Meanwhile - Children's hospital drops gender markers from patient wristbands

When I was a kid, if I told my parents "I am a girl", they would have just told me "no, you are a boy" and that would be that. They would have laid down the law.

Modern Libtard parents think its appropriate to feed a delusional child dangerous hormones, and what's even worse is there are Quacks out there would will actually prescribe a little kid massive doses of these drugs.

Rightard parents do the same thing or they end up at a funeral because their kid commits suicide.

Even Libtard parents told their boys they were boys back in the day.

And no, we didn't have many suicides. In fact I didn't know any kids who offed themselves. One neighbor killed himself in his running car in his garage- but he lost his job for being a drunkard and his wife was going to kill him anyhow.

But no kids, and none because of sexual identity confusion.
what is idiotic?

giving hormone enhancers and/or blockers to pre-pubescent children; especially toddlers; is child abuse
You have no idea what you're talking about. Hormone blockers are not given toddlers. They are given to adolescents to delay puberty until they are able to make an informed decision about their own bodies. Shaming lids for their feeling and rejecting and scorning their gender identity is fucking child abuse. Yes idiotic!
anyone that supports this is mentally deranged

why am I not surprised that you are OK with actual child abuse?
Apparently you are too obsuse to have understood a fucking thing that I said. Buzz off.:1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
I should not have said toddlers, because I do not know that for sure; they do say "children" though

and blocking puberty is horrible, and yes, constitutes child abuse

the frontal lobe is not fully developed until the 20's for most people; adolescents and teens can be unduly influenced by peers and parents (like trans-gendered or gay activist parents with an agenda)

I have provided proof from the hospital's own website that this type of treatment is available to children; on page 1 and just now
Thank you for admitting your foolish mistake with regards to toddles. Common sense should have told you that there would be no reason to give hormone blockers to young kids

Regarding older children, I fully acknowledge that they may be given these treatments and I explained the reason. It is accepted medical practice. I worked in Child Protective Services and it not considered child abuse in my state and I don't know of any place that it is.

You're saying that it is child abuse is presenting and opinion as a fact
Not foolish at all, the only thing foolish here is the hospital's actions

I never said it as not an opinion

This needs to be a campaign issue and a proposed federal law, let's make it illegal to give hormone drugs to anyone under 18

Would be interesting to see how many elected officials really care about protecting children
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When I was a kid, if I told my parents "I am a girl", they would have just told me "no, you are a boy" and that would be that. They would have laid down the law.

Modern Libtard parents think its appropriate to feed a delusional child dangerous hormones, and what's even worse is there are Quacks out there would will actually prescribe a little kid massive doses of these drugs.
You need to get educated on the subject least you continue to make a damned fool of your self spouting off about that which you know less than nothing.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Hormone blockers are not given toddlers. They are given to adolescents to delay puberty until they are able to make an informed decision about their own bodies. Shaming lids for their feeling and rejecting and scorning their gender identity is fucking child abuse. Yes idiotic!
anyone that supports this is mentally deranged

why am I not surprised that you are OK with actual child abuse?
Apparently you are too obsuse to have understood a fucking thing that I said. Buzz off.:1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
I should not have said toddlers, because I do not know that for sure; they do say "children" though

and blocking puberty is horrible, and yes, constitutes child abuse

the frontal lobe is not fully developed until the 20's for most people; adolescents and teens can be unduly influenced by peers and parents (like trans-gendered or gay activist parents with an agenda)

I have provided proof from the hospital's own website that this type of treatment is available to children; on page 1 and just now
Thank you for admitting your foolish mistake with regards to toddles. Common sense should have told you that there would be no reason to give hormone blockers to young kids

Regarding older children, I fully acknowledge that they may be given these treatments and I explained the reason. It is accepted medical practice. I worked in Child Protective Services and it not considered child abuse in my state and I don't know of any place that it is.

You're saying that it is child abuse is presenting and opinion as a fact
Not foolish at all, the only thing foolish here is the hospital's actions

I never said it as not an opinion

This needs to be a campaign issue and a proposed federal,llets make it illegal to give hormone drugs to anyone under 18

Would be interesting to see how many elected officials really care about protecting children

I would suggest then that you come up with an alternative treatment method for teen agers with gender dysphoria or be prepared to take responsibility for the additional suicides and drug overdoses on top of the already high levels. Then I will believe that your motive is really to protect children

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