors who rebuilt all those classic old theaters.
yep in the 50's in movie theaters in NYC drop a nickle in the machine and a paper cup dropped and filled with coke
Ah, memories.

Do you happen to recall the 42nd Street movie strip, between Eighth and Broadway, when you had your choice of double-feature theaters for less than fifty cents? And there was the big hot dog joint on the Broadway corner (I think the name was Grant's) where you could have two big hot dogs and a beer for another fifty cents? Those were the days.

The honky-tonk atmosphere of Times Square back then was truly marvelous. It was the heartbeat of New York City. Then Guiliani had to destroy it all by tearing it down and changing the face of Times Square. It was like he'd killed an old friend. And I have no doubt the little Nazi bastard cleaned up on kickbacks from the contractors who rebuilt all those classic old theaters.
yep we use to cut school and hang out in times square , boy what an eye full !!! I remember nidics hot dogs stands , Things were gritty back then and that made it a great place, I like watching movies shot in NY from the 60's and 70's
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.

Anyone who settles for MW has made their own bed

Basically they don't try to improve which is why they are stuck at MW

A fallacy. An argument that everyone that has a minimum wage job is too lazy to find anything better.

Try again.

That's funny. I just saw stats today that showed workers earning minimum wage that were not in high school were about 1% of the work force. That seems to back up the argument about being lazy.

You know, people who are only about 1 percent of the work force are those in the military.

They also earn a lot less than their civilian counterparts.

They are better trained, and better qualified for high tech jobs.

Do you think that the military (which is 1 percent of the work force) is lazy?

If so, why do you hate the military?
RE Newspapers. My husband and I had a large motor route up here for 25 years. I can tell you without a doubt that most of the folks who stopped getting the paper up here did so because when the Anchorage Daily News was bought out by a non-local joint they went liberal. We had maybe 10 people say they read it online vs about 50 who said they don't agree with the bias. ADN is bleeding so hard right now because they're trying to force a liberal agenda on a majority Christian republican population.

It makes me laugh, when the ADN was bought out by foreign liberals they immediately shifted every single carrier on their staff to self-employed specifically to avoid government mandated taxes, health care, and regulations that were put in place by liberal idiots "claiming" to be trying to make things better for the employees lol
Corporations are happy to have useful idiots like the OP pushing the stupid.

Question. Would McDonalds have introduced these kiosks if the minimum wage were abolished?

Think first, then answer.
My first job was a swineherd when 16 years old in 1966 and I made more money than the minimum wage back then. I have never worked for minimum wage. There are smart people and dumb people evidenced by the intelligence Bell Curve.

Oh boy! You went and did it now. Prepare to read about how every idiot nutbag here worked his or her way up from nothing to be a successful American.....all by him or herself. So inspiring!
Last edited:
The one (1) reason for the existence of a corporation - whether it's a megaburger conglomerate or a grandma making doilies in her basement to sell on Ebay™ - is to maximize shareholder value.

That is the fiduciary - read "legal" - responsibility of those who run the corporation.

Not true. But understanding this requires intellectual honesty and some nuanced thought.

Best of luck.
If everything were totally automated and no one had a paid job, who would buy the produced products?
On the other hand, since there would be no labor costs and the raw materials could be considered to come from the earth owned by all humanity, what reason would there be to charge anything?
Sounds as if technology could be introducing some kind of non-workers' utopia.
Of course, without a profit motive to guide humanity, evil would prevail.
Maybe some other system of morality would be needed.
Religions could be invented, for example.
If everything were totally automated and no one had a paid job, who would buy the produced products?
On the other hand, since there would be no labor costs and the raw materials could be considered to come from the earth owned by all humanity, what reason would there be to charge anything?
Sounds as if technology could be introducing some kind of non-workers' utopia.
Of course, without a profit motive to guide humanity, evil would prevail.
Maybe some other system of morality would be needed.
Religions could be invented, for example.

Yeah. A profit motive has never led to evil. Never.
The only thing one knows without possibility of doubt is that one is conscious.
You paint EVERYONE with one brush. SORRY the world is far more complicated than that. Cons have a need to devolve everything down to black and white. The world does not work like that.

No it's not really.

MW jobs don't pay more because there is little or no skill needed to perform them

Tell me how many years did you work for MW or perhaps you still are.

I haven't made just MW since I was 16

You know, in the military, you don't make that much either. Even in spite of the fact that many jobs in the Navy are very high tech, advanced jobs, and most of them are held by people in the paygrade of E5 and below.

You know how much I made when I was a First Class (E6) in the Navy, with over 20 years of service? 36,000/year in the last couple of years while I was in, which for the jobs that I held at those times, it was a lot of responsibility. On one tour, I was the only Personnelman onboard who took care of the pay and personnel matters of a crew of around 30 to 40 people. My last tour was working as the Leading Petty Officer running a MEPS, had 4 people working under me, as well as was responsible for making sure that everyone who came to the MEPS was enlisted in the Navy if possible.

No, minimum wage jobs aren't the only low paying ones. The military won't make you rich if you make a career out of it, but it DOES provide for a decent retirement when you finally make it to 20.

You might not make much but you get free room and board and basically have very few expenses

Free room and board only if you're single and living in the barracks. Otherwise, if you're living out in town, they give you Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) and Variable Housing Allowance (VHA), which is supposed to cover what BAQ doesn't, but it never does. They take the average of the rent that everyone is paying, and base the amounts of BAQ and VHA on that, but it only covers about 50 to 75 percent of what the actual rent is. still have to buy your food if you don't eat in the chowhall, your dependents still have to be fed, you still have utilities, as well as any other expenses that go along with living in America like car, clothes, etc.

Nope, sorry, but you appear to have never been in the military, because you DO have expenses, and many times, they are equal to what your civilian counterparts have, but they get paid more.

In Newport RI, my BAQ and VHA was around 400 bucks, but my rent came up to 600, and that was before utilities.

In Amarillo TX, my BAQ and VHA came to around 300 bucks, but my rent was 350.

You don't get as much in military benefits as you might think.

Which is a disgrace. Every single soldier should have their housing and food paid for the whole time they are in the service. And anyone that goes into a hostile environment while in service should have free housing and medical the rest of their life.

If putting your life at real risk for the nation isn't worthy of that then nothing is.

They do. It's not the military's responsibility to feed and house a soldier's wife and kids
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.

Anyone who settles for MW has made their own bed

Basically they don't try to improve which is why they are stuck at MW

A fallacy. An argument that everyone that has a minimum wage job is too lazy to find anything better.

Try again.

That's funny. I just saw stats today that showed workers earning minimum wage that were not in high school were about 1% of the work force. That seems to back up the argument about being lazy.

You know, people who are only about 1 percent of the work force are those in the military.

They also earn a lot less than their civilian counterparts.

They are better trained, and better qualified for high tech jobs.

Do you think that the military (which is 1 percent of the work force) is lazy?

If so, why do you hate the military?

They usually get their training for free and get paid while training don't they?

They then can use the training and education benefits they get in the private sector
Corporations are happy to have useful idiots like the OP pushing the stupid.

Question. Would McDonalds have introduced these kiosks if the minimum wage were abolished?

Think first, then answer.

If they were cheaper than hiring people then of course they would have
It's inevitable that as technology costs less than human labor and becomes more reliable that it will be utilized more
Corporations are happy to have useful idiots like the OP pushing the stupid.

Question. Would McDonalds have introduced these kiosks if the minimum wage were abolished?

Think first, then answer.

If they were cheaper than hiring people then of course they would have
It's inevitable that as technology costs less than human labor and becomes more reliable that it will be utilized more

Hmmmm. So the minimum wage increase is not responsible for the introduction of the kiosk.....right?

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