Meanwhile in Los Angeles

Only a fool votes for Don or Kamala. Too many fools in this country.

Look at the bright side, potus is a figurehead of the oligarchy. So, voting is meaningless.
Only a fool votes for Don or Kamala. Too many fools in this country.

Look at the bright side, potus is a figurehead of the oligarchy. So, voting is meaningless.
The stay at home Troll of the WEF.

How much does the WEF pay you to Troll here.

Even though both parties need to be Tarred and Feathered and made to cluck like a chicken
The stay at home Troll of the WEF.

How much does the WEF pay you to Troll here.

Even though both parties need to be Tarred and Feathered and made to cluck like a chicken
You are supporting the WEF by voting for the uniparty, but too dumb to know it.
You folks exhibit the same grade school mentality as Trump.

Disgusting. Would you let your children act like this?
We call a Spade a Spade. You just dont like being called out for what you have become.



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