McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Hikes, Launches McCafe Coffee Kiosk

Corporate whores will always argue against decent minimum wage. The reason that the state needs to legislate is that companies cannot be trusted to do the right thing. They would charge you for working if they could. And then tell you it was good experience for your CV. many companies are now gonna leave NY/CA to come to SC/NC/GA/FLA??
They already did that , they lose money with the low IQ unskilled crackas in the souf, that is why thy tried that back in the 90's finally gave up and a lot of companies then moved from the souf to mexico where the labor was smarter then the simple minded unskilled rubes
You are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable!
Oh ya. Those basically illiterate mexican workers are SOOOO much smarter than Whites!
GE started a lightbulb plant in mexico because of the cheap labor.
In three years they closed the factory.
The fucking factory produced 'exploding' lightbulbs do to inferior manufacturing standards. The company couldn't seem to train the mexicans how to run the fucking equipment correctly.
It cost GE multi millions to settle personal injury claims.
There are currently about ten US owned manufacturing plants in mexico today.
Not one of them is profitable in spite of the "smart" 'cheap mexican labor.
Crawl back under your rock dummy!
Corporate whores will always argue against decent minimum wage. The reason that the state needs to legislate is that companies cannot be trusted to do the right thing. They would charge you for working if they could. And then tell you it was good experience for your CV. many companies are now gonna leave NY/CA to come to SC/NC/GA/FLA??
They already did that , they lose money with the low IQ unskilled crackas in the souf, that is why thy tried that back in the 90's finally gave up and a lot of companies then moved from the souf to mexico where the labor was smarter then the simple minded unskilled rubes
You are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable!
Oh ya. Those basically illiterate mexican workers are SOOOO much smarter than Whites!
GE started a lightbulb plant in mexico because of the cheap labor.
In three years they closed the factory.
The fucking factory produced 'exploding' lightbulbs do to inferior manufacturing standards. The company couldn't seem to train the mexicans how to run the fucking equipment correctly.
It cost GE multi millions to settle personal injury claims.
There are currently about ten US owned manufacturing plants in mexico today.
Not one of them is profitable in spite of the "smart" 'cheap mexican labor.
Crawl back under your rock dummy!
Guno can't help being politically correct... Give him a break.
The one (1) reason for the existence of a corporation - whether it's a megaburger conglomerate or a grandma making doilies in her basement to sell on Ebay™ - is to maximize shareholder value.

That is the fiduciary - read "legal" - responsibility of those who run the corporation.
Anyone who is over fifty (sixty?) and lived in New York City will remember a small chain of novelty restaurants called, Automats. The Automat - the History, Recipes, and Allure of Horn & Hardart's Masterpiece.

One wall of these neatly appointed places was lined with row after row of small lighted windows behind which were various food items, from sandwiches to such convenient hot dishes as mac & cheese, beef stew, turkey & gravy, etc. A selection was retrieved from behind its window by dropping the designated number of nickels into a slot and turning a handle which popped open a little door.

There were trays and plastic utensils located at the end of a railed counter. coffee was obtained by dropping a nickel into a slot, a window opened, inside was a cup containing sugar packets and little milk cups. Next to the window was a nozzle with a button to push to fill the cup with coffee or tea.

The Automat was impeccably clean. There were only two employees to be seen. One was woman seated in a hexagonal booth in the middle of the dining floor, making change and dispensing twenty nickels for a dollar. The other was a bus-man who wheeled a cart around clearing and wiping down the small square tables that seated four.

My mother loved the Automat. There was one next to the New York Stock Exchange and she would actually take the three-stop subway ride from Brooklyn to Beaver Street just to have lunch there. Something about that place just turned her on.

I don't know how successful such a place would be in today's public atmosphere. I'm sure someone would steal everything that isn't nailed down, break into the little compartments and generally vandalize the place.

the concept has come back in NYC
The Automat?
Well of course. What dummy would set up a business to lose money?

MW increases are counter productive.


When it comes to jobs growth in the US, all one can say is thank god for waiters and bartenders: after all, a Starbucks barista is precisely what a recently fired oil chemical engineer making half a million dollars really wants to do with their life.

However, the days of easy job gains for the BLS may be coming to an end (even if on a seasonally adjusted, goalseeked basis the trend has a long way to go).

According to Brand Eating, fast food king McDonald's has been spotted testing a self-serve McCafe coffee station/kiosk out in downtown Chicago. The station is located in the restaurant but apart from the counter and looks to be a theoretically more convenient way for those who just want a cup of coffee to skip the regular line (while also freeing employees from having to make each drink in the back).

In essence, this is the company's latest venture to make employees responsible for one less task as corporate HQ slowly but surely responds to minimum wage hikes sweeping all states, and in the process, outsource its minimum wage workers to simple machines which will never unionize or have any demands aside from being cleaned occasionally.

As shown below, the coffee station includes a touchpad for ordering and paying (it appears to take credit card only), a beverage spout, and a dispenser for cups.

McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Hikes, Launches McCafe Coffee Kiosk | Zero Hedge

I remember an automatic machine in elementary school that dispensed milk at breakfast and lunch back in the 70s. Sweet they've finally moved that 50 year old technology into McDonald's. Just think what might turn up in another 50 years!

If those lunch ladies in the 70s would have worked for lower wages, those milk machines never would have been invented
If not for the minimum wage, none of our technological advances could have happened

All technology is predicated on keeping low wage employees from making more
Anyone who is over fifty (sixty?) and lived in New York City will remember a small chain of novelty restaurants called, Automats. The Automat - the History, Recipes, and Allure of Horn & Hardart's Masterpiece.

One wall of these neatly appointed places was lined with row after row of small lighted windows behind which were various food items, from sandwiches to such convenient hot dishes as mac & cheese, beef stew, turkey & gravy, etc. A selection was retrieved from behind its window by dropping the designated number of nickels into a slot and turning a handle which popped open a little door.

There were trays and plastic utensils located at the end of a railed counter. coffee was obtained by dropping a nickel into a slot, a window opened, inside was a cup containing sugar packets and little milk cups. Next to the window was a nozzle with a button to push to fill the cup with coffee or tea.

The Automat was impeccably clean. There were only two employees to be seen. One was woman seated in a hexagonal booth in the middle of the dining floor, making change and dispensing twenty nickels for a dollar. The other was a bus-man who wheeled a cart around clearing and wiping down the small square tables that seated four.

My mother loved the Automat. There was one next to the New York Stock Exchange and she would actually take the three-stop subway ride from Brooklyn to Beaver Street just to have lunch there. Something about that place just turned her on.

I don't know how successful such a place would be in today's public atmosphere. I'm sure someone would steal everything that isn't nailed down, break into the little compartments and generally vandalize the place.

the concept has come back in NYC
The Automat?
Other company's like the Automat , I do not know that the automat company will be running some

This one is opened in the east village

When the Automat shut down, which was many years ago, I recall reading that its laid-off employees, i.e., those who worked in the kitchen behind the wall, the change ladies, the janitors and bus-men, were very disappointed because they were surprisingly well-paid. The Hardarts (owners of Automat) said the mechanical nature of their restaurants existed as a novelty, not a way of avoiding salaries. The fact was anything they saved by not hiring more servers went to the higher salaries of their minimal number of employees.

And it showed. Because any time I'd gone into the Automat I was impressed by the meticulous cleanliness (everything shined) and well-managed atmosphere of the place. It was a pleasure (and fun) to eat there.
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If not for the minimum wage, none of our technological advances could have happened

All technology is predicated on keeping low wage employees from making more
That's like crediting crime for the advent of police.
Technology exists to reduce overhead. Providing the best product for less cost. That is good for the consumer as well as the producer. Minimum wage runs contrary to that principle. It's an artificial dynamic.
Other company's like the Automat , I do not know that the automat company will be running some

This one is opened in the east village

Aha! A tasteless knock-off but an unmistakable imitation of the old Automat.

(No nostalgia for me.)
When the Automat shut down, which was many years ago, I recall reading its employees, i.e., those who worked in the kitchen behind the wall, the change ladies and bus-men, were very disappointed because they were surprisingly well-paid. The Hardarts (owners of Automat) said the mechanical nature of their restaurants existed as a novelty, not a way of avoiding salaries. The fact was anything they saved by not hiring more servers went to the higher salaries of their minimal number of employees.

And it showed. Because any time I'd gone into the Automat I was impressed by the cleanliness and well-managed atmosphere of the place. It was a pleasure (and fun) to eat there.
So the money the owners saved by not having to hire more employees went to pay the existing employees more.
I guess that's why the fucking business closed down.
I heard the owners moved to the Brazilian rain forest and were never heard from again. They hauled a few tons of 'space ship' building materials with them.
When the Automat shut down, which was many years ago, I recall reading its employees, i.e., those who worked in the kitchen behind the wall, the change ladies and bus-men, were very disappointed because they were surprisingly well-paid. The Hardarts (owners of Automat) said the mechanical nature of their restaurants existed as a novelty, not a way of avoiding salaries. The fact was anything they saved by not hiring more servers went to the higher salaries of their minimal number of employees.

And it showed. Because any time I'd gone into the Automat I was impressed by the cleanliness and well-managed atmosphere of the place. It was a pleasure (and fun) to eat there.

Growing up in NYC used to love going to the Automat , the food was great and cheap. buttered kaiser rolls , soups, sandwiches, coffee, pie and cake
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.
When the Automat shut down, which was many years ago, I recall reading its employees, i.e., those who worked in the kitchen behind the wall, the change ladies and bus-men, were very disappointed because they were surprisingly well-paid. The Hardarts (owners of Automat) said the mechanical nature of their restaurants existed as a novelty, not a way of avoiding salaries. The fact was anything they saved by not hiring more servers went to the higher salaries of their minimal number of employees.

And it showed. Because any time I'd gone into the Automat I was impressed by the cleanliness and well-managed atmosphere of the place. It was a pleasure (and fun) to eat there.

Growing up in NYC used to love going to the Automat , the food was great and cheap. buttered kaiser rolls , soups, sandwiches, coffee, pie and cake
So batshit you were happy to spend your money at a place devoted to employee as few people as possible.
That makes you a fucking phony hypocrite jerk.
When the Automat shut down, which was many years ago, I recall reading its employees, i.e., those who worked in the kitchen behind the wall, the change ladies and bus-men, were very disappointed because they were surprisingly well-paid. The Hardarts (owners of Automat) said the mechanical nature of their restaurants existed as a novelty, not a way of avoiding salaries. The fact was anything they saved by not hiring more servers went to the higher salaries of their minimal number of employees.

And it showed. Because any time I'd gone into the Automat I was impressed by the cleanliness and well-managed atmosphere of the place. It was a pleasure (and fun) to eat there.
So the money the owners saved by not having to hire more employees went to pay the existing employees more.
I guess that's why the fucking business closed down.
I heard the owners moved to the Brazilian rain forest and were never heard from again. They hauled a few tons of 'space ship' building materials with them.

costco pays their employees 15 start and hour and yet is beating the pants off sams club

turnover is very expensive which gets passed on to the customer

How Costco Is Winning Its Battle Against Wal-Mart's Sam's Club
If not for the minimum wage, none of our technological advances could have happened

All technology is predicated on keeping low wage employees from making more
That's like crediting crime for the advent of police.
Technology exists to reduce overhead. Providing the best product for less cost. That is good for the consumer as well as the producer. Minimum wage runs contrary to that principle. It's an artificial dynamic.

Technology is developed to meet an existing or future market....screwing low wage workers does not drive technology
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.

Anyone who settles for MW has made their own bed

Basically they don't try to improve which is why they are stuck at MW
Demonizing the minimum wage is just one more way to try to denigrate human beings.

All costs for a business go up over time, all. It is telling that companies accept these rises in the cost of commodities like gasoline, or auto maintenance, or milk, but the moment a HUMAN BEING suggests their cost go up companies lose their shit.

There is something about other human beings getting ahead that just burns the ass of business owners, It isn't a rational thing, it is a human reaction. It's like the person that owns the business is saying 'if these people make more money then I'm not worth as much', though this thought doesn't occur to them re every other commodity.

And labor is a commodity.
Your ten year old concept of how a successful business is run is a fucking joke.
You will spend your loser life never getting out of the metaphorical 'mail room'.
I prefer the self check out and any automated services I can get

I'm faster than any cashier and I never fuck up my coffee like people at Dunkins do

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